Brett Volume 9: Chapter LXVI - Hastings 1861
Transcriber’s note
This is a verbatim transcription of Brett’s work, which comprised both manuscript and typescript cuttings - the latter having been previously published in Brett's Gazette some twenty years prior to his compilation of them, and therefore reproduces Brett’s variations in style, capitalisation, punctuation and spelling. The only alterations made have been to the pagination and images whereby both page titles and images have been moved to the most appropriate paragraph as opposed to where they were pasted into the texts by the author. Where possible, personal names have been checked against census, parish records, contemporary newspaper reporting and the Central Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths. A number of footnotes have been inserted by the transcriber when this has been thought to be useful. Generally the transcription follows the guidelines set out by the National Archives. Work is in hand to identify and annotate hand-written sections and other annotations within the transcriptions, the main difference being that hand-written sections are indicated by a Cursive font on screen. If any portions are As with most websites, the texts within this history have keywords (blue text) linked to pages within the wiki dealing with buildings and people from the towns of Hastings & St. Leonards |
Chapter LXVI -Hastings 1861
Town Council Meetings (pg. 66)
(The Priory Conservatory) (pg. 66)
Water work Extension (pg. 69)
(A new Town Hall; to seek for a Site) (pg. 72)
(Assessment of property) (pg. 81)
Rocky Road (sketch) (pg. 84)
Another Pier and Harbour (The Proposal debated) (pg. 101)
Address to the Queen (pg. 104)
Accidents and deaths (pg. 105)
Balls and entertainments (pg. 109)
St Clement's New Bells (pg. 110)
Special Dinners and Suppers (pg. 110)
the Fishing Industry (pg. 112)
Fishing Items continued (pg. 113)
A Barnacle Dispute (pg. 114)
The Harbour Question (pg. 115)
Hastings Mechanics Institution (pg. 119)
Public Entertainments (pg. 120)
The Lord Wardenship (pg. 121)
Lord Wardenship of Cinque Ports (pg. 121)
List of Lectures (pg. 125)
Memorial Window to Earl Waldegrave (pg. 124)
Election of Mayor (pg. 129)
Municipal Elections – Overseers (pg. 131)
Ore Working Men's Institute (pg. 131)
The Need of Small Houses (pg. 110) (pg. 132)
Philosophical Society (pg. 134)
A Penny Bank Established (pg. 135)
Presentations (pg. 137)
Hastings Regatta (pg. 138)
Hastings Magnates at Dover (pg. 140)
Special Sermons (pg. 141)
School Treats (pg. 143)
Vestry Meetings (pg. 143)
Our Local Volunteers (pg. 145)
Artillery and Rifle Volunteer Movements (pg. 146)
The Rifle Prize Fete (pg. 152)
[ 66 ]
Town Council Meetings[edit]
The Priory Conservatory. At the monthly meeting of the Municipal Council and Local Board of Health, held at the Town Hall on the 4th of January, the Stonebeach Committee reported that having considered the application of Mr. Barham to re-erect his conservatory on the piece of land between Harold place and Pelham street, they recommended permission be given to Mr. Peter Banks (who then held the land as the successor to John Simmons, to whom it was devised by the Mayor and Corporation in 1821) on condition that he would pay the Council £10 per year, and that no other building than the conservatory be erected thereon, and that the building be removed at any time after the first year, upon the Council giving a year’s notice. It appeared that a small shop was also intended to be built by Mr. Barham, against which a petition was received from Mr. Womersley and Mr. Amore, of Harold place. A long discussion then followed. Ald. Ross in moving the adoption of the report, said the shop would be set back 4ft. 6in. from the pavement. Coun. Howell thought it should not be forgotten that if they wanted to build anything on the ground which was almost their own, two years would pass before they could do so. It was suggested by Ald. Rock that the building should be removeable by giving six months notice. Coun. Bromley moved an amendment that the conservatory be built without a shop. – Coun. Gausden thought, with Coun. Poole that the ground would become much more valuable, and he could not see why Mr. Banks should get £20, whilst the council would get only £10. – Coun. Putland was opposed to an erection of any sort. – Coun. Bromley’s amendment was carried by 11 to 8.
At the February meeting Mr. Barham applied for permission to erect his shop in the rear of the conservatory instead of in the front, and Mr. Poole moved that the part of the late resolution which prohibited the attachment of the shop be rescinded. – Coun. Gausden thought it was not right for the Council to be prejudiced in their right by the receipt of £10 whilst the lessee himself received £20 from his sub-tenant; he, however, had no objection to the shop being placed where Mr. Barham had stated. – Ald. Ginner and Coun. Putland would rather have no building at all, as the original idea had been to keep it an open space. – Coun. Howell remarked that something had been said about doing the best for the borough finances; he believed it was more likely to cause £200 or £300 be thrown away. . . Coun. Winter said there was nothing in the original lease which could justify Mr. Banks claiming building-land price for his share. Mr. Banks gave the nominal price of £100 for it, and that would probably be the price at which it would be restored to the Council whenever required. As the permission to erect the conservatory was on condition that it be removed at six months notice, the Council was perfectly on the safe side. The motion was carried. The explanation of the dual ownership in this affair appears to be that in [ 67 ]1821 a portion of waste land adjoining the Priory water was sold or leased by the Corporation to Mr. Simmons, and afterwards possessed by his son-in-law, Mr. Peter Banks. Several years later, when the Priory Bridge was taken down and the Priory stream conveyed to the sea by means of a culvert, the channel was filled in as the property of the Corporation. Hence the joint owners of the land in question. A view in the writer’s possession shows Mr. Barham’s conservatory to have been more ornamental than obstructive.
The Police Force. At the same meeting a letter was received from the Secretary of State, Sir George Lewis, informing the Council that the Inspector’s report certified that the police force of the borough had been maintained in a state of efficiency during the whole year ending on the 29th of September last. This certificate entitled the borough to one fourth of the expenses from the Government funds.
Suggested Change of Mails. Mr A. Beattie, a St. Leonards director of the South-Eastern Railway Company having requested the Postmaster-General to dispense with the 12 o’ clock up day mail, per South-Coast line, and to send the bags instead by the 2.30 p.m. train, Dover line, a letter was received by the Mayor from Mr. Newman the purport of which was that the Council would consider the matter and let the officials know which route would be preferred, the letter at the same time pointing out that if the 2.30 train were used the letters could not reach London in time to be delivered during business hours. Counsellors(sic) Bromley strongly urged the desirability of the change, observing that it would give a longer time to reply to letters received in the morning. – Alderman Clement, the Mayor and Coun. Gausden were as decidedly against the change being made, they contending that by existing arrangements letters by the 12 o’clock train letters were delivered at business houses in London, soon enough to be replied to the same night, whereas, if despatched by the 2.30 train they would not reach their destination before 6 o’clock or later, when the offices of solicitors and merchants would be closed. – Coun. Winter moved that Mr. Newman’s letter be referred to the Watch Committee. As himself a branch postmaster, he regarded it to be inconvenient and injudicious for the branch offices to be closed from an hour to an hour and a half before the mails left. He considered the existent mail to be a great deal the best if more time could be gained at the branch offices. Mr. Winter’s motion having been seconded by Ald. Rock, the previous motion and amendment were withdrawn.
At the next monthly meeting (Feb. 1st) the Watch Committee recommended “That Mr. Newman be informed that no alteration in the time of the despatch of the second day-mail from Hastings, which will have the effect of preventing a reply from London the following morning would [ 68 ]be conducive to the public interest.” The report was adopted on the motion of Mr. Duke, seconded by Mr. Winter. Mr. Beattie was present at the meeting and being desirous of saying a few words, was listened to whilst he gave his reasons for his suggested change. Most townspeople, however, (outside as well as inside the Council chamber) judged Mr. Beattie in his transaction to be studying the interest of his own railway company by endeavouring to get the said mail transferred from the South-Coast to the South-Eastern.
Tender for Ashes, by Mr. Marchant at £14 10s per thousand bushels, during the year, was accepted by the Local Board on the 4th of January.
Shop-Front at Verulam Place. Mr. Southall, the owner of No. 1 Verulam place, having constructed a shop-front to his house projecting beyond the line of frontage, but on his own ground, was ordered by the Town Council not to proceed with the work (see page 45, Vol. 8), but he declined to do their bidding, and defied them to interfere. One or two of the Councillors also supported him, Mr. Howell, for one, declaring that the Council too often interfered with matters that did not concern them; also that the work in hand was that of alteration and not the building of a new house. The said house was erected before the Council became a Board of Health, and it is probable that some of its members recollected that in such sense the Council was legally beaten when they endeavoured to force the Crown authorities to widen the old road at Claremont. Any way, the shop front was built and has remained to this day. The neighbours petitioned against it, and at the first Council in the present year, 1861, the Roads Committee reported that they had had the memorial under consideration, and they recommended the Board not to take any further steps therein, and to communicate such decision to the memorialists.
Pillar Letter-Box. The same committee at the same meeting recommended the Board to sanction the application for permission to place the letter-pillar near to 12 Eversfield place. The recommendation was complied with.
Street Crossings. At the same January meeting the Roads Committee also recommended that pitched crossings, by way of experiment, be laid down from York Buildings to Havelock road, from Claremont to Diplock’s library, and across the road at the N.E. side of Warrior square.
Borough Rates. At the meeting on the 1st of March, the Finance Committee’s report showed a deficiency of £1,680, and a rate was made of 4d. in the pound. At the meeting on September 6th, a borough rate at 4d. in the pound, to produce £1,750, was also agreed upon.
New District Rate. – At the meeting on July 5th, a District rate at 10d in the pound was recommended. The Clerk (Mr. Growse) explained [ 69 ]that the rate was the first of its kind under the new arrangement, whereby the old Improvement Act rate would be done away with, and the District rate be spread equally over the whole district of the Local Board. Coun. Gausden asked, Did the Board mean to transfer the debts of the East on to the shoulders of the West? – Couns. Ginner and Winter replied that the whole of the originally contracted by the Commissioners had been paid off, and the Board was in possession of a considerable amount of property. The bonds remaining to be paid off arose from the construction of the Waterworks, and as the whole of the district now received the benefits of those works, it was thought to be only just that the whole district should help to pay the balance. This tenpenny District was confirmed and adopted at the next meeting in August.
Extension of the Telegraph. At the January meeting an application was received from the London, Brighton and South-Coast Company for permission to lay down pipes for telegraphic wires to be extended from the West Marina railway station to the Marine parade, Hastings, under such portion of the roads as were within the Local Board district. – Ald. Clement had great pleasure in moving the solicited permission. It would be a great convenience to have it brought to the centre of the town. The office would probably be at the Arcade. A friend of his (said the Alderman) recently sent a message to Portsmouth via South-Eastern line, and to pay 8s. for it. A similar message was sent from Bopeep to the same town by the South-Coast Company for 4s. – The Mayor said a similar instance of exorbitant charge had occurred within the last 48 hours. A message of 20 words had come from Boulogne which cost 7s. 6d., and a reply was sent from St. Leonards, with half the number of words, for which the South-Eastern Company charged 12/6. – Coun. Winter characterised the South-Eastern Company’s monopoly as unbearable. The motion to grant the permission was passed unanimously, with the proviso that the Company pay £1 per year and all messages be treated as main-line messages.
The Water Supply. At the January meeting the Town Clerk reported he had prepared a memorial against Mr. Clark’s new Waterworks Bill. At the March meeting a letter was received from the Clerk, then in London, in which he stated that Mr. Clark had got leave to proceed with his Bill, and had also applied for an injunction to restrain the Local Board from extending their mains, which latter he (the Clerk) had got the hearing for postponed for a fortnight. He requested permission to draw on the Board for £100, to enable him to pay fees to Counsel and other charges in opposing Mr. Clark. Coun. Gausden wished to make a few observations as to the water supply of the western district. Although a member of the [ 70 ]Board he confessed that he did not at first understand the position of the water question. Since the last meeting he had taken a great deal of trouble to acquire information, and he did so because he thought that the Board had acted in rather an arbitrary manner towards Mr. Clark. But having gone thoroughly into the matter it was but right that he should say that he had arrived at the opinion that the Board had taken a wise course, and that by extending the mains throughout the western district the inhabitants would get that sort of supply which was greatly required. Mr. Gausden then went largely into figures in defence of the course the Board had taken and concluded amidst general applause.
A Duplicate Engine. At the April meeting the Water Committee recommended the purchase of a duplicate engine for the Waterworks, the estimate of which was about £1,000. Coun. Vidler could not sanction such an expenditure, merely as against a casual accident which might be put to rights in 24 hours. The Board was going ahead too fast. The new reservoirs would supply the town easily during any repairs that might be needed. In reference to this statement the Surveyor said the new reservoirs would contain ten million gallons of water, enough to supply the whole borough for four days. Coun. Bromley thought their present engine would do all that was wanted for some time; that the proposed expenditure was premature; and that it ought not to be incurred till litigation was at an end. Ald. Ginner contended that there would be plenty of work for a new engine to do in supplying the high levels; he trusted there would be no delay. – Coun. Gausden was an advocate for a new engine; it might not be probable, but it was possible for an engine to break down; it was one of the strongest arguments for obtaining the support of the West Ward that the Board could always give a good supply. On the proposition of Ald. Ross the consideration of the report was deferred till the next meeting by a majority of 14 to 5. At the next and following meetings, however, there was no report.
Litigation or Compromise. – At the same (April) meeting, the Clerk reported that Mr. Clark’s Bill was withdrawn on the 19th of March, it being decided that as the Standing Orders had not been complied with it could not go on, but Mr. Clark had obtained leave to introduce another bill. As to the Chancery suit, the Vice Chancellor had refused the injunction, but suggested to plaintiff that it should be set down as a motion for a decree. Mr. Clark had given notice of his intention to do so. A correspondence was next read that had taken place between the Clerk (Mr. Growse) and the plaintiff’s solicitor in which the latter offered the Eversfield Waterworks for sale on terms to be fixed by two arbitrators and a referee. But Mr. Clark, himself, had also written, intimating that he did not acquiesce in such offer and wishing the letter to be returned. The generally expressed opinion of the Board was that it was useless to attempt to negociate(sic) with Mr. Clark.
Another Offer. At the next meeting (May 3rd) the Committee reported that an offer on Mr. Clark’s behalf had been received for the sale of the Eversfield Waterworks at £9,360, Mr. C. retaining 4 acres of land. The Com[ 71 ]mittee came to the conclusion of offering to purchase the works for £9,000, free of all incumbrances. – Ald. Ginner said they had offered, besides the £9,000, to allow Mr. Clark to retain the 4 acres of land, on lease, up till the day preceding the expiration of his lease on the same terms they would themselves have to pay the lessee for it - £5 per acre. Mr. Clark wanted the 4 acres of ground free for the remainder of the term, which was about 80 years. That would be giving him £20 a year for all that time, irrespective of the interest on such a sum. It was useless to negotiate with Mr. Clark, and he (Ald. G.) would move that the Council do not confirm the resolution of the Water Committee. Motion carried.
Agreement at Last. Mr. Clark having accepted the conditions offered by the Local Board, the Clerk reported at the July meeting that sanction had been given for borrowing the money, and that two gentlemen had offered sums to be repaid in seven or ten years at 5½ or 5 per cent interest. Also, the London & County Bank would lend the required sum for six weeks at the current rate of interest. The Board had not entered into possession of the work. The draft of the lease had been received and there only remained some matters to be settled with Mr. Young in reference to the encumbrances. At the next meeting on August 2nd, Mr. Growse produced the various documents connected with the transfer of the Eversfield Waterworks, and announced that everything had been settled amicably. Mr. Clark had received the money, and the works were now in the hands of the Board. Ald. Ross congratulated the town on such a termination of a protracted and litidious(sic) affair.
The Loan. At the November meeting, the Town Clerk reported that advertisements had been inserted in the Times and local papers for a loan of £9,500 for the Western Waterworks, but with no result beyond the offer previously received, which was at 5 per cent, to extend over thirty years. It was agreed to accept this offer. The Old Roar Reservoir. The Water Committee reported at the December meeting that this reservoir should be raised three feet higher, and that for the permanency of the works it was desirable to build a brick overflow culvert, four feet in diameter on the same side as the present ditch, as well as 3½ feet culvert at the south corner through the hill. A discussion followed, and on the motion of Coun. Winter the report was adopted, with instructions to the surveyor to prepare plans and estimate.
Water Collector’s Salary. The Water Committee having recommended a grant of £2 per quarter to Mr. Walter Adams towards an assistant in making out his rate-books, Coun. Gausden said now that the Collector had a larger district and a better class of houses to collect from the work ought to pay him better. It seemed to be clear that there must shortly be a revision of duties. If they could get two collectors regularly employed at £100 a year each, the Board could save £150. Coun. Kenwood quite agreed with the remarks that had fallen from Mr. Gausden. The [ 72 ]question of increasing salaries was becoming a serious one; for, lately they had an increase applied for almost every month. To this there was a general exclamation of Hear, Hear!
A New Town Hall: to Seek for a Site. In the debate on this question the pros and cons are given at greater length than those in some other matters – firstly, because some historical points were introduced; and, secondly, because the advocates for the retention of the old Hall in High street were all (with one exception) tradesmen who lived within a short distance of the same, and two or three of them close to it. That one fact speaks for itself without further comment. The same persons had opposed the removal of the beggarly Post Office from George street to more convenient premises westward of the old site.
Coun. Howell said he had placed this entry on record in consequence of what occurred at the previous meeting. He could see that the sites for such a building were being fast filled up, and that if the borough continued to increase as it had done during the last few years and the most eligible sites were built upon, the Council would have to purchase a site at great cost; whilst if selected now it might be obtained on low terms. A Town Hall was built on the site of the present one in 1700, and that time it was placed where it should be, in the centre of the borough. Thirteen years after that, it was on record that the population was 1638; and, as a matter of course, the rateable value of the property must have been very small. That hall was pulled down and the present one was built in 1823. The number of inhabitants had increased round the centre of the town, which had only extended itself slightly towards the west, and not to the great distance it had now. In 1823 the population was 6,051, and the existing building might have been adequate to the requirements of the then size of the borough; but since that time the borough had largely and materially increased in a particular direction. In fact, the inhabitants and business of the borough had been going west. The present Hall, too, was quite inadequate for the business of Justice. The magistrates had no convenience for retiring, and there was not a room where the business of a grand jury could be carried on in a fair manner. Such being the case he thought the time had arrived for them to consider whether a site for a new Town Hall should not be selected. All improvements hitherto had so benefitted the borough that property had increased twenty per cent in value. If, therefore, the borough were continually improved, the place would become more known and more appreciated. He estimated the present population at 25,000, and the newer inhabitants were residing far westward of the present Town Hall; in fact, the bulk of them were in dwellings from a mile to a mile and a half distant. It was not fair that when they had business with magistrates or officers of the borough, they should be obliged to [ 73 ]to come so far from their homes. The rating of the borough was now £90,560, or two-thirds to three-fourths more than it was when the existing Town Hall was built. They ought now to have a structure which should be a credit and an ornament to the town, which certainly could not be said of the existing building. He moved that a committee be appointed to look out for a site suitable for erecting thereon a new Town Hall. – Coun. Putland said he knew nothing of the motion till he saw it in the paper of that morning. It was not the first time for him to talk about a new Hall, for he had brought it forward twelve years ago. That, perhaps, was too early, but it was not too early now. We were now nearly 20,000 more in number than when their present Hall was built, and he looked upon the assessment as equivalent to £100,000. The present Hall was neither suitable nor sizeable for the magisterial business nor the Council business; they were, so to speak, “hip and thigh” upon one another, and blocked in between the roadway and the church-yard. The site for a Town Hall should embrace also a police-station, a town clerk’s office and a surveyor’s office, and in a situation where the burgesses should not have to drag up to the extreme end of the borough as he had had to for five-and-twenty years. He was not anticipating an exact central spot, but he wanted a site far more westward than the present one. There were three railway stations within the borough and all of them greatly westward of their Town Hall. He felt great pleasure in seconding the resolution. – Coun. Vidler did not agree with the previous speakers. It would be great injustice to move the old Town Hall. As to the distance, all he could say was that if gentlemen were too idle to walk up to the old Hall, they had better stay away. He should strongly oppose any measure of the sort. – Coun. Bromley said, Never had any measure involving a large outlay of public money been backed up by so weak an argument as the proposal put forward that day. With the exception of the growth of the town its advocates had not shown its necessity at all. Was it because Hastings had grown westward, they were to move the public edifices westward? He hoped the members of the Council would nip the proposal in the bud, throw it out altogether, knock it down at the first blow, and never allow it to go into committee. If they had five times the space, it would be filled with the lowest riff-raff and scum of Hastings as it was now. He did not say it was the most convenient place they could have – certainly not; but alterations could be made at a small expense. He hoped the Council would crush it at once. He would strongly oppose the motion – Ald. Ginner had been studying the question ever since he knew it was to be put to the agenda. He had had some experience in the [ 74 ]Council as well as his friend Mr. Putland, and as he had had the honour of holding an uninterrupted seat for two years and sixteen days longer than Mr. Putland, he, as the oldest member of the Council thought he was entitled to an opinion on the subject. [The introduction of this avowal, with Mr. Putland’s interjaculatory comments, caused considerable amusement amongst the Council who were aware that the point had before been contested as to which of the two was the oldest member. The real facts were these:- On the 13th of August, 1837, Mr. Will Ginner was elected for the East Ward in the place of Mr. Wm. Thorpe, who was then a bankrupt, and Mr. Stephen Putland was elected at the same time for the West Ward, in the place of Mr. Wm. Mantel Eldridge, who was also a bankrupt. Mr. Putland was re-elected on the following 1st of November, and Mr. Ginner was re-elected in Nov. 1838. At a later period Mr. Putland resigned the office of Councillor to take that of Surveyor, and after resigning the latter office, was again returned to the Council. Mr. Ginner was also for a short time un-returned to the Council. It would seem, therefore, that whilst Mr. Putland was the longest time connected with the Council, Mr. Ginner was the longest time a member of the Council.] In continuation, Ald. Ginner remarked that he was not one of those who thought the Town Hall should always be kept there; for, the time might come when the business of the town would be more important, but he certainly thought there was no need of a new Hall at present. – Coun. Kenwood thought all who were not prejudiced would admit that a new Hall was required. Mr. Ginner had candidly said that he did not think the Town Hall could always remain where it was, and that it must be removed sooner or later, and as he (the speaker) understood that the motion was to look for a site only, on that ground he should give it his support. – Coun. Wingfield thought that the motion had been made at a bad time. He must do his duty, and vote against the motion. – Coun. Gausden said it appeared to him that the greatest objection to the motion was the outlay. Mr. Bromley had said there was no outlay which would bring less benefits to the borough than that arising from a new Town Hall. He would draw that gentleman’s attention to the outlay for the water-works. For these, a very large sum had been laid out, but what was the return? A very small one, indeed! He must say on the point of East and West, the gentlemen of the West could not be complained of. The East had not only voted the money away against the wishes of the West, but they had done so with very arbitrary power – namely that the residents in Eversfield place would be compelled to pay the water-rate whether they took the water or not. The representatives of the West Ward had not resisted this regulation because they thought the new water-works would benefit [ 75 ]the town generally. It was not the Town Hall alone that required to be removed, but their officers ought to be found at a place that was within easy reach of the greater number of the population. He thought the Council ought at least to give an opportunity to discuss the motion in committee, when if the advocates of the proposal were beaten, they would give way. If a site were selected it need not be built upon immediately. – Coun. Poole would vote against the motion because he thought that with an outlay of £600 or £700, the present Hall could be made to answer its purpose for some years to come. – Ald. Hayles regretted to hear so much about East and West. He wished them to remember that it was all one borough, and the interests were identical. He thought there could be no harm in agreeing to Mr. Howell’s motion, as its purport appeared only to obtain a site for a Town Hall in prospective. It seemed to be admitted that if the borough went on increasing there must be a new Town Hall. He therefore thought it would be a wise measure to purchase a piece of land at an early period while a vacant site could be had. He should vote in favour of the motion. – Coun. Winter thought the present expenses of the borough were such as would not justify such an expenditure. They had spent more than £30,000 in putting the town in a good sanitary position, and the property of the town was oppressed with the rates made to discharge the principal and interest of that expenditure. He did not think gentlemen were acting wisely in bringing such a measure forward. – Ald. Ross thought a larger and better Town Hall was really required, but after the great outlay for drainage, the cemetery, and the waterworks, the Council should pause before entering upon any other large expenditure. He believed that the present Hall was much too far eastward, as to the accommodation the only place the magistrates had to retire to was the narrow passage behind the Bench. He must, however vote against the resolution because he thought the subject should be deferred to a future day. – Coun. Duke had lived near the Town Hall for twenty years, and, juding(sic) from the scenes which occasionally took place, he did not think it would be any advantage to remove it. – The Mayor said it was an extraordinary debate; thirteen persons had already spoken, and he was prepared to put the motion to the vote. – Coun. Howell claimed the right to reply, and as an answer to Mr. Bromley’s contention that the trebled increase of population and rateable value was the weakest argument for a larger and better Town Hall, all that he (Mr. Howell) could say was that it was not the weakest, but the strongest [ 76 ]argument used in favour of building new churches and chapels, new schools, new public institutions, new hotels and new railway stations. He wished also to ask Mr. Bromley what he meant by the remark about springing up like mushrooms. He was old enough to remember the time when Mr. Bromley himself sprang up in Hastings, and his remark was therefore in as bad taste as that of Mr. Vidler, that “if members were too lazy to walk up there they had better stay away”. He considered that the arguments for a new Hall had been put very fairly. He had not asked them to build a new Hall; only to look out for a site whilst there was a chance of getting land at a fair price; for, if they left it till the land was built upon, they would have to purchase the building as well as the land. He contended that the Town Hall ought to be near the centre of the borough and that now was the time to take the initiatory steps in the matter. [As speculative builders and buying up large parcels of land themselves whilst it was to be had at a fair price, it might be said that no one knew better than Mr. Howell (the mover) and Mr. Kenwood (the seconder) how all the land within a suitable area was likely to be secured by other parties; also for purposes of improvement when sites were wanted that were built upon what enormous sums had to be paid for them; the York Hotel to wit.] The motion, however, was negatived by 12 to 8. At a later date it was an illustration of the sometimes irony of facts that Mr. Winter, in his official capacity had to lay the foundation stone of the new Town Hall, and to formally open the St. Leonards Public Gardens, the acquirement of both of which he had previously so strongly opposed. A few days after the meeting a letter appeared in the Hastings News, from which the following is extracted:- “Of the thirteen speakers, eight admitted the reasonableness of the idea that the Hall will go westward; three refused to entertain it; two differed on a question of time; yet the division list showed by twelve against eight, that although the conviction was general, that a site must one day be found, they had not the moral courage to grapple with a difficulty which would be less to them than it can be to their successors. Every year will make it more costly and more difficult to get a good site; and I trust the collective wisdom will see in this a good cause for re-considering their late decision. I trust Mr. Howell will introduce the subject again at an early date; and if the speakers will keep to the point of securing a site for future action, I do not doubt that he will be successful, although like all who do anything to benefit the town he must expect to get more kicks than halfpence.” “A. Burgess” [ 77 ]
A Warehousing Port. – At the same meeting (Feb. 1st) Coun. Howell also moved “To consider the expediency of memoralizing(sic) Her Majesty’s Commissioners of the Treasury to appoint the port of Hastings as a warehousing port.” The motion was unanimously carried. At the meeting on June 7th. a reply to the memorial was received from the Treasury Chambers, “that having regard to the extent of the populations of Hastings and the amount of dutiable articles consumed there they [the Lords Commissioners] do not feel that they should be warranted in acceding to your application” The Town Clerk stated that in a recent Act of Parliament it was stipulated that in no place should a warehousing port be constituted where the expense would exceed the amount of goods collected.- Ald Ginner reminded the Board that it was within the last ten years that Manchester had been made a bonded port after much agitation. He thought that if the same were granted to Hastings, there would be many other towns found to have claims equal to their own. Coun. Winter agreed in favour of the concession being made to Hastings, and moved that the correspondence be entered in the minute-book with a view to a second application at a more suitable period. Coun. Howell, seconded, and said that towns smaller than Hastings, such as Rye and Newhaven, received those privileges merely because they were ports. – Motion carried.
Inauguration of the Lord Warden. At the meeting on the 5th of April a letter was received from the Town Clerk of Dover requesting an opinion as to the propriety of immediately assembling the Brotherhood of Guestling for considering the question of joint action to do honour to Lord Palmerston on his acceptance of the office of Lord Warden. The Clerk said he had gone with Mr. Ross to Dover on the preceding Tuesday, and had laid before Mr. Knocker – who had only recently been appointed Town Clerk – various extracts from old records showing the mode of procedure at the election of previous Lord Wardens. The plan suggested in the letter was not the correct one. The proper course was for the Lord-Warden elect to issue a precept to the ports, stating that he would hold a court at some place appointed by himself at which to be sworn in, and the representatives of the various ports must attend there. The question now was whether it would not be necessary to have a court of Brotherhood first to decide who should administer the oath. – Ald. Ross said it was not necessary to call the Brotherhood and Guestling together. Mr. Stringer (Solicitor to the Cinque Ports) had told them that the Lord Warden had given notice to him that it was his intention to take the oaths of office, and when he issued his precepts, Hastings, in common with the other ports, would be sum[ 78 ]moned to attend the Lord Warden at the time and place appointed. There would be a penalty attached to non-compliance with this summons. In times past the installation had taken place, with few exceptions, at Shipway, near Hythe, but for the last 300 years it had taken place at Braidenstone-hill, an old Roman pharos near Dover. There was one part of the ceremonial which he supposed Lord Palmerston would dispense with – namely, the gift of 100 marks which the Lord Warden formerly received. Ald. Ross then read the appended extract from the records of the Brotherhood:-
- “1536. Also it is condescended and agreed by this hole assemblie that the worshipfull man Thomas Wyngfelde, shall the othe and charge to the Right Honble Sir Thomas Cheyne, Lord Warden of the fyve portes, & yf so be the said Thomas Wyngfelde have eny lett or impedyment so that he cannot be ther, then the worshipfullman Thomas Langham, of Dovorr shall do the said office. Att which daye also for bycause of the syknesse & visitaçon of God which was at Rye and Wynchelsea ther dyd appeare by their attondes? And forasmuch as the bailly and jurats of the town of Hastyng hath made default of their appearance at the said assemble, and sendeth none to show caus reasonable of their absence hit is condescended & agreed by the assemble then beying psent that, in case they come not to the court of Shepeway the next day then beying the 12th day of this psent month of September, with such their porcons, beying the some of 40 mks, part of 100 marcs to be presented to the Lord Warden at the takyng of his othe at the seid court of Shipwey, whch seid some of 40 marcs is then paiable by the weste porte accordyng to the anncient custome heretofore used, and not yet brokyn, that then thei to forfeit £20 stling. And also to pay suche somes of money as shall then be unpaid of the seid 40 marcs whch shal be levyed of their gods and catells wheresoever thei may be found or hadde whin any place of the other townes of the seid fyve ports or their members, to the use of the hole corporacon of the same, whereof the pson or psons which shall lay out the seid money for them at the seid Shipwey, to have for his or their paynes of the seid forfeture, 40s. Itm. Hoggshedde of gevyn to Mr. Baron Hales 22s 6d.”
On this Ald. Ross remarked that there appeared to have been a brotherhood on the previous day to the installation, when the person who should administer the serement was appointed, and from which it also appeared that the representative from Hasting(sic) was absent. He concluded by moving an appointment of a committee. Coun. Putland seconded, and the following members were chosen; The Mayor (F. Ticehurst), Aldermen Ross and Hayles, and Counsellors(sic) Winter, Bromley, Putland and Gausden.
A Formal Report of the Installation, which took place on the 28th of August, was read at the Council meeting by the Town Clerk, by whom it was prepared. Prominence was given to the fact [ 79 ]that the Mayor of Hastings had succeded(sic) in maintaining for Hastings its precedence. The report also added that a petition was presented to the Lord Warden, praying his lordship to waive all claims he might have on all wreckage which might be cast upon the shore within the jurisdiction of the Corporation. – Couns. Putland moved and Coun. Poole seconded that the report be recorded in the minutes, and Ald. Rock moved a vote of thanks to be given to the Mayor and deputation for maintaining the place of precedence on the occasion. Coun. Gausden remarked that the Court did not go into the question of right, and it was left open to a future day for discussion. The Dover people simply withdrew their pretensions rather than have any unpleasantness. – Ald. Ross was surprised that Dover should have made a claim to the first place at all, seeing that it was well known to those who were acquainted with the ancient records that Hastings had always ranked first. That she had done so for the five hundred years could be shewn by the entries in the books of the courts. At the coronations, too, of the Kings and Queens, Hastings had a right to sit at the King’s right hand. – Coun. Putland said they must all feel thankful to the Mayor and Town Clerk; also in a particular sense to Ald. Ross, for the bold and lucid manner in which was upset the determination to which the meeting had arrived before the Hastings barons and combarons got in. In fact, it seemed to be all settled beforehand until the Mayor claimed his right. He was very pleased at the manner in which Mr. Ross spoke at the court and also with the attention he had devoted to the getting up of the documents he had with him, without which, they might have stood in a different position. Motion unanimously adopted. [The account of this grand pageant will be found in Volume 1 “Premier Cinque Port”, pages 1 to 3.]
Roads in Magdalen Parish. At the February meeting it was reported that Church road, Edward road, Princes road, Victoria road, Villa road and St. Margaret’s terrace, all of which the Board had been requested to dedicate, were not properly paved, flagged and channelled. It was resolved to give the owners notice to put the same in proper order within two months. At the next meeting during a discussion on the said roads, Coun. Howell called attention to the great hardship to individuals in forcing them to kerb the sides of villas where they derived no advantage from the side-walk or boundary. It was a benefit to the town to have roads made as wide and as open as possible, but parties who happened to have property at corners ought not to be called upon to pave more than the fronts. He held it to be unjust, and thought the town should do the kerbing at the sides of such property. – No motion made. [ 80 ]Parade Obstructions. At the February meeting a complaint was made of the lumbering state in which the parade was kept in consequence of boats, bathing machines and other obstructions in front of Eversfield parade, Warrior square and Grand parade. At the landing slip opposite to the Saxon hotel, dirty coal-waggons belonging to Mr. Parks; also black baskets and other things used in discharging cargoes of coal had been standing for three weeks. It became a question in a conversational discussion, whether it was the duty of the surveyor, street-inspector or pierwarden to attend to the condition of the parade. The Surveyor, however, took upon himself the responsibility of the duty.
At the next meeting (March 1st) a memorial was received from the residents of Grand parade, stating that the placing of capstans, boats, coal-waggons, ropes and planking on the parade was both a grievance and a danger to visitors, and a deterioration of property in the neighbourhood.
The matter cropped up again at the April meeting, when Coun. Gausden complained of a capstan being placed on the parade in front of 45 or 46 Eversfield place. It was stated that the capstan belonged to John Oliver, who had been given permission to place it there. It was admitted that it was the best parade on the coast and the worst kept. The Surveyor promised to see to it.
Capstans Again. At the same (March) meeting, Coun. Bromley asked to be taken into consideration the propriety of adopting some better method for the working of the capstans, seeing that only a few days before a melancholy accident had occurred. There was, he said, very great danger with the capstans now in use, as there was no stay or check to them. Coun. Putland said the fatal occurrence referred to arose from want of strength, a few men having attempted to do what twenty were usually employed to do. It was no fault of the capstan. As to the use of cogs it would do more harm than good. When a vessel surged there was an immense strain and the men yielded to it gradually; but anything of a fixed nature would be torn assunder(sic) through not yielding to the surge. – At the meeting in September the Pierwarden applied for two new capstans, 18 capstan bars and two ballast planks for use on the stade. The requirement was referred to the Stonebeach committee, with power to act. Their action was to accept Mr. Winter’s tender of £31 10s.
On the 5th of April permission having been applied for by the brothers Philcox to place a capstan at the landing-slip opposite to Claremont, the same was granted, with only one dissenting councillor. [ 81 ]
Assessment of Property. At the April meeting the Town Clerk reported that the returns of the rateable value of property had not all been received from the various parishes, and as the return from St. Mary Magdalen parish was not likely to be ready at the day appointed for the adjourned sessions, he wished the returns to stand over for two months. Coun. Putland explained that a committee had been appointed to go through the whole of the ratings, and such was being done very thoroughly. [This work was continued for a considerable number of days, as the present writer well remembers, he being one of the thirteen persons who composed the Assessment Committee. Councillors Kenwood and Putland were also on that committee; and it must be admitted that the latter gentleman did his best to augment the financial contributions to the borough funds. His zeal for raising the assessment of almost every kind of property in the parish was very pronounced; and, perhaps – as was known to most members of the comittee(sic) – because he wanted to show not only that the West Ward with only 6 representatives in the Council, paid more to the rates upon the whole than did the East Ward, with 12 representatives, but also that the two western parishes of the same ward were in a fair way to contribute more than all the other parishes put together. The first of these conditions already existed, but the second condition was as yet only in Mr. Putlands desire. The discussions at some of the meetings were very lively, and efforts were made by Messrs Kenwood, Brett and Calloway to check what they believed to be too great a tendency to excessive augmentation. It was pointed out by one who knew, that even existing assessments were higher than they were in Brighton, and that we were paying more than a fair proportion of the county rate. In that case, replied Mr. Putland, it would be a mere “flea-bite”, an expression which called forth a rejoinder from Mr. Kenwood, “If you are fond of flea-bites, others are not”. Besides, added Mr. Putland, it’s as broad as ‘tis long; for, if the assessment is higher, the rate will be lower. The intelligent man’s prevision, however, did not well serve him in this case; for, as is pretty well known by those who have survived the occasion, both rates and assessments have increased together in an almost unbearable ratio. The result of that committee’s labours was the adding of nearly £3,800 to the rateable value of the preceding year.]
Total Value. At the meeting on June 7th, the Town Clerk read the return of the rateable value of property in the borough received from the overseers by the borough justices, the total of which, exclusive of the borough’s limbs, was £104,977. In reply to a question by Coun. Winter, it was [ 82 ]stated that the rating of St. Mary Magdalen parish had been greatly increased by its recent revision.
Concerning Roads. On the 5th of April, Coun. Poole submitted the desirability of either removing the galley sheds on the east side of Harold road and employing the ground to greater profit, or of throwing it entirely open, so as to widen the road, which he considered as being too narrow now that a noble building [the Queen’s Hotel] had been erected on the opposite side. He was in favour of the latter plan, and he would move that the matter be referred to the Stonebeach Committee. Coun. Winter and Coun. Howell also favoured the widening the road and leaving the land open. – Motion carried. On the 3rd of May a letter was received from Mr. Charles Amoore, asking that the galley sheds might not be removed until the ground was really wanted. This was also referred to committee.
Dedication of Roads. On the recommendation of the Roads Committee, on the 3rd of May, it was resolved that the road round the Archery Ground should not be accepted and dedicated until certain alterations had been made. Also, that the Board accept an offer made by Wastel Brisco, Esq., for widening and improving the roads at Trinity terrace and from Upper Trinity terrace to Verulam place, on certain conditions.
Roads on the Eversfield Estate. On the 6th of September the Roads Committee reported their approval of the plans of Pevensey road, Dane road, and Brittany road, provided larger drains were put in; also the upper part of Church road. – Report adopted.
Halton Roads. The same committee at the same time recommended the non-acceptance for dedication of South-terrace road, Halton, as it required to be metalled and channelled(sic). Coun. Putland argued that there was no necessity for metalling and channelling, it being a green road which would not take 5/- a year to keep in repair. He would like to know why the Halton roads were not to be protected as were Wyatt’s road and the Station road? – Coun. Winter was opposed to taking over the road. – Ald. Rock thought as there was no one else to take care of the road the Board should do so. As to the expense, that would be entireland(sic) in the hands of the Board. – Report adopted.
The Halton Pathway. On the 6th of December the Roads Committee recommended the Board to decline Mr. P. F. Robertson’s application for permission to divert the path which skirted the boundary of his western wall, notwithstanding that he had the consent of the owners of the adjoining property. Mr. Robertson wrote that the locality would be much improved by the proposed alteration and that the road would not remain in its then unsightly and discreditable state. He simply asked for a committee to meet for fuller explanations. The fact [ 83 ]that Mr. Robertson was an influential Conservative might have made no difference in the expressed opposition to his application, but it had a significant look that Messrs. Putland, Winter, Howell, Gausden, Reeves, and other leading Liberals voted against Alderman Clement’s motion that as a matter of courtesy a committee should meet Mr. Robertson.
Road at Prospect Place. On the 4th of October, on the recommendation of the Roads Committee, the Local Board declined to dedicate the road at Prospect place until it was put in better repair. This road, with its buildings, was on Cuckoo Hill, and immediately behind it was, and still is, Dorset place, some historical association of which is here given:-
Rocky Road was the original site of what is now Dorset Place – the road over which the Duchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria had to be conveyed in 1834, when proceeding from Hastings to St. Leonards, in consequence of the lower road at the White Rock having been broken down by a high tide. At the Sessions of November, 1775, on the complaint of Thomas Deudney, of Gensing farm, that the highway leading from the town between the Priory farm and St. Michael’s cliff, towards Hollington, was very steep and narrow, and almost impassable for carriages, it was ordered “that Benjamin Foster, the owner of the said hill, do repair and widen the same under a penalty of 20s.” This was a narrow lane cut through the rock known as Cuckoo Hill to the top of the White rock and thence to Bohemia and Hollington. The Benjamin Foster here named was then the occupier of the farm then known as General Murray’s Land (Bohemia); and it might have been that Foster viewed it as a hardship to have to keep in repair a road which although bordering his farm, was practically a public highway. Yet he might have consoled himself with the fact that in that particular year his poor-rate was only 2s. in the pound, whereas in the following year (1776) it was 3s. When Benjamin Foster had passed away, and William Foster (presumably his son) occupied the same land, the poor-rate was 5s in the pound. Also, when William Foster ceased to be a tenant of the said farm – then the property of William Green, Esq., (Gen. Murray’s brother-in-law) – and Ann Foster became the tenant, the poor-rate alone was 18s. 6d. in the pound. Think of this ye distressed farmers during the last decade of the 19th century, that in the 4th year of the same century, Mrs. Foster had to pay £49 9s. 9d. on a rental of £55 10s!
In the coloured view which is annexed to these remarks will be seen a picturesqueness which disappeared as soon as the site was appropriated to the present uninteresting and unarchitectural range known as Dorset Place (for coloured view of “Rocky Road” see over) [ 84 ]
[ 85 ]Drains and Culverts. At the June meeting, on the recommendation of the Roads Committee, Mr. Smith’s tender for constructing drainage in Western road, at £77, was accepted.
On the 6th of December, a recommendation having been received from Dr. Blakinson to extend the overflow culvert at the south-west side of Warrior square, it was resolved to defer the consideration of it until the existing culvert had been more fully tried.
The Priory Culvert next received attention in consequence of an application having been received from Mr. George Mills to divert the drain through his ground at the bottom of Havelock road. It turned out to be the large overflow channel through which the water escaped to the sea and which could not be dispensed with. The Board therefore declined to make any alteration.
The Drains & Culvert at Warrior Square. At the December meeting, on the motion of Coun. Neve, it was resolved that the Roads Committee be instructed to take into consideration the ineffectual working of these outlets. Mr. Neve remarked that the drain at Warrior Square was much too small, being only 2ft. 3in, by 1ft. 9in., whilst the drain running into it was much larger. The consequence was that at periods of storm there was an overflow to the detriment of property.
Damage by Flood. On the 5th of July, a letter was read from Wastel Brisco, Esq. complaining of the damage done by the flood to his hop-garden and to a piece of wheat, through some defect in the Local Board pipes. Orders were given that the damage should be surveyed. – On the 6th of December, Coun. Howell asked that the Roads Committee should take into consideration the Priory Valley drains with the view of preventing the overflow of water and the floods in that locality. The Clerk replied that the subject was already under consideration.
Purchase of a fish Shop. On the 1st of February, the committee having charge of the new Fish Market project presented a report in which they stated that the period had now arrived for purchasing Mr. White’s fish-shop, opposite the Custom-house, under the compulsory clauses of the Act of Parliament. They recommended that Mr. White should be offered £200 for it. Astonishment being expressed at the high sum thus named, Coun Howell said that it appeared to him that the offer of such a sum would carry the case with a jury, and White would have to pay heavy costs.
On the second of August the negotiations for the purchase of Mr. White’s fish-shop for £300, with possession on the 1st of September, were confirmed. – On the 6th of September, however, a curious disagreement was made known by a letter which was read from [ 86 ]Mr White. In this communication, dated August 9th, Mr White stated that he had not sanctioned the offer which Mr. Kell had made to the Board, and he had given that gentleman £20 to summons the witnesses for the trial; also that he was not aware but that Mr. Kell had seen Mr. Growse and contradicted the offer of the 13th of July. he then made the following propositions:- He would allow his shop to be removed back against the Custom House on payment of £75 and some other conditions named; or the Board might purchase his shop for £400, allowing to remain till the new Fish Market was built, and giving the first choice of a stall; or they might purchase and remove for £550, by finding the writer warehouse room for his baskets and other things used in his business. – Coun. Poole said it was his wish now to bring this matter to an end. The orders had remained in abeyance for two years, during which the Local Board had been endeavouring to obtain White’s shop, and had even now failed to do so. Some time during the summer an application had been made to the Sheriff to appoint a jury to assess the amount to which White was entitled, but the fact was that White was not desirous of parting with his property at all. Seeing that White still had his shop, and the town had its money, except what had been frittered away in law expenses, he would move that the resolutions which had been passed on this subject be rescinded. – Ald. Ross and Ald. Ginner would vote against Mr. Poole’s motion, the latter gentleman remarking that instead of the Board giving £75 for setting back White’s shop, White ought to give the Board £150 to do it, as it would then be more valuable. The other conditions named were altogether preposterous. He would therefore move as amendment that the Town Clerk take such steps as are necessary for the non-fulfilment of the contract. – The amendment was carried, there being only one dissentient, which was Mr. Poole himself, who expressed his disapproval in warm terms. On the 13th of Sept.
An Adjourned Meeting was held, when the project of a new fish-market appeared to be helped forward another step. A letter was received from Joseph White, in which he stated that rather than go to law any further, he would let the Board take his shop and land for £300, if they would allow the shop to stand adjacent to the Custom House until the land should be required, for which accommodation he would pay a rent of 1s. a year, and also that the Board would give him £10 towards an expense of £40 15s. which he had incurred in preparation of the arbitration. On the terms being discussed, Ald. Ross moved that they be accepted. This was seconded and carried unanimously. [ 87 ]The Cemetery. On the 1st of March the Burial Board reported that Walker, the sexton, had sent in his resignation to give up his office and his cottage on the 25th instant, as he felt himself unable to do the heavy work of the Cemetery. On the motion of Ald. Rock, the resignation was accepted, with the understanding that Walker should be employed in some of the lighter work.
Appointment of Walker’s Successor. At the meeting on June the 7th the Burial Committee reported that 13 applications for the sexton’s situation had been received, and after examining the testimonials, they were brought down to two – namely Wenham and Kenward. Six committeemen were present, and the voting being equal, the chairman gave the casting vote for Wenham, whom the committee therefore recommended. Ald. Ross moved the adoption of the report, and Coun Poole moved as an amendment that Kenward be engaged. When put to the vote, Wenham was elected by 13 to 4.
Cemetery Screens. At the July meeting, Couns. Poole called attention to the inconvenience caused at the Cemetery in wet weather through the want of another screen, and after some discussion, it was resolved that a second one be procured.
The Chaplaincy. At the August meeting a letter was read, in which the Rev. J. Parkin informed the Council that at a meeting held at the Halton Parsonage, the Hastings Incumbents had received the resignation of Mr. Nightingale, and had unanimously elected the Rev. Samuel Allen to succeed him as the Cemetery Chaplain. It was hoped that the appointment would be approved by the Council. Coun. Howell thought that such an appointment was discourteous to the Council; and Ald. Ross thought it very strange that a gentleman should be appointed to the office of whom they knew nothing. – The Town Clerk said the Council had no power to appoint a chaplain; and that such power belonged to the incumbents of certain parishes in the borough. – Coun. Winter contended that Mr. Parkin’s letter was perfectly legitimate and correct. It was just what the original appointment ought to have been. The Burial Board at that time arrogated to itself a power it never possessed, and he felt glad that the election had gone back to the original position it ought to have had. Mr. Nightingale, some nine or ten months since, had very properly, when there was a disagreement between him and the Council, sent in his resignation to the incumbents concerned. They had now acted rightly in electing a successor. The “compensation fees”, however, Mr. Winter argued would now lapse. They could not pay the new incumbent of St. Clement because he had done no duty. The Town Clerk and some of the Councillors thought otherwise. He moved a resolution that the receipt of the letter be acknowledged; that the [ 88 ]Burial Board be requested to direct attention to the subject and standing of the compensation fees, and empower the Board to submit a case to counsel thereon. After some further remarks of a rather angry nature by two or three of the warm-tempered members, the motion was carried.
Cemetery Cottages. At the meeting in August, the Burial Board recommended that the plans prepared by the Surveyor for erecting two new cottages at the Cemetery at an estimate of £250 should be adopted. Considerable scepticism was shewn as to the possibility of building them at the price named, but Coun. Picknell, who moved that the report should be adopted, remarked that tenders might be obtained, and if they acceded the estimate they could be thrown aside. On the strength of this questionable suggestion as to how those who tendered were to be served, the report was adopted. With what result the proceedings at the next month’s meeting will show.
The Tenders. At the September meeting the Burial Board reported that they had received several tenders for building the two cottages, the sums ranging from £360 10s. to £432. As the Surveyor’s estimate was only £250, the committee were unable to recommend the adoption of any tender. Remarks were passed on the great discrepancy and an understanding arrived at that a revised and cheaper plan would be considered.
The Combined Post Office. At the meeting on the first of March an official reply to the memorial of the Council was received to the effect that having regard to the complaints made from time to time of the misdirection of letters and the confusion arising therefrom, and to the fact that Hastings and St. Leonards at one time divided by vacant ground, were now united, a chief office would be established for the whole borough. Every facility would be given to the inhabitants of St. Leonards by placing the Post Office in as central a position as possible, by maintaining a Receiving Office and a Money-Order Office within the St. Leonards limits, and by erecting Pillar Letter Boxes to afford them all proper facilities for expediting their correspondence. – Coun. Winter trusted that now the Postmaster General had given his decision, the great controversy would cease. He would move that the letter be acknowledged and entered on the minutes. – Coun. Gausden would move as an amendment that the words “and that the Council suggest to the Postmaster-General that the new office should be called the Hastings and St. Leonards Post Office” be added. – Coun. Putland, in seconding the amendment, remarked that if the Council were desirous of promoting friendship and goodwill in the two districts [ 89 ]they would not be hostile to the amendment. St. Leonards, as a child, might be said to have overgrown the parent [Oh, no! from Mr. Bromley]. Well, if not larger, she soon would be, and it was only fair that she should have her name recognised. The voting gave an equal number on each side, and the Mayor gave the casting vote for Mr. Winter’s motion, thus leaving the naming of the office to the Postmaster-General’s own decision.
The Convent Hoarding. At the meeting on March 1st, a memorial from owners and occupiers of property in Magdalen road was presented for steps to be taken to get the hoarding placed on the boundary wall of the Catholic grounds removed. A lengthy discussion ensued in which Coun. Putland moved that the police Act should be put in force for the removal of dangerous buildings, as on one occasion a portion had been blown down [by a violent hurricane he might have added]. The motion was not seconded, and Coun. Gausden moved that the Clerk should write to the Lady Superior, calling her attention to the insecure state of the hoarding, and respectfully requesting that she would cause it to be removed. Several members spoke favourably of endeavouring to get the hoarding removed by courtesy rather than by compulsion, they being of opinion that the annoyance in being overlooked by rude workmen had now passed away. Coun. Putland strongly insisted on the compulsory method, but Coun. Gausden’s motion was carried. – At the next meeting (May 5th), a note was read, in which the Lady Superior politely intimated that the hoarding was put up because a stone wall could not be afforded, and she would be happy to have it removed in the course of a few years if the trees there planted were found to afford a sufficient screen. – Coun. Putland was very energetic in his advocacy of compelling the removal of the hoarding without delay, and had to be called to order for using harsh terms towards the Lady Superior. – Coun. Gausden remarked that Mr. Putland’s zeal in the matter had only arisen since he had become interested in some of the contiguous property. – Coun. Winter also defended the Lady Superior from the aspersions which had been cast upon her. The report of the Roads Committee was that the Surveyor had inspected the hoarding at the Convent, and found it, in his opinion, dangerous to the public; the Committee therefore recommended steps to be taken under the provision of the Town’s Police Clauses Act. Messrs. Ginner & Bromley objected to the report as being of too arbitrary a character. The deputy clerk explained that a notice would be served in accordance with the terms of the Act, which would give an opportunity for making alterations or repairs, [ 90 ]or of pulling down, before any other step could be taken. The report was then adopted.
An Address of Condolence. – On the 5th of April the Town Clerk said that by instructions of the Mayor he had put on the agenda “To move an address of condolence to Her Majesty on the death of her late Royal Highness, the Duchess of Kent”. The Mayor then moved a formal proposition to that effect. Ald. Ross seconded, and remarked that at the time of Her Majesty and her royal mother’s visit to Hastings, there had been nowhere else a more sincere and hearty reception. He could only wish Her Majesty might be induced to turn her attention towards Hastings again. The Town Clerk was desired to draw up an address, to affix to it the Corporation seal, and to forward the same to the Secretary of State for presentation.
Improvement of Priory Street. – On the 1st of March it was reported to the Local Board that Mr. William Picknell, of Cambridge Villa, Priory Street, was willing to give up a strip of land 50 to 60 feet long by 15 to 18 inches wide, part of the back yard of his house at the south end of Priory street, if the Board would put down a kerb for the footway on the side of his premises. The Surveyor said the expense would be £8 6s., and that not long since Mr. Picknell had asked the Board £50 for the same strip. The offer was referred back to the Roads Committee. At the next meeting the committee recommended that Mr. Picknell be informed that as soon as the projecting fences in the street were put back in a line with the other buildings, they would take his application into consideration. This recommendation caused an animated discussion, in which Messrs. Putland, Howell and Picknell condemned it as being contrary to the spirit generally evinced by the Board to have as wide and good roads as possible, and as being inconsistent to refuse acceptance of a good offer because others would not comply with the wishes of the Board. The recommendation was, however, adopted by 11 to 6.
The Same Reply was ordered to be given to the inhabitants of Priory street who memorialized for a lamp to be placed in the street – namely that it would be considered as soon as the wooden fences were set back to form a uniform line in the street.
Painting the Town Hall. After considerable discussion, on May the third, the tender of Mr. Bossom (£23 6s.) to paint the Town Hall was accepted. Ald. Ross characterised the proposition to paint and regild the Quebec shield as “murder”. He afterwards explained that the shield was given them b by a former member of the Corporation [General Murray] in the original state in which it [ 91 ]was taken from the gates of Quebec, and he thought any attempt to meddle with it by a common house painter would bring discredit to the Council.
Stakes and Nets at Bopeep. - At the meeting on the 3rd of May, an application having been received from some Hastings fishermen for permission to place stakes and nets on the sands at Bopeep, an animated discussion of a somewhat conversational form ensued, and in which the opinions expressed were almost as numerous as the speakers. One party argued that the Council had nothing to do with the matter, and another contended that they had all to do with it. Another thought there was a possibility of maintaining or reviving a right and making use thereof, so as to control the permission asked for. Another opinion was that if the Council refused permission no responsibility would be incurred. Ultimately, Ald. Ross moved that the application be referred to the Stone-beach Committee; but an amendment proposed by Coun. Bromley, and seconded by a triplet of members “that the Council proceed to the next business”, was carried by 11 or 12 to 4.
The Stade and Lodging Houses. – At the same meeting (May 3rd) A memorial was received from the occupiers of Denmark place and Carlisle Villas which stated that an old vessel was to be drawn up for repairs on the stade opposite Denmark place, and that great loss had been sustained on previous similar occasions. Ald. Ginner said the stade had been made for the very purpose of accommodating the shipping. It might be a nuisance to the houses, but the occupiers had no legal ground of complaint. Coun. Howell remarked that it was hard that a vessel should be drawn up in front of houses, by the letting of which people got their living. The memorial was referred to the Stonebeach Committee.
New Police Station. A letter was read on June 7th, from the Government Inspector, calling attention of the Watch Committee to the necessity of an auxiliary police station, with a room for a constable and two cells for prisoners at the St. Leonards end of the borough. Mr. Growse had shewn the letter to Supt. Glenister, who said if the subject were referred to the Watch Committee he would prepare a report thereon. A motion to that effect was adopted.
A Site Decided Upon. Passing over a period of three months brings the date to September, when the Watch Committee’s report gave rise to a very long debate, of which the following is a condensed account:- In moving the adoption of the report, Couns Gausden said it would be necessary to make some remarks on the proposal from the first. It would be recollected that much reference to the advantages of a police station was made when a new Town Hall was [ 92 ]under discussion; but the present movement arose from the report of Capt. Willis, the Government Inspector. From among the Watch Committee a sub-committee was formed. They took into consideration some sites of ground, plans of which were before them. One of the pieces was in Norman road west, next to Mr. Pain’s [then at the top of Norman road on the south side], another was near Mr. Beaney’s in Western road, and a third was the spot now recommended. The committee were unanimous in the opinion that this last was the best. Not only so, but the owners of the other two plots declined to sell, and there was no other piece that was at all eligible. Mr. Burton wanted £350 for it, but ultimately consented to take £315. This land had two frontages, and it would afford several advantages as to the number of cells which could be put up. The great consideration had been to adopt that which would meet the requirements set forth in a report drawn up by the Superintendent of Police. It would be of considerable convenience as well as a saving to have apartments for two or three men (who would pay a rental) in connection with the new building. The site had no fewer than four roads running into it, and the Committee could with confidence recommend it. The present proposal would give to the gentlemen who had professed so much readiness to assist the West, an excellent opportunity of showing their feeling, as the ground happened to be in the St. Leonards township. He could say that the St. Leonards Commissioners would put a rating upon it which would be nominal, and place their fire-engine at the new station, and pay the same rent for standing-room as they were now paying. The leading inhabitants of St. Leonards were willing to meet the Council with a good feeling – of which he thought they had already given ample proof, especially in reference to the waterworks, while giving the authorities all the assistance they could [Hear, hear!] It was best that both parties should work harmoniously together; and, no doubt, they would do so. The question was a municipal one, and there was no necessity for the new station to be within the district of the Local Board. He believed the Committee had acted impartially, and he had much pleasure in moving the adoption of the report. Coun. Putland seconded. – Mr. Glenister’s report was then read, which pointed out the advantages which would arise from a new station-house in saving the time of the men, who would be on duty during the time it now took them to walk a mile and a half before arriving at their beats; in preventing the disturbances frequently made by prisoners who were drunk and disorderly in the middle of the night, in being taken from the west to the station-house; in enabling the constables to return to their beats [ 93 ]speedily after locking up a prisoner; and in having a place where an officer could always be found. It would also be a great convenience if apartments could be provided for a sergeant and one or two constables. One of the fire-engines of the borough could also be kept there. The working expenses would not be great, and towards which, Government would allow a quarter.
Coun. Howell thought the price was a very high one, but if the site was adapted to what was wanted he would not object. Ald. Ross thought a site at the top of Western road was preferable to the one fixed upon. The question had indirectly been rather made one of a friendly feeling towards St. Leonards. In committee Mr. Putland had said his (the speaker’s) opposition to what was proposed arose from a petty feeling against St. Leonards. He had never opposed St. Leonards except in the postal question. He would just as soon see it flourish as any other part of the borough. Her prosperity was the prosperity of the other part, and any improvement there meant the improvement amongst the tradesmen of Hastings generally. The question, however, he thought had not been thoroughly gone into, and on that ground he would oppose it. – Coun. Bromley would also vote against it. With the small amount of crime there was in the borough, he thought their present accommodation was enough for the next ten or twenty years. – Ald. Ginner, upon the whole, was favourable to the project and to the site that had been recommended. Coun. Duke thought it was not wanted, and he could not consent to spend the people’s money in that way. – Coun. Poole would also vote against it, whether it were proposed for east or west. – Coun. Winter could not sympathise with Messrs. Poole and Duke. The object which the Government had in inspecting the police was to get that body into the most efficient state, and he supposed Capt. Willis in making the recommendation to the Watch Committee was actuated by the wish to see the police duties carried out in the best possible form. He certainly must support the proposal. Coun. Gausden, in reply, said it appeared to him that the chief objection was the price. He could only say that the present occupier of the land would be glad to purchase it at the price, and he himself would be equally willing to give the sum named. – The voting shewed 16 for adopting the report, and only four against it.
Fencing the Parade. At the same meeting (Sept. 6th) the Mayor informed the Board that Mr. James Burfield had fallen over the parade near the Infirmary on the previous evening, and narrowly escaped serious injury. He (the Mayor) suggested that an iron railing, similar to that on the Marine parade should there be affixed. The subject was referred to the Roads Committee, with power to act. The said [ 94 ]parade was a near narrow strip on which two persons could barely walk abreast. Its position was that where now is the north or land side of what are known as the White-rock Baths, and was originally formed in 1835 by an inward bend of many feet, after several ineffectual attempts, against the resistance of the sea, to continue the wall in a straight line with the Eversfield parade – then of even greater width than it is now. A similar difficulty was experienced in the construction of the Baths, and although the work was ultimately accomplished the additional labour and material requisite for overcoming the force of the sea, added greatly to the expense. The construction of the said Baths was in every way both a convenience and an improvement; and although erected on a vulnerable point, has hitherto withstood the buffeting of the waves in safety. But now, at the time of writing (May, 1900) the Baths have been placed in greater danger in consequence of their frontage being more than ever denuded of its protecting shingle, which has necessitated a large outlay in the construction of additional groynes. This unfortunate condition is precisely what was pointed out in Brett’s Gazette in one of its articles against the harbour project, as likely to result. It was there stated that the harbour, if ever built, would collect a large angle of beach, which would tend to the formation of a kind of bay to the westward, into which the sea would flow with greater force, to the danger of valuable property. It appears not to be recognised by our governing body nor even by boatmen that the larger the angle of beach that may be accumulated on the west side of even a groyne, the more will the obstructed waves of the sea be thrown back on to the east side of the opposite groyne and scour out the beach from that angle.
New Cottage at St. Andrews. For the erection of this cottage ten tenders were received, ranging from £196 to £280, and the one sent in by Mr. Pattenden was accepted.
A Caisson de Fer. On the 5th of July, the council received an application from Lieut de Manico, R.N. for permission to place a hollow fabric of iron, filled with stones, on the West rocks at half tide (with the sanction of the Admiralty) to have its properties thoroughly tested. Its dimensions were 6 feet long, 3 feet broad and 6 feet high. On the motion of Coun. Winter, the application was referred to the Stonebeach Committee, with power to act. At the September meeting another letter was received from Lieut Manico, in which writer thanked the Council for the permission given him, and intimated that his cradle was to remain on the Pier rocks during the Council’s pleasure.
Oak Pavement Kerb. Several accidents having happened at this place opposite Mr. Amoore’s shop in High street. Coun. Duke suggested [ 95 ]that the pavement or kerb should be altered so as to make the road wider. The suggestion was referred to the Roads Committee. Many years later the said pavement was greatly improved in connection with the razing of the old “Swan” premises and the erection of the succeeding new buildings.
Claims to Wreckage. On the 5th of July the Town Clerk mentioned to the Council that Mr. O’Dowd, the solicitor to the Admiralty held an inquiry in the borough on the 7th of May, as to the right of the Council to the wreckage cast ashore within its jurisdiction, the question having remained in abeyance since the “barnacle case”. Some recommendations had arisen out of that case, which it was well the Council should adopt. Ald. Ross moved that the Town Clerk be empowered to request the Borough Members to ask Lord Palmerston, as Lord Warden, to waive his claim to the wreckage, and to lay a case before the judges for a judicial decision as to the legal question. Ald. Ginner would second the motion, because he thought it was time the matter was settled. It was just one of those things, which had been neglected in times past, and the privilege had fallen into the hands of the Lord Warden. – Motion adopted.
The Town Crier. At the July meeting, the Clerk officially notified the death of James Cox, and suggested an appointment pro tem. Walter Cox, son of the late crier was appointed till the next meeting of the Council. At the meeting on Aug. 2nd, Walter Cox was appointed to the office at an annual salary of £10, such office to be held during the pleasure of the Council and on condition that three months notice given on either side should suffice to put an end to the appointment.
The Surveyor Complained of. On the 5th of July, also , Coun. Gausden complained that notice was sent to Mr. Laing of stoppage of drains in Warrior Square on Thursday evening, and that he did not find his way there until Saturday evening; also that parties brought building plans before the Board and after they were passed, infringed them without any check. Mr. Emary also made similar complaints. The Surveyor’s explanation was neither intelligible nor satisfactory.
The Surveyor’s Resignation. – At the next meeting (Aug 2nd) the following letter was read:- “Hastings, 10th of July, 1861” “Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen. – I beg to inform you that having now completed the whole of the sewerage and drainage works of Hastings, and the new waterworks reservoirs, and laying of the mains for the supply of the western district, and that the same is now in perfect working order, I propose to resign my appointment as borough surveyor, surveyor to the Local Board of health, and Surveyor to the Burial [ 96 ]Board at the end of three months, viz, on the 1st of October next. At the same time, if it be the wish of the Council to appoint another gentleman to the situation now or prior to the termination of this notice, I shall be glad to resign my appointments at once, and give him and the Council every assistance in my power during my stay here, provided the Council and Local Board continue to me the remuneration I now receive. In conclusion, I beg to return my sincere thanks for many marks of favour or kindness which I have received from many of you during the time (now five years and a half) I have had the honour to hold my appointments. I am, &c. John Laing, C.E.” The resignation was accepted.
The Appointment of a Successor. The applicants in reply to an advertisement for a successor were very numerous, and at an adjourned meeting on the 13th of September, after their names and testimonials had been read, a selection of 25 candidates was made for further consideration, and the meeting was further adjourned to the 17th, when the list was further reduced to five, and a deputation was appointed to go to Manchester, Scotland, London, Stratford, Wolverhampton and Leeds to make personal enquiries respecting such candidates. Another adjourned meeting was held on the 1st of October, when the delegates made their report.
Final Decision. At the monthly meeting on the 4th of October, the Committee recommended the Council to elect Mr.Mackensie(sic); also that a vote of thanks should be passed to Messrs Ross and Putland for the pains they had taken in making the enquiries, and for the assiduity with which they had carried out the same. After some questions had been answered, Ald. Ginner moved that the Committee’s report be adopted. Ald. Clement seconded, and said he thought Mr. Mackensie(sic) would be above taking a bribe, and in other respects was just the man that would suit them. Mr. Mackenzie was then elected unanimously.
The Volunteer Fire Brigade. – At the meeting on the 5th of July, a letter was received from Superintendent Glenister, in which he offered the gratuitous serviced of 54 men to form a Fire Brigade, and asked the permission to drill them. The Town Clerk said he had asked Mr. Glenister to attend to answer any questions that might be asked. In answer to questions by Ald. Ginner, Mr. Glenister said he did not think his Fire Brigade superintendance(sic) would interfere with his other duties. He had held that position with the present firemen for two years, and he would be willing to give up the drilling of the brigade as soon as other men could be found. The present brigade consisted of only eight men, who were [ 97 ]scattered widely apart, and frequently away from home, whilst the men who had offered their services, were always to be found at Home, and who lived near the engine houses, both conditions of which would be great advantages in case of fire. He had no wish to be at the head of the brigade, although it was the expressed desire of the brigade that he should be. He would take care that it did not interfere with his police duties. Ald. Ginner had no wish to damp the zeal of the new brigade, nor to say a word against it. In case of a large fire, the services of the police were scarcely secondary to a fire brigade, especially in keeping off a crowd and in protecting property from pillage. Ald Ross considered it a very generous act that men should come forward and offer their services as they had done that day. The offer was accepted unanimously.
The Late Fire. At the July monthly meeting, Mr. Growse said the Water Committee wished him to report to the Board that they had made enquiry into the deficient supply of water at the late fire in Western road, and they considered Supt Glenister and Murray, the water manager had done their duty very satisfactorily, but that Muggridge, the turncock, was the worse for liquor, and he had consequently been discharged. (See page 32).
Fire Escape. At the December monthly meeting the Watch Committee recommended the purchase of a fire-escape at about £60. Coun. Bromley cordially agreed with the recommendation, and pointed out both the necessity and advantages of providing such means of saving the inmates of a house when on fire.
Rail and Railings. – On August 2nd, the Local Board consented to place a hand rail on the steps at the south corner of Wellington square, Mr. Shaddack having offered to pay half the expense. A Tender for the erection of railings on the parade opposite the Infirmary was allowed to be withdrawn under the following circumstances:- Mr. H. R. Putland had sent in a tender of £15 5s., and afterwards a letter, stating that he had discovered an item of £4 12s. had been omitted. He wished either to add that amount or to withdraw the tender. Messrs. Alderton and Shrewsbury had sent in a tender at £21 10s 6d. and this was accepted.
Mr. Frewen’s Debt. At the meeting of Oct. 4th, the Clerk said he had written to Mr. Frewen for the amount due from him to the Local Board, three months ago, but had received no reply. The debt in question was the balance of dividends Mr. Frewen had received from [ 98 ]the assignees of the Hastings old Bank, for ashes, and not paid. It was resolved that the Clerk take legal proceedings for the recovery. Although Mr. Frewen was a gentleman of means, his public actions did not shew him to be more gentlemanly than most other gentlemen.
Town Clerk’s Salary. At the October monthly meeting, Mr. Growse, the Town Clerk, applied for an increase of salary, stating as his reasons, that when he was appointed four years before, his salary was reduced nearly £100, but with which he could but be satisfied, because he was comparatively a young hand; but the duties had now much increased, and in consequence he was obliged to keep a larger staff for the work, besides taking up all his own time. He believed he had carried out the duties satisfactorily, and for which he could appeal to the several Mayors’ expressions at the end of their periods of office. He mentioned them because they were in a position to judge of the many details which did not come before other members. If the Council entertained his request, he would prefer that it should be referred either to a special committee or to one of the standing committees, before whom he could enter into details and could give opportunities for seeing the extent of his duties. – It was resolved to refer it to the Watch Committee. At the next meeting the Finance Committee recommended an increase in the Clerk’s salary. In moving the adoption, Coun. Gausden said he was at first opposed to an increase, but from he had gathered he now thought an increase should be made. His present income from all sources was £350, which he thought was not sufficient pay for the duties exacted. He complimented the Clerk for the very efficient manner in which his duties had been performed, and said the proposal was to add £100, which would make the salary equal to that which was received by his predecessor, Mr. Shorter. – Mr. Poole believed there was not a better clerk than they possessed, but that he was sufficiently paid. – Mr. Wingfield had always found Mr. Growse very obliging both in public and in private, but he must oppose the increase because he thought it was not required. Messrs. Howell & Picknell opined that a good officer should be properly paid. On being put to the vote, the motion was carried against only two or three dissentients.
Conviction of Builders (an important case). At the December meeting, Coun. Howell asked a question concerning the cases which were heard in the Hall on the preceding day, in which it was stated that the informations laid against the builders who were defendants were sanctioned by the Board of Health. He had attended every meeting of the Board, and knew that no such resolution had been passed by that body. He therefore pre[ 99 ]sumed that some committee or some person had usurped the authority of the Local Board, and he had to ask the Town Clerk who it was that had taken upon themselves the functions of the Local Board? – The Mayor said that an order had been given that Havelock road should be inspected, and that the Town Clerk had been directed to take proceedings against the parties who were reported to be the defaulters in causing the obstructions. The Town Clerk said the summonses had been taken out in consequence of the Mayor having instructed him to abate the nuisance. He had asked Mr. Mackenzie, Mr. Glenister and Mr. Winter to go and inspect the place and furnish him with reports, on which reports the proceedings were taken. He judged the proper was to take the case before the magistrates, and he did not think he had exceeded his duty. Ald Ginner considered that everything that was done was done by the Board, and most properly done. The state of the Havelock road was both and(sic) injury to the town and a danger to visitors. He did not think they would find another town in which so much leniency had be(sic) shewn to builders. The evil had been going on for some years, for even when the houses in Eversfield place were building, the roads were blocked with piles of bricks. It was got to be so crying an evil that strangers could not escape it, and the Havelock road in particular was in a most disgraceful state. The town authorities had borne with it as long as they could. He believed the proceedings taken to abate the nuisance were under the sanction of the Board, and he was pleased that their officers had found a remedy. He was sorry that Mr. Howell, who was a member of the Board, should be one of those who were affected, because he was the man who ought to have set a good example [Hear, hear]. Instead of which he was the principal offender. Other persons out of doors had said , if they followed Mr. Howell’s example they would have a good guide. The proceedings, in his opinion, were both right and proper. The powers given in the Act of Parliament enabled the servants of the Board to take proceedings for the removal of anything objectionable without an order from the Board, and they should be supported unless they exceeded their duty. – The Mayor would vindicate the Town Clerk from anything that might be imputed to him. He had given Mr. Growse instructions to take proceedings of which Mr. Howell complained. The builders had received notices which they would not attend to, and he felt that he had done right in giving the directions he had. During the discussion Mr. Howell discourteously contradicted some statements and was called to order. Mr. Vidler also used some strong expressions personally addressed to Mr. Howell, and elicited cries of “chair” and “order”. – Couns. Gausden was glad the Mayor and Mr. Ginner had put the matter in a proper shape. From his own observations, in comparison with other towns, in(sic) had no hesitation in [ 100 ] saying that the builders here had no cause of complaint. – Coun. Howell replied that if it were not for the builders there would be no town at all. A contrary assertion might have been made, that it it were not for the town, the builders would have had no work at all, and would not have made such rapid fortunes as some of them did.
The Case at Court. For the better comprehension of the proceedings of which Mr. Howell complained, an abreviated(sic) report of the case at court is here appended. On the 5th of December there was a crowded court, in which the building interest had the major predominance in consequence of five gentlemen of that craft having been summonsed for obstructing Havelock road. Mr. Langham opened the case by stating that the informations had been laid for preventing obstructions and for the protection of foot-passengers who had for some time suffered great inconvenience. He would take Mr. Howell’s case first because he was the largest builder and also a member of the Town Council, who ought to have set an example to the others. The law required of a builder that before he proceeded to build, pull down or alter any premises he should erect a hoarding and lay down a foot-planking, protected by a hand-rail so that passers-by may not be thrust into the road-way or have their safety imperilled by passing vehicles. The present proceedings were taken under the Local Board Act of 1848, which had been incorporated with a later Act. In default of providing a hoarding &c. the penalty enacted was £5, and a further penalty of 40s. for each day, the hoarding, &c was not put up. The 81st section provided that all rubbish made or holes dug in the course of building, should be protected by a light at night and be enclosed at the expense of the builder. Mr. Howell’s case was taken under this section, and he (Mr. Langham) was instructed that Mr. Howell was building seven houses on the west side of the Havelock road, where the footpath was completely covered with bricks and mortar and other materials. This had been going for two or three months. The advocate then examined his witnesses, and Mr. Howell cross-examined them on a point which Mr. Langham contended had no bearing on the case. In his defence, Mr. Howell that although a wise one for such places as Cheapside might be unobserved with advantage in provincial towns and would be very expensive to builders to comply with, if carried out strictly to the letter. In the summonses against Thomas Vidler, George Thwaites, and Walter Longhurst, only portions of the pathway had been occupied, but they had not hoarded-in their materials. In the complaint against Robert Burchell, Mr. Langham said a nominal fine would be sufficient, as after being served with the notices he had removed the obstruction within the stipulated 48 hours. The Bench fined Mr. Burchell 1s. and costs, and each of the others £1 and costs. [ 101 ]
Another Pier and Harbour. – At the October meeting, the Clerk read a letter from Mr. Manning, of London, on behalf of Messrs. Birch, civil engineers, who wished the Council to grant them a site near the Fishmarket for a pier and harbour. Two gentlemen had also called on Mr. Growse concerning the project, and he had told them what the Council had already granted in reference to the proposed pier near the Infirmary; also of Capt. Steigh’s plans. It would be right, (said Mr. G) to tell the Council that an Act was passed last Session which facilitated the erection of piers, harbours and similar works by giving power to the projectors to obtain loans from the National-Debt Commissioners. The letter stated that Messrs. Birch had been connected with Brighton and Margate piers. It also added that the work could be carried without any outlay or liability of the town. – Letter referred to the Stonebeach Committee.
The Proposal Debated. At the following meeting (Nov. 1st) the Stonebeach Committee presented an elaborate report emanating from the Town Clerk, who pointed out that under the Acts 24 & 25 Victoria, c 45 & 47, powers were given to Town Councils to memoralize(sic) the Board of Trade to be appointed a harbour authority for carrying out pier and harbour works, the construction of which was facilitated by the powers given in those Acts. Consent having been obtained, application had then to be made to the Admiralty for powers to raise the funds required. The Public Works Loan Commissioners, when permission was obtained would advance a loan on the security of the tolls and dues arising from such and harbour only. But before such loan was advanced, the Admiralty must be satisfied that the scheme was likely to realize sufficient funds to defray an interest of 3¼ per cent and a sinking fund to repay the principal in fifty years. Messrs. Birch (engineer) and Manning (solicitor) had attended the Committee and exhibited plans of a proposed pier, forming a harbour which would be constructed of iron at a cost not exceeding £100,000. The area of the proposed harbour would be forty acres, with a depth of 12 feet at low water. By diminishing the size the cost would be reduced, or the pier could be carried out into deeper water at an additional expense. The Committee now reported that such pier, forming a harbour, should be constructed off the Fishmarket, under the provisions of the recited Acts. They also reported if the necessary sanction of the Board of Trade and Admiralty could not be obtained, the cost of the plans and notices would not exceed £300, but if leave were obtained, this sum would be repaid out of the permanent fund. The £300 (said Mr. Growse) would be got from the borough funds. – Alderman Ginner was of opinion that a harbour at Hastings would not pay. A great many schemes for a harbour had been submitted to them, but he thought the public were liable to be misled. The one now proposed to them was [ 102 ]of great cost, and he had an idea that it would not be efficient. It would be open at the sides, so that the water would be in an unsettled state and the harbour not available in rough weather. He also said that the depth of water being only 12 feet, would not be enough. One vessel in which he was interested drew 11½ feet. With regard to the scheme being a paying one, to lay out £100,000 was a very large sum, and if they considered the smaller estimate – about £85,000, at the moderate interest of 3¼ per cent., and the sinking fund at not less than 5 per cent., an annual revenue of from £4000 to £5000 would be required. How this was to be obtained was a very grave question. They were shut out from several sources of revenue which were open to other ports. The distance at which we were situated from London would prevent traffic by steamboat; and with the shallowness of water as already stated he did not see how it could pay as a harbour of refuge for vessels of any size passing up and down channel. The principal revenue would be derived from coal. The Act of Parliament allowed 7d. per ton on all coals imported, and the importation into the borough last year would yield about £1000. But the railway would compete with them in this commodity under greater advantages. Something might also be derived from the importation of timber and bricks – he could not say how much – perhaps £500 or £600. They would thus be about £3,500 short; and he did not see how they could get up a case for the admiralty. Formerly a good deal of merchandize was brought by sloops, but which the railways had now put an end to, and he did not believe that trade would revive even if they had a harbour here. Mr. Manning had stated that if they applied to the Board of Trade they would be obliged to send a cheque for £100, and then they would send down a surveyor, and if he approved of the plans in his report, another cheque would have to be sent for he did not know how much. After again stating his belief that the scheme would not pay, Ald. Ginner moved that it should be at once abandoned. Coun. Putland spoke in favour of the report and moved its adoption. Ald. Clement said there was no chance of a harbour being constructed, there being no private party who would carry it out on their own responsibility. Ald. Ross would second the motion, because Hastings should have a harbour, although he did not approve of the present plan. Ald. Gausden said the matter had taken him rather by surprise. The Committee did not recommend them to spend money, and he thought the resolution was too open. He would like them to have nothing to do with it. Hastings was a fashionable watering place, and he hoped it would ever remain so. He moved, as an amendment, that the question stand over till the next meeting. Ald. Ginner seconded. Coun. Winter said he would vote for the adoption of the report simply because it [ 103 ]did not commit them to anything. He was of opinion that a harbour here would not pay, and that they should nip the project in the bud, and let the report be entered on the minutes. It was the opinion of some of the members that such schemes were got up by interested parties, and that great care should be taken how they were encouraged. After some further discussion, the question was put to the vote, when 6 voted for the amendment, and 11 for the motion that the report be entered on the minutes. A Special Meeting was held on Wednesday, Nov. 20th in connection with the harbour, the same having been called by the Mayor, who said that Messrs. Manning and Walker had called on him with fresh proposals. The case was urgent, as if the Council were favourable to the proposal, it must be decided before the 23rd instant. He knew that an objection could be raised by some that the dues on coals would be raised a shilling[1] or fifteen pence a ton; but then it was a question whether the inhabitants would not get them as cheap as they did now, in consequence of competition. Individually he thought a harbour would greatly benefit the old town and would add to the safety and prosperity of the fishery. The Town Clerk said he had received a letter from Messrs. Manning and Walker stating it was the wish of the promotors to confine their first application to a pier only, with a view to its extension for a harbour at a future time. If the Council were favourable to this plan it would be advisable for them to become the promotors, and there were parties who were willing to become responsible for the preliminary expenses of application; but the Council must become the memorialists. He, Mr. Growse, thought it right to tell the Council that, under the Acts of Parliament, the Council, as memorialists would be deemed to be the promotors of the scheme, and be held answerable to Government for the expenses. Of course if the Board of Trade granted the loan, the preliminary expenses would be repaid out of the general fund. The money would not be granted without a sufficient guarantee that the returns would pay the costs. Several members spoke in terms condemnatory of the scheme, and the discussion was carried on with considerable warmth. Coun. Winter thought the applicants wished to make a cat’s paw of the Council. They had their case to lay before the Admiralty wrapped up in Lavender. After what had taken place at the last meeting it was not honest to bring it before the Council again. Ald. Ginner spoke in terms deprecatory of the new scheme, and being told that the proposed site of the pier was to be near the East-parade, said a pier there would be very objectionable. It would be liable to shut out the boats from the Fishmarket, and to a great extent damage the navigation into and out of that part for both vessels and boats; for, with the wind in certain quarters they would not be able to [ 104 ]get off, and with a strong easterly wind they would be sure to be driven against the pier. A pier by itself would be objectionable, for it would give refuge to no vessel, and there would be no commerce to make it pay. Ald. Rock argued that the promoters had only altered their plans to suit what they gathered had been the view of the Council. Their motives were clear enough. An engineer and a lawyer were wanting employment, and if they could get it and benefit the town at the same time, he saw no objection to the course. The question for the Council was whether or not the scheme was a good one. If the thing could be tested without putting the borough to any expense, he saw no reason why it should not have a fair trial. He would move that the Council should forward the necessary memorials if Messrs. Birch and Manning would cause to be deposited a sufficient sum of money to cover all the expenses of the preliminary enquiry. Coun. Bromley characterised the plan as a scheme to get office work in drawing out plans which were not intended to be carried out, the cost of which the Council would be asked to pay. Coun. Howell found it was one the management of which and the tolls of which the Council could have nothing to do with. He wished to move that the Town Clerk be instructed to write to the parties, telling them the Council would give their moral support to a scheme for a harbour, but they declined to be the memorialists. Coun. Gausden thought if the project were left in the hands of Messrs. Manning and Walker, they would hear no more about it. Mr. Rock withdrew his motion, and Mr. Howell’s amendment was carried unanimously.
Address to the Queen – The last meeting of the Council in 1861, as well as the last item here noticed of their proceedings was a special one on Saturday, the 21st of December, for the purpose of agreeing to an address of condolence to Her Majesty in the hour of her bereavement. The Mayor wore a funeral scarf over his robe of office, as well as the official mourning on the left arm. The maces were covered with crape(sic), and the members, generally, were in mourning. The Mayor said the occasion, which has caused me to call you together is a very sad and painful one. It is to pass a vote of condolence on account of the great loss which has fallen upon our beloved Sovereign, and which has caused a sorrow so deep that it is felt from the palace to the cottage – from the highest to the lowest in the land. No man in this country could have done more to purify the hearts and tastes of its people than did the deceased Prince. Her Majesty can now no longer receive the support and consolation of her late and beloved consort in the trials and troubles of life; and in her deep affliction I call on you, gentlemen, to pass a vote of condolence to Her Majesty, to be presented through the Secretary of State for the Home Department at the earliest opportunity, and [ 105 ]unto which the seal of the Corporation shall be attached. The Town Clerk then read the following address:-
- “To the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty:-
“Most Gracious Sovereign, - We, the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of Hastings in Council assembled, most respectfully beg to express our deep sympathy and condolence with your Majesty in the bitter affliction with which it has pleased an All-wise Providence to visit your Majesty, your Majesty’s family, and the nation at large
“We beg to assure your Majesty, on this mournful occasion, that your late Royal Consort was highly esteemed and beloved throughout your dominions, for the admirable example of domestic and social duties he displayed, and also for his ready support in the advancement of literature, science and art.
“We beg, most humbly to testify our unabated loyalty and attachment to your Majesty and your Majesty’s family; and that in your present affliction your Majesty is, if possible, more endeared to the hearts of your subjects; and we trust and pray that your Majesty may be sustained in this time of trial by the gracious help and favour of an All-merciful God, and be comforted by your Majesty’s family.
“We therefore, respectfully pray your Majesty to accept this our sincere and devoted expression of condolence and attachment.
“Given under our common seal on the 21st day of December, 1861.”
- “To the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty:-
Ald. Hayles, in seconding the motion, felt it to be quite unnecessary to recapitulate the virtues and good qualities of the deceased Prince. To Her Majesty the loss would indeed be great, but he feared the nation had yet to learn the full extent of the loss to the country. Ald. Rock supported the motion. The address fully expressed, as far as it could be done in such a document, the feelings that were entertained towards our gracious Sovereign. He had already appeared in that Hall in reference to the national loss in another capacity. In his civic position he would most heartily support the address, and would bear his testimony of approval of what the Mayor had done in calling the meeting. Needless to say, the address was unanimously agreed to.
Accidents and Fatalities.[edit]
Mr. George Lindridge’s eldest son (George Edward) 16 years of age, was skating on the ice on Friday, the 11th of January, when he fell and received internal injuries which caused his death, three days later.
Miss Ticehurst (daughter of F. Ticehurst, Esq, Mayor), was thrown out of her father’s four-wheeled chaise, on Friday, the 3rd of May, and had a miraculous escape of being precipitated over the East Cliff. The chaise had been standing at the top of the Tackleway whilst Mr. Ticehurst visited Mr. Phillips, [ 106 ]at Hastings, when the horse suddenly started off and ran to the bottom of the road where was a wood fence close to the edge of the cliff. Against this the animal dashed, and having broken the top bar, leaped over so that his fore feet were right on the edge of the precipice, the height of which was fifty or sixty feet from the ground below. Fortunately, the fore-wheels of the carriage were checked by the lower bars of the fence; and thus, although Miss Ticehurst was thrown out, and slightly injured by the concussion, she marvellously escaped what might have been a terrible death.
A workman named Peters fractured a leg on the 13th of May, at Breeds’s brewery, whilst stacking sacks of malt, and accidentally capsizing a low moveable stage by treading on the outer edge instead of the centre.
Another Accident at East Cliff. An escape from death quite as miraculous as that of Miss Ticehurst, even if not more so, was experienced by a gentleman visitor named Cruckenden, on May 27th. On leaving the East Hill by the path near the edge of the cliff, at the Tackleway, he incautiously ran down the upper part of the ascent, but endeavoured to check himself at the public seat placed on the edge of the cliff just where the pathway turned at a sharp angle. His grasp of the post was not sufficiently firm, and he fell over the edge just beyond the seat, a depth of 60 feet on to the roof of some stabling. Those who witnessed the occurrence expected to find, as they said, the gentleman dead with every bone in his body broken. Strange to say, on being removed to the Dolphin public-house, Mr. Ticehurst, who was quickly in attendance, found that not a bone was broken, and the only wound was a laceration of the chin. Mr. Cruckenden, in his descent, struck the rock at about 24 feet, and probably this, combined with the circumstance that the roof on which he alighted was formed of zinc plates (which yielded to the blow and caused two of the rafters to snap), saved him from a crushing death. But even with that explanation, his escape was marvellous.
Another Narrow Escape. On the same date at night, William Mace the master of a Ramsgate fishing-smack off Hastings, met with an accident which nearly cost him his life. With the rest of the crew, he was engaged in “shooting” the trawl, when he became entangled in the apparatus, from which he was thrown overboard, breaking an arm in the fall. The crew were unable to assist him, and he was obliged to remain in the water till picked up by another boat. He was brought ashore and promptly attended by Mr. Ticehurst.
Accident to a Carpenter. On the 3rd of June, William Woodhams, of Halton, broke the bone of one of his legs by a simple fall, whilst, with a basket of tools on his back, he passed from the Albion hotel to the Marine parade.
Another accident at Sea. Some wonderment was evinced by folk [ 107 ]along shore on the morning of Tuesday, July 2nd at hearing the report of a gun fired from a Hastings collier, and also at seeing the pendant of the vessel lowered to half mast. But the mystery was soon cleared up when the small boat of the Queen – that being the vessel’s name – reached the shore with an invalided sailor-boy. The lad thus conveyed had fallen from the rigging, and fractured the bones of his arms. He was immediately carried to the Infirmary, where, of course, he received the necessary attention. His name was said to be Smith, and his home at High Wickham.
Singular Accident to a Horse. On the 10th or 11th of July, a fatality of a very curious character happened to a horse belonging to butcher Banks, of Wellington place. The animal – valued at 20 guineas – was grazing in a field between Belmont and Mr. North’s tank, when it rambled up the bank, where just on the edge of an old quarry was a cleft in the rock, into which the poor brute fell in an upright position, but in such a way as to get his body fixed. When discovered, the horse was found to have died, and apparently after having made great efforts to relieve itself. The rock had to be cut away to get out the carcase. This curious accident reminds the writer that in the year 1821, he witnessed the (he thinks unsuccessful) efforts to rescue a dog that had fallen into a deep cleft in the rock from the top of Cuckoo Hill.
Curious Carriage Accident. On the 26th of July a one horse fly, while coming down the Castle hill with the skid-pan on and the driver leading his horse, the latter commenced kicking, from some unascertained cause. It ultimately became unmanageable, rushed down the remainder of the steep road, and swerved sharply round in the direction of Wellington square. There the carriage was turned over, and a lady and gentleman were thrown out, after which the vehicle was turned completely over again, with the horse sprawling beside it. On being picked up, the gentleman was found not to be greatly hurt, but the lady was much cut and bruised, her face being covered with blood.
Bathing Accident. The week which ended on the 10th of August was noted for two of these occurrences. In one instance an incursionist entered the water at low-tide beyond the East groyne, and having got upon the rocks was suddenly precipitated into a deep mud-hole, from which he was unable to extricate himself. He was rescued from his perilous position by means of the Humane Society’s boat-hooks just in time to prevent drowning. He was much cut about the legs from striking against the rocks. – The second accident occurred on the following Tuesday (Aug. 6th), also near the East groyne. A lad named Stephen Pilbeam, of the Crown Inn, was bathing that morning and got into a hole in the sands, and sank immediately. His cries for help soon attracted notice, but the people on shore were unable to help [ 108 ]him. Two fishermen, John and Charles Clark, were providentially near in a small boat, and managed to hook him out. When carried to the Dolphin inn, the youth appeared to be quite lifeless, and it was not till Mr. Ticehurst (who was promptly in attendance) had been engaged for half an hour with the usual means for restoring life that the sufferer gave signs of animation. After that, he soon recovered.
Fatal Occurrence At (St. Leonards) Winchelsea. Near the Ferry Gate and at a short distance from the railway station at Winchelsea, is a portion of land belonging to the borough of Hastings, on which there used to be a waterfall known as the “Dripping Well”. There was also a mill, and which was the scene of a fatal accident, thus causing an inquest to be held on the 23rd of August on the body of Benjamin King, a millwright of Rye. As already stated, the locality in which the mill was situated, belonged to the borough of Hastings, and was, consequently, in the district of the coroner for that town. J. P. Shorter, Esq., deputy-coroner, held an enquiry into the circumstances of the case. There being no inhabitants in the parish of St. Leonards, Winchelsea, a jury had to be summoned from Hastings, and the inquest was held in the open air near the mill. It appeared that the mill in question was undergoing some repairs, and for that purpose, a piece of timber, 36 feet in length, was being hauled up outside, when the rope broke and the uppermost end of the timber fell on the head of the deceased and inflicted an injury which the sufferer survived only half an hour, and that without speaking. There was, therefore, no doubt about the accidental nature of the fatality. Mr. Sharp, the owner of the mill had a narrow escape, he being thrown from a trussel struck by the timber, which resulted in the fracture of one leg. It was said that no previous instance was recorded of an inquest being held in that outlying district since the year 1784, and even then as the deceased was removed beyond the boundaries of that part of the borough, the investigation was not made by the coroner for Hastings.
Death while Bathing. An invalid gentleman, named Hatfield, while bathing at White-rock place on Tuesday the 17th of September, was seized with violent coughing, which ruptured a blood-vessel and caused almost instantaneous death.
A Fatal Fall from Carlisle Parade. – On Monday the 30th of September, a lady visitor, 68 years of age, the widow of John Mallett, late of Highbury and Stoke Newington, while in company with relatives and friends on Carlisle parade, at about half-past seven in the evening, suddenly stepped back a few feet and accidentally fell over on to the beach. She was conveyed home and survived only about four hours.
A Carriage Accident. – On Sunday, the 27th of October, Spencer Soane, a fly-driver, was accidentally run over and one of his arms broken, by his [ 109 ]own carriage, in consequence of his horse stumbling while descending a rough road at Hollington. He was pitched over the horse’s head, and the wheels went over his arm.
Another Accident at Carlisle Parade. On the evening of Nov. 1st, a gentleman visitor named Vaughan Davis, fell over the parade wall in front of Robertson terrace, and became a sufferer from a compound fracture of one of his thighs. Messrs Savery and Son were called to his assistance, and had him conveyed to his residence in Breeds place.
Waggon Accident. On the 15th of November, a youth named Suters, was driving a team of horses with a waggon down the hill near Breed’s barn at Guestling , and when getting off the shaft by some means fell to the ground, one, wheel, if not two wheels passed over the upper part of his body, and necessitated his being conveyed to his home at Guestling Thorn, and medical assistance obtained. The waggon happened to be empty, or instantaneous death must have resulted.
A Carriage Accident. On the 23rd of November, a carriage belonging to Mr. G. Willard, of the Swan Mews, was greatly damaged by the running away of an attached horse. The latter had been driven to the railway station with a fare, and while the driver had gone into a house at the top of Havelock road, the horse started off at full speed, getting into collision in Castle street, with a van, whereby one of the carriage wheels was knocked off. Still rushing on, the horse fell at the Pelham Arcade, the carriage was turned over and the front of it knocked to pieces. No person was injured.
Cart Accident. On Monday, Dec. 30th, as the driver of a horse and cart was alighting in the Fishmarket, the latter started off rapidly, and the vehicle coming in contact with an aged fisherman, named Lebulon White, knocked him down, passed over his body, and inflicted considerable injury on the unfortunate man. (For accidents at St. Leonards during the year see pages 6 & 7.)
Balls and Entertainments.[edit]
Mrs. Fletcher-Norton gave a splendid ball at her mansion, 4 Wellington square, on the 15th of January, to about 130 of the nobility and gentry of the town and neighbourhood.
Oddfellows’ Soirée. The annual celebration of the Victoria Lodge, M. U. took place in the Music Hall on the 16th of January. The party consisted of about 220, who, after the clearing away of tea, danced to the strains of Hermitage’s band, till a late hour.
The Borough Ball came off on Tuesday the 28th of January at the new Assembly Room, Castle Hotel, and was well attended.
(For St. Leonards Balls & parties see page 11) [ 110 ]
St. Clement’s New Bells[edit]
“The Bells! Bells! Bells! Those merry, merry bells” (shouted the St. Leonards Gazette, of January 5th) “which in the tower of St. Clement’s Old Church were to have rung the new years chimes, have not yet arrived from the place of their nativity; and consequently, those of our acquaintance and non acquaintance who might have been dreaming of such sweet sounds, ne’er before did greet their ears, must have experienced a disappointment to find the revel postponed to Valentine’s Day.”
The new bells arrived on the 15th of February, and workmen were at once engaged in removing the old bells and hoisting the new ones in their places.
The new peal of bells from the foundry of Naylor, Vickers & Co., of Sheffield, were finished fixing during the last week of March. The peal consisted of eight bells made of cast steel, the largest of which was 54 inches in diameter and 2,208 lbs in weight. The smallest bell was a little less than 4 cwt., and measured 30 inches in diameter. Their pitch was that of E natural, and their weight was fully a third less than would be those of bronze metal to produce the same musical tones.
The opening ceremony took place on the 3rd of April, when a company of professional ringers from Hythe, were engaged to ring the bells at intervals during the day. A favourable opinion was general(sic) expressed.
On the 18th of April, with a favourable wind and a clear sky, the new bells were distinctly heard on the West Hill at St. Leonards – a distance of two miles or more. The cost of the Bells (including incidental expenses) was £497 18s.
The new bells of St. Clement’s church were again put upon their mettle and metal on the first of June, when a party of capital ringers from Sandhurst treated the good folk of Hastings to an unusually merry peal. The bells met with general approval with the exception of the tenor (the most important one) which was condemned as having an imperfect vibration.
Special Dinners & Suppers.[edit]
The change from the old year to the new was marked by seasonable festivities. F. North, Esq., M.P. entertained a large party at dinner, including the Borough and County Magistrates, members of the Corporation &c. W. D. Lucas-Shadwell, Esq., renewed his periodical treat to his workpeople at Fairlight Hall, by giving to about 40 men in his employ 4lbs of beef to each single man, and 8lbs to each married man, and pudding in a like proportion. Messrs. Rock an(sic) Son, coach-builders, also, according to annual custom, gave the work-people in their employ a substantial supper in the factory.
Another dinner was given by F. North, Esq., on the 3rd of January to the [ 111 ]members of the Town Council and other town officials. Capt. and Mrs. Charles North, the Rt. Hon Thomas Headlam, Mrs Headlam, and other relatives and other personal friends were also present.
The Castle Club had its dinner, according to annual custom, at the Castle hotel on the 6th of February, R. Growse, Esq., was in the chair and Mr C. Duke in the vice-chair.
A Dinner to the Recorder and Magistrates was given by G. Scrivens, Esq., on Friday, March 15th, at the close of the Quarter Sessions.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher-Norton entertained at dinner, on June 3rd, at their London mansion, Mr. Brisco and Capt. Musgrave Brisco (their relatives) the Duke of Rutland, the Marquis of Bristol, the Earl of Jermyn, Lord John Manners, Lady Menzies, & a number of others in the ranks of the nobility and gentry.
Messrs. Rock’s Workmen, about 50 in number, had their “bean-feast” on the 24th of June, by an excursion to Eastbourne and Beachy Head, via Pevensey Castle. Mr. Rock, sen. presided at the dinner table.
The Archidiaconal Dinner was prepared by Mrs. Carswell, at the Swan hotel on the second of July, after Archdeacon had given his charge at St. Clement’s Church. The attendance was not quite so numerous as was usual, covers being laid for 50 only.
The Recorder and Magistrates were entertained at dinner on the 11th of October, by A. Burton, Esq. at his residence on the Marina.
A Harvest Home Dinner, agreeably to annual custom was given at Coghurst Hall on the 16th of October, by Mrs. Frewen. The dinner consisted of roast beef , plum pudding and ale, and was supplemented in the evening by a tea. Added to the workmen were the wives and families, and some tradesmen of Ore – altogether about 140. The Mayor’s Dinner took place at the Swan hotel on Monday 11th of November, and was attended by a more numerous company than usual. The ex-Mayor (Ald. Ticehurst) presided, and was supported by the Mayor elect (Ald. Ross)
Lord Harry Vane, M.P. entertained the Mayor and Town Council at dinner in the banqueting hall at Battle Abbey on the 12th of September.
The St. Clements Choir took supper together on the 2nd of August at the Swan hotel on the invitation of the Rev. T. Nightingale, who thus testified his approbation of the services of the choir on the separation of his connection with them.
The Annual Supper to Messrs Alderton & Shrewsbury, iron founders, took place at the Cutter inn on the 25th of November, the anniversary of the patron saint, St. Clement. [ 112 ]
Partnerships Dissolved.[edit]
The London Gazette, of Friday, July 5th, announced the dissolution of partnership between Charles Lockey and George Lindridge, music dealers.
The same Gazette of Friday Nov. 22nd, announced the dissolution of partnership, of John Carey, jun. and Levi Avery, carpenters, of St. Leonards. Also on Friday, May 10th the Gazette announced the dissolution of partnership of Henry Hughes and William Hunter, builders of St. Leonards.
The Fishing Industry.[edit]
The Fishery.[edit]
On Sunday morning Jan. 20th the fishing boat “Palace” landed 1100 mackerel, which realised nearly £40. This was the first catch of the season, the boats that had been away from home for three weeks having been very unfortunate. Another three weeks passed and the fishing luggers that had gone west continued to be singularly unsuccessful. The latest accounts stated that there were seventy or eighty boats from Portsmouth and Plymouth, and that on one occasion the night’s catch consisted of eight fish amongst the whole fleet; and even this was beaten on the night of February 8th, when one only was caught by the whole of the fleet.
On the 8th and 9th of May, the boats engaged in fishing off Hastings had an extraordinary catch of the pretty and delicate little mullet. The numbers brought in by each boat varied from 50 to 150, and were sold at from £5 10s to £6 10s. per hundred. They also brought in some small quanties(sic) of mackerel, for which the prices obtained were from 48s to 56s. per hundred. At this time the Hastings boats in the western waters were being more successful in mackerel catching than previously stated.
On the afternoon of May the 22nd, about 5,500 mackerel were caught in the nets at Bopeep, and were sold for £80. It was a novel sight to see them picked from the staked nets while standing on the sand at low water.
During the last week in June, a specimen of the pugnacious and voracious sea wolf was caught near Hastings, and exhibited at the shop of Mr. Breach, a fishmonger, in Commercial road. The head was of a cat-like formation and possessed most formidable teeth. The body was crossed by vertical bands and varied with spots of a darker colour. It was 3ft 2in long, and 2ft in girth. It is an inhabitant of the norteen(sic) seas, but a stranger to the English Channel.
The comparative failure of last season’s herring voyage and the unproductive mackerel voyage, pressed heavily on the resources of the town’s fishing population; and the fleet of large luggers that had for some time left Hastings for the northern seas had done but little by way of retrievement until the second week in September, when a few of the boats appeared to have made a satisfactory commencement. William Hayward’s boat, had a “sivver” which realized £60. [ 113 ]Herrings ho! The fishing families rejoiced on the morning of October’s last day at the arrival of several boats laden with herrings caught in the home waters. The Thomas of which Betts was master, and the Susannah, of which Larkins was master, caught a last each, and some other boats caught several thousands each. The prices ranged from £30 to £28 per last, and 9s 6d. per hundred.
Another Rich Haul rewarded the fishermen, four days later, when from twenty to thirty of their boats landed herring ranging from two to twenty thousand. John Hide’s boat had two lasts (20,000); The Jolly Fisherman and the May-flower, 1½ lasts each; the Thomas John, the Punch and the Phantom, twelve or thirteen thousand each; and others a less number. They were sold at £15 to £19 per last. On returning to the fishing ground, the boats were soon driven back by a gale.
The Success Checked. After the last named date (Nov. 4th) the wind and weather were such that for a fortnight or more the herring boats were unable to put to sea, although it was known that there was an abundance of fish in the Channel. On the 23rd, however, one boat landed 1½ lasts; and on the 28th, the catches were large and in numerous parcels. The Industry had 24 thousand; the Elizabeth, 20 thousand, the Bee, 17,000; the Four Brothers, 14,000; the Providence, 10,000; and two or three other boats from ten to fifteen thousand. There were also many smaller quantities. The prices ranged from £21 to £23 per last.
On the East Coast the larger luggers from Hastings were very unfortunate. The accounts from Lowestoff(sic) and Yarmouth were that few of them had earned their expenses. At the latter place much depression prevailed in consequence of the great losses caused by the late gale. A fleet of 200 boats were at sea with their nets shot, when the gale came on, and the said nets were cut adrift, or entangled, or lost. Several of the boats were driven on to the Dutch coast and there wrecked.
In the same gale, two vessels foundered off Portsmouth in one of which was Capt. Fisher, of Hastings. He sailed the Eclipse, laden with iron from London to Portsmouth, and on the evening of the 25th of November the vessel was at anchor, but was found to have sunk in the morning in four fathoms of water. It was surmised that the vessel dragged her anchor and drifted on to a shoal. The master and crew were all drowned. Two bodies were washed ashore, one of which was identified as the mate’s.
Another Disaster. – Following the beautiful calm of the 28th of November (frequently a precursor of storm), a gale came on and the boats which were at sea returned to the shore. The Jane and Mary, a boat belonging to Messrs. Tassell & Cobby, landed, with a flowing tide, just before daylight, and just as she was about to be wound up in the usual manner, the [ 114 ]chain in the keel, to which the rope was attached gave way. As the boat then lay in the wash of the sea, little could be for her safely, and so, she remained exposed to the fury of the waves for fully two hours. During that time the nets and a quantity of fish were washed out, the stern and outrigger carried away, and the mizemast(sic) broken in three pieces. Also in the same night, the “Jolly Fisherman” drifted, with her nets, and got them entangled with the masts of a wreck off Fairlight, whereby twenty of the nets were lost.
The Loss of the “Try-all”, of Hastings, was another effect of the gales. She was hopelessly missing, and Henry Cliffen, her captain, and Walter Stace, her mate, left respectively a widow and four children, and a widow and two children to mourn their fate.
Back from the North. By the second or third week in September, the herring catching was entirely suspended, and the larger luggers belonging to Hastings had returned from the North Sea. A few good catches had recently been made off Yarmouth, but they were of an exceptional character. One boat had no fewer than ten lasts, and another had twelve lasts. At Lowestoft 37 lasts of herrings were landed and good prices were obtained. But, beyond these exceptional gluts, the season was not a profitable one; in fact, upon the whole, it turned out to be anything but a remunerative one. The most successful crews only shared an average of about 17s. per week, whilst the average earnings were only 8s. per week. Of the smaller boats many did not pay their expenses. Trawl fishing also was only moderately successful.
The Western Coast. Unusual activity was shewn at Plymouth and the fishing towns of Cornwall in the third week of December, in consequence of unprecedented catches of herrings. About 200 boats were engaged in what was a new branch for that part of the coast. The average price was about 19s. per thousand. All the fish had to be sent off to London or other places by railway, in consequence of the Cornish men not be(sic) acquainted with the mode of curing. About 50 tuns were sent away by one train.
A Barnacle Dispute.[edit]
On the 12th and thirteenth of August, the question of wreckage rights caused a dispute between one of the pleasure-boatmen and Mr. Southon, the Custom-house officer. The boatman purchased a balk of timber which had been picked up by a Deal boat, near the sovereign buoy, and which was covered with some fine specimens of barnacles. The sale originally was an illegal act, all wreckage and derrelict(sic) articles found upon the sea or shore being vested in the Receiver of Wrecks under the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act of 1854. Application [ 115 ]was made to Mr. Southon as the agent for the Receiver, for permission to exhibit the barnacles, and which it was believed was granted on certain easy conditions; but instead of complying with those conditions the boatman proceeded to strip off the barnacles, and he was then stopped by the Custom-House and Coastguard authorities. Within the preceding three months the Board of Trade had obtained convictions on the East Coast under section 450 of the Act against two masters of fishing-boats. In one case a fine of £50 (with three months imprisonment, for default) was inflicted on the defendant for neglecting to deliver to the Receiver of Wrecks, two anchors and a chain taken from a derelict vessel. In the other case a fine of £10 was imposed for the non-delivery of a warp which had been slipped from another vessel.
A Chase at Sea.[edit]
Late on the evening of June 13th, Her Majesty’s revenue cutter “Active” was observed to be chasing an oyster smack which had been found dredging for the bivalves, which being out of season, the operation was an illegal act. The boat having been twice before boarded and the men cautioned, stronger measures were contemplated. The Active, however, was not sufficiently active for the smack, and the latter having the advantage of a light wind, took no heed either of blank cartridge or shot which was fired at her as a signal to “lay to”. The chase was continued to the eastward until the pursued craft in the darkness of night, was hid from view among the numerous other boats and vessels, then in that part of the Channel.
Christian Association.[edit]
The first public meeting of this association (established in 1860) was held in the lecture room of the Wellington-square Chapel on the 25th of October, in the form of a soirée. The room was filled with members of various denominations. After tea and coffee had been disposed of, the chair was taken by the Rev. Jas. Griffen, who stated the object of the society in a very appropriate address.
The Harbour Question.[edit]
The following extracts are from a well-written editorial article in the Hastings and St. Leonards News, of Nov. 29th:-
- “.....Are we in trade or life suffering for the want of a harbour; or is it only a fitful fancy that flashes through our minds when light from strangers’ lanterns sheds a ray upon our darkness and reveals an unfelt want? The question is again revived here. The Town Council has given its “moral support” [See pages 101 to 104] – rather in the dark as it appears to us – to a problematical scheme for a pier or harbour; and speculators now stand, in some [ 116 ]sort officially invited to practise on our credulity and torment us with their thousand plans of Harbours of Refuge and Promenade Piers – every plan being warranted to make Hastings an El Dorado and St. Leonards a paradise. A flourishing town is a good focus for enterprise of all sorts; and plenty of competent engineers and needy lawyers can be found everywhere to prepare plans, and to support them with plausible talk, when a wealthy borough stands at the back of the costly speculation. We know that the Council has no desire to do aught against the interest of the borough. But we venture to think that before it gave any kind of support – “moral” or otherwise – to outside proposals of this nature, it should be at some pains to find out what the ratepayers of the entire borough really feel about the matter. This task also belongs to the journalist, who, in a sense equally true, represents the wishes and the will of the people, and who, if he believes in his vocation at all, and is not a mere automaton, is bound to give an independent and disinterested opinion on all that vitally concerns his fellow men. The object of what we now have to say on this subject will be to impress the necessity of caution in so important an undertaking as the one which is again coming under discussion. This harbour fever is not chronic. It is of the acute kind and comes quite often enough. The cure for it hitherto has been the prospective bill of costs. On the “exhibition” of this anti-phlogistic, the body corporate has taken fright and got “well” forthwith. The process of blood-letting would be too serious – the doctors couldn’t tell when the flow would cease, and whether the patient would sink under it – and so the said patient has resolved on believing himself healthy, and this faith hath cured the fever.... We are not disposed to discuss any particular plan. We go beyond all plans to the deeper question, Do we want a harbour at all? We have before answered this in the negative; and have been thought by some people cruel, and by others blundering. We trust we are neither; but simply right. Calling names will settle no controversy; but adducing arguments will. When we have asked for these on the pro side, we have had declamation, conjectural statistics or abuse. All this has neither settled the question nor us. We repeat the query – Does the borough need a harbour? or even a fishmarket pier, which, though cheaper, could only collect the dues without giving us the protection of a harbour? The cases in which a harbour here could save life are very rare. They are plentiful in advocates speeches at public meetings and in prospectuses; but very rare, in fact. In rough weather, a ship would, if possible, keep far out in the Channel, and would rather trust herself anywhere than in the bight of a bay, where the missing of a small harbour-mouth would be sure destruction. If a [ 117 ]large ship were in danger such a harbour as Hastings would be likely to have would give small hope of protection, even if the water were not too shallow for her to get in. We believe the fallacious hope of refuge would lead to more accidents, through misplaced confidence, than the present entire absence of such a refuge. Small craft could as easily run to Rye as Hastings, and perhaps would rather do it. The boon to the fishery is of a very doubtful character. At least we have a notion that the fishermen themselves, as a body, do not appreciate it. They would rather regard it as an invasion of the only part of the stade now left them as in any sense their own. Our fishermen’s lives are not lost on this coast; but, far away from home – often in the neighbourhood of harbours. Any refuge of this kind would exact larger dues without giving any commensurate boon... Years ago, when the real harbour controversy raged (all others since have been shams) – real, because got up in Hastings, and not forced upon us by speculators from without – we had no railway accommodation as we have it now. The traffic argument consequently is weaker now than formerly; and cannot prove very influential in the present time, when it so failed in the past. As a pecuniary speculation we believe it would prove to be what in slang phrase is termed “a sell”. And the borough would surely object to an experiment being made by adventurous strangers, the could(sic) of which should fall, in case of failure, upon the ratepayers’ pockets. Let us, at all events, clearly understand before anything is begun who is to pay the piper. As Franklin tells us a man “may too dearly for his whistle” and this is doubly provoking when it happens to be a whistle which one doesn’t particularly want. And why, some will ask, all this effort to paralyse the energy of well-meaning improvers of the borough? Simply because we believe the “improvers” are mistaken, and that their energy might be better directed. These towns have grown and prospered at a rate almost unexampled among watering places. One attraction, possibly, may have been the absence of a harbour. We have offered fine promenades and magnificent houses, with cleanliness and quiet. What other advantages, real or supposed, might have done for the borough, is purely conjectural. We know, as a matter of fact, that the place has thriven, and is thriving still, as it is. Whether it would thrive faster with a harbour than without is a matter of opinion. Our opinion is adverse to the idea; principally because on a part of the coast offering fewer natural advanges(sic) than many others, we believe a harbour at this point would drive away more prosperity of one kind than it would bring of another. Hastings can never exel(sic) as both a harbour town and a first-class watering place. It might add a little to its commercial repute, and detract a great deal from its worth as a visitors resort – it [ 118 ]might cease to be itself in the latter respect, only to come short of Folkestone and Newhaven in the other. By all means let us have improvements – plenty of them. We have had them and are having them; thanks to private enterprise, and to the Local Board! But let these improvements continue to run in the groove which Nature and Art point out to us as that which will most surely lead to prosperity. An immense amount of capital is invested in lodging-house property. The trade of these towns lies in that direction; the borough lives by its visitors. No town can embrace every means of trading and make all streams of profit commingle. Let us do one thing well..... If our fellow-townsmen think differently from us, we must submit; but we do not think the majority of them to differ. Let them be tested before the borough be committed to anything. Let the test be applied to them individually as capitalists and ratepayers, and not as “the public” assembled at a general meeting. A public meeting may do good by giving the promotors an opportunity of stating the details of a scheme and of defining what they mean and what they want. In other respects a meeting will only help declaimers to raise expectations which sober fact will be sure to disappoint. We might hear again, as we have heard, of Royal Navies riding at anchor here in heavy storms, - of Commerce bringing her richest treasures hither and filling the borough with her wealth; - of countless lives rescued from the raging deep; of large advantages and small drawbacks; of proposals which present to an excited crowd the maximum of good with the minimum of evil. The vox populi so raised should scarcely be allowed to decide a question of such weight as this..... It is very kind of strangers to take such a deep interest in our welfare; but it is just possible that there(sic) help may only encumber us, or may be regarded by some amongst us as an objectionable experiment – an experiment that would doubtless be profitable to a few, but ruinous to the many. Our readers must not complain that in contributing our share to this discussion we have taken the adverse side, from prospectuses and agents, written and paid for the express purpose of making “the worst appear the better reason”. If we have succeeded in arousing caution, we have done our work. If any habour(sic) scheme be rejected, we shall ?(illegible). If not, and the harbour come, we must acquiesce and make the best of it.
A Magistrate’s Letter, re the Harbour.[edit]
- “To the Editor of the “Hastings and St. Leonards News”. – “Dear Sir, - I was one of those who, some years ago, took a prominent and active part in the attempt to establish a harbour at Hastings, and failed, to then my regret and disappointment. Since that time, however, my views have undergone a total change; for, when I look to the vast progress that Hastings has made as a select and fashionable watering place without a harbour, I strongly suspect that [ 119 ]such a measure would be the first step in advance backward! In a long residence at Hastings, I do not recollect a life being lost or a vessel wrecked that would have been saved by such a harbour as we could have on this coast; and you very properly remark in your last week’s excellent article ‘our fishermen’s lives are not lost on this coast, * but far away from home – often in the neighbourhood of harbours.’ I have only to hope that people in this borough will continue to see the truth of the old saying, “Leave well alone”. P. F. Maccabe. Mill Hill Lodge, Dec 4
“*I rejoice to say that our lifeboat is a sinecure.”
- “To the Editor of the “Hastings and St. Leonards News”. – “Dear Sir, - I was one of those who, some years ago, took a prominent and active part in the attempt to establish a harbour at Hastings, and failed, to then my regret and disappointment. Since that time, however, my views have undergone a total change; for, when I look to the vast progress that Hastings has made as a select and fashionable watering place without a harbour, I strongly suspect that [ 119 ]such a measure would be the first step in advance backward! In a long residence at Hastings, I do not recollect a life being lost or a vessel wrecked that would have been saved by such a harbour as we could have on this coast; and you very properly remark in your last week’s excellent article ‘our fishermen’s lives are not lost on this coast, * but far away from home – often in the neighbourhood of harbours.’ I have only to hope that people in this borough will continue to see the truth of the old saying, “Leave well alone”. P. F. Maccabe. Mill Hill Lodge, Dec 4
Hastings Mechanics’ Institution[edit]
The Committee’s report on the 7th of August, showed the number of members to be 304, or 36 fewer than at the preceding quarter. The treasurers a/c also shewed a cash reduction of about £7, thus leaving a balance in hand of a little over £6. The annual fête was announced to take place on the following Monday in the grounds of P. F. Robertson Esq., of whose continued liberality the committee could not speak too highly. It would be the fourth time the fête had been held in those grounds, and the members were asked to assist in making it as successful as had been the previous ones.
The Fête at Halton came off successfully on the evening selected, the grounds being prettily illuminated under the superintendence of Mr. Joshua Huggett (one of the hon. secretaries), the dancing on the lawn, under the management of Mr. Albert Emary, the music supplied by two or three bands, the refreshments provided by Mr. Sackleworth, and the beautiful fireworks well sustaining Mr. Southby’s reputation. Nearly 2,000 persons were present, and over £90 was taken at the gates including £6 worth of tickets for distribution, purchased by Mr. Robertson and Miss Robertson. The clear profit to the institution was £53 11s. 1d.
The Soirée. Although the soirées previously held in the connection with the Institution had been successful, and a meeting of that description had not been held for several years, the one that took place in the Music Hall on the 28th of October was not so well attended as was hoped for. Tea was partaken of by nearly 100 persons, preceded and succeeded by vocal and instrumental music. After tea the platform was filled by the officers and committeemen of the institution, Mr. Womersley, as president filling the chair. Addresses were delivered by Mr. Major Vidler (of Pevensey) Mr. Wm. Ransom, J. Rock, jun, Esq., and Dr. Hale. A long report was also read by Mr. Joshua Huggett.
The Quarterly Meeting on November 6th was held in the Institution’s room, and the Committee’s report showed that the receipts during the quarter, including the profit on the fête amounted to £79 15s. 10d. and the expenditure to £25 15s. 5d. leaving a balance in hand of £60 16s. 7d. There were, however, several liabilities to place that large balance, the soirée resulting in a loss, and the contract for constructing a partition in the reading-room. [ 120 ]
The Waldegrave Drinking Fountain.[edit]
The first stone of the Drinking Fountain Testimonial to the Countess of Waldegrave was laid on Friday, March 8th. The Rev. Dr. Grosse, in a short address, called attention to the appropriateness of the place and of the form of the testimonials to Lady Waldegrave, whose name was intimately connected with the building and enlargement of the churches and schools in the town and neighbourhood, and especially with the Holy Trinity Church. He also said that the Crown had given especial consent to the application of that portion of their land to the purpose of this testimonial, which competent judges had pronounced to be the best design of the sort yet produced. The stone was then laid in the usual form by Miss Sayer, who said “I lay this stone in trust and prayer that God’s blessing may rest on all good works and those who do them.”
Public Entertainments.[edit]
The Howard Paul Entertainment on the 8th of April at the Music Hall, passed off very successfully. Mrs. Howard Paul, possessing an unusual tenor voice, seemed to win for her the title of a “living photograph” of Mr. Sims Reeves.
A Theatre was opened at the Market Hall on Easter Monday, Ap. 1st by Mr H. Nye Chart, of the Theatre Royal, Brighton. The performances continued five nights per week until May 9th, when Mr. Nye Chart took his benefit. The theatre was re-opened by the same lessee of the Brighton Theatre (but this time at the Music Hall, which was in every way more suitable) on the 11th of November, and continued until the 21st of December.
“To Day and a Hundred Years Ago” was the title of an excellent entertainment produced at the Music Hall on the 13th and 14th of May by Mr. and Mrs. Enderson.
A Circus by the Brothers Cook, took up its quarters in the Priory Meadow on Monday, July 8th, and was favoured by full audiences.
Sangers Circus and Menagerie had a triumphant reception in the Priory Meadow on Monday and Tuesday, 22nd and 23rd of July. the procession was magnificent, the performances were good, and those of the evenings witnessed by a crammed company.
“Latest Intelligence” and “The Christmas Party”, were the separate titles of two performances given in the Music Hall on the 24th and 25th of July by Mrs. George Case (better known as Miss Grace Egerton)
Mrs. Wombwell’s Menagerie, arrived at Hastings on the 9th of August, and staid(sic) till the 13th, during which it received extensive patronage.
Christy’s Minstrels (10 in number) were well patronised at the Music Hall on the 21st and 22nd of August, notwithstanding that Woodin was performing to “crowded houses” at St. Leonards at the same time. [ 121 ]
The Lord Wardenship.[edit]
In the first month of the year, it was understood that the office of Lord Warden was to be abolished, and that the late Marquis of Dalhousie would have no successor. This intimation so far disturbed the volunteer arrangements for the ports that the local Artillerymen, being apprehensive that they would be enrolled under the Lord-Lieutenant of the County struck the first note of independence in the following memorial:-
- “To the Right Hon. the Lord Herbert of Lea, Secretary of War, &c &c.”
“May it please your Lordship, we the undersigned enrolled effective members of the 4th Cinque Ports Artillery Volunteer Corps, have heard with dismay that it is intended to alter the status of our Corps. It does not follow that the privileges of the Cinque Ports are abrogated because the office of Lord Warden is abolished. We speak with justifiable pride when we say we consider ourselves second to no Artillery Corps in England in loyalty, nor, we hope, in efficiency. We are prepared to offer the services of a Brigade of our own; but we are not inclined to continue our services at all if the officers of any other corps are set over us, even for administrative purposes.”
- “To the Right Hon. the Lord Herbert of Lea, Secretary of War, &c &c.”
The intention to bring in a bill in the next session of Parliament to abolish the office around which so many national and historical associations had gathered very naturally excited antagonistic feelings in the other ports also, and at Dover meetings were held, protesting against the threatened intention. The Dover Telegraph published the following:-
- The office of Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports has ever been one of high honour and trust, and its importance was not overlooked even in the days of Roman rule. “The Count of the Sea Coast” kept watch and Ward, with his 2,200 foot and 200 horse During the Saxon heptarchy, when the kingdom was divided, each king guarded his own part of the coast, but ineffectually; and Godwin, Earl of Kent was, without question, the first recognised English Warden. Dying in 1053, he was succeeded by his son Harold, whose ill-starred fortune we yet pity. Harold’s successor (Bertram de Ashburnham) was put to death by the Conqueror, who intrusted William Peveral with the temporary care of the Castle and shore until Odo, Bishop of Baieux received this honour – it being the first office of power and trust conferred by the King after his coronation. It were useless to trace the long list of names and succession of the Wardens in the unsettled times that succeeded the reign of William 1. – Sometimes the office was held by the King, at other times by the Barons and Knights; and an instance is on record that a Bishop of London endeavoured to prove his ability for the position. Edward l., when Prince of Wales, held the post until he ascended the throne. Henry, Prince of Wales, afterwards King Henry V., was appointed by patent, and held the post until his succession to the throne. Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, fourth and youngest son of King Henry IV., [ 122 ]
was made constable by patent in the seventh year of King Henry V. Richard III., when Duke of Gloucester, held the titles; and Henry, Duke of York, afterwards King Henry VIII., was made Constable &c. for life, and Warden during pleasure by a writ, dated from Canterbury. Passing the intermediate reigns, we find that the last charter granted was by King Charles II., in his twentieth year, which recited all the acts of his predecessors, and not only confirmed them, but granted that they should enjoy all such privileges and exemptions as their predecessors had in the times of King Edward the Confessor and King William I., with other liberties in addition to them. This charter was confirmed by James II., and is the charter under which the Cinque Ports are at present governed. We may get fair ground for precedent if we trace the office from the time of King James I.:-
Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, younger brother of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, was appointed both Constable and Warden in the first year of King James I. He died in 1614, anno 13 of that reign and was buried in the church of this castle, whence his body was afterwards removed to Greenwich.
Edward, Lord Zouch, of Haringworth, was made Constable and Warden, on his death, and resigned both in the 21st of that reign in favour of
George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, who was stabbed at Portsmouth, by Felton, in the twenty third year of that reign; after which they were put into commission, and continued so until
Theophilus Howard, Earl of Suffolk, was appointed unto them for life, by patent, July 24, 1628, anno 3 Charles I.
James Stuart, Duke of Richmond, succeeded him in both these offices on the sixteenth year of King Charles I., being appointed by patent, 9th of June, for the term of his life; but he seems never to have been sworn into them.
Robert, Earl of Warwick, was appointed unto these offices, but his patent was repealed by ordinance of Parliament in the year 1648, after which, The Council of State was ordered to execute them under Parliament, after which they were put in commission, and, Colonels John Lambart, John Desborough and Robert Blake, executed their offices. But another commission was afterwards granted to Mr. Charles Fleetwood, and the above mentioned John Desborough.
James, Duke of York, King Charles II’s brother, afterwards King James II., was appointed on the King’s restoration in 1660, anno 12 Charles II, both Constable and Warden.
Henry Sidney, Viscount Sidney, afterwards Earl of Romney, succeeded him in both these offices, and died in the possession of them in 1794, anno 3 Queen Anne.
Prince George of Denmark, husband of Queen Anne, afterwards [ 123 ]held them, and was succeeded on his death, Oct. 28th, 1708, by
Lionel Cranfield Sackville, Earl of Dorset, as Constable and Warden, in December, 1708. He resigned these offices in 1713, and in his room
James, Duke of Ormond was again appointed that year, anno 12 Queen Anne, and held them till the accession of King George I, when
Lionel, Earl of Dorset, was again appointed to these offices of Constable and Warden; but he resigned them in 1717 and
John Sydney, Earl of Leceister(sic), was appointed to them in his room, and he continued Constable and Warden until the accession of George II, when
Lionel (before Earl but then) Duke of Dorset, so created in 1720, was re-appointed to the offices; and on July 5, 1757, the patent was granted for the term of his life. he died in 1765, and in his room,
Robert Darcey, Earl of Holderness; was that year, also made Constable and Warden for life. He died on May 16, 1778, upon which
Frederick North, Lord North. K.G. (afterwards Earl of Guilford(sic) was appointed to the offices, and was confirmed in them for life, by a patent in April, 1782 anno 22, George III. He died on August 5th, 1792, and was succeeded by
The Right Honourable William Pitt, who was appointed by patent, dated August 18th, 1792, and sworn into office at Dover.
The successions of Chatham, Wellington and Dalhousie belong too much to the history of our times [for description here], and the future is unrevealed. Thus much from the “Dover Telegraph” but for a more extended list and fuller details, see vols. 1, 2, & 3, “Premier Cinque Port”
Hopes of Continuance. Only a few weeks passed when Hastings, with the other members of the Cinque Ports, was able to congratulate itself on the probability of the continuance of the Wardenship. It appeared that there was no real necessity for its abandonment, and that nothing would be saved to the country by such a course; although the question remained open, respecting the duties and jurisdiction of future holders of the office. It was believed that the Cinque Ports were mainly indebted for the change of intentions to the energy of the Hastings Parliamentary representatives, to Mr. Hugesson, M.P. for Sandwich, Mr. Deedes, M.P. for East Kent, and the Hon George Waldegrave-Leslie, Captain of First Cinque Ports Rifles, supported by the remonstrances of the volunteers of Hastings and other ports.
The New Warden. Soon after the despatch of memorials from the several Cinque Ports, the memorialists were informed that the office of Lord Warden was to be continued, and that Viscount Palmerston had received Her Majesty’s commands to undertake the office. And then, while waiting for the time to come for the inauguration ceremonial, the Kentish Gazette reported that his Lordship had given instructions for the disposal of the whole of [ 124 ]the furniture of Walmer Castle, he having purposed to refurnish it, and to receive a brilliant company therein at the close of the Parliamentary Session.
The Installation. On Wednesday, the 28th of August a ceremonial took place at Dover which must have been one of the grandest events of modern times. Not only had the nomination to the office of the Premier given general satisfaction, but the gratification was increased by the circumstances that notwithstanding the abolition of the Wardenship had been so definitely fixed upon as to cause a bill for the purpose to be privately circulated amongst the members of the House of Commons, the retention had afterwards been secured by the vigilant activity and reasonable representations of the Cinque Ports themselves. Another circumstance which tended to give eclat to the ceremonial (as the Hastings News put it) was the fact that at no very great period before the death of the lamented Lord Dalhousie, a movement – noble and patriotic in its character – had sprung up and secured the respect and admiration of opponents, and had, in numberless instances, made converts of those who could not at first admit the necessity for, or believe in the utility of the volunteer movement. The advent of Lord Palmerston to his new office afforded an opportunity for the first general assemblage of the Artillery and Rifle Volunteers of the Cinque Ports before the chief under whose orders they served – an occasion which was sure to draw forth a considerable muster of men for review, while it would give the means for testing their progress and efficiency. “A full and particular account of the installation pageant will be found in volume 1, pages 1 to 3 of The Premier Cinque Port.” Also under the head of “Bailiffs and Mayors”, vol 1, pages 42 and 43, some account is given of Lord Cobham who was installed as Lord Warden in 1598. Since the reference was made to that event, the writer has come across the following in a volume of the Camden Society: “Aug. 30th, 1598. .... The Lord Cobham was installed Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports on Bartlemew day at Caunterbury, at which ceremonious solemnitie were assembled 4,000 horce, and he kept the feast very magnificently, and spent 26 oxen with all other provisions sutable. He, the Lord Thomas Howard, Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir John Stanhope, are in speach to be sworne shortly of the counsaile....” Harry Brooke, Lord Cobham was attainted in 1604, and died 1619.
Memorial Window[edit]
The stained glass memorial window to be placed in All Saints church in honour of the late Earl Waldegrave, was finished by Mr. Gibbs, of London in Feby. 1861. The subject is “The Crucifixion” set forth in thirty life-size figures, with the distant cities and temples of Jerusalem, the tracery head filled with angels. The window is 12 feet [ 125 ]wide and 20 feet high. At the bottom is the inscription “In memory of Admiral the Right Hon. William, 8th Earl Waldegrave, C.B. Died 24th of October, 1859, aged 71 years.”
“The Plains of Italy” formed the subject of a highly interesting lecture by F. North, Esq., M.P. to the Hastings Mechanics’ Institution on the 27th of February.
“City Arabs” were lectured upon by the Rev. J. H. Blake, of Sandhurst, at the Market Hall, on the 1st of March, illustrated with about thirty lime-light views. “Interpretation of Hieroglyphics” was the title of an excellent lecture by S. Sharpe, Esq. the well known writer on Egyptian History, delivered in the Mechanics’ Institution rooms on the 18th of February.
“Japan and China” were ably discoursed upon by Dr. Macgowan, an American Medical Missionary on the 20th and 21st of February, in the Music Hall, under the auspices of the Church of Engs Xian Association.
“Pneumatics” was the science chosen for the delivery of a lecture at the Hastings Mechanics’ Institution by Mr. J. C. Butler, on the 25th of February, with the Rev. J. A. Hatchard in the chair.
“Howard the Philanthropist” was the subject of a lecture given by the Rev. W. W. Robinson (Unitarian minister) to the members of the Mechanics’ Institution, on the 11th of March.
“Sir Philip Sydney” was the subject of a very interesting lecture delivered by Mr. George MacDonald on the 8th of April, at Diplock’s Library, Robertson street. The same lecture had been delivered in the St. Leonards Assembly Rooms on the 30th of March, and as it was omitted to be noticed in the preceding chapter, with the other St. Leonards lectures, it may be here said that the lecture included a biographical sketch of Sir Philip Sydney the celebrated statesman and writer, and also abounded with historical events connected with his life and times. When only 22 years of age he had so far gained the favour of Elizabeth as to be appointed ambassador to the Emperor of Germany. Among other circumstances noticed was the hardihood which Sir Philip displayed in 1579 by remonstrating with the Queen on her proposed alliance with the Duke of Anjou, and also the loyalty and self-sacrifice he evinced in refusing to accept the throne of Poland, against the will of his Sovereign. Sir Philip (said the lecturer) was regarded as the finest gentleman and the most clever man in Europe.
“Metropolitan Sights” – As this was also omitted to be noticed in its proper place, the following paragraph is taken from the Hastings News. Mr.Brett gave his sixth and last readings on “Metropolitan Sights” in the Norman-road room on Tuesday evening last [March 26th] in which he [ 126 ]introduced some musical illustrations. The ground exposed to mental perceptions of the audience included the eastern “port” part of the river, with sketches of the Coal Exchange, Billingsgate Fish Market, the Custom House, Tower, Mint, Trinity House, St. Katherine’s and London Docks and their gigantic warehouses and Thames Tunnel. The Excise office, General Post Office, Old Bailey, Newgate Market, Smithfield, and the Blue-coat School, were all happily sketched, to the advantage and instruction of the respectable audience present. As Mr. Brett had exceptional facilities, (by introduction or otherwise) for visiting nearly all the places he decribed(sic) and dilated upon, there was a personally produced interest evinced in his delineations.
Signor Gavazzi, the renowned champion of the Protestant principles, delivered two lectures on July 2nd, the first in the St. Leonards Assembly Room, and the second at the Market Hall. The subject of the Signor’s addresses was “The Reformation of Religion in Italy.”
“Sir Isaac Newton, his Life, Character and Attainments”, formed the subject of a lecture delivered by the Rev. H. Geldart, in the St. Mary’s schoolroom on the 16th of October. The lecturer introduced his notice of Sir Isaac by commenting on the irreproachable character which the great philosopher bore throughout a life of 85 years which extended through the last seven years of Charles l, the Protectorate of the Cromwells, and the reigns of Charles ll. James ll., William and Mary, Anne and George l., Newton dying shortly before the last named monarch.
“Preachers and Preaching” was the subject of one of the best lectures of the year, delivered by the Rev. Dr. Crosse on the 14th of November, in connection with the Church of England Christian Association, with the Rev. T. Vores in the chair. The merits and value of the lecture could only be judged of by the perusal of a full report. “The School of Nature” was the theme of a lecture delivered on the 18th of November to the members of the Mechanics’ Institution, by G. Moore Esq., M.D. The learned lecturer remarked that all things were made after some plan, and that if men would study nature they would always be right in forming their plans. He dilated on various things in the three kingdoms, and illustrated his texts by beatiful(sic) diagrams.
“The Hero of the Scottish Reformation” was the title of a lecture delivered in connection with the (new) “Hastings and St. Leonards Christian Association” on the 26th of November, by the Rev. W. Landels, Bapist(sic) minister of considerable repute.
Mr. Savery on Storms. A very interesting paper on this topic was read by J. C. Savery, Esq, in the Castle Assembly Rooms, in connection with the Philosophical Society. [ 127 ]”The Moon”, on November the 25th, in the rooms of the Mechanics Institution, had her phases, her existence as an object of heathen worship, her comparative dimensions, her distance from the earth, her motional deviations, her degree of heat and light, her geographical and geological conditions, and her alleged weather influence, all described in an interesting lecture by the Rev. T. Harding, Wesleyan minister to a numerous audience.
“Poets in Action” received able treatment in a lecture delivered on the 5th of December by Mr. Saunders at the Mechanics’ Institution. The lecturer contended that poets instead of being “dreamers” merely as some persons supposed, had supplied some of the most energetic and useful men in every branch of life. This avowal was followed by many examples.
The Poetry of Wordsworth was descanted on by the Rev W. R. Jones, as a closing lecture of the ante-Christmas session of the Mechanics’ Institution, on the 16th of December.
The Waldegrave Memorial.[edit]
On page 125 is given a short description of the stained glass window, as it left the hands of its designer and manufacturer. Since then it has been put in its place and a fuller account of the work is here extracted from the Hastings News, of Friday, March 29th:- The beautiful stained glass window in the chancel of All Saints’ church, designed to commemorate the memory of the late beloved and lamented Earl Waldegrave and his connection with this ancient borough, was finished on Saturday last, and the congregations attending the Lent services, as well as the numerous visitors, have unanimously expressed their admiration of this skilled production of an English artist. The subject at a first view commands immediate attention, and a closer inspection serves only to show the exquisite nicety of every detail, and to elicit the highest encomiums upon the refined taste and thoughtful genius which could conceive and execute such a delightful specimen of man’s handiwork as is here shewn. The grouping of the figures; the extremely natural expression of remorse, repentance, overwhelming grief, pity, curiosity, wonder, stoicism, and triumphant cynicism depicted on the countenances of the thirty figures contained in the design; the naturalness and beauty of the colours; the gorgeousness of the draping, and the truthfulness of the subordinate points; all combine to endorse the opinion of a writer well qualified to speak with authority, that “It is altogether a work of high art, and is as original in conception as it is effective and beautiful in execution”. ....The colours are based on metallic bodies, and being incorporated with the molten fabric are of the same enduring character as those early foreign specimens of ornamental glass which are distributed - spar[ 128 ]ingly, indeed – in some of our most renowned cathedrals and churches. It has been supposed that this art was entirely lost to us during the middle ages, but competent authorities say that it has only lain dormant. It has likewise been supposed to be necessary to seek foreign aid and foreign skill to carry out works of any pretension in stained glass. That this latter opinion is an unfounded one is practically proved by Mr. Gibbs’s beautiful design and by many other works of a high character which he has executed in the western part of this county, and also by the productions exhibited in Hyde Park in 1851. Mr. Gibbs’s late relatives have exercised their talents in this wide field of decorative art for a succession of years, and the gentleman now alluded to, although in the prime of life, has had 25 years’ experience in his profession. He is said already to have equalled – in some respects, excelled – continental artists, and we can only wish him long life and health, with powers of mind and body, which will enable him to mount to the pinnacle among his compeers of this generation in his peculiar and beautiful art.
In noticing the window more in detail, we have to explain that externally and internally the stone work of the window has been restored from plans and under the supervision of A. D. Gough, Esq. (the architect of Christ Church, Ore), of Lancaster place, London. At present the window in height is 25 feet, by a width of 12 feet. It is divided by mullions into five principal compartments, with a tracery head of neat design, and, surmounted with an elaborately carved cross. The painted window of course occupies the spaces between the mullions, and the subject is chosen just at the moment of the blessed Saviour’s death. The middle compartment pourtrays(sic) the Messiah extended upon the cross, his features vividly picturing the bodily and mental anguish which the sacred records acquaint us he was the subject of at that awful moment. At his feet Mary Magdalene exhibits the deep grief of her heart at what is taking place, while Matthew is standing a little to the rear, still showing that his devotion to his Lord which had ever characterised him, with a countenance expressive of the feeling “Oh! that I could suffer with him!” Another of the holy women stands in the background, looking on in deep grief. In the adjoining compartment to the northward are seen several of the other principal figures. The Virgin Mary occupies the foreground, having fallen in a recumbent position, overwhelmed with the intensity of her feelings at the ignominious death of such a Son; she is supported by her sister Mary, the wife of Cleophas. The Roman centurion is depicted in an attitude of wonder and amazement in which one can easily imagine his utterance, “Truly this was the Son of God!” The group of Jews, standing at a distance, looking on, aply(sic) expresses that feeling [ 129 ]of scorn which induced them to revile the God-man (Matthew XXVII.40). The next compartment farthest north, is very interesting; for, here Peter is seen kneeling, with upraised hands, in the act of contrite prayer, his whole attitude and expression characteristic of that change of feeling which followed upon the denial of his Master in the presence of the servants at the Hall of Judgement. St. James also figures in this part of the window, wrapped in deep meditation; and a company of those devoted women who were the constant friends of the Saviour, stand sorrowfully gazing at the scene, in the distance. The space on the south, next to the central figure, is remarkable for the bold delineation of a Roman soldier, who has been arrested on dipping the sponge into vinegar by the excitement of the spectators at witnessing the expiring throes of the Redeemer. The chief priest stands near the soldier, his countenance exhibiting the indifference he felt for the anguish of the sufferer. The remaining space – the most southern – is occupied by figures of the holy women and the apostles. St. John (who stands with averted face, horror struck and overcome with a sense of the great wrong which he “whom Jesus loved”, felt was being done to his revered and deeply loved Master); St. Philip and St. Andrew, Roman soldiery, and others of Jesu’s followers stand in the rear, in these two parts of the window. The whole back-ground is occupied by a view of the distant city and temples of Jerusalem, which has a pleasing effect. Above the painting the tracery heading is also filled with figures. In the centre is the arms and coronet of the late Earl Waldegrave, supported by seraphim; while each of the smaller compartments contains representations of holy beings in the act of adoration and praise. At the base is the legend “In memory of Admiral the Right Hon William, 8th Earl Waldegrave, C.B., died 24th of October 1859, aged 71 years.”
It only remains for us to give expression to the great gratification we have derived from an inspection of the window; and it is but fair to Mr. Gibbs to say that it far surpasses in merit any idea we had previously formed of this very beautiful sample of art in painted glass. We endorse very cordially the opinion that the production “proves that Mr. Gibbs has not only advanced the art of glass staining in this country, but that he has made it to surpass” similar works produced in Paris, in Milan or in Munich”.
Election of Mayor.[edit]
At a meeting of the Town Council on the 9th of November, in compliance with the provision of the statute in that case made for the election of Mayor. Ald. Hayles rose for the purpose of proposing a successor to the outgoing civic chief. His task was a very sim[ 130 ]ple one, he said, because the gentleman he had to nominate had formerly filled the office. His own introduction to the Council was during that gentleman’s mayoralty, and it would be in everyone’s mind as to the ability and judgement with which he fulfilled its duties [Applause]
Coun. Gausden said there was little to add as to Mr. Ross’s ability for filling the office of Mayor. Although he had differed from Mr. Ross on one or two questions [and greatly so], yet he was induced to second his nomination he believed Mr. Ross had the time, the ability and the moral courage to sustain the dignity of the office, and to maintain the rights and privileges which the borough now enjoyed. As chief magistrate, he did not doubt that he would give his decisions on the bench with firmness, while he tempered justice with mercy. But that was not the only duty that the Mayor was called upon to fulfil; by virtue of his office, he was to preside over the meetings of the Council and the Local Board. He had no doubt that from the facility to business arising from the able manner in which the meetings during the past year had been presided over, the new Mayor would endeavour to perpetuate the same. Having these views respecting Mr. Ross, he had great pleasure in seconding his nomination, and hoped the vote would be a unanimous one [Applause].
No other gentleman being proposed, the question was put to the vote, and nearly (if not quite) every hand was held up in favour of Mr. Ross, followed by a round of applause. The new bells of St. Clement’s also rang out a merry peal, and some small cannon on the West Hill fired a salute.
Journalistic Comments on the Mayoralty.[edit]
We stated last week (said the Hastings and St. Leonards News) that by general report, Mr. Ross was declared likely to succeed Mr. Ticehurst as Mayor. Although we only gave this as a rumour, we understand a few of our readers were very much put out with us for giving publicity to it. Had we said nothing about it, the same parties would have censured our silence and called us useless. Some men are hard to please.... We gave no opinion on this fact, and if the mere execution of our duty in reporting the probabilities and facts of civil life is to be taken by the personal or party feeling of others as an expression of opinion, we can only say we are sorry for it, but cannot help it.
With regard to the appointment, we may now be allowed to welcome Mr. Ross’s return to the office which he filled so creditably on a former occasion. We have had differences with Mr. Ross on public questions; and, most likely, we shall have them again; for he is not infallible, nor are we. But if any parties think that [ 131 ]this fact will influence our judgement of his general ability and honesty as the chief magistrate of the borough, they will find themselves seriously mistaken. Mr. Ross has once before made a good Mayor, and we believe he will do so again. We like him none the less for having worked his way up to his present position by his unflinching public spirit and personal energy.
The Municipal Elections.[edit]
These elections on the first of November were brought to a close after the voting of the first hour. Messrs. Wingfield, Vidler, Emary, and Gutsell were again returned for the East Ward; and Messrs. Gausden and Neve were re-elected for the West Ward. – Four Liberals and two Conservatives.
The Overseers.[edit]
The overseers for the parishes and parts of parishes within the borough appointed by the magistrates were
St. Andrew’s, Jno Standen & W. Sweatman. | |
For All Saints, Chas Moore and Edwd. Welfare. | Holy Trinity – Hy. Polhill & E. Harman. |
“St. Clement’s, Wm. Smith & Benj Bossom. | St. Michael – Jno. Wise & E. Wood. |
“St. Mary-in-Castle, Rich’d Edward Chandler & Jas. Noakes | Magdalen, Wm Callaway & Aaron Sellman |
“St. Leonards – John Peerless & Wm. Hatchman. | Bulverhithe – Hy Sheather & P. Gorringe. |
“Ore – Jesse Catt & James Easton. | Bexhill – Arthur J. Brook & Thos Wood. |
“Grange, Chatham (limb) George Edmunds and H. Mitton. |
Ore Working Men’s Institute.[edit]
A society for the suburban village of Ore for providing the means of mental improvement among the working men of the parish had a formal opening on Tuesday the 9th of April in the National School-room. The rector, as president of the society took the chair, and spoke of the several difficulties which had had to be overcome, and expressed his thankfulness to Mr. Robert Hunter for having secured the free use of a house for two years. Suitable addresses were delivered by the Rev. E. Hensley, Dr. Hunt. T. Tate, Esq., Professor Dodgson, D.C.L., R. Hunter, Esq. and the Rev. W. Fawcett. The report showed that nearly 60 persons had become members, and that the library already contained 650 volumes (principally generously presented). The.(sic) The subscriptions were one halfpenny per week.
A Quarterly Meeting was held on the 24th of June, when it was shown that the Institute consisted of 74 members; that it had 600 vols of excellent books, the gift of several clergymen and gentlemen of the neighborhood(sic), the largest donor being the Rev. E. Hemsley (former curate of Ore), and one of the most earnest promoters of the institute The local and county papers, periodicals, &c. were supplied gratuitously.
The Lecture Session of this useful society commenced on the 29th of October, when Dr. Hunt delivered an address on the appropriate topic of [ 132 ] “Knowledge considered in relation to Working Men.” This lecture by the worthy Dr. a resident at Ore House, was attentively listened to and received with appreciative applause. The list of further lectures during the winter session consisted of one each by Messrs. T. H. Cole, T. Tate, W. D. Lucas-Shadwell, J. Rock, W. Ransom, C. J. Womersley and J. Banks.
Important to Benefit Societies.[edit]
The long existing dispute between the Trustees of the Old Friendly Society versus Benjamin Banks, who as a former secretary had appropriated moneys to his own use and falsified the accompts, was once more the subject of litigation, on an appeal from the decision given at the Lewes Quarter Sessions. The appeal was heard at the Court of Queen’s Bench on the 8th of February, before the Lord Chief Justice and four other judges. “The single question was whether the money could be recovered by an action, or whether the dispute was one between the society and a member which ought to have been decided by a magistrate.” The Court held that the action was rightly brought, and gave judgement for plaintiffs. It was hoped that the friends of the defendant would be satisfied with the continual defeats they had met in the various courts.
Small Tenements.[edit]
It may be news to many readers of this Local History that the present “Investment and Building Society” originated from the representation and urgent appeals of the St. Leonards Gazette and the Hastings News. The latter journal of Oct. 18th, commenced an appropriate leader in the following words:-
- Lodging-houses of mammoth proportions spring up in Hastings and St. Leonards like mushrooms, and fine shops are growing with almost equal celerity. The rich and the waiters upon the rich have plenty of house accommodation of the best sort, and nothing can be said why they shouldn’t. But the poor man – the small clerk, with a large family, - the journeyman, with decent tastes and a tidy wife, - the respectable artizan, “about to marry”- what is to become of them? Are they to be doomed to hovels fit only for pigs in some augean stable of a place where a Hercules is woefully wanted, or still forced together, two or three families in a house, to the detriment of health and comfort, and possibly morals. Will nobody who has abundance of money forego a large interest on the outlay of a part of it, and be content with 4 or 5 per cent. instead of 7 or 8, if he can benefit hundreds of his deserving fellows by it? We ask these questions of somebody because many people are continually asking them of us. We put them to the public in general, in hope that somebody in particular may be found to answer them. Few facts are more patent in the economic and social history of Hastings, [ 133 ]than this – that the borough has long suffered from a scarcity of small dwellings for the working poor. ......It is right to say that one of our contemporaries – the St. Leonards Gazette, has energetically assisted to “ventilate” this question of small Tenements. We believe every fellow-labourer with us in this work is helping forward one of the most important movements in the sanitary reformers of this neighbourhood can possibly engage.
About six weeks previously to the above utterance, the St. Leonards Gazette here referred to, treated the subject in the following manner:-
- Some time ago a very ably written letter appeared in our columns on the subject of small tenements, and the warmth with which other papers took up this all-important question led us to hope that something would be “done”. Even the Times discussed the subject – luke-warm enough it is true – without any apparent success. But we are determined not to let the matter drop; for, happy is the man who tends to the happiness of others, and thrice blessed is the pen as well as the sword that fights the good battle. We will treat this question entirely on local grounds; for, within our experience there is not a town in all England where the want of small tenements is more obvious. Have you, dear reader, ever looked about for a house or even for lodgings, and do not remember what a difficulty and a bore you found it at certain times you found it, even when willing to pay any reasonable price? But how much more difficult it is to pater familias who wishes to find a home or a resting place for himself, wife and children, and who can only afford to pay a rent of a few shilling[2]s per week. Cheerless, indeed are the answers he receives at the different houses where bills with “rooms to let” invite him to enter. He will be told that this is the busy time; that a single man would be more welcome, as the landlady could undertake “to do for him”; that they could not be bothered with a lot of children; that he would have to leave at such a time to make room for another and better paying party, &c., &c. But the workman, whose aspirations are higher, who would like to establish a home for himself, and actually has the assurance to ask for 25 feet of ground for a homestead, is spurned away. He is “dished up” with some cant phrase, and his longing for independence is crushed by men who call themselves Christians, and who hand him the British Workman or a “Wholesome Tract”, but consider “Circuses” and Mechanics’ Institutions as alike “tomfooleries”. There is not room enough for his humble little cot; the ground is too clear; it must be kept open for villas, which may be built in years to come. But, perchance [ 134 ]there is a cottage to let. Full of the prospect of having a place to himself the project of taking the cottage is discussed in the little family circle, the pros and cons are well weighed, and at last, with beating heart, he hies to the landlord’s house; but there his aspirations are soon cooled down. He is told that there are a dozen or two of applications, and that he (the little lord) will chose(sic) his tenant out of them. Those who live in large, comfortable houses, with every convenience attached to them, can hardly imagine the misery which is caused by different families living together in small houses. On the other hand, ye benevolent men and women of England, if you would be convinced of the absolute happiness which you would bring to many a desolate heart by erecting small cottages for the hard working and frugal mechanic by providing for him a “home”, you would no longer look lukewarmly upon this important question; you would no longer hesitate to assist.....We are determined to give this matter our most earnest consideration; and in the mean time we invite correspondents to suggestions ere we again refer to it.
Philosophical Society.[edit]
On the 9th of January at a full attendance of members and others a discussion took place on Dr. Stone’s paper Reason and Instinct, those who took part therein being Mr. J. Rock, jun. (chairman), Dr. Hunt, Rev. W. Bleazby, Joshua Fitch, & other gentlemen.
On the 13th of February, a paper was read by R. D. Hale, Esq. M.D., on “Animal Electricity, with a description of the Electrical Apparatus of the Gymnotus and Torpedo, which was illustrated by several large diagrams, and also by experiments. The after discussion was of an animated character, and was prolonged much beyond the usual hour of closing.
At the monthly meeting of the society on March 13th, J. C. Savery, Esq. read an excellent and instructive paper “On Storms”. There was a good attendance, and the chair was occupied by J. Rock, jun., Esq, president of the society.
The last monthly meeting for the season was on the 6th of May, when Robert Harrison, Esq., read a paper, entitled “The Grand Tour a Hundred Years Ago.” A discussion followed, as usual.
At the general meeting, on the 23rd of October, the Hon Sec. J. H. Cole, Esq. read the Council’s report, which showed the number of members to be 52, and the cash in the treasurer’s hands to be £13 18s 4d. The numbers of members had increased. The president, Mr. J. Rock, jun., then delivered his valedictory address on resigning the chair. In a paper written with much eloquence of expression, and cha[ 135 ]racterised by judicious feeling and observation, he alluded to the fact that this was the third similar occasion in the history of the society on which an address had been given; and in reference to the formation of the society, said it originated with Dr. Hunt, who, from his position as a well known author and scientific observer, could command a much greater amount of influence than any individual of local standing. He also bore testimony to the indefatigable exertions of Mr. T. H. Cole, which had essentially promoted the success of the society, and to whom he (the president) offered his sincere thanks. At the close of an interesting sketch of the various papers read during last session, Mr. Rock excused himself from offering any résumé of the progress of science generally during the year, but referred to the address of the President of the British Association, and also to the addresses to the medical schools of London given by the professors at the recent commencement of the winter session, as supplying such information. He noticed, also, that discussion was one of the leading features of the Philosophical Society – a speciality in which they stood alone amongst the societies of the borough.
At the monthly meeting on the 13th of November, held in the new Assembly Room at the Castle hotel, Dr. Stone, the president, read a paper in answer to the question, “Does Life on the Earth give proof of Free Agency?” The doctor appeared to answer the question affirmatively. The after discussion was mostly adverse to the views expressed in the paper, the discussionists being Dr. Hunt, Dr. Moore, and Messrs Tale and Rock.
A Penny Bank Established.[edit]
On the 24th of May there was a gathering in the All Saints Girls Schoolroom of nearly 250 persons, who, after partaken of tea, listened to the proposal of starting a Penny Bank. W. D. Lucas-Shadwell, Esq., in addressing the meeting, said he was obliged to put himself rather prominently foward(sic), in consequence of having taken a great interest in the object for which they had met. After having explained how it originally came about, Mr. Shadwell read the rules, which he said would be further considered at a meeting of the committee, and then printed and distributed. The principal conditions were that the bank should be opened from 7 till 8 on Saturday evenings; that sums of from 1d to 10s. might be deposited each evening; that no depositor would be allowed to have more than £10 on the books; that interest of 2½ per cent. be allowed on all sums of over 10s. after a deposit of three months; that a week’s notice [ 136 ]would be required for withdrawals up to £5, unless the manager should see reasons to pay on depositors’ request; and that 1d. be paid for a pass-book. Some other details were explained by Mr. Lucas-Shadwell, who the(sic) offered advice upon the advantages of saving, adding that if a man saved 1d. a day from the age of twenty to sixty, he would be in possion(sic) of £70. A Penny Bank, he said, had been established at Southampton, and in the first year there were 3,377 depositors whose deposits amounted to £1,668. The speaker also related in a pleasing manner the circumstances connected with the working of Mrs Shadwell’s penny Bank at Rye Harbour, and the one at the Tivoli, manged(sic) by Mr. William Scrivens, formed in 1859, which had upwards of £50 invested in the Hastings Savings Bank. He hoped they would all try their luck in the Penny Bank, in which there would be no blanks, but all prizes.
The Rev. J. Parkin next addressed the assembly in his always pleasant manner. He had come as one of the managing trustees of the Savings Bank, to learn all about Penny Banks, and what they could do otherwise than the Savings Bank did, which received sums as low as a shilling[3], and allowed interest at 3 per cent. He had heard the rules read, and he thought there must be an alteration made to give greater facility in drawing out, as there might be many occasions when it would be necessary for the depositor to withdraw his money immediately. Mr. North, at the Bank on Saturday had told him he had received a circular, and when he had also received a copy of the rules, he would submit them to Mr. Tidd Pratt, and if that gentleman certified that the Penny Bank was established on a safe footing, and that the working people were sure to get their money back again, with the proposed interest then he (Mr. North) would belong to it [Hear, hear!]. It was to tell them this from Mr. North that he came there amongst them that evening. He thought Mr. Tidd Pratt would most probably sanction the rules as being safe. The reverend gentleman then heartily wished the Bank success and properity(sic) to each individual present, trusting that the deposters(sic) might have a good balance in the bank.
Mr. Beazley, at the call of the chairman, related some facts connected with the formation of a Penny Bank, two years ago, among the lads belonging to the St. Mary Magdalen Recreation and Improvement Society. About 70 came to the first meeting, and on the following week 30s. was deposited the first night the bank was opened. At the end of the first year, eighty members had deposited £102 [Cheers] At the end of the second year there were 150 on the books, and their deposits were £154. He thought that if the lads of St. Mary Magdalen could deposit £256 in two years, the working men of Hastings could do even better. [ 137 ]Capt. Stileman, of Winchelsea, expressed his approval of Penny Banks, and gave his reasons for such approval. He concluded with proposing three cheers for the ladies who had assisted at the tea, and one for Mr. Lucas-Shadwell. In acknowledging this expression, Mr. Shadwell added a hope that it would not be thought there was any hostility between the Penny Bank and the Savings Bank.
This new institution soon developed into success. In the first week in June there were only 36 accounts open, but by the end of September there were no fewer than 325. From twenty to thirty new accounts were opened each week, and the weekly average of receipts was between £7 and £8. At that time the Bank had become the receptacle of more than £80 of the savings of the poor and their children. There were seven books used in conducting the operations, and each depositor was known by a number and initials only, so as to preserve the secrecy of each depositor’s savings.
On the 13th of August, the Mayor, at his residence, presented to the Rev. Thomas Nightingale on behalf of the leading parishioners of St. Clement’s, a solid silver inkstand of an architectural pattern and figurative design, costing forty guineas, and a beautifully bound copy of a new edition of the Greek Testament in four volumes, as a memento of esteem, on the occasion of his severance with them as the minister of the parish.
The testimonial to Mr. John Woods, late Postmaster, was presented to him on the 10th of September, in the names of the numerous subscribers. The amount presented, after deducting expenses, was £131 8s. 4d. Mr. Woods especially thanked the Mayor for his approval of the movement. Mr. G. Clement, for his proposal of the same, and Mr. Growse for the able manner in which he undertook the management of it.
On the 27th of November, a few friends of Mr. James Ives, the late assistant-overseer, of St. Clements and an active officer of the old Friendly Society, wishing to mark their sense of his estimable character, presented him with a gold chain and locket, previously to his removal to London. Mr. Ive(sic) afterwards returned to Hastings and died at Clive Vale, in 1886, at the age of 84, where his widow also died at a still greater age. (For a sketch of his life and family see “Historico-Biographies”. Vol. 2, page 160)
Mr. Joseph Bannister for his services to the Masonic Derwent Lodge, was presented with a Past-Master’s Jewel on the 8th of July, and the proceeding closed with a banquet at the Swan, in honour of the worthy brother. The “Jewel” was supplied by Mr. Sellman of Norman Road. [ 138 ]
Hastings Regatta[edit]
As intimated in the preceding chapter, it was arranged for the borough to have two regattas this year, the same to be practically what they were to be nominally – a Hastings regatta for Hastings and a St. Leonards regatta for St. Leonards. The reason for this step being taken in lieu of the united action of a double committee, as in last year’s arrangement, has already been explained, and it needs only to be said that except in little acts of courtesy and an existent friendly feeling between the committees of management, the carrying of the two regattas were as distinctly independent as though their realization was to be effected at places far distant from each other.
At a full meeting of the committee at the Oak hotel on the 5th of August the details for the regatta and the after fête champetre were finally arranged, and the list of entries for the former were numerous beyond any regatta before known. Mr. Burchell would act as umpire, Mr. Develin was hon. sec. and the railway companies, besides a donation each of £5, offered unusual facilities for strangers visiting the town.
The rhymster(sic) “X”, whose invocation to “Boreas and Old Davy” to upset the St. Leonards regatta met with a rebuff, now ventured a vaticination re the Hastings regatta in nearly the following words:-
Disturbant Old Notus, it doesn’t much matter
If you and Old Davy should kick up a clatter.
For we are determined to have our regatta,
Despite your unruly behaviour,
You upset St. Leonards, though worked they like bricks,
As oft you have Hastings , with mischievous tricks
But now, you old fogies, you’ll be in a fix
At coming regatta of Hastings.
Now Monday the 12th of this August, I say,
Selected has been for aquatic display,
And also the fête, later on in the day,
In Robertson’s grounds up at Halton,
You’re bound to be quiet, you jolly old sinner,
When on the said day and just after our dinner,
The crews will compete, and each one as a winner
His prize will obtain up at Halton.
Ah! then, we will set you, old chap, at defiance;
On you and Old Davy we place no reliance;
You’re a couple of racally(sic) wicked old giants;
You’ve spoiled our regattas so often.
This time we will diddle you – Develin and I,
You may grumble and growl, and the worst you may try
But this time you’ll not our regatta put by;
For I, Bobby Burchall, have said it.
[ 139 ]Though you and old Davy should get up a breeze,
The waves up at Halton are only of trees;
And these you’re known turbulence only will tease,
Nor care for your bluster and fluster.
So blow, if you like from all parts of the compass,
Both you and Old Davy, to kick up a rumpus;
Yet, holding good cards, you shall not even trump us;
We’ll hold our intended Regatta!
Yes! and had it they did, as “X” said they would, as the following preface to a report in the Hastings News is sufficient to show:-
Amongst the folk lore which finds currency as well as believers in the world, is a saying that “a change of luck” comes once in seven years. Whether to attribute the successful holding of the Hastings regatta of 1861 on the day appointed for it to that cause; or whether to adopt the theory of a cycle of weather changes and suppose that the 10th, 11th, and 12th of August were return days of appropriate weather, we are at this moment undecided. The trouble of resolving the problem may be foregone in the congratulations we are enabled to offer the town that the regatta was to be and has been on the day originally appointed for it – for the first time during seven or eight years. Without reproducing a chronicle of the various states of the weather on the firstly-appointed regatta day since last it was held as originally advertised; without consulting our poet “X” as to what mollifying influence it has been his pleasure to exert upon Boreas and Davy; whithout(sic) enquiring whether the former bluff gentleman has gone home to his own parish, i. e. to the North, and Davy started to the Antipodes; and without comment upon all the changes from fog to fine, rain to storm, calm to breeze, ad libitum; we may proceed to record that a more beautiful day for regatta purposes than that with which Old Hastings was favoured on Monday need not be wished; a day doubly welcome in view of the sea and wind on Monday. A truly August sun was tempered with just enough of a Sou’wester to mak(sic) a lively sea, and a town thronged with visitors and excursionists – added to whom were the tradesmen and assistants from the places of business – the majority of whom closed in the afternoon – produced a company of sight-seers at our nautical spectacle outdoing in number anything of the kind yet seen on a similar occasion.
Death of the Registrar of the Cinque Ports.[edit]
On the 4th of September occurred the death of Thomas Pain, Esq., the registrar of the Cinque Ports, at the age of 84 years. This gentleman, whose residence was at Dover, was admitted as an attorney on the 9th of May, 1799, and was appointed registrar of the Cinque Ports and clerk of Dover Castle on the 29th of December, 1807, by Lord Hawkesbury, the then Lord Warden, and served successively under that noble lord, the Earl of Liverpool, the Duke of Wellington, [ 140 ]the Marquis of Dalhousie, and Viscount Palmerston. In this office, Mr. Pain was under-sheriff of the Cinque Ports, two ancient towns and their members; clerk of Lieutenancy. Clerk of the Court of Admiralty of the Cinque Ports; clerk to the Commissioners of Salvage at Dover; and clerk of the Court of Loadmanage, being the court which controlled and managed the pilots of Dover, Deal, Ramsgate and Margate. The principal duties of the office have been abolished or transferred to other jurisdictions by successive Acts of Parliament, and the only duties which now remain are those of clerk of Lieutenancy and clerk to Commissioners of Salvage at Dover. Mr. Pain, on the 30th of July, 1803, was appointed lieutenant in the first battalion of Cinque Ports Volunteers, commanded by the Rt Hon. William Pitt, then Lord Warden, and after the dissolution of that corps – namely, 26th of September, 1810, was appointed by the Earl of Liverpool, Captain of a company in the Cinque Ports regiment of local militia, in which corps he served until its dissolution at the close of the French war.
The Hastings Magnates at Dover.[edit]
A correspondent of the Fifeshire Herald, who said he had a place given him amongst the reporters at the Installation ceremony at Dover, thus described our Hastings Mayor; “Next came the Mayor of Hastings, in a magnificent scarlet gown, with a broad blue ribbon round the nect(sic) to which was suspended a grand ornament, set in gold, and in which was painted the Hastings arms. Soloman in all his glory could not have made a finer show. He had also under his gown a volunteer dress; for, he is surgeon to the regiment – surgeon, rifleman, artilleryman and mayor ‘like Cerberus, three gentlemen at once’. And after him a long train of mayors, &c, some with robes and some without, but none so resplendent as the Hastings magnified. Indeed, not a few of these gentlemen, to my mind, looked rather seedy.”
After a sketch of Lord Palmerston, Mr. Bodkin (the Dover recorder) and others, the same writer referred to Capt. Waldegrave, thus:-
“The only special attendant on Lord Palmerston was a gentleman you ought to know something about – the Hon. George Waldegrave. He wore for the occasion the blue and gold uniform of Her Majesty’s high officers of the Household. It was to me a rather interesting sight to see the members of an ancient and noble house in attendance on the Premier. It reminded me of the old times, when the scions of our great families acted as squires to knights and barons. Mr. Waldegrave must have had his hands full on that day, for until the moment when he was required to attend the Lord Warden he acted as field officer in command of the Volunteers; and, further, he was a member of the Committee of Management, the life and spirit of the whole affair Mr. Waldegrave is about to leave these parts , to live in Fifeshire; and [ 141 ]having lived some time in Hastings, I can bear testimony that his loss will be severely felt there, and that he will be followed by the regretful respect of all the town. The Volunteers of that town and other Cinque Ports will feel his loss deeply; for though only a captain of the Rifles, on him has fallen all the work of a field officer of the Cinque Ports Rifle Regiment (eight companies). He has performed all the duties of a colonel, and he had them under his command before the Queen in Hyde Park last year. In short, he has been the life and soul of the Volunteer movement here, and would certainly have taken a colonelcy (which was offered him) but for his new connection with Leslie* in your county. If you know Mr. Waldegrave I need hardly say that he performed the duties of squire to the Lord Warden with much grace and courtesy”.
- See page 42 for his marriage with the Countess of Rothes
Special Sermons.[edit]
£13 12s 9d at St. Clements, and £11 7s at All Saints were collected on Sunday, Feb. 8th after sermons by the Revs. J. Stoddart, H. L. M. Waters, F. J. Rawlins & W. Fawcett for the District Visiting Society
The Sussex Home Missions had sermons preached on their behalf at the Robertson street Congregational Chapel on Sunday, March 15th, by the Rev. Thomas Binney, of London, & the Rev. Mr. Campbell, & £26 was collected.
St. Mary’s Parochial Schools were benefited on Sunday, April 5th by 3 sermons preached on their behalf, which realised £69 18s 2d.
For the St. Clement’s and All Saints Schools, £15, £12 and £5 4s. were collected on April 12th, after sermons in the two parish churches.
For the Indian Famine Relief, appeals were made in the All Saints & St. Clement’s churches on May 10th, by the Revs. W. G. Mayne and J. W. Tottenham, which produced £18 6s. 9d., and £13 1s., respectively.
For the London Hibernian Society, collections were made on the 14th of July at St. Clement’s and All Saints, amounting to £5 5s. 5d. and £6 17s., respectively, and for St. John’s Foundation School, on the same day and at the same churches £11 10s. and £3 16s 3d.
A Farewell Sermon was preached in St. Clement’s church, on Sunday, July 21st, by the Rev. T. Nightingale, from Act. XX, 32, “And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified” The affectionate address of Mr. Nightingale was listened to, with the deepest attention by a large congregation, and the feeling of regret at parting was evidently general.
“How oft it pains to speak that word
On which we ne’er can dwell
Yet even a whisper may be heard,
That bids a kind farewell<br/Then gently would I say to thee
On whom a thought may dwell
[ 142 ]Kindly remember me,
Who bids thee thus farewell!
Long may thy peaceful happy lot
From grief or woe be free;
Yet, tho’ thus blest, forget me not –
Kindly remember me.”
Mr. Nightingale exchanged the rectorship of St. Clements for that of Iden, near Rye, where Georgianna, his wife died, in the following year (May 22nd, 1862) at the age of 43. Mr. Nightingale was not a strong man, and this bodily condition, added to mental depression at the loss of his wife, was the only cause that could be assigned for his sudden death by his own hand, some time later, an account of which is given elsewhere.
<y>Divine Service Expenses were appealed for at St. Clement’s church by the Rev. W. Bennett on the 25th of August, and a collection of £24 18s. was the result. This amount was slightly less than last year’s collection.
The Congregational Church Mortgage Debt of £850 was made up at the anniversary services on the 8th of September, after sermons had been preached by the celebrated Rev. Dr. Vaughan. In addition to this amount £100 had been raised towards the purchase price of the freehold (£700) The major portion of these two amounts had been collected within eighteen months.
The Church Pastoral Aid Society was pecuniarily benefitted by £12 7s. collected at St. Clement’s Church on the 22nd of Sept.
For the Halton Church Schools, the Rev. J. Parkinson obtained £18 11s. by a sermon on the 13th of October.
The Tabernacle Funds were aided by a collection of £22 14s 3d. on Sunday, Oct. 20th, after sermons by Mr. Gad Southall, of Plymouth.
For the St. Mary’s Schools, the collections at the Chapel of St. Mary’s in the Castle on the same Sunday (Oct 20th) amounted to over £52.
For the National Schools the sums contributed on Sunday, Oct 27th, were £13 14s. 7d. at the All Saints Church, and £19 11s. at St. Clement’s.
The Jews’ Society Funds were benefited(sic) on Sunday, Nov. 17th by £7 collected at All Saints, and £52 10s. at St. Mary’s in the Castle.
The Baptist Missions Fund, received an addition of about £11, from a Sunday service on the 27th and a meeting on the 28th.
The St. Clement’s Church Fund[edit]
At an annual meeting of the subscribers to this fund for providing the means to meet the expenses in lieu of church-rates, it was seen by the churchwardens’ report that the subscriptions had been £75 9s. and collections £25 6s. 8d., the total being about enough to meet the year’s expenditure, except the cost of some external repairs, which would be included in the next report. It was satisfactory to find that some of the subscribers were Dissenters.
The Rev. H. Brereton Foyster, the new rector of St. Clement’s, was inducted to the living on Friday, Sept. 27th, by the Rev. J. Parkin, M.A. The new rector preached in the church for the first time on Sunday, the 29th. [ 143 ]
School Treats.[edit]
St. Mary’s Evening School. The youths of the school in Stonefield road, of which Mr. James Rock, sen., was the chief founder, were invited to their annual treat in the school-room on the 21st of January.
St. Mary’s Day-schools. The boys, girls and infants of these schools had their usual May-Day treat on Wednesday, May 1st, in a variety of amusements, as well as in the consumption of a variety of refreshments, such as buns, Victoria sandwiches, new milk &c.
Girls Ragged School. About 90 children of this school, founded by Miss Paton and other ladies were treated to an annual tea and gipsy-party in Ore Valley, on the 19th of June.
Girls’ British School. The children attending this school, in Providence Row, partook of a bountiful tea in the school-room on the 13 of September, and engaged in various amusements, a storm preventing their assembling out of doors.
Halton Schools. Nearly 250 children of these schools were entertained with tea and cake, and with an afternoon’s pleasant games in the parsonage field on the 19th of September.
Vestry Meetings.[edit]
At Ore on the 17th of January, a rate of 1/- in the £ was agreed to. C. H. Frewen, Esq of Coghurst, in a speech of some length objected to the rating of his property at £185, whereupon Robt. Hunter, Esq. offered to Hire Coghurst Hall, unfurnished, & eleven acres of ground attached at £200 per annum. This offer was declined.
St. Michael’s Easter vestry was held at the Wellington inn, and a 6dy rate was agreed upon. The overseers named for magisterial selection were Messrs. Wood, Wise and Foord.
Holy Trinity’s meeting was also held at the Wellington inn, on March 22nd, Mr. Polhill, overseer, presiding, and who suggested that the vestry should empower the overseers to resist the payment of the rate which the Local Board were about to levy to meet the expenses of extending water mains through the parish, the said district being already supplied from the Eversfield Waterworks. The Vestry Clerk said that was not the proper way to raise the question. He also said the only mode of resisting the rate was by appealing against it.
St. Mary-in-the-Castle. This parish had its meeting at the Pelham Arms on the 25th of March, Mr. Burchall being appointed chairman. The same gentleman having removed into the adjoining parish was highly complimented for his assiduous attention to his office as one of the retiring overseers, and vote of thanks to him ordered to be entered on the minutes. Mr. Phillips was re-elected vestry-clerk; Messrs. Clement & Haywards were appointed surveyors for the outbounds.
St. Clement’s was held on the 26th of March, with Mr. Jos. Amoore, (a churchwarden) in the chair. J. Amoore and J. R. Bromley were re-elected churchwardens; G. B. Poole and Jas. Ives re-elected sidesmen; John Phillips re-elected vestry-clerk; J. Ives, re-elected assistant overseer. Mr. Henry [ 144 ]Winter having retired from the office of overseer, which he had filled with great satisfaction to the parishioners for three years, a special vote of thanks was unanimously agreed to. Messrs Bromley and Amoore both spoke of his valuable services in eulogistic terms. In acknowledging the vote of thanks, Mr. Winter expressed a hope that during the ensuing year some scheme would be adopted for the better distribution of the Magdalen Charity. He believed that the £90 then distributed annually in the parish was the foundation of much pauperism; that it encouraged certain ideas in the minds of parties three or four months before it was given away; and that, in fact, it was doing more harm than good. He knew that the churchwardens, with whom the distribution of the money rested, were anxious that some other scheme should be adopted, and he believed that if the vestry were to devise a reasonable one, the Charity Trustees and the Lord Chancellor would assent to it. He thought if they were to increase the amount of the several distributions and reduce the number of recipients, it would be much better; or they might borrow £200 or £300 and build two or three alms houses, which they might endow with £15 each, by which means they might be rendering great relief to those who were really deserving of it. As there was a probability that the charity money would greatly increase, and might ultimately be as much as £500 a year, he thought now was the proper time to take steps in the matter. – Several persons expressed opinions favourable to Mr. Winter’s suggestions, and it was arranged to specially consider the matter at the next vestry.
The All Saints meeting was held in the church vestry-room, on the 27th of March, with Mr. C. Moore in the chair. Mr. H. N. Williams and Mr. A. Harvey were re-elected churchwardens; Mr. D. Wood and H. Grisbrook, sidesmen; Messrs C. Moore and E. Welfare (nominated) as overseers for another year; Messrs T. Lock, E. Coussens, and Joel Richardson, assessors; Mr. G. Meadows re-elected vestry-clerk; Mr. J. Lettine re-appointed parish-clerk; Mr. G. White appointed sexton; and Mr. W. Giles, organist.
St. Clements. At a vestry meeting of this parish on the 18th of April, a poor-rate at 1/- in the £ was agreed to, and Mr. George Gorley was appointed to the office of assessed-taxes collector to succeed Mr. Ainslie Harwood, who had resigned.
All Saints held another vestry on the 10th of July, and agreed to a poor-rate at 1/4. The “empties” were the smallest in number for many years past, and the persons on the “black list”, were ordered to be summonsed if their defaults were not made good within a month. – Mr. H. N. Williams applied to have the rating of his house at High Wickham raised £13 a year, as an act of justice to the parish, the property having risen in value since he became the tenant, and would in his opinion, if vacated, fetch 50 per cent more rental than it would a few years ago. The application was granted, with thanks to the applicant. [ 145 ]St. Mary-in-the-Castle. This parish held a meeting on the 16th of Sept., and agreed to a poor-rate of 10d. Mr. A. Harvey (of All Saints) said it was an injustice to make rates for the half year, as it caused a demand to be made on the ratepayers six months before. The vestry-clerk (Mr. Phillips) differed from Mr. Harvey’s views, as did also, the overseers, whilst the assistant overseer (Mr. Whittington) said each rate would cost £5 more in preliminary expenses. The matter then dropped.
Holy Trinity Parish had a meeting at the Havelock hotel on the 10th of October, which was unusually numerously attended, but at which, besides passing a rate of 5d. in the £, their(sic) was nothing of interest transacted.
St. Clement’s Parish held a meeting on the 20th of October, and after passing a rate at 1s. in the £, received an application from Mr. Ives for permission to resign his office as assistant overseer, in consequence of painful domestic circumstances causing his removal to London at the earliest opportunity. The resignation was accepted, and another meeting was held on the 31st of October to elect a successor. Applications were received from W. Clapp, of Caroline place; E. F. Moore, of 1 West-hill cottages, and F. Brider(sic), of 7 Claremont. Mr. Moore was proposed and elected; Mr. Clapp withdrew, and Mr. Bridger was not proposed. A vote of thanks having been passed on Mr. Ives with eulogistic comments, Mr. Ives said it was very gratifying to him to know that he had the confidence of the parish. – As an acquaintance of long standing and as a fellow-worker with Mr. Ive(sic) in the same business establishment some twenty to thirty years before the date of this meeting, the present writer can personally testify to the honesty, fidelity and cheerful willingness with which Mr. Ives always undertook and completed his work. See “Presentations” page 137.
Our Local Volunteers[edit]
A Volunteer ball passed off with a large amount of success in the Music hall on Thursday, the 3rd of January. The company assembled to the number of about 150, among whom were several officers of the Artillery and Rifle corps, as well as members of corps from various parts of the district.
The 1st Cinque Ports Rifles met on Jan. 25th to elect three corporals in the room of others who were displaced or promoted. Sergt. Penhall resigned in consequence of his professional duties as a surgeon giving him too little leisure for the work of a non-commissioned officer, but he would continue to serve in the ranks. The senior corporal was John Ransom, who declined promotion, and the second corporal – C. J. Savery was therefore appointed to the vacant sergeantry. The three men then elected for company corporals were Archibald Hutchinson, Fredk. A. Langham and Chas. Hildred. Corporal Banks was made band-sergeant, and Wm. Whiting band-corporal.
The 4th Cinque Ports Artillery, on the 4th of February, received as a present, a [ 146 ]handsome silver bugle from Thomas Potter, Esq., of Manchester. Mrs. William Scrivens, whose husband was captain of the First Company of this corps, in delivering the bugle, spoke in a clear and audible voice as follows:- “Capt Harcourt, Officers and Volunteers of the 4th Cinque Ports Artillery, I am indebted to the liberality of a near relative for the great pleasure I now have in giving you this bugle. This pleasure and interest I feel in the corps are naturally enhanced by the position held in it by my husband, and by my long residence, which gives me, I believe, a knowledge of most of the members who compose it. I may congratulate you on the great proficiency you have attained in your various duties; a proficiency which has been acknowledged by the military authorities, and which entitles you to a high rank among the volunteers of this country. I feel sure that though your duties involve a great sacrifice of time, yet it is one which your patriotism and loyalty will ever induce you cheerfully to make; and if occasion should, unhappily arise when you are called upon to defend these shores, you will ever be found among the foremost in answer to the call of this bugle which I now present to you.”
Capt.-Commandant Harcourt acknowledged the gift as follows:- “Mrs Scrivens – On behalf of the Corps, the officers and myself, I beg to thank you most sincerly(sic) for the very handsome bugle you have presented to us. Those days of the downfall of England prophesied by her enemies must be far distant when the wives and mothers of England are the first to gird their husbands and sons for the fight. If those happy days dreamt of by Mr. Bright and his friends should ever arrive, when the sword shall be turned into the ploughshare and the bugle into the drinking-cup, tokens such as this bugle will best serve to remind our sons that it is to the energy of their fathers that they owe the state of security they enjoy. Mrs. Scrivens, - as I believe this bugle to be worthy of the corps to which it is presented, so I believe the corps to be not unworthy of the gift. I feel sure the “Attention” will never be sounded in presence of an enemy without finding every man at his post; and I can answer for it that “Cease Firing” shall never be heard either till the foe is beaten or the ammution(sic) is expended. I beg again to return you our most cordial thanks”. Mr. Hermitage, the band-master, then sounded a call on the bugle, and gave satisfactory evidence of its good qualities.
A Grand Assault of Arms came off in the Music Hall on the 11th of February in presence of many ladies, in addition to the members of the Artillery and Rifle Corps. The Artillery band and fife and drum band of the Rifles played alternately. Sergt. Shorter acted as master of the ceremonies. Col-Sergt. Stace arranged the plan of the Assault and had the superintendance(sic) of the fighting department. There were 14 items, consisting of fencing, single-stick bayonet and broad-sword, cutting a bar of lead, cutting a leg of mutton and the carcase of a sheep assunder(sic) at a single blow, &c. &c; all of which was cleverly and skilfully done and greatly applauded. [ 147 ]The Assault of Arms resulted in a balance of about £20 for the Rifle-band fund.
An Artillery-Band Concert took place at the Music Hall on the 23rd of January, and proved to be in every sense a success. Everything passed off without a single contretemps, and the large audience of nearly 600, appeared to be more than satisfied with the whole affair. The Band of thirteen performers appeared in their new uniform and played the pieces allotted to them. There was also a string band consisting of Messrs Lyon, Kidd, Stephen, George and Edward Hermitage, and F. French, with Mr. Paine (of the Tunbridge Wells concerts) as accompanyist(sic). There were also as vocalist, Messrs Plant, Newsome, Gough and Lyons, all of Canterbury Cathedral. The concert realised upwards of £40, and after paying all expenses, a balance of £20 was paid into the Bank to the credit of the band fund.
The Muster Roll of the 1st Company Cinque Ports Volunteers at this time showed as effective members one captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, one surgeon, one paymaster, five sergeants, one bugler, and 86 rank and file. The official return also showed that all the members were between 20 and 40 years of age.
Naval Volunteers. E. V. Harcourt, Esq., as Capt.- Commandant of the 4th Cinque Ports Artillery, having enrolled a number of sea-faring as a Marine Corps, and got them equipped, dressed and well officered, applied to the Admiralty for a gun-boat to be stationed for a few days a year off the town for the purpose of practising gun-drill on board ship. His application not being granted, Mr. Harcourt wrote again in somewhat spirited terms as follows:-
- “My Lord, - I regret the necessity under which the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty find themselves placed of refusing their countenance and assistance to the National Volunteer movement. It only now remains for me to endeavour to obtain the support of those members of the House of Commons who are favourable to the volunteer movement, to a motion expressing the opinion of the House ‘that it is no less incumbent on the Admiralty than the Horse Guards and War Office to give the volunteer movement its hearty support"
Mr. North, the Borough Member, made application to the Admiralty for the granting of Capt. Harcourt’s request, and was snubbed by Lord Paget, but the prevalent feeling was that if so reasonable a request were not granted, the Admiralty would get snubbed in return, both by the House of Commons and the Press.
The 4th Cinque Ports. This well officered Corps continued to carry out its early promise of efficiency. Corporal Tutt was promoted to a sergeancy, and gunners Hilder, Hunter and Baker were made bombardiers. The following gentlemen were also recommended by Captain Commandant Harcourt for commissions:- T. Brassey, W. E. Lewis, C. E. Dalrymple, and T. C. Leslie, Esquires. At a muster of this corps on the 4th of March, in consequence of the resignation of Sergt How, for the want of time, [ 148 ]Corporal Fisher was elected to the vacant post of sergeant, whilst Bombardier Bonniwell was chosen corporal, and Gunner A. Tutt made bombardier.
A Second Company of Rifles (?) A proposal to form a second Company caused a good deal of agitation, there being various opinions as to the propriety of such a step. The enrolled strength of the existing company was 100; the actual strength was 96, exclusive of the band. A muster was held on the 22nd of March in the Market Hall, at which it was decided that no active measures should be taken towards the formation of another company until the efficiency of the existing company had been maintained. Sergt. and Secretary W. Ransom, having resigned & retired to the ranks as a private, solely for the want of sufficient time for the duties of those officers, the vacant sergeancy was filled by corporal John Ransom. Corporal Hale resigned his place in the Rifles for a commission in the Artillery. The two corporalships thus vacant were filled by Stanley Thos. Weston and James F. Neve.
The Artillery Volunteers of Hastings and St. Leonards, to the numbers of about 90 mustered at Carlisle parade on Sunday, April 7th, and marched to St. Clement’s Church to a service conducted by the Rev. W. G. Mayne (in the absence through illness of the Rev. T. Nightingale) who also preached from Matt. V, 16. The men looked very smart, and convenient arrangements were made for them.
The Admiralty Caving In. On page 147, an opinion was expressed that Lord Clarence Paget, the Admiralty secretary, would probably have to yield to Capt Harcourt’s reasonable request, notwithstanding the snub which he gave to that request. The following will show the drift of the case:- On the 15th of April, in reply to a question put by Lord Enfield in the House of Commons Lord Clarence Paget said – “The Admiralty was desirous of encouraging the Volunteer movement and for that purpose were willing to afford every facility in their power to the drilling of volunteers along the coast. Orders had been given for the preparation of batteries on the shore at the Coastguard Stations, with a view to the drilling of volunteers. As soon as the men had learnt their drill, the Admiralty would consider to what extent gun-boats might be appropriated for the purpose of embarking them and giving them their ‘sea-legs’”.
The Artillery Corps was rapidly nearing its brigade number of 200 men, and on the 15th of April a full muster took place, when Sergt-Major Polhill was appointed Brigade Sergt-Major; Sergt. Payne, Quarter-master sergeant; Sergt-Major Murray changed to No. 1 Battery; Repository-Sergt-Major Vidler appointed to Sergt-Majorship of No. 2 Battery; Corporal Walter promoted to be Sergeant; Bombardier Dowsell to be Corporal; and Gunner Hutchins to be Bombardier.
The Artillery Brigade, Viscount Palmerston, as Lord Warden, accepted the Fourth Royal Cinque Ports Artillery Volunteers as a Brigade consisting of four companies.
The 1st Cinque-Ports Rifles. The Lord Warden also accepted the resignation of Lieut Crake, with an expression of regret that he should have given [ 149 ]up his position in the company, and with thanks for his long service, under the absence of his superior officer. He hoped, however that the latter (Capt. Waldegrave) would for the present, retain his commission. His lordship also signified his intention of promoting Ensign Rock to the vacant lieutenancy, and wished the names of three members to be sent to him that he might select one for the post of ensign. Three persons, agreeably to his lordship request, were selected by means of votes, on the 26th of April – namely, Sergt. Cooper, Corporal Langham and Sergt. Savery.
A Testimonial to Col.-Sergeant Stace. On the 10th of May, at the close of the drill in the Market Hall, a testimonial on vellum and a purse of £15, were presented to Col.-Sergt. Stace, for his valuable exertions from almost the earliest life of the corps.
Inspection of the Rifles. On the evening of the 14th of May, the First Company of Cinque-Ports Rifles was inspected on the West Hill by Lieut.-Col. Luard, who, after about an hour’s drill, addressed the men, and declared himself well satisfied with the manner in which they had performed their work, and would have pleasure in reporting favourably of them at head-quarters.
The 4th Cinque Ports Artillery, headed by their band, marched out on Whit-Tuesday to the cricket-ground, near Fairlight Church for exercise and amusement. The officers were Capt.-Commandant Harcourt, Capt. Gibbs, Lieuts. Lewis and Hale, Quartermaster Starkey, Quartermaster-Sergt. Payne, Brigade-Sergt. Polhill, Sergt-Major Murray, Sergts. Mackey, Tutt, Walter, Skinner, Picknell and Marchant, and Master-Gunner Coleman. The Countess Waldegrave and other ladies were present. The men (upwards of 60) were put through some company drill, and then allowed to engage in field sports.
Anniversary of the 2nd Sussex. – The Artillery Volunteers of Fairlight, Pett & Winchelsea, known as the 2nd Sussex, made such excellent practice on the 27th of May, from the 68 pounder at Cliff End as to knock away the target (which was struck several times). Two days later, the corps assembled in the cricket-ground, adjoining Fairlight church, under the command of Capt. Lucas-Shadwell, fully equipped with carbines, ammunition pouch &c., with which they had been recently supplied. They were exercised for about two hours, and then marched to church, headed by the new band, in uniform, under the leadership of Mr. Isaac Holman. The service was attended by a very numerous congregation. At the close of the service, the corps, with its band and banners, marched to Fairlight Hall, and being formed into line on the lawn, Capt. Shadwell read out the attendances of the men at drill, and awarded the promised prizes for the best in attendance and general proficiency. Those who received the first prizes of 10s. were James Brazier (97 times) and James Thorpe (86 times) and George Playford (95). The recipients of second prizes of 5/- were Charles Bennett (88), Alfred Harman [ 150 ](79) Thomas Souter (93) and – Fuller (93). The captain announced that the prizes would be continued annually. On “dismiss” being given, the company numbering about 80, adjourned to the library (which was prettily dressed with flags and evergreens) where a substantial dinner of Old English fare was provided and partaken of. It is not consonant with the design of this history to give a record of after dinner speeches except in so far as strictly pertains to the one event which brings the speakers together, and even then very briefly. The present case calls for one of those conditional exceptions.
In toasting the “Army and Navy” the chairman remarked that they were fortunate in having both services represented that evening; for it was rarely in that quiet neighborhood(sic) that they could get gentlemen of either service to respond to a toast. One gentleman was a practical military officer who had been in active service in India, and one whom it was their privilege to look up to as the Colonel of the Sussex Brigade of Artillery Volunteers. The Navy was represented by a gentleman who had endeavoured to do the corps good service in matters of great-gun practice which were not too small to aid the correct firing of the 2nd Sussex Artillery Volunteers. He would therefore couple with the toast the names of Lieut.-Col. Estridge and Lieut. Buck [Loud applause]. – Col. Estridge had met them at that hospitable board with the greatest pleasure. He had been particularly pleased with all he had seen in his present visit, both as to the manner in which the corps had performed their gun-practice, and in which they had gone through their drill. – Lieut Buck (chief officer of 38 Martello Tower) said it gave him great pleasure to render any service in his power for the defence of Old England. – In coupling the names of the Rev. W. T. Turner and the Rev. F. Young with the “Bishop and Clergy”, the chairman said they were greatly indebted to those gentlemen for the use of their schoolrooms wherein to drill the corps. – The Rev. F. Young (who represented the Rev. H. Stent, then absent from home) as deputy chaplain, had never any hesitation in deciding the part it became him to take, his opinion being that the best thing to do to ward off war was to be prepared for it. – R. Hunter in toasting “The Volunteers, having connected the name of Lieut. Rock, the latter gentleman, in an appropriate and somewhat lengthy speech (of which the following is but a summary) said he was rather an old volunteer – not one of the generation passing away which their fathers talked about, but one of a middle race who sprung up on the occasion of the panic in 1852. He was one of the first who took part in that movement, when the late Earl Waldegrave and the then Mayor of Hastings started a Rifle Corps which numbered 70 men. They were rather snubbed by the Government and the excitement having died out, the corps dwindled down rapidly. He was, however one of those who purchased a weapon, which turned out an excellent one for sporting purposes, but not for rifle practice. In continuing, Mr. Rock briefly sketched the rise and progress of the present move[ 151 ]ment, and expressed an opinion that every Englishman ought to feel that the defence of his homestead depended upon himself. He concluded by complimenting the captain and corps upon the valuable testimony to their efficiency which had been elicited from Lieut.-Col. Estridge. Capt. R. C. Stileman (of Winchelsea), secretary and treasurer to the corps, in responding to a toast, read a statement of accounts which showed the receipts from donations to be £297 1s., and from annual subscriptions £34 13s. The principal item of expenditure £211 4s. 6d., was for uniforms. About £15 had been expended in details of working, and a balance of £105 9s. 4d. remained in hand. He concluded with giving “The Second Sussex Artillery Corps, from the captain down to the last entered gunner.” This toast was received with great enthusiasm, and in a lengthy response, Captain Shadwell explained the arrangements he intended to make for the summer campaign, and stated that the prizes for efficiency would be continued.
The 4th Cinque Ports Artillery had ball practice at 39 Tower, Bopeep, on the 18th of June, where several of the men had previously been making up ammunition. The practice was very good; and two days later, the firing was resumed at the Rock-a-Nore battery for the first time that season. The party (which included a few of the Marine Artillery) was not so numerous as the detachment at Bopeep, but the onlookers were many. The firing lasted over three hours, during which 27 rounds were fired from a single gun, chiefly by the Marine Corps, it being the first time they had “smelt powder”. Some of the shots were pronounced to be good, but on the whole the average was barely maintained. The band, lead(sic) by S. Hermitage, and headed by Drum-Major Guedella, marched the firing party to and from their work. Most of the officers were present.
First Cinque Ports Rifles. The men of this company were variously occupied in judging-distance drills, and registered target practice, Adjutant Capt. Smith being with them. This gentleman was gazetted on May 1st as Adjutant Carleton Smith to serve with the rank of Captain of 1st Administrative Battalion.
Artillery Promotions and Appointments. The London Gazette of June 25th, announced the following commissions signed by the Queen:- Master-Gunner Hunter, Royal Artillery, to be Adjutant, 4th Cinque Ports Artillery from 7th of June. First Lieut. William Lowe Lewis, to be Captain, June 18th. – Robert Douglas Hale to be 2nd Lieutenant, June 1st; Charles Elphinstone Dalrymple to be 1st Lieutenant, and George Turner, to be 1st Lieutenant, June 1st. Sergt Mackey promoted to Sergeant-Majorship, vice Sargeant(sic)-Major Vidler, resigned; and Sergt. Picknell promoted to be Sergt-Major of 4th Battery (2nd Marines).
The 1st Cinque Ports Rifles rode to Battle, per rail, on the 26th of June, to meet the corps under the command of Capt. Coombe, and after some drill together, the Hastings had a pleasant march home. [ 152 ]The Band of the 4th Artillery had a Musical Promenade in Mr. Robertson’s beautiful grounds on the 5th of July, for its own benefit, by permission of the officers of the corps and the generous owner of the ground.
Artillery Promotions. The following were Gazetted on July 2nd and 5th:- Captain Edward William Venables Vernon-Harcourt to be Major; First Lieut. Charles Elphinstone Dalrymple, to be Captain, June 26th. George Scrivens to be Supernumerary-Lieutenant; John Starkey to be Supernumerary Lieut.; Honorary Assistant-Surgeon Frederic Ticehurst, to be Surgeon; July 23.
Rifle Prize Fête. Said the Hastings News of Aug. 23rd, “For a third season the Rifle Volunteers of Hastings have met their brothers-in-arms in a friendly contest of skill at their shooting ground in the pretty valley of Ecclesbourne. From the humble origin of a fraternal competition with the members of the now defunct corps of a sister Cinque Port, within a few months after the formation of the corps two years since, our annual competition has assumed an importance not inferior to that of any prize meeting in the district. Last year there were three matches only, one of them being open to all volunteers. The programme for the contest now under notice had extended, so that it included three matches for volunteers, one for ‘all services’, and two for all ‘comers’; the prize money amounting to more than £70. Whether the fame and spirit of Hastings, with regard to volunteering had spread over the land like the knowledge of some of its characteristics of old, we know not; but indications were apparent on the day preceding and the morning of the contest (taking as a test the volunteers in uniform or gentlemen in private attire bearing rifles who were seen to arrive by train or to be making their way towards the East Hill), that the hopes we expressed concerning these contests last year would be carried out, and that the shooters would be more than usually numerous. Nor did the events of Tuesday [Aug. 20] do other than fulfil these expectations; for so numerous were the entries that it was impossible to fire off more than four of the six matches on the card. – Thus much of the preliminary remarks in the Hastings News, the rest being extracted from the St. Leonards Gazette:- The Hastings corps, in command of Lieut. Rock and Ensign Cooper, headed by their military and semi-military bands, arrived on the ground in good time, and very shortly afterwards the heights commanding a view of the contest were taken possession of by a numerous public, a large portion of whom appeared to take a lively interest in the proceedings. The fenced-in ground was effectually guarded against the unprivileged by the borough and county police, under the direction of Superintendents Glenister and Jeffery. At a later period of the day, also, when the long-range [ 153 ]matches came off, the 4th Cinque Ports (Hastings) Artillery assisted in keeping the ground against all whose inadvertence might perchance have suffered them to to cross the line of fire, and thus all chance of accidents in that respect was averted. Ensign Cooper had charge of the right division firing party, and Sergt-Major Stace the left; these were assisted by Color(sic)-Sergt. Shorter, Sergt. Hutchinson, Corporals Hildred, Weston, Neve and Pollard. Quartermaster-Sergt. Cole had charge of the magazine, whilst Paymaster Field, assisted by two orderlies, officiated as entries clerk. Corporal F. Ransom superintended the scoring; Sergt. Savery and Lance-Sergt. Penhale, the guards and reliefs; and Lance-Sergt. W. Ransom the pool-firing department, the percentage of which realised about £6 to the good of the Corps fund. The successful competitors had their choice of receiving their prizes either in money or goods, the latter being exhibited in a tent for that purpose. A large tent was also erected for the supply of refreshments.
The First Match, for a prize of five guineas, was competed for by no fewer than 95 volunteers, chiefly from Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Sussex and the several Cinque Ports, the targets were placed at a distance of 400 yards, and the number of shots to be fired by each man was five. Sergt. Rose (1st Sussex) being the winner, was greeted with a friendly cheer.
The Second Match was for prizes of 12, 5, and 3 guineas at ranges of 200 and 500 yards, and with three shots each. Of the 100 volunteers who competed in this match six obtained 6 points each, eight 7 points, ten 8 points, and five 9 points. In shooting off the ties, private A. Vidler of Hastings distinguished himself as champion for the first prize, whilst private Russell of Ashford and Lieut. Bonus, of the 2nd Surrey, carried off the second and third prizes respectively.
The Third Match, for a prize of 8 Guineas, was warmly contested by 69 members of various corps, who fired five shots each from a distance of 300 yards. The number of points obtained by about half the competitors ranged from 5 to 8. The latter number was got by five men, all of whom agreed to divide the money rather than shoot off the ties.
The Fourth Match was for “all services”, the prize 10 guineas, the number of shots 3, and the distance 300 yards. Owing to the lateness of the hour at which this match commenced, a considerable number of volunteers were obliged to do the “double-quick”, in order to catch the latest trains; consequently only 40 competed. The winner was Sergt. G. Brookes, of the 12th Middlesex, and who gained the greatest number of points throughout the day of any competitor.
The Fifth Match came off on the following day. It was for “all comers” with any kind of rifle, but without hair-triggers, rests or magnifying sights. The prize was ten guineas, to be competed for with 5 [ 154 ]shots each at 300 yards. Seven points were obtained by each of six competitors, among whom was Alfred Vidler, 1st C.P.R.V., but the prize was won by Ensign Martin of the 11th Sussex.
The Sixth Match, for a prize of 15 guineas, was shot for at a range of 600 yards by 38 of the “all-comers”, and after an exciting contest was won by Milner, of the South Middlesex Corps; but this was only achieved by shooting off a tie with Palmer of Hythe, for the “honours”, the two having previously agreed to share the amount. Sweepstakes. After the regular matches a sweepstakes was shot for, the same being won by Private Baddeley, of the Victoria Rifles. A field-glass, the gift of Lieut. Wallinger, was also completed for, and won by Private Horton, of the 4th Cinque Ports (Hythe). The prizes were presented by Lady Elizabeth Waldegrave, who was accompanied by several other ladies. Thus was brought to a close the third annual prize meeting of the 1st Company of Cinque Ports Volunteers.
Hastings Volunteers at Dover. The installation of Lord Palmerston as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports afforded our volunteers a favourable opportunity of exhibiting their smartness in dress, dicipline(sic) and drill, and enabled them, moreover to obtain a distinction, which, to say the least must have been exceedingly gratifying to them. The occasion was a grand one (as described elsewhere), equally worthy of the man whom the nation delighted to honour and of those who assembled to do him homage. The volunteers of Hastings and St. Leonards mustered about 250 strong, and being joined by contingents of 48 from Rye, swelled the numbers to nearly 300.
Appointments and Promotions. – Tuesday’s Gazette (Sept. 3rd) contained the following:- “1st Cinque Ports Rifle Volunteers. – Ensign Frederic Sydney de Brebant(sic) Cooper, Esq. to be Lieutenant; Charles John Savery, Esq, to be Ensign, Aug 12. Frederic Langham, Esq, to be Ensign, Aug. 13 – Second Sussex Artillery Volunteer Corps. – James Hunt, Esq, to be First Lieutenant, vice Agar, resigned, Aug. 23.
The Artillery Band, said the St. Leonards Gazette of Sept. 14th, has breathed its last, and it is said that this event is entirely owing to the incompetency of its leader; not so much, however, through his want of musical ability, as through inexperience in the management of a body of men. We must admit that the stuff Mr. Hermitage was called upon to hold together was of a very combustible nature; and an older and more experienced person might, perhaps, have found it beyond his power to lead continual discord to concord. If we are rightly informed, another band, with another leader, is in course of formation.
Sergeant Henry Walter, to the general satisfaction of his comrades, [ 155 ]has recently been appointed Sergt-Major to the second battery of the 4th Cinque Ports Volunteers. The present writer, who was, for some years a pedagogue, was alway(sic) proud of the quiet earnestness of the brothers Henry and Thomas Walter, as two of his pupils.
The 4th Cinque Ports had a detachment engaged in firing practice at No. 40 Tower, on Monday Sept. 16th, when 17 rounds of blank cartridge, shot and shell were expended. – On the following day, 140 of the Brigade were officially inspected at Hastings, when Col. Rotten(sic) expressed himself highly satisfied with drill and general appearance.
A Promenade Concert by and for the Rifle Band, supplemented by a fête champetre came off on the evening of Oct. 3rd, with much eclât in the beautiful grounds of P. F. Robertson, Esq., which were visited by a numerous company.
Artillery Parade. About 70 of the 4th Cinque Ports mustered at the drill shed on the 9th of October, from whence, under the command of Capt. Scrivens they marched through Hastings and on to St. Leonards as far as Warrior square. They were headed by their brass and drum and five bands, the former under the new leader, Mr. E. Balkham (formerly a member of Brett’s St. Leonards Band).
Second Sussex Artillery. On the 16th of Sept., the second annual inspection of the Fairlight, Ore, Pett and Winchelsea (Capt Shadwell’s) company of Artillery Volunteers took place on Pett Level. About 50 men assembled, under the command of their Captain and Lieut. James Hunt. Other officers, together with the band, were also present. The three sections had mustered previously at their places of drill, and on reaching the rendezvous various movements were effected, under the superintendence of Sergts. Ledgerwood and Samwell, of 38 and 39 Martello Tower, the gunnery instructors of the Corps. On the arrival of the inspecting officer, Col. Rotton, Lieut.-Col. Estridge and Adjutant Paisley, the men were closely inspected and put through various evolutions, which were performed with all the smartness that could be expected from a small body of men who were scattered over six miles of coast country. When these movements were completed the men were marched away to 37 Tower, where gun drill was practised and several rounds of blank cartridge were fired. In firing with shot a few days previously, one shot was sent through a small target moored a mile out at sea. The inspecting officer expressed pleasure in finding the men so well up to their work, and after his departure, Capt. Lucas-Shadwell, with his always commendable forethought provided substantial refreshments which were thoroughly appreciated close attention to duty.
The Rifle Volunteers marched out on the evening of Sept. 17th for skirmishing exercise on St. Leonards Green, where they fired five rounds of blank cartridge per man by moonlight. They were commanded by Lieut. Rock, with Lieut. Cooper, Ensigns Savery & Langham and Sergt-Major Stace. The bands accompanied them.
The Same Corps had a church-parade on Sunday, Sept. 29th. The men mustered on the Marine Parade and marched thence to Halton church, where their honorary chaplain, the Rev. John Parkin preached the sermon. The parade dress [ 156 ]included full uniform and side-arms, but no cross-belts. The bands marched with the company, but without their instruments.
Rifle Prize Shooting. Ecclesbourne Valley again re-echoed the music of the rifle on the 24th of September, in a contest of skill between the members of the first corps Cinque Ports Volunteers – i.e. – the Hastings Corps and its sub-division at Rye. The arrangements were the same as those that were made at the late fête. Lieut. Rock was in command, aided by Lieut Cooper, of Hastings, and Lieut. Bellingham, of Rye; also by Ensigns Savery and Langham. The Rev. J. Parker, as chaplain, was also present; nor was the band (Herr Kluckner’s) absent.
The First Match was for three money prizes, respectively of 8 guineas, 4 guineas, and 2 guineas. The conditions were an entrance fee of 1s., and a shooting distance of 200 and 500 yards, five shots at each. The winner of the first prize was Sergt. Weston; grandson of Mr. Weston – gardener to the Countess of Waldegrave. The second prize was taken by Privat(sic) Vicat, and the third by Sergt. John Thorpe, artist at St. Leonards.
The next Match was for the honour of victory between ten men and an officer of the 17th Kent (Tunbridge Wells) Rifles Volunteers, and the same number of the 1st Cinque Ports. The Kentish men proved themselves to be by far the best shots.
The Ladies Prize was next competed for, consisting of ten guineas worth of plate to be selected by the winner. The successful competitor was Corporal John Reeves, son of the townsman of the same name, leather-cutter &c.
The Last Match was for three extra prizes – a field-glass presented by the officers; a silver watch by M. Guedala, Esq., trumpt(sic)-Major of the 4th C.P.A.V.; and a set of gold studds(sic) by Mr. Connold.
The 4th Cinque Ports Artillery mustered for practice on the 21st of October at the Rock-a-Nore battery, and fired 40 rounds of blank cartridge, shot and shell; and, notwithstanding, a rather boisterous wind, the flag on the target, at a thousand yards distance, was struck several times.
Rifle Contest. The return match for the honour of victory, between the 1st Cinque Ports Rifles, and the 17th Kent, took place on the practice ground of the latter corps, near Tunbridge Wells on the 16th of October. The weather was of a chilly and cheerless character, and afforded but small comfort to the comparatively few lookers-on. The Hastings squad of 11 was commanded by Ensigns Savery and Langham, while the Tunbridge Wells 11 were under the command of Ensign Sperling. The latter made a higher score even than in the first match at Hastings, the total points at each range being 75, 46 & 32, whilst the Hastings 11 obtained only 60, 35 and 14. Thus the Kentish men were the victors by 44 points.
Suspension of Drills In consequence of the lamented death of the Prince Consort, the volunteer drills were suspended, and on the day set [ 157 ] apart for the interment of His Royal Highness’s remains, the following order was issued by Lieut. Rock, the officer in command of the Rifles:- “The Corps will muster for church parade at half-past 9 a.m., at the Depôt, without arms; each man wearing a piece of black-crape, three inches wide immediately above the elbow of the left arm, and black gloves. Officers to wear a band of black crape, one inch wide, around the cap; also crape over the sword knot, and above named, on the left arm. The Corps will accompany the Mayor and Corporation to attend Divine Service at Holy Trinity church. The commanding officer relies on the attendance of every man on this solemn occasion.”
A Leviathan Strawberry.[edit]
A gigantic strawberry was gathered in the first week of July by Mr. A. H. Wood, in his garden near the Gas Works, which measured 9½ inches in circumference. It was a season of large strawberries, but one stood out as beating the record. Mr. Wood obtained first prize for that kind of fruit at the so-called Flower Show, but there was not one in the plate which he there exhibited that approached the monster here described.
- ↑ An explanation of old currency and coinage may be found at the following website Pre-decimal currency, accessdate: 16 June 2022
- ↑ An explanation of old currency and coinage may be found at the following website Pre-decimal currency, accessdate: 16 June 2022
- ↑ An explanation of old currency and coinage may be found at the following website Pre-decimal currency, accessdate: 16 June 2022