Brett Volume 7: Chapter LXII - Hastings 1859
Transcriber’s note
This is a verbatim transcription of Brett’s work, which comprised both manuscript and typescript cuttings - the latter having been previously published in Brett's Gazette some twenty years prior to his compilation of them, and therefore reproduces Brett’s variations in style, capitalisation, punctuation and spelling. The only alterations made have been to the pagination and images whereby both page titles and images have been moved to the most appropriate paragraph as opposed to where they were pasted into the texts by the author. Where possible, personal names have been checked against census, parish records, contemporary newspaper reporting and the Central Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths. A number of footnotes have been inserted by the transcriber when this has been thought to be useful. Generally the transcription follows the guidelines set out by the National Archives. Work is in hand to identify and annotate hand-written sections and other annotations within the transcriptions, the main difference being that hand-written sections are indicated by a Cursive font on screen. If any portions are As with most websites, the texts within this history have keywords (blue text) linked to pages within the wiki dealing with buildings and people from the towns of Hastings & St. Leonards |
Volume 7 - Chapter LXII - Hastings 1859
Town Council meetings (pg. 107)
Water Supply (pg. 114)
Rainfall & Water Supply (pg. 120)
Town Council (water supply) (pg. 122)
Surveyor's Application to take other work (pg. 128)
The Borough Election (pg. 134)
"Hastings News" on the election (pg. 140)
The new Ministry (pg. 144)
The Mechanics' Institution – Lectures (pg. 147)
Other matters (pg. 148)
Institutions (pg. 149)
Accidents & Fatalities (pg. 150)
Death of Earl Waldegrave (pg. 152)
Marriage-Prof. Frikell (pg. 153)
Entertainments, concerts (pg. 155)
Hoffman's Organophonic Band (pg. 156)
Vestry meetings (pg. 156)
Rocket Apparatus (pg. 159)
Wesleyan Affairs (pg. 159)
Church collections (pg. 159)
Consecration of Church & Burial Ground (pg. 160)
Fishing Industry (pg. 161)
The Lifeboat – Maritime Casualties (pg. 162)
The Regatta (pg. 163)
The Great Eastern Steam-ship – Rifle Competition – Testimonials (pg. 164)
Disputed Right of Way (pg. 170)
The Climate of Fairlight (pg. 177)
"What Influence can the Planets have?" (pg. 182)
The Wreck of the “Royal Charter” (pg. 188)
The Great Eastern in the Gale (pg. 190)
Miscellaneous matters (pg. 190)
The Volunteer Artillery Corps Established (pg. 194)
Formation of the Artillery Volunteers (pg. 199)
The Year's Retrospect 1859 (pg. 200).
[ 107 ]
Town Council Meetings
Police Memorial. On considering a memorial from 4 sergeants and 5 policemen for an increase of pay on account of long service and the Secretarys of State's disallowance of the hitherto pay for attending at court when off duty, the Council, on the 4th of February, resolved that six constables receive an addition of 2/- (22s a week, as first class; some others as second class, 20s; and the rest, as 3rd class, 18s. per week. Councillors Vidler and Harvey thought the men were well paid, and that as there were plenty of men ready to take their place, they should be asked to resign. The advance, however was agreed to by 9 to 7.
Communication from Fishermen. At the same Council meeting, the following was received:-
(1) Resolved that it is with extreme regret that having seen that the Council have resolved to make a further encroachment on our rights and privileges by extending the parade wall, and thereby to prevent our using that part of the Stade at a time when we want more room instead of less, when the property and townage has doubled within the last 25 years.
(2). That it is the opinion of this meeting that this encroachment be resisted by every means in our power, seeing that the Corporation have taken from us, or rather robbed us of our rights of the Priory ground, and have leased and sold it, and applied the money for the use of the town.
(3). That the Town Council be requested to take away the wall lately built by them on the stade from the east end of the Battery-wall and that they put down another capstan there (as formerly) for the use of the fishermen and others, it being the best and most sheltered part for landing and packing of fish, and also near the railway office."
Ald Ross said the beach or stade never belonged to the fishermen, although they imagined that it did and that the Corporation had no power over it. The charter of Queen Elizabeth clearly granted all stonebeach to the Corporation, and not to the fishermen. The Mayor would remind the fishermen that they could not have put up groynes themselves for the protection of the stade.
A Tender (the only one) for the wall complained of by the fishermen was received at the same meeting and accepted from Mr. Grisbrook, the amount of the tender being £135. At the April meeting, the Stonebeach Committee recommended the erection of an iron railing at the east end of the East-parade adjoining the new wall and the removal of the parapet, but the former only was agreed upon.
Groynes. At the November meeting, the Stonebeach Committee having reported that during the late gales, the encroachment of the sea on the East groyne had been such as to leave only three feet of ground for the protection of Corporation property, gave rise to a conversational discussion, in which all the old objections were revived and old theories re[ 108 ]newed. Coun. Putland again advocated a permanent groyne to be gradually added to during 4 or 5 tears, so that it might protect the whole front of the town, the commencement to cost about £250. Ald. Rock also favoured the plan, such having previously fallen through he through(sic), he thought, in consequence of the disagreement of the "stone-groyne men" and the "wooden-groyne men." He thought the structure should be of both materials. Coun. Winter's opinion was that the whole frontage of the town depended upon that groyne. The question was settled at the December meeting by a resolution to heighten the said east (or Rock-a-Nore) groyne four feet by means of timbers braced to the piles along the level portion and new piles and timbers elevated 7 feet above the existing level, at an estimated cost of £150.
Site for a Fishmarket. The Stone-beach Committee reported that as soon as the sea-wall was completed (see page 107) to the Custom-house (now the Lifeboat house), the vacant space between the wall and the roadway would be a convenient spot for a fishmarket to be built, whereupon the Clerk read a long memorial from 17 occupiers of lodging-houses at East Parade and 31 owners of property in George street, Pelham place and Marine parade, praying the Council to desist from carrying out such a suggestion to the detriment of that part of the town. Councillor Bromley sarcastically enquired if any of the memorialists lived at Bopeep? the fears expressed were the most groundless he had ever heard of. Such a market was the best thing that could be devised, and he should support it. Ald. Rock and Ald. Ross would support the scheme, the latter remarking that it appeared strange that they should have two antagonistic memorialists - the fishermen against building the wall, and the occupiers of houses against the erection of a fishmarket. [These gentlemen omitted to state that the fishing-boats and rope-shops were being more and more pushed along under the East Cliff, and that the proposed fishmarket, though an improvement in itself, would be nearer to the lodging-houses, and would to some extent take away from them a view of the sea. Also its considerable distance from the landing of fish would be an inconvenience to many persons employed in the fishery]. Coun. John Reeves objected to the proposed site, remarking that in no other town was there a fishmarket so close to the resort of visitors. Coun. Putland regretted the remarks against the memorialists, there being no other means for the townspeople expressing their opinion. He, himself, thought the market should be further east. The recommendation was negatived by ten to seven. Coun. Bromley, being determined if possible, to carry his point, moved that the Surveyor prepare plans for the proposed market. This was also negatived by the same disparity. The plan, however, was afterwards prepared by the Surveyor (Mr. Laing) at an estimated cost of £300; and in discussing it on Jun. 3rd, Coun. Bromley [ 109 ]declared it would be a disgrace to the town to erect a building at less than double the estimated cost. Coun. Winter believed it would cost nearer a thousand than either £300 or £600. Coun. Picknell thought they ought to get a building for a great deal less than £300; and Coun. Vidler said they were going to spend £300 upon a thing that wouldn't be worth £20. The motion for the £300 market was carried by 10 to 3. [What a change from a previous decision, and what a display of intelligence in a ruling body!] At the next meeting, the Committee reported that they had adopted Mr. Laing's plan for the new fishmarket on the site agreed upon at the last meeting, to be built with cast-iron columns and wood and slate roof. It would contain seven stalls, each with a frontage of 10 1/2 feet, and the whole to be of an octagon shape. Coun. Tree moved the reception and adoption of the report, and Coun. Putland moved that the subject be deferred or referred back to the Committee, and argued at some length against the eligibility of the site, and the haste that was then being evinced. Ald. Clement remarked that they had been talking and planning, and meeting and measuring for the past five years, and he thought the best thing now to be done was to have a small market first, and if that paid, could afterwards have a larger one. Coun. Vidler would vote for the present plan because it was the cheapest, but he would rather not have any. Coun. Picknell was in favour of delay. Ald. Ross was sick of the matter, and hoped it would now be done with. Eleven voted for receiving the report, and six against. The plan was consequently adopted. But even this did not settle the matter, the site of the fishmarket being afterwards changed from the one in front of the Cutter inn to one where the said market now exists, in front of the Queens Head Inn.
The Town Clock - At the meeting on February 4th, Councillor Duke complained of the Road Committee's action in revoking the decision of the Council with respect to the repairs and illumination of the town clock. Notice had been issued for tenders, and only one had been received - that of Mr. Sellman, of St. Leonards, the amount being £57. But the Committee had determined not to accept it. He (Coun. Duke would, however, move the acceptance of the said tender. Thereupon, a good deal of what may be called wrangling ensued, in which not a little of the old spirit of "East and West" endured. One side quoted the opinion of some of the watchmakers that the works were worn out, and that no substantial repairs could be effected. The other side contended that the specification provided for all new parts that were required. Coun. Vidler stated that he had been to some of the watchmakers on the matter, which drew forth a cutting reproof from Coun. Harvey. Coun. Winter charged the Committee with attempting to get over the matter by a side wind. Mr. Sell[ 110 ]man's tender was accepted, and the work was satisfactorily executed as shown by the rhymed effusions on page 102.
Waldegrave Thanks. At the Council meeting on Nov. 4th, the following letter was read:"Hastings, 3rd of November, 1859
My dear Mr. Mayor.
I am desired by the Countess of Waldegrave to express to you in her name and in that of the other members of my father's family, the sincere gratification which they have derived from the testimony borne to his worth by the spontaneous attendance of yourself and the Town Council at his funeral yesterday. My father was a man who, from his youth up, had been wholly bent on doing his duty in that state of life, to which it pleased God to call him. Whether at sea or on shore, he was always the upright, unflinching, untiring servant of his fellow men, his Sovereign and his Saviour. Nor did the truly honourable ambition to be useful in his generation forsake him when in 1846, he found a resting-place for his declining years within the precincts of your borough. He continued to work for others until the failure of his health, consequent upon that bereavement in which the authorities and other inhabitants of Hastings so largely, shared and so deeply sympathised - the loss of my gallant brother, Viscount Chewton laid him permanently aside from all active duty. The full appreciation of his character and services on your part, my dear Mr. Mayor, and on that of the Town Council and of his brother - County Magistrates, will ever be remembered with grateful though melancholy satisfaction by his widow and his surviving children. May I request you, my dear Mr. Mayor, to communicate the contents of this letter to the Town Council and to those Borough and County Magistrates who were present yesterday.
And believe me to be your very faithful servant"
George Waldegrave"
Coun. Winter proposed that the communication be entered on the minutes as a document worthy of permanent preservation. Ald. Rock in seconding the proposition, said it would show that the Council had paid due respect to the late noble peer.
inspection of Gas Meters. At the same November meeting it was resolved to adopt the Act for the Inspection of gas meters, as in the case of weights and measures. Coun. Putland, who made the motion, said he did so with pleasure because he had always thought it a one-sided affair for gas companies to have all the power.
Borough and District Rates. At the Council meeting on March 11th, a borough-rate of 4d. was agreed to, Coun. Vidler, the professed economist, strongly objecting to Coun. Bromley's desire for a threepenny rate. At the July meeting a general district rate at 7d. was also passed. Coun. Putland argued that as a rule, a sixpenny [ 111 ]rate ought to be sufficient for sch a growing town, with its increased assessments. The rate under the Hastings (Commissioners') Improvement Act, at 3d. was also passed. A (illegible text) rate under the same Act was agreed to at the December meeting.
The Burial Board and Cemetery. At the February meeting the Burial Board resolved to charge 5/- a year for keeping up planted graves. At the July meeting several bills recommended to be paid by the Burial Board, and also the interest de on bonds were ordered for payment. At the meeting on the 1st of April, an inspection of the Cemetery having been suggested, Coun. Vidler hoped a good tea would be provided on the occasion. Coun. Putland would rather it should be deferred for a month, as he was about to be engaged to form a new road thither which would save a mile of ground. It would not matter, said Vidler, for if it shortened the road, it would not shorten the price. See opposite.
All Saints Burial Ground. The Town Council at their meeting on June 3rd, resolved that the borough seal be attached to a petition to the Secretary of State to allow burials in the quarter acre of unoccupied space of All Saints, instead of that comparatively new part being closed. At the meeting on Oct. 7th, Coun. Harvey thanked the Council for affixing the Corporation seal to the petition, on behalf of the parishioners of All Saints, and announced that the Secretary of State had allowed the burial ground to remain unclosed until Aug. 1st, 1866.
Taking Beach. At the April meeting, Mrs. Bridget Barton having been warned that she would be prosecuted for tresspass(sic) if she continued to take beach without leave, applied for permission to do so at a charge of 2d. per load. Most of the members condemned the existing charge of 1/- per cart-load and 2/6 per wagon-load as being excessive, and argued that inhabitants ought to be at liberty to take the beach free within a certain distance. Mrs. Barton and her son were afterwards sued by the Corporation at the County Court for tresspass(sic) and damages £2. Mr. Langham appeared for the plaintiffs, and while opening the case, said he had in court the charter granted by Queen Elizabeth by which the whole of the stonebeach was expressly granted to the Corporation. The judge asked the defendants why they had not employed a solicitor to defend them? The reply was, they had thought it to be necessary, and that they had no proof that the Council had authority to charge for the beach. They were reminded by the judge that they had committed themselves by asking for leave and offering to pay 2d. per load. Mrs. Barton said she did that to prevent the Pierwarden's continued annoyance. His Honour again exressed his opinion that in so important a question it was a great pity the defendants had not employed some professional man. The question was whether they had wilfully tresspassed(sic) on the property of the Corporation. He must find [ 112 ]a verdict for 20s. damages, and costs of witnesses allowed.
Rock-a-Nore Road. The Clerk reported to the Council at their October monthly meeting that although the Rock-a-Nore road belonged to the Council it had never been dedicated.
Other Roads. At the same meeting, the Roads Committee recommended the non-purchase of land at the east end of Lavatoria square (now a part of Norman road at £300 offered by Messrs. Parks and Job, as executors of Mr. Wellsted, and being of opinion that the land should not be built upon, also recommended that proceedings be taken under the 75th section of the Local Government Act or under the Land Clauses Consolidation Act. The recommendation was adopted, but not acted upon, as a compromise (as shewn in the preceding chapter) having been effected, and the town thus saved - judging from the York Hotel suit and other similar proceedings - from heavy legal awards and costs. Mount-Pleasant Road, though not so named at the time was also brought under the notice of the Council, Mr. Wyatt having offered to give up his interest in the road leading from the Ore Lane (now Elphinstone road) past his house to the "Fighting Cocks" (Halton), on condition that the Board make the roadway 40 feet wide, alter the line of fence and make a roadway from the end of St. Mary's terrace to form a junction with the same road. Ald. Clement said he had been informed that the adjoining land was in the hands of Mr. Marsh to be sold in building-plots, and he did not see why the Board should make roads for Mr. Wyatt's advantage. Coun. Winter did not consider the road as belonging to Mr. Wyatt. The Mayor (W. Ginner) thought the offer was worthy of some attention; and Coun. Putland thought some advantage might be derived from a further consideration of the offer; whereupon Coun. Harvey moved that a committee of the whole house be formed for further discussion. At a previous meeting it was ordered that a new box-gate be placed at the end of Mr. Wyatt's garden wall, and another adjoining some cottages; also that Mr. Wyatt in future be charged coal duty. At a later meeting (Dec. 2nd), Mr. Wyatt, in the interim having restricted the making of the road to 35 feet, and imposed other conditions, it was resolved "That the Board are of the opinion they cannot legally expend the public money in forming a new road from St. Mary's terrace, and that as Mr. Wyatt declines to give up the road past his house unless the Board make such new road, the offer made by him cannot be entertained. But the Board will agree, should Mr. Wyatt make the new road himself, to take the existing road from Ore Lane to Priory road in its present state, and also make and dedicate the proposed road from St. Mary's terrace when the same is formed, and put it in a proper state of repair." This, as judged from after events and the present populous and important character of that district, was a wise decision. Mr. Wyatt having [ 113 ]been defeated at the Lewes Spring Assizes in his attempt to obstruct the right of way over the very ground in question, bethought him to get the Corporation to take over the same that he might turn it to his own advantage by offering the sides of such road for sale to builders and others. He denied Ald. Clement’s allegation that such was his intention, and, indeed, publicly contradicted the Alderman’s statement; but the latter was corroborated by Mr. Shirley, Mr. Harris (Mayor of Leicester), and Mr. Gurner, of London, to all of whom Mr. Wyatt, himself, had communicated what Mr. Clement had stated.
Numbering of Robertson Street:- At the June meeting of the Town Council a letter was received from Mr. W.B. Young as follows:- “On behalf of Mr. Robertson, who is a lessee from the Crown of several houses in Robertson street, and who, since the lease to him, has granted sub-leases of the same, I respectfully call the attention of the Town Council to the serious inconvenience in point of titles that is likely to arise from the proposed alteration in the numbering of the houses in that street. The several houses are in such leases and sub-leases described and identified by their present numbers, and (confining my observations to the south side of the street) I believe I am right in saying that the houses are all regularly numbered with the exception of two houses known, respectively, since they have been built as No. 1A & No. 1B. I venture to hope that these exceptions, from which no practical inconvenience has arisen, may not be thought a sufficient reason for altering the numbers on the south side of the street, which accord with the present title as they stand, and which alteration, if carried out, it would take many years to rectify in point of title, besides putting the owners to expense where the alteration was not notorious to parties purchasing or otherwise dealing with the property.” [A similar objection had been urged by another lawyer (Mr. W. P. Beecham) although a comparatively subordinate one to the general argument against changing the designation of several hundreds of houses in St. Leonards to that of Hastings. Not only would it have been a long enduring source of inconvenience – to say nothing of expense to tradesmen in particular – but, as pointed out at the time, might have been used to invalidate titles and title-deeds.] As regards Robertson street, Mr. Young’s letter had its desired effect, and the original numbering has remained unaltered.
Floating Breakwater. At the September meeting, Captain Sleigh was permitted to explain his plan for a floating breakwater, which appeared to consist of large flat-bottomed caisons of such a shape as would allow the waves to gradually exhaust their force, and moored by means of anchors. He referred to some eulogistic opinions which had been passed on his plan at Lowestoff, and was, he said, the main instrument that enabled the large marine works to be carried out there. A floating harbour for boats could be made in a couple of months at an ex[ 114 ]pense of only two or three thousand pounds, and would afford shelter for fifty vessels. The Mayor said he was willing to call a public meeting on the subject. See pages 107 to 108[a] for lengthy correspondence on the scheme and rejection of the same.
Water and Water Works. At the Council meeting on the 1st of April was presented in the Local Board account an item of £26.15s for analyzing the water caused by derogatory statements emanating from Dr. Garrett, and Coun. Wingfield suggested that the bill should be sent to him for payment; but the suggestion only provoked a smile. Another item was a charge by Mr. Spiller of £48 for labour and assistance in erecting an engine pump. This bill created astonishment, amidst which Coun. Picknell said if he were not in the Council he would have been glad to have done the work for £20, and to have made £5 at that price. The Water Committee recommended a six-inch pipe to be laid in Havelock road, which was agreed to. It was also resolved to purchase at a cost of not more than £16, a Richmond’s improved patent engine counter, which would show at any hour the amount of work done by the engine, and would register up to ten millions.
Analysis of the Water. The Clerk observed that he had put upon the agenda a notice “To receive report of Dr. Taylor on his analyzing the Hastings water, and communications from the Mayor and President of the Privy Council thereon”. The Mayor remarked that there had been some further correspondence, since the book had been printed, which he would read to them: “Hastings, March 12th, 1859. “My Lord, I have the honour of enclosing a report from Dr. Taylor, of Guy’s Hospital, on the quality of the water supplied to the inhabitants of this borough. Dr. Taylor’s attention was particularly directed to the complaint of Dr. Garrett, who, in a letter of the 16th of last November, drew your lordship’s attention to the fact (as he alleged) that the water supplied to the inhabitants had a peculiar affinity for lead. Dr. Taylor’s report, I hope, will satisfy your lordship that Dr. Garrett was entirely mistaken in the matter. The Local Board of Health have carried out the investigation through the Medico-Chirurgical Society of East-Sussex, who have rendered most valuable and efficient service and have collected the experience of the members of their society practising here – twenty in number – who all declare that no case of lead poisoning has occurred within their knowledge. Several of the gentlemen giving this assurance have been in practice here many years. I regret it has been out of my power to send this information sooner, but if your lordship will glance at the enclosed pamphlet, I trust you will come to the conclusion that the Corporation, exercising the powers of a Local Board of Health have done everything necessary to clear up this important matter”. “I am, [ 115 ]your lordship’s most obedient servant. W. Ginner, Mayor”.
“Privy Council Office, March 17th, 1859. Sir, I am directed by the Lord President of the Council to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th instant, enclosing a report from Dr. Taylor, of Guy’s Hospital on the quality of the water supplied to the inhabitants of the borough of Hastings. The Lord President has read with great attention Dr. Taylor’s very lucid report, as well as the pamphlet which was also enclosed in your letter; and I am also instructed to convey to you and the other members of the Corporation the expression of his lordship’s appreciation of the zealous public spirit with which you have had instituted and brought to such a satisfactory issue your investigations of this important matter.” “I am, sir, your obedient servant C. Greville”.
On the motion of Coun. Duke, the letters then read, and other documents referred to by the Clerk, were to be entered on the minutes. The Mayor remarked that although the investigation had cost a good deal, he thought it would have good results. Coun. Picknell complained that the Board should have been put to such an expense through the rash assertions of Dr. Garrett, and thought he ought to be called upon for the amount of costs. Coun. Winter had no doubt that the Council owed much of the success of the investigation to the East-Sussex Medico-Chirurgical Society, he therefore moved a vote of thanks, under seal, to those gentlemen for their assistance and lucid statements. Ald. Ross thought the investigation would materially assist the good name and prosperity of the town.
Boring for Water. At the meeting on the 6th of May, there was no report from the Water Committee, but it was stated that the boring had been sunk another 15 feet – 300 feet in all – and that 20,000 gallons per hour over previous supply had been obtained, or 80,000 gallons altogether.
Mr. Shirley’s Offer to the Board was that he would transfer his lease of the garden ground and water therein, of which there was a tenure of 17 years unexpired, by the Board paying the annual rent of £15, and taking the crops, buildings, fences, trees etc. at valuation. This was acceded to, and at the July meeting it was resolved that all the growing crops on the land should be sold by tender, up to the month of November. The said crops were mostly those of a kitchen garden, fruit trees etc., together with a fish-pond. Before Mr. Shirley leased it, the ground, together with the rest of the valley (now a portion of the Alexandra Park) had been cultivated for hops, beans, peas etc., and was familiarly known as “The Hop Gardens”. Lady Waldegrave offered to renew this (late Shirley’s) land in St. Andrews, if the Corporation would pay and rent increased from £15 to £24 [ 116 ]per annum, but the offer was declined; and at the same meeting (Oct 7th) it was resolved that the offer of Mr. Webb, of the Hole Farm, to permit the Board to use a spring of water (known as Dr. McCabe’s Spring) at an annual rent of £15 be accepted.
The Shirley-ground water. After obtaining an under-lease of the land in St. Andrews parish, it was decided at the July meeting to convey the water therefrom, after filtering it, by means of a four-inch pipe through the railway culvert into the well at the works; the cost not to exceed £260, and to be charged to Permanent Works account.
Low Water. At the same meeting the Water Committee reported that the supply of water in all the reservoirs was very low, and that the tank in Mr. North’s field only yielded two hours supply, daily; consequently, the necessities of the town were chiefly supplied from the spring water near the Gas Works.
The East-well Water. Referring to this supply, Ald. Ross said there were thirty or forty fishing boats constantly requiring water, and they were often obliged to wait hours before they could obtain a sufficiency. He thought if the Board could run a heading into the cliff the supply might be increased. He had no doubt of obtaining Lady Waldegrave’s consent for such a benevolent purpose. – Referred to Water Committee.
The Halton Wells. Coun. Bromley drew attention to the Halton Wells, and asked whether something could not be done to increase the water in them, the then supply being also very low. This matter was also referred to the Water Committee.
Eversfield Waterworks. At the meeting on Sept. 2nd, Mr. T.C. Barlow, C. E., of London, sent in a lengthy report of his examination (to order) of the Eversfield Waterworks, as to their money value and of their amalgamation with the Local Board’s works. The Eversfield system comprised three reservoirs in the Shornden valley, all at different heights, varying from 73 feet to 189 feet above the datum line of Mr. Laing’s map of the town. The whole of the works were of the roughest and most temporary character, and would require a large outlay to make them efficient. Besides these, Mr. Clark had power to construct a new distributing reservoir, 230 feet above the datum level, and another in the Hollington valley at an altitude of 110 feet. 522 tenants were supplied from these works, and the lowest rental estimate exceeded £1200. The quantity of water might be increased. Mr. Barlow’s estimate, after deducting the sum required to make them efficient, and a further sum for redeeming the capital at the expiration of the lease, was £11,800. The local Board works comprised five collecting and storing reservoirs at altitudes [ 117 ]of from 110 to 296 feet. Besides these there were ponds in St. Andrews parish, 37 feet above datum, and an Artesian well, not finished. The Halton tank was 295 feet; Ecclesbourne reservoir, 254 feet; Bourne stream, 200 feet; North’s tank, 140; basin at the Bridge, 110; St. Andrews pond, 37 feet. Mr. Barlow then pointed out what he thought was the best way of combining the different levels of the Local Board and the Eversfield works. And if the arrangements for the collecting all the available water south of the Fairlight and Beauport hills should prove insufficient, it should be sought to the north of that range. With that view he had examined the Brede spring, from where the railway intersected it to Sedlescomb, and was satisfied that an ample supply might be there obtained, attended by no engineering difficulties in being conveyed along the line of railway. The consideration of the report was adjourned to the next meeting. A Long Discussion on Mr. Barlow’s report took place? at the next meeting, which was made special for the purpose. The Water Committee reported that having inspected the several streams at Brede, Crowhurst, Catsfield, Robertsbridge, Etchingham and Bodiam, they recommended that Mr. Barlow be requested at an early date to inspect the streams at Crowhurst and Catsfield, and the Rover Rother, and to report fully thereon. It appeared that notwithstanding Mr. Barlow’s previously expressed opinion than plenty of water might be found at Brede, the Committee differed from him. Ald. Ticehurst said that if the Committee knew better than Mr. Barlow what was the use of paying him 5 guineas a day? He himself agreed with Mr. Barlow that there was water enough to supply Hastings in the Brede level. Coun. Picknell was surprized to see so small a stream at Brede, and said that after leaving Brede, the Committee went to Sedlescomb, Whatlington and Battle, thence to Crowhurst, where they found the stream was not a large one. They next went towards Mr. Wood’s farm, and adjoining the Marsh they found a large stream of water, which appeared to be very good until it turned into the main drain at Catsfield. But there was not enough to warrant the expense of bringing it into the borough. Coun. Wrenn, as also one of the inspecting committee, was of opinion that there was an ample supply of water both at Brede and at the junction of the streams at Crowhurst, at any rate for present wants, if not for ages to come. Coun. Winter said it was because he thought the supply of water was of such paramount importance that he rose to move that the report of the Committee be acted upon. He had arrived at the conclusion that Mr. Clark’s works could never afford [ 118 ]anything like a sufficient supply for a large district, and that as it would cost so much to put them in a proper condition, they would be dear at a gift. He, however, must differ from Mr. Ticehurst with regard to the second part of the Committee’s report; for, he did not think there was so much discrepancy between the Committee and Mr. Barlow as Mr. Ticehurst seemed to imagine. Mr. Barlow had taken a journey to Brede to see if he could not discover a source from which to suggest some other means of supply than those of Mr. Clark’s. The Committee had visited some other places, but so far as he could learn, they had not seen anything to militate against Mr. Barlow’s opinion. There was, however, one fault which had prevailed in the borough for forty years - both under the old Commissioners and in the Council – that of doing things on too small a scale. It was necessary, in his idea, to get a supply not simply adequate to the wants of 20,000 persons, but for a population 100,000. It mattered little whether such supply was obtained at a distance of six or sixteen miles, but it should be at all times an abundant supply. The Committee thought they would like Mr. Barlow to see the Crowhurst and Bodiam streams, it being most prudent that before entering upon an important undertaking they should be well advised; and, considering that works of that kind frequently cost £20,000 or more, he did not think it was worth cavilling about the expense of five guineas a day. Coun. Vidler thought that Mr. Putland and two or three other persons with him, were quite as capable of measuring water as Mr. Barlow was. Ald. Ticehurst would move an amendment, not because he differed from Mr. Winter as to the necessity of a good supply, but because before they had Mr. Barlow down again, it would be better for a sub-committee to obtain more particulars. This amendment was carried by a large majority. Clark’s Offer not accepted. At the same special meeting it was resolved that Mr. Clark’s offer on the 3rd of June be not accepted, as it appeared that the addition of his works would be insufficient to meet the growing wants of the town.
To Supply the West Ward. After electing the new Mayor on the 9th of November, Coun. Howell said that he trusted the Council would pardon his taking the unusual course of introducing other business than the routine usually followed on that recurrent occasion. Notice, he said, had been given of an application to Parliament for a Bill to supply the western part of the district with water, and unless the Council took advantage of the then present opportunity there would not be time to put themselves clearly before the [ 119 ]public. The privilege of the local Board in supplying the western district was about to be attacked, and if the Board intended to oppose the application he thought they ought to manifest a bonâ fide desire to undertake the duty of supplying that district. He had learnt that the rateable value was £34,403. He did not think that in the face of opposition they could calculate upon supplying the whole of that property, as some persons would still prefer Mr. Clark’s water, and it would be a question who could supply the greatest abundance of the best water at the lowest cost. But there would be the inducement that any profit that might arise would go towards lightening their rates. Taking the gross rental at 1/- in the pound, it would produce annually an amount which would warrant the laying out of £12,000 – a sum, he trusted, far beyond what they would ever want to go, and which would yield a large profit. They might also obtain sufficient water to assist the supply in the eastern part of the borough. The total rental of the district now supplied by the Board was only about £7,000 more than that of the district they had totally neglected. His impression was that the Council should take steps to rectify this oversight, and he would propose “That this Board deem it expedient to take steps to procure a sufficient supply of water for the western part of the borough, exclusive of the township of St. Leonards”. Ald. Ginner had pleasure in seconding the proposition, and was glad to find a man amongst their body who was strenuous in his notions about the water supply. He thought it was due to the West Ward, as well as to the east, that the former should be supplied from the mains of the local Board. Carried.
The Bodiam Stream. Mr. A. Cox, writing from Burwash, on the third of October to the editor of the Hastings News, said “Sir – Taking a great interest in all that concerns my native place, I read with much interest the local news so well reported in your paper. I saw the other day there was a meeting of the Town Council respecting the water supply. The Bodiam stream was mentioned as being under consideration. I am able to give you some reliable information respecting it. For the last –teen years I have had under my notice the two streams, Rother and Dudwell, one descending the high land of the forest ridge south of Mayfield and Crowborough, & the other the Brightling to Burwash Common. These unite at Etchingham and run to Bodiam, and would, I am of opinion, supply Hastings.During the last dry summer there has been much water in both. Of course the mills stop the supply for a time, but while they work there is an abundant stream, and the quality is [ 120 ]good. Both streams are used --–wing by the farmer and a very clear and sparkling generally. Now, if you can get from Bodiam or Robertsbridge a communication with this body of water, you might use it without stint. Sometimes both these streams become rivers, and are turbid, so that it would be necessary to have works to filter the water; but my object now is to state that if you can get a communication with this water, there is enough for all”.
Rainfall and Water Supply. Mr. John Banks also sent a letter to the News, from which the following is extracted: “It is very well known that I have kept for a series of years past, an account of the rainfall for Hastings, and it is pretty generally known that of late the annual rainfall has been decreasing. I append it for the last ten years.
Inches | Inches | Inches | Inches |
1849 – 32.54 | 1852 – 42.74 | 1855 – 21.08 | 1858 – 17.42 |
1850 – 30.03 | 1853 – 28.30 | 1856 – 29.43 | 1859- 14.01 |
1851 – 24.18 | 1854 – 21.87 | 1857 – 22.51 | to Sept |
“My object is principally to show that if advantage be taken of the natural capabilities of the immediate neighbourhood, the disastrous effects of a short rainfall may be obviated, at least so far as a supply of water to Hastings and St. Leonards is concerned. Without going far away, the watersheds of the neighbourhood, i.e. those that are wholly or in part of the Borough of Hastings, may be taken to be as follows:
1. | Ecclesbourne Valley, | approximate average | 600 acres | |
2. | Valley N. E. of Hastings | " | “ | |
3. | Priory Valley, with Bunger Hill and Old Roar | “ | 2000 | “ |
4. | Magdalen & St. Leonards Valleys | “ | 300 | “ |
5. | Hollington Valley | “ | 11000 | “ |
6. | Crowhurst Valley | " |
Now, if we take the average rainfall at 24 inches, and reject one-half for evaporation and for the requirements of vegetation we shall have remaining the following quantities:
Nos. 1 & 2 – | 432,000 | gallons per day |
No. 3 - | 1140,000 | “ |
No. 4 - | 216,000 | “ |
Nos. 5 & 6 - | 7,920,00 | “ |
Total - | 10,008,000 | “ |
So that proper storage room being provided at the proper levels, and with the present pumping power, I think, without doubt, that in average seasons these valleys would be capable of supplying the wants of the borough for many years to come. As, however, the question of how the natural capabilities of the neigh[ 121 ]bourhood may be rendered available for the supply of water to a growing population is in the hands of competent authorities. I leave this part of the question, promising on some future occasion to give the approximate acreage and daily average quantities of rain in the various valleys lying northward of the common watershed of those here enumerated”.
Brede and Bodiam Water. In a second communication to the News, Mr. Banks said he found by the Ordinance Map of Sussex that the Brede Valley contained 19,200 acres, and Bodiam Valley 50,500 acres, calculating westward from Bodiam Bridge. Persons who were curious in such matters (the writer continued) might form an opinion from the extracts given of the capabilities of both those valleys, and he would only suggest the advisability of gaging the respective streams and of analyzing the water, as it might happen that that which came from the Wealden contained more organic impurities than that which came from the Hastings Sands.
The Wealden and Hastings Sands. Mr. Banks’ further correspondence included the following: “The district to which my remarks will have reference is that lying between the North and South Downs; or, more properly speaking, enclosed by the Kent, Surrey and Sussex chalk hills, and which is generally known by the name of the Wealden formation. Passing from the South Downs over the Wealden to the North Downs, we have immediately underlying the chalk (which is the newest of the secondary strata) the gault and green sand, which crop out and form a narrow strip along the foot of the chalk hills. Next we pass over the weald clay, then the Hastings sands, which form as it were a backbone through the wealden. After crossing the Hastings sands, we again cross a portion of the weald clay, then the green sand and gault, and, arriving at the North Downs, find ourselves again on the chalk. This course may be roughly considered as we should find it, starting from the hills near Lewes by Cuckfield, through Tilgate Forest (the crest of the Hastings sands formation) by Crawley and Reigate on to the Surrey hills, forming the circumference of part of an irregular oval (the wealden) and terminating in abrupt of high cliffs at Dover and Beachey Head.
The Hastings sands contain no large rivers. The Wealden, a newer formation, and the oolite, an older formation may both be called water-bearing strata; containing numerous springs and the sources of many rivers; the former, in particular, the Rother, the Stour, the Medway etc. Manifestly, therefore, to supply Hastings with water, three courses only are open. 1. To collect and store the rainfall in its more immediate neighbourhood; 2. To convery overland by [ 122 ]engineering processes the water from one or more of the wealden rivers; or, 3. To bore down to an older stratum, and thus obtain the required article. This latter mode could be used in connection with either of the former, and the fact that the boring at the new Water-works has saved Hastings during the last dry weather, proves that it was a wise, though expensive, step. I believe, however, that the supply obtained from this source is mainly derived from the lower part of the Hastings sands or where that formation rests upon the Purbeck beds. If I am right in my conjecture the upper portion of the oolite down to the bottom of the Kimmeridge clay will have to be penetrated ere a much greater supply will be met with. Of this, however, I decline to speak positively, as my geological knowledge is too limited, though I venture to affirm that the clays of the Purbeck beds and of the oolite have been have been or will be met with in the boring in question, and at the bottom of these water will be found – not the clay of the wealden”. “John Banks, Bleak House, Oct 12th 1859”.
To Increase Water Supply. At the Council Meeting on the 7th of October, the Mayor (W. Ginner) said he had drawn some resolutions to lay before the Board, which he thought their present necessities should lead them seriously to consider. He had been a member of the town authorities for a quarter of a century, and a quarter of a century of a man’s working life was not spent without acquiring something. He could say with confidence that a considerable number of those years had been spent with a scarcity of water in the town. Many years back in the summer they were frequently obliged to shut up the public pumps, to the inconvenience of those who most felt the want of them, and they were also obliged to circumscribe the water through the pipes. At that time the necessity for a large supply was not great as now; the drainage was in a far inferior condition, and the local Acts then prohibited some matters which were now compulsory. And then, looking at the area from which we had to draw our supply of water, he thought they now only need to take into consideration that part of the district from which water could be obtained by its own gravitation. That he found only amounted to 2,900 acres; and he was surprised to find it was so small. The rainfall had also been given (by Mr. Banks) and a theoretical calculation of water supply when the average was what it ought to be. But they all knew that for some years past, it had failed to give anything like the quantity described. In the time of the Commissioners attempts were made to mend matters, and they formed a tank at the north-east of the town. The idea then was that the supply would be so large that they would never want [ 123 ]another, and that it would be sufficient almost for ever. It was not long before they found they had made a great mistake, because when a spring was tapped and its flow increased it soon began to run itself dry. The Commissioners’ experience was very slight; and they built a smaller tank to catch the water at a lower level. They caught more water, but not enough. Next, the town authorities went to Ecclesbourne valley, and the same thing happened there. The greater facility that was given to the water to run away the quicker it was all drawn off. The spring at the back of the Gas Works was taken, and that was certainly the most powerful in the town; but even that had partially failed; and if the boring had not yielded a large quantity there would still have been a great deficiency. After all these trials he thought the time had come when they must try elsewhere to provide for their wants. From the geological formation and strata of the district he thought they had no chance of obtaining a reliable supply within their own area. It must be recollected that whenever they sank into the ground a little way below the sandstone strata they came upon the wealden formation, which was perfectly impervious to water. In a different or inland position that formation might have done them good service in collecting water from the rainfall, but here it would not retain it for this reason – the action of the tides had cut away the face of the cliff, and thus allowed the water to run away from the receptacles or chasms in the sandstone, the consequence of which was that all that had been stored by the provisions of nature was used up, and although they sank lower and lower, the water-shed of the whole country round was exhausted and the springs were dry. His Worship then proceeded and referred to the recent visit of Mr. Barlow, who, he said had come at the request of the Board and had received very narrow instructions. Mr. Barlow was merely to report on Mr. Clark’s works, and on the practicability of making them join with those of the Board. He was not satisfied with the supply they had at their command, and he therefore went beyond the range of their own hills to seeks a source for an enlarged supply; and it was his (the May[ 124 ]ors) opinion that the town would never get a better supply till they went beyond their own hills; but whether to Brede, Bodiam or Crowhurst, as the best source, he could not say. He thought, however, they must take an extensive view of the question. The town was increasing in population very fast, and property was proportionately increasing; and the object of the Board should be to progress with such increase. For his own part, he had seen no part like Bodiam River, where an unfailing supply of water could be obtained. He felt satisfied they could take any quantity out of that river without anybody missing it. There was a run sufficient to fill several large pipes. If they laid down an 18 inch pipe, probably they would not take away more than one-fifteenth part of the water there. That was the sort of thing that would become necessary. His Worship concurred in the rejection of Mr. Clark’s offer, and said it must be years, even with average rainfalls, before the earth would be restored to the condition which existed before the commencement of the dry seasons. The Mayor then read some extracts from a paper by Mr. Thos. Spencer, F.C.S., a gentleman who had spent forty years in studying the meteorological condition of the country, and whose opinion was that the available pure water (particularly in the south) was gradually decreasing in quantity, whilst the demand for it was gradually increasing. Also during the last 40 years the most reliable statistics showed a continuous decrease of rainfall. The Mayor was heartily applauded for his information, and he concluded with laying before the Board the following resolutions:
- “This Board having the experience of a short water supply in past years, and noting the rapidly increasing population of the borough, consider the gathering ground - from which only the rainfall can be conveyed for the use of the inhabitants by gravitation, owing to the situation of the town and the peculiar geological formation of the surrounding country – is insufficient in extent”.
- “That the Board, having surveyed the various streams of water which can be brought into the town, have come to the conclusion that the River Rother, at or near Bodiam Bridge, is the nearest source from which a plentiful and regular supply can be obtained in times of drought”.
- “Resolved, that in the opinion of this Board, the Town Clerk [ 125 ]should at once write to the proprietor of the land on the west side of Bodiam Bridge to know if he will sell about ten acres for the purpose of forming filtering beds, reservoirs and a pumping establishment”.
Ald. Rock thanked the Mayor for bringing the water question before them in so able a manner. The town had already been indebted to him for its present increased supply, and it would be more greatly indebted to him if this plan could be carried out. He (Mr. Rock) had travelled over the district a good deal over the last four or five years, and had, from observation, formed the opinion that the River Rother was the only source to be depended on. The Brede stream was often dry, and the Crowhurst stream he had seen very low. He would, with his Worship’s permission, move that the Board adopt the resolutions now laid before them. Looking back 25 years and looking forward the same number of years, he did not think it would be safe to depend on any supply to be obtained within a less distance than 12 miles. He mentioned some particulars respecting the new waterworks at Glasgow where he had been visiting. There the supply was obtained from a lake 200 feet above the level of the sea at a distance of 31 miles, and which had required five miles of tunneling to bring it to the city. The engineering expenses £640,000; other expenses connected with the work £160,000; and the compensation paid to the old companies £800,000. They had now a supply of 50 million gallons per day, which was estimated to cost 10s per 100,000 gallons.
Coun. Putland thought it would not be advisable hastily to bind themselves to any scheme, because they might then, instead of forwarding their object, much retard it. His opinion was that there would soon be a change of seasons, and with an ordinary season he thought there was water enough without going so far as Bodiam for it. There were, too, some very serious obstacles and obstructions to be removed, if they should be compelled to go there. His own impression was that the Crowhurst brooks would supply all their wants for fifty years to come. Let them look round their own district; they had not yet tried any large streams. In any case they had the water from the neighbourhood which they now used, and which, of course, would not be thrown away. He would say “Don’t pass any resolution today, involving, as it would, their opinions as to going a great way for water. Examine the neighbouring district; get all the information possible; then have an engineering scheme and an [ 126 ]estimate. If a general resolution could be passed so as to give them power to look round and enable them to put their ideas together, it would, in his opinion, be the best plan for the present.
Coun. Winter very cordially sympathised with the spirit of the resolutions, but was sorry he could not quite support them. The subject at present was partly in the hands of a committee, and he thought till they had reported, and till they had Mr. Barlow’s opinion as to the supply of water, they had better not take any definite step. His own opinion was that the Bodiam stream was the best source of supply, but he wished to have Mr. Barlow’s opinion to fortify his own. From the continuance of dry seasons it seemed to be of no use to depend upon storing water in the winter from their present sources. They must go farther and do whatever was to be done with a strong hand. He would suggest waiting till they had a report from the committee.
Ald. Ross could not let the opportunity pass without thanking the Mayor for the great pains he had taken in the matter, both now and heretofore. He was of the opinion they should confine their attention to Bodiam river, and that it was rather a pedlling way to go to work about the small streams. That had been done, and had produced a failure at Ecclesbourne.
Coun. Vidler thought that in the way they were going on, the water-works were not paying their expenses. For himself it did not matter, because he had a good supply of his own; but he would like to know if the water question would stand on its own bottom.
The Mayor expressed a wish that the resolution should be withdrawn. His chief object was to give publicity to the subject, and he trusted it would be considered by the public as well as themselves. If it were approved of, their hands would be strengthened; and if not, no doubt, they would soon hear of it.
Ald. Rock, in withdrawing the resolution, remarked that three or four considerable streams had been exhausted. The Bourne used to run with a very good force, but that was [nearly] exhausted; the Ecclesbourne stream had been exhausted; the Priory stream was nearly finished up; and the Old Roar stream had been used up; so that, in fact, all the streams in the neighbourhood had been used.
What a commentary was this despondent tone of the meeting on the hurriedly passed resolution proposed by Councillor Howell out of the ordinary course, for the Local Board to endeavour to supply the western district as well as the eastern, and at a time when they knew not how to sufficiently supply the eastern district alone. Such a resolution really seems comical in [ 127 ]the light of well-known facts. Mr. Howell’s deductions – if not his premises had the semblance of being greatly at fault. Here was Mr. Clark supplying from his so-called Eversfield waterworks all the district between York Buildings and the St. Leonards Archway, and had got water to spare for the more eastern district as well. Mr. Howell, however, sensibly admitted that the Local Board might not get all the custom, as some of the consumers would be likely to continue having water from the Eversfield source. Certainly they would, all the time that they could get it at the rate of 6d. in the pound on their assessment, instead of a shilling[1], the very lowest the Local Board could charge, even if they could get the water. But more of this water business – a superlatively important matter – in the next volume. Drinking Fountains. Notwithstanding the difficulty of procuring a sufficiency supply of the aqueous element for ordinary purposes, the Council were not slow to provide the means for thirsty souls to satisfy their real or fancied wants when out of doors. At a meeting when they were discussing the water supply and its difficulties, it was resolved that two drinking fountains be purchased for £6.10s. each and a committee appointed to select sites. But before the said fountains were procured and fixed, a subscription was set on foot, and £30 of the required sum quickly collected for a drinking-fountain to be placed in Robertson Street, as the first one in Hastings, and to be dedicated to the Countess of Waldegrave, as a testimonial in grateful remembrance and acknowledgement of her Ladyship’s generous support of the religious, educational and benevolent institutions of the borough and neighbourhood.
Fire Escapes. At the Council meeting in June, when Ald. Ross first suggested the construction of drinking-fountains, a letter was received from Mr. J. H. Flynn, suggesting the purchase of two fire-escapes. This, Ald. Ross was also in favour of; but Coun. Bromley objected, on the ground of expense.
Public Seats. At the September meeting, Ald. Ross also advocated plain seats to be placed near Wallinger's Walk, the Harpsichord and the steps out of George Street by the Literary Institution. Lady Waldegrave, he said, had always kindly treated applications made by the Board, and he had no doubt her permission would be readily granted. This was done, and the seats remain to this day.
A Shop in All Saints Street. Mr. Cousens being about to build a new house on the site of 12 All Saints street, which projected out from the line of houses at the north end of the Stag Inn, the Roads Committee recommended £100 to be offered to Mr. Cousens, to clear away the shop for a public improvement. The owner had said he was willing [ 128 ]to sell it for £200, the sum he gave for it, but he would make an abatement of £20. Coun. Putland was willing that the West should contribute to the improvement of the East. A great improvement had been effected at the Elms, and he would be willing that an additional £25 should be offered to Mr. Cousens. His amendment was lost by 11 to 5, and the original offer of £100 only was carried. Someone suggested acquiring the property by means of the Land Clauses Consolidation Act, but no notice was taken of this, and probably from the recollection of the Clerk’s explanation of the necessary process in applying that Act to some other shops at East parade that were wanted to be cleared away for public improvement. Mr. Growse on that occasion explained that certain notices must be given in the newspapers, after which a petition must be presented to the Secretary of State, stating what was required, upon which a Government officer would be sent down to institute an inquiry, and when reported, a sum to be paid to the owner would be fixed, and a special Act of Parliament would have to be passed. It is pretty evident, then that such a process would have cost a good deal more than even the £200 which Mr. Cousens first demanded, to say nothing of his abatement.
Bye Laws. At a previous meeting (April 1st) the Clerk said he had received from the Home Office a series of bye-laws which were rendered necessary in consequence of the repeal of the 53rd and 72nd sections of the Local Board of Health Act, having reference to the drainage of new buildings, levels of new streets, etc. The new Act gave greater powers than they previously had, and himself and the surveyor had gone through the new bye-laws. A sub-committee was appointed to examine them also. The Committee afterwards reported that they had had an interview with a deputation from the builders, who said that several clauses in the bye-laws, if carried out would seriously affect the interests of the ratepayers, and in many cases would be impracticable. The Committee after hearing the objections were of opinion that it would be desirable to modify some of the clauses and therefore recommended that the bye-laws should not be sent to the Secretary of State for confirmation (should there be a word here e.g.until) they had again looked over them. Surveyor’s Application. At the April meeting, Mr. Laing, the Borough Surveyor, applied for permission to accept an unsolicited offer to become architect and surveyor to the Eversfield Estate, promising that his duties as the Borough Surveyor should in no way be neglected; also to be allowed to take private practice, with such reduction in his salary as they might consider fair. Coun. Vidler remarked that when the drainage works were about the Local Board wanted a man of experience and they agreed to give Mr. Laing what he himself cons[ 129 ]idered to be a high salary, amounting to about £225, and which ought to have satisfied any man with a common appetite, and he was bound not to take up any private practice of his own. But, for all that they found him engaged as surveyor of Mr. Gallop’s house in York Buildings, the shop fronts of Mr. Mason and Mr. Bevins, Mr. G. Stace’s house in West street, the alterations at the Royal Oak, and the two houses of Mr. Jas. Mann in St. Leonards. He had also asked for an engagement in Mr. Styles’s work. When they found a gentleman so outstepping the bounds of prudence, he (Mr. Vidler) thought he was no longer entitled to their confidence.
Ald. Ross was sorry that the surveyor had gone out of his way in respect to the conditions on which he held his appointment from the Board. An advertisement in The Builder was that the surveyor “will be required to devote the whole of his time to the duties of his office”. The Surveyor then handed over the agreement deed, in which he had said there was no such limitation. In reply it was contended that such omission must have been an oversight in its preparation. Coun. Picknell declared that Mr. Winter, the Street Inspector, seemed to do most of the Surveyor’s work, whilst the Surveyor never lent a hand and was never seen out in the morning looking after the work.
Coun. Bromley – who several times interrupted when Ald. Ross was speaking – said there appeared to be a “pecking” at the Surveyor. If it could be shewn that he had neglected his duties, turn him out. Did they expect their surveyor to devote the whole 24 hours to their service. He himself thought it was a credit to the surveyor to endeavour to add to his means to bring up his family.
Coun. Winter was extremely surprised at what had been done. He knew from the complaints of tradesmen that there was a considerable amount of dissatisfaction existing in the town that Mr. Laing should outstep the spirit of his engagement. Mr. Winter then pointed out several cases of inattention to what he described as small matters, and also said that Mr. Laing had not given the committees the assistance he was capable of. He moved that the question be referred to the Roads Committee, with whom the appointment was originally made.
Ald. Clement remarked that it appeared there was not now sufficient work of the Council’s to keep the Surveyor fully employed, and if he could get other employment and still carry on his regular work properly at a reduction of a third or so, of his salary, both parties would, perhaps, be gainers. - Application referred to the Roads Committee. (See page 131 for decision and personalities).
The Town Crier’s Livery. At the July meeting this matter [ 130 ]raised a lengthy conversation. The Town Clerk explained that he had put it on the agenda because it was the first occasion since he had been in office of its being supplied, and he knew nothing of the matter. Cox, the crier told him there was an order made that he Town Clerk should provide the livery for him, but no minute could be found to that effect. One member recollected the circumstance about three years ago, and that at that time the livery had not been supplied for seven years. Coun. Winter moved that the question stand over; but Coun. Bromley would like to know for what reason? Coun. Harvey seeing that the Crier’s coat was so bad, would move that the order be given as heretofore. Coun. Vidler thought the occasion opportune to ask Cox to leave all the crying to his son, as his voice was such as to cause visitors to make a burlesque of it. Ald. Ross also thought it requisite for Cox’s son to do the crying, as it was well-known that visitors could not understand him. Cox said he had no objection, if they would make him some compensation. – Referred to Watch Committee. At the October meeting, the Watch Committee recommended that the Crier have a new suit, which was agreed to.
The Inspector’s Salary. – At the Council meeting on Oct. 7th, the Roads Committee having recommended (word missing?) of the Inspector’s of Nuisance’s salary from £80 to £110, Coun. Wingfield objected, and said that Winter’s predecessor in office (Mr. Cattey) had only £75 to do the work which was now done conjointly by two men at £315 per year, which was £6 1s. 1½d. per week or £1 0s. 2d. per day. The Surveyor received £4 6s. 6¼d. and the Inspector £1 14s. 7¼d. per week. He considered they were already paying too much for the work that was done. The Inspector had been relieved of the a/c keeping at the ash-yard, and his duties only required his attendance from 7 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon. He would move as an amendment that no increase be given. This being seconded by Coun. Duke, another amendment was proposed by Coun. Harvey, who admitted that Winter was a good servant, but as his duties had not increased, he considered an advance to £100 was ample. Coun. Putland thought that the Inspector was sufficiently paid, but would vote for the £100. – Carried.
Suspension of Mr. Pearce. At the meeting on June 3rd, it was resolved to suspend the Waterworks Manager (Mr. E. Pearce) in consequence of intoxication and insubordination. [ 131 ]The Surveyor’s Application (see Page 129). At the meeting on the 6th of May, the Roads Committee recommended that the Surveyor should not be allowed to take private practice, but that he should be permitted to accept the surveyorship of the Eversfield Estate on condition that his salary be reduced £60. Coun. Vidler moved as an amendment [no motion having yet been made] that the duties of their present surveyor were not hard and that his was quite a gentleman’s life. Here the speaker ? was reminded of the irregularity, and in order to put him right, Ald. Ticehurst moved the adoption of the report. Then proceeding, Coun. Vidler said it ought not to matter whose house their officer lived in, not who was his butcher or his grocer [thus alluding to certain members of the Council]. They had a duty to perform and ought to do it. [Loud cries of shame]. The Mayor interposed and told Mr. Vidler that he must not use such language. Well, his proposition was that the Surveyor should receive £180 per year and should take no private practice. He also said that there was great dissatisfaction in the town at the Surveyor’s inattention to his duties. [Several members here reprobated the use of personalities]. Coun. Vidler said he had no intention of giving offence. He knew that he was sometimes hasty, and said whatever came uppermost, which was not like some members of the Council, who said nothing while there, but complained a good deal afterwards. Coun. Putland would be sorry for the salary to be so much reduced in consequence of the appointment offered to Mr. Laing. It would, he thought, be years before it came to be of much value to him. The proposed deduction would be too much of a certainty for an uncertainty. He condemned the practice of continual fault-finding with their Surveyor and of the personalities too often indulged. Let them show confidence in Mr. Laing, and remember that it was only a short time since they had passed a unanimous vote of thanks to him. Coun. Winter and Ald. Ross thought it was undesirable to allow their officer to be the servant of another party. They had no wish to reduce the salary, and were sorry Mr. Laing had made the application. – Coun. Bromley could see no valid objection to their Surveyor taking the situation; and if the Council could save £50 by it, they ought to consent. He repeated an expression said to have fallen from Mr. Deudney, and would endorse that opinion of his own, the same having reference to Mr. Picknell’s capabilities. This raised the ire of that Councillor, who retorted that the statement made was an untruth. Both parties bandied expressions of an ungentlemanly character, producing a scene [said the Hastings News] which did not add to the dignity of the assembly, but reminded the unprejudiced spectator of a tap-room brawl rather than the proceedings of the municipal governors of a large and rising fashionable watering [ 132 ]place. The Mayor and some other members endeavoured to restore order, and at last the belligerents refrained from further exhibition of vulgarity. Coun. Winter’s amendment being carried by a large majority, Mr. Laing was precluded from accepting the Eversfield appointment.
Fee – Farm Rents. At the same meeting, Ald. Ross called the Clerk’s attention to the Fee-Farm rents, some of which would very soon run out, so that steps should be taken to prevent their loss to the Corporation.
A Question of Drainage. At the April meeting the Roads Committee’s recommendation was adopted not to comply with Mr. Gant’s request to drain the houses at the Archery Ground, in consequence of the land and the roads not having been dedicated. Another letter was then received from Mr. Gant, stating that the drainage was not four or five houses merely, but for fourteen, all of which would be built within the next eighteen months, and reminding the Board that if no drainage were provided within the Board’s district the owners had powers to make cesspools. – Coun. Putland maintained that it was Mr. Gant’s duty to put in the drains, and that he only talked about cesspools to frighten them. In these days no one would be able to let houses at £100 a year that had cesspools to them. He did not think they had put down a single drain to new property since they had adopted the Local Board Act. [But they would have had to do it at Stanhope Place, had the St. Leonards Commissioners assented to their request to be allowed to drain into the St. Leonards main sewer at a charge on the assessment, notwithstanding their first refusal]. Coun. Bromley could not understand the principle on which they acted. He thought they were just as much justified in doing the drainage now asked for as they were in doing it in Havelock road, thus benefiting the railway company at the expense of the town. He referred, of course, to the resolution passed at the same meeting to lay down a twelve inch pipe in Havelock road, 220 yards in length at an estimated cost of £110, the expense of the same to be charged to the account of Permanent Works. [Doubtless there were others who as little understood the principle by which the Local Board were guided in many matters as did Coun. Bromley, inconsistent though he sometimes was himself].
The Lock-up Surgeon. At the June meeting, Mr. Underwood was appointed surgeon to the Lock-up, in place of Walter Duke, deceased, at £5 per year. At this meeting Mr. Putland was absent through illness. [ 133 ] Election of Mayor. At the meeting of the Council on the 9th of Nov., all the members except two being present, Mr. Alderman Rock rose from his seat, and addressed the Mayor thus: Mr. Mayor, we are standing at this moment on the brink of an important event. The earth in its unceasing course has brought us to a period when you, sir, must cease to exist as Mayor of this borough. Of yourself I will say nothing except that you have filled the office in a manner the most satisfactory to your fellow-townsmen. We now have to elect a new Mayor, and I think when I mention the name of Mr. Alderman Hayles I have said enough to secure his election. I will, however, say a few words on his behalf. It is true he has not been born amongst us, but he is a gentleman of independent means, having leisure at command – two very important qualifications in a town like this. Councillor Winter seconded the nomination and said – Not only in the Council has Mr. Hayles discharged the duties of his position, but also in the committees he has actively performed the duties devolving on him. In raising him to the higher duties, I have no doubt that at the end of the Mayoralty of Mr. Hayles the Council will be able to add that gentleman’s name to the long list of excellent Mayors which they have heretofore possessed. The election being unanimous, the Mayor-elect said – for the distinguished honour thus conferred upon him, he would return his sincere thanks. He had been a resident about a dozen years, and he felt it to be very gratifying to find himself occupying the position of chief magistrate of such an important borough. He would endeavour to carry out the duties honestly and impartially. Mr. Hayles then appointed Ald. Ginner as his deputy.
Election of Aldermen. The term for which Aldermen Hayles, Rock and Ticehurst were elected having expired, they were again elected without opposition.
Election of Councillors. On the 1st of November, Mr. Ross, as Presiding Alderman of the East Ward, Mr. George Winter and Mr. Robt. Burchell, as assessors, and Mr. T.S. Hide, as poll-clerk, proceeded to the Town Hall to open the ballot for the several candidates for Council seats vacated by Messrs. Bromley, Picknell, Harvey and Wrenn. At the same time, the several officials for the West Ward, consisting of Alderman Clement, Messrs. H. N. Williams, R. F. Davis and J. P. Shorter, occupied their allotted posts at the Assembly Rooms to perform similar duties on behalf of the candidates nominated for the West Ward, caused by the retirement of Messrs. Tree and Peerless. The polling commenced at 9 o’clock, and proceeded uninterruptedly till four in the afternoon, when the election was declared to have fallen on Messrs. Howell, Bromley, Poole and Picknell for the East Ward, and Messrs. Tree and Kenwood. [ 134 ]
The Borough Election
Until the 28th of April, the day before the nomination it seemed impossible to prevent the retiring members from being returned unopposed, but the result of a deputation to Lord Harry Vane, secretly and perhaps hurriedly planned, was made known on the morning of the 29th, by the issue of His Lordship’s address.
The Nomination
All parties assembled at the hustings at about 11 o’clock, and after the usual preliminaries, the Mayor said – for the first time that morning he heard that the election would go to a poll. He hoped, therefore, that the speakers would have a fair hearing.
E. Vernon Harcourt, Esq., in nominating Mr. Robinson (surely this should be Robertson?), said that he himself had never yet voted for a member of parliament in consequence on his having lived a good deal abroad, but which residence had given him an insight of the world’s politics. He had lived amongst a people enchained by the shackles they themselves had forged. There was a tyranny of despotism and a tyranny of democracy, and of the two evils he regarded that of democracy as the worst, because the most delusive. We had only to look across the water to see a great nation led on by specious bribes of the ballot and universal suffrage, into resigning its liberties altogether. He had always returned to England more than ever thankful for the civil and religious liberty which it was our happiness to enjoy. Gentlemen calling themselves Liberals should not arrogate to themselves an exclusive right to expound liberty. It was part of a Conservative policy not to endanger liberty by rash experiments, but to secure the largest measure for the people by a discreet use of it. In France the Republicans had been the means of extinguishing liberty; and he would have Mr. Bright and others beware of embracing principles which were not sustained by the spirit of that Constitution of which we are so justly proud. These were perilous times, and we could not look abroad without seeing that the heavy cloud which was hanging over Europe, and which had already burst into a tempest of war. It was the admiration of foreigners how England on great emergencies could sink their petty differences and unite in one common cause for the public weal. In such times we required honest men to represent us, [Hear, hear!] and such a man was Mr. Robertson. He was no doubtful politician. He begged therefore to propose Mr. Robertson as a fit and proper person to represent them in Parliament [Cheers!].
Mr. H. N. Williams had pleasure in seconding the nomination of one who in his private and public character deserved their support. He was sound in Protestantism, and would aid in crush[ 135 ]ing that Church which was the stronghold of tyranny. He was in favour of a sound education, and was not afraid that those who had it would be the foes of liberty.
There was a want of a transfer office to abolish the present cumbrous form of law, which would be a great boon to the nation, whether lawyers liked it or not. There was also the Income Tax, which was never intended to be permanent; yet, when it was proposed to abolish it by a member of the present Government, Lord Palmerston and Sir George Cornwall Lewis said No, no! it must be permanent. The, as to our Foreign policy, no one knew but at that moment men were engaged in deadly conflict; and to whom must they attribute it but to Palmerston? [No! and hisses]. The point was should Lombardy belong to France, Italy or Austria. By the treaty of 1815 it was to belong to Austria; but latterly on certain conditions she would give it up. Palmerston would not agree to it; and, no sooner was the Battle of Novaro fought, than he said “I wish you may get it.” Then as to the Reform Bill, it should be one that would give the greatest amount of votes to the people; and he contended that the one proposed by the present Government would do as much for the country as did that of 1832 [No, no!]. Referring to one of its provisions, Mr. Williams said, if their ex-Mayor, Mr. Rock, were to live at Fairlight, under the present arrangement, he would be deprived of a vote; but in the new Reform Bill he would not. He had much pleasure in seconding the nomination.
Mr J. Rock, jun. proposed F. North, Esq., with mingled feelings of regret and pleasure – pleasure for the name he proposed and regret at the unfittingness of the time, when we knew not how soon we might ourselves be plunged into the strife which was now threatening the Continent, and for which he thought the Government was highly culpable. He was no orator, and therefore they should not expect such a speech as had come from Mr. Robertson’s proposer and seconder. He had not the energy of the first nor the lungs of the second, but he would just touch on that subject which was a personal one. He would thank Mr. Williams for his kind expression towards himself, but having passed his life in the town and its public business, he thought it very improbable that he should not take some measure for the protection of this vote. He would at once propose F. North, Esq.
Mr. S. Putland had pleasure in seconding the nomination of an old friend, and one who helped to gain so much for us in 1832.Some had found fault with the Reform Bill of that date; but, for the time, it was a grand move in the right direction. As to the present Reform Bill, he would call it a deformed bill, for it was full of deformities. In reference to the contest [ 136 ]– and it was only that morning that he became aware of it – he hoped they would go strait to battle, without bribery and without trickery. He hoped tomorrow they would find Mr. North at the top of the poll.
Mr. T. Ross would not inflict on the assembly a long speech, and would merely say that for the last seven years there had been a cry in Hastings “Oh, don’t disturb the peace of the borough! Let Mr. Robertson and Mr. North walk over the course.” Since the last contested election 400 electors had been added to the list, and he thought they ought to have an opportunity of expressing their political sentiments. He proposed Lord Harry Vane as a candidate to represent Hastings in Parliament. Mr. J. Howell thought it was a good day for Hastings when Lord Harry Vane came to Battle Abbey, and who had come over that morning as a Reformer. He (Mr. H.) thought that the work the next parliament had to do was to make a great reform bill. He did not like turmoil, but if they had it they must thanks the Conservatives for it. He appealed to the electors to do their duty as they had already done in the Council elections. He had the authority of Mr. North to say that he fully supported Lord Harry Vane and he hoped their XXXX would be “Two Liberals for Hastings”.
Mr. R. Deudney, in a short speech, introduced to them an old and respected inhabitant, W. D. Lucas Shadwell, Esq., as a candidate for representing them in Parliament. This was seconded by T. Hicks, Esq., also in a brief, but appropriate speech.
P. F. Robertson, Esq., said it was the fourth time he had solicited election, and he had come down without the remotest notion that he would have anything to do other than thank them for again returning him [You are taken in old fellow]. It had been said that Mr. North and himself had arranged to avoid a contest, but both himself and his colleague were perfectly clear of such an improtation. As to the 400 new voters being disenfranchised by a walk over, as stated, he would like to know what was the difference of their position to that of the old ones. He had been told that £20,000 had been subscribed to aid in the elections. He knew nothing of it, but if any of it had come here, he thought they were fortunate. As to the Reform Bill, it was not much to flog a dead horse, but they never had the bill fairly discussed on its merits. One objected to it because it was too long, and another said it was too short; one that it was too fat, and another that it was too lean. So they all objected together, and threw it out. And what was their position now? Lord John Russell had brought forward a bill – which, by the bye, Lord Palmerston said he would oppose – that would disenfranchise 63 boroughs. Then we had Mr. Bright. He was going to give half a member [ 137 ]among you [No, no!]. There were to be 500 members, and there were to be 43,000 to each member, and as Hastings had 22,000 or 23,000, he was right in saying Hastings would have only half a member. [That’s a lie! and confusion]. Then there were the friends of human rights, who said “We want a just and comprehensive measure, including the female element of adult population, the equalization of constituencies, annual parliaments, and payment of members”. In all these there are five reform bills, and I think Lord Derby’s was the best. He need not tell them how important it was to have a strong Government at the present crisis, and he hoped the good people of Hastings and St.Leonards would show it in the present election.
F. North, Esq. said they were all employed in the House very actively and usefully, as he thought in furthering the legislation of the country when they were sent back to their constituents, and at a time when they ought to have been left undisturbed. He could not express the horror with which he looked on that coup d’état of a wicked ministry, and he trusted they would confirm the verdict that would be passed on that ministry by the country. Hitherto, he frankly confessed he had been a very moderate politician. He had thought that temperate measures were the wisest, but he owned that when he saw a step of such wickedness [oh, oh!] as was shown in the present dissolution, he was disposed to take a more violent course. His conviction was that the people would refuse to endorse the opinion which Lord Derby had asked at their hands. He (Mr. N.) had had nothing to do in introducing Lord Vane, but he should be happy to co-operate with him as a colleague. He advised them to give their votes honestly, and to refrain from bribery or intimidation. If he were rejected because he would not use such means, he would go back into private life with the conviction that he retained an unsullied reputation. But howsoever much interest they might feel in in local or general politics, deeper were there feelings in foreign affairs, in which struggle they might possibly be forced to take part. At all events, their services must be kept ready for action, and that would require greater taxation. He desired to see Lord Palmerston at the head of the Foreign Office, and he also thought it desirable to have a Liberal Government to assist in the settlement of the Italian question.
Lord Harry Vane said he only arrived yesterday at Battle, where he usually spent a good portion of the year, when, quite unexpectedly, a deputation waited on him and invited him to become a candidate. He acceded to the request because he thought a free expression should be given to the electors of Hastings and St. Leonards. He was [ 138 ]assured that these opinions would be favourable, or he should not have troubled the electors. His lordship referred to his acquaintance with Mr. Robertson and to the respect that he entertained towards him; but he agreed with Mr. North on the impropriety of the present Dissolution. The Government took up a subject with which they were not qualified to deal, and sent it back in a fit of ill-temper upon the country. He condemned the Dissolution at a time when foreign affairs were most gloomy and urged the propriety of keeping an armed front to add moral force to England’s persuasions. He thought that which was fitting on the present occasion was that his honourable friend should be at the top of the poll and that he should be his colleague [Cheers]. When asked if he would vote for the ballot, his lordship said “No!” nor would he vote for Household Suffrage, but he would vote for extension of the suffrage.
W. D. Lucas-Shadwell, Esq. being received with cheers and hisses, said he thought they would listen to him when they knew the peculiar circumstances under which he stood before them . Until half-past ten that morning he had not the slightest idea that he was to be a candidate; but when he heard that there was opposition, he acceded to the solicitation of his friends. He had heard occasionally that certain parties had been going through the length and breadth of the land to seek some gentleman who would contest the borough. He hoped the noble Lord who had just spoken would not feel uncomfortable at what he had been told – and it came from the other side – that he was the 28th who had been sought for as a candidate. The speaker then referred to the announcement of his principles when he introduced Lord Pevensey as a candidate for East Sussex, and to which principles he still adhered, while he was disposed to go even further. He was for no finality measure, for he believed there should be none in politics. He believed they owed their positions to liberal institutions, and these he would advocate to the best of his power. He would widen the franchise to include the men of intelligence who did not now possess the power of voting, and he would not oppose the reduction of the borough franchise; but he condemned the introduction of Lord Russell’s resolution. He justified Lord Derby’s course in appealing to the country, and advocated non-intervention in foreign affairs. He would not oppose measures simply because they were measures. “Measures, not men” would be his motto. He would advocate progressive reform and improvements of Church and State. He desired to throw open all such offices, as could be done, to public competition, [ 139 ]as he believed that system would secure the ablest men for conducting public business. In conclusion he begged to second Mr. North’s remarks against bribery and corruption. He would have no interference with the independence of voters. Let there be no long purses, nor even 15s. for a man’s vote. For himself, he would not give 15 pence. He had lived among them fifteen years, and he hoped he had done nothing to stain his name during that period. He only wished them to vote for him if they approved his principles.
The Mayor having taken a show of hands there appeared a large majority for North and Vane, the result being received with immense cheering. A poll was demanded as a matter of course. The proceedings on the whole were conducted with good humour, notwithstanding the occasional chaff and uncomplimentary sallies by a few extreme Radicals, among whom a baker called Newberry was conspicuous.
The Election
The election took place the following day, Saturday April 30th, the polling-booths being, as on a previous occasion, one at the top of the town, one at the London Road, St. Leonards, and one on the Priory Meadow. At the close of the poll the numbers stood thus: North (L.) 613, Vane (L.) 557, Robertson (C.) 449, Shadwell (C.) 230.
Mr. North addressed the large assembly at the principal hustings, in which he thanked the electors for the proud position in which they had placed him. It was about 20 years since he first stood in that position before them, and if it pleased God to spare him so long he would try to be there another 20 years. He was willing to give his opponents the fullest credit for their gentlemanly conduct towards him.
Lord Harry G Vane said – if my honourable friend feels a deep debt of gratitude, how much deeper must such debt be in one who has so little acquaintance with this ancient town and borough. I have found that the spirit which I believe to have prevailed did exist. I wish to speak of that gentleman whom your choice of me has displaced with the greatest respect. It gratifies me to be able to entertain this feeling towards him.
Mr. Robertson next presented, and was met by hisses and noisy demonstrations beyond anything that was exhibited on the preceding day. He said – on previous occasions it has been my privilege to thank you for placing me high on the poll, but this occasion I have to express my regret, more for the sake of the country than for myself. So far as my personal feelings go, I would say you have made a very good choice [Don’t cry!]. I only hope that the good feeling I have experienced will be continued to my successor [He seems to be ill!]; for you never [ 140 ] expressed dissatisfaction with anything that I did [oh, oh! And uproar].I am extremely obliged to those who supported me [Go home!].
Mr. Shadwell’s appearance was the signal for a disreputable display of noise and confusion, in which that worthy gentleman made several ineffectual attempts to speak. The Mayor and some other persons having vainly attempted to restore order, the reporters were invited to a seat near the speaker, but even then, the noise was so great that it was with great difficulty that sentences could be taken down. He was understood to say that, coming forward at quite the eleventh hour, he could not, and did not expect to be returned. He would bear testimony to the gentlemanly way in which the opposing candidates has acted, while he trusted that he also acted in the honourable manner that became an Englishman. In alluding to the cry on the nomination day of his paying his labourers “8 shilling[2]s a week and greens”, Mr. Shadwell said the charge of underpaying his men was utterly false. It had been his pride to pay his workmen the best wages of any in the neighbourhood, and this he would continue to do – an example he hoped others would follow. He then retired amidst a din of groans, hisses and other totally undeserved and unbecoming noises – a sample of some at least of the 400 new electors. It was thought that these rowdies took encouragement from Mr. North’s uncalled for expressions that for the future he intended to take a more violent course. His supporters were perfectly satisfied with the political (?? Something missing) he had already pursued, and the present writer happens to know that some of his friends afterwards expressed regret that they did not abstain from voting, as they at first thought of doing. Of course the extremists of the Liberal party were greatly elated at what they called tricking the Tories, albeit, Mr. Putland, who seconded Mr. North’s nomination, hoped there would be no trickery. But apart from the political aspect, the new member, Lord Harry Vane, never did a tithe of good to the borough of what Mr. Robertson and Mr. Lucas-Shadwell had done and continued to do.
Journalistic Comments. On the Friday after the election, and when the excitement had calmed down, the Hastings News, in a sensibly written leader reviewed the case as follows: “Hastings awoke last Saturday as from a dream. At the close of the poll a general feeling of astonishment pervaded the town. The winners were astonished at their success and the losers were filled with unexpected consternation. The contest had been sudden. It was short, sharp and decisive. [ 141 ]
Perhaps a more remarkable conflict never before occurred in this country; certainly not in this neighbourhood. The completeness and suddenness of the Liberal victory seemed to have struck the town with silence. The triumph was too thorough on the one hand to need trumpeting, and the defeat so severe on the other as to come like a thunder-bolt. The borough was strikingly quiet and sober, and no disposition appeared on the part of the victors to indulge in any noisy demonstration, except in the case of the riff-raff before the hustings, whose low clamour is generally a disgrace to humanity. We will endeavour to state as clearly as possible the reasons for this contest and the causes of victory. It is known that a large section of both parties were opposed to a contest. Many of the Liberals objected to it from an idea that the disturbance of the borough would be a fruitless one. The supposed equality of parties and the undoubted personal respect in which the late Conservative member was held by all parties led to this conviction. We cherished pretty strongly ourselves. We opposed a breach of the peace to the very last, sincerely believing, with many others, that a contest would be ill-advised and useless. We reckoned from data which deceived us, and the result has shewn the mistaken calculation of ourselves and of half the older electors. The course taken by the large numbers on the list – upwards of 400 – was the chief means of throwing us out in our reckoning. Most of these have proved to be Liberals, and were exceedingly impatient to exercise their untried franchise. The objectors to a strife had influence enough at first to stave off a battle. The gentleman who was originally waited on for nomination declined to stand through this division of opinion amongst the Liberals. The Conservatives evidently relied on a quiet election; hence their want of organisation when the battle came. Most of the objecting Liberals who had threatened to plump for Mr. North to deter their warmer friends from a contest gave in at last when objecting was hopeless. When Lord Harry Vane (as much to the surprise of Mr. North’s committee as to the Conservatives) was announced as a candidate on Friday morning, a hasty consultation was held. With some of the moderate Liberals there was a keen mental conflict between their personal regard for Mr. Robertson and their political convictions. In most cases political integrity won the day, and the men went for North and Vane. It was too much after all for human nature now the fight was come, to stand by and see one’s party jeopardised; and it was due to their convictions as honest men that Liberals should vote on national, and not [ 142 ]on local grounds. So reasoned the Liberals, who had, up to that nomination morning, strenuously worked against the impatient desire of numbers for another candidate. There were, besides, several other ideas and reminiscences struggling for development. The Conservative victory of 1852 came more vividly to mind as the blood warmed and the contest waxed fierce. The anti-reform sins of the Derby Cabinet – the disqualifying forty-shilling[3] freehold clause – the ill-timed Dissolution – Rumours of probable disasters at Dover – the Conservative screw at Durham against Lord Harry Vane – all tended in the heat of conflict to stimulate the energy and to intensify the political feeling so suddenly aroused. The result, our readers know. Great sympathy was felt for Mr. Robertson, even by many of the Liberals, as it was known that he had for some days laboured under the disadvantage of severe illness, which must have made the effort of canvassing (if he had attempted it) a painful toil. This sympathy for the defeated was the most pleasing manifestation of the day. It was evidently of a kind that was no shame to a manly heart either to cherish or to receive. It subdued the natural emotion of triumph at the close of the day, and led to the general refusal of any clamorous demonstration about the town. It was gratifying to see that personal esteem could blend itself with political antagonism; and it can hardly fail to be a source of consolation for Mr. Robertson that he bears away with him from the field of battle the respect and honour of every Liberal whose good opinion is worth possessing. His uniform liberality to local institutions, the high private worth of himself and his relatives, the general frankness and cordiality of his manner – even towards his opponents, the valuable services he had rendered to the Mechanics’ Institutions of the borough, and the many other proofs of his good repute as a gentleman and a neighbour, were all fresh in memory, and increased the difficultly which so many felt in voting against him. But the political principle which compelled the electors to be true to what they believed to be their public duty in spite of their personal bias, is surely to be commended on whichever side it is shewn. How far the Conservatives might have improved their position had they taken the precaution to organise a working committee as the Liberals did we cannot say. They attribute much to the want of preparedness; but it is evident that they have no-one to blame but themselves. A skilful commander never stops till an enemy actually attacks him before he gets his men in a condition to fight”. In the same [ 143 ]number of the News appeared a letter on this election from “St. Leonardensis” which is reproduced on page 105, as having emanated from St. Leonards. But there was also one written from Hastings by Mr. Harvey on this same subject, as follows:“Sir, - your last week’s edition contained a letter signed by Mr. North wherein he seeks to correct a misapprehension stated to have arisen from words uttered by him at the hustings on the day of nomination – viz., that he had changed his political opinions, and was disposed to take a more violent course in future. Surely the constituency of Hastings are sufficiently enlightened to comprehend the meaning of such an expression, but which he appears to doubt, inasmuch as he kindly explains the meaning he intended to convey by informing us, amongst other things that ‘war to the knife must be proclaimed against the continuance of the Derby administration’. Fine language this for a legislator, but not unfit for a revolutionist. With respect to his having changed his political opinions, no-one will be surprised he can do so with ease like a chameleon his colour. He was once a Whig, afterwards a Liberal, and now, as he has changed again, one would like to know if he can give the information as to what he politically is? His threatened future violence, if intended to be exercised in the House of Commons, is nothing more than moonshine, but might on the hustings be a good bait for some of the electors whom he tenderly hooked. Mr. North’s ideas do not accord with mine. I believe the present Administration were justified in dissolving the House under the factious opposition to their Reform Bill, and thus appealing to the country; although the expenses attendant on an election may not suit the pockets of all aspirants to honour, thus causing them to grumble. At no period of our history has the cooperation of Parliament with the executive Government been more important than at the present time, and at no period were the responsibilities of Government more serious. On the Parliament which is shortly to assemble, and on the Government which shall possess the confidence of that Parliament, will devolve the consideration of questions most deeply affecting the honour and prosperity of this empire; and my opinion is that to no Ministry could the care and trust so sacred could be more safely confided than to Her Majesty’s present Government”
— “Hastings, May 18, 1859”, “Anthony Harvey”
It is evident that Mr. Harvey did not regard it as such “a wicked Government” as Mr. North declared it to be. But what said [ 144 ]the News – the independent, but Liberal News, of June 17th: “The Conservative Government has been defeated by a majority of 13 on the vote of Want of Confidence, the numbers being 310 for & 323 against. The combinations of the various sections of the Liberal Party has thus proved too strong for Lord Derby, who submits with considerable dignity to a defeat at the hands of a House of his own assembling. Whether or not the somewhat heterogeneous materials of the Cabinet now in course of formation will adhere remains to be proved. Lord Palmerston is to be Premier, and Lord John Russell Foreign Secretary. Some of the other offices are to be distributed (so far as we can learn) as follows: Home Secretary, Sir G.C. Lewis; Secretary of War, Rt. Hon. Sidney Herbert; Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, etc. There can be no doubt that in point of personal ability and political experience the new Ministry is superior to the old. It is due, however, to Lord Derby and Lord Malmesbury to concede that very much of what was said to their discredit as statesmen was totally without foundation. It was the mere offspring of that faction’s malevolence which can see no virtue on the ‘other side’ of the House, but arrogates all perfection to its own. This is the bane of English politics, and due allowance must always be made for it when we listen to one party or another. The Foreign correspondence just published on the Italian question proves that the late Government really acted up to professed neutrality. The alleged Austrian leanings do not show themselves in the diplomacy. We confess to a fear that their successors will evince a more decided bias towards France than the others did towards Austria. There is truth sometimes in a joke, and the sobriquet given by Punch to our new leaders, is, we fear, too indicative of the fact to be treated altogether as a jest. Our facetious contemporary introduces the Premier as Louis Napoleon Palmerston, and the Foreign Secretary as Victor Emmanuel Russell.”
The New Ministry: On the 2nd of July the St. Leonards Gazette was enabled to give a complete list of the new Ministry as enlarged and perfected up to that time, together with the names of all the subordinate officers. The members of the Cabinet (only) were:
Viscount Palmerston | First Lord of the Treasury |
Mr. Gladstone | Chancellor of the Exchequer |
Lord John Russell | Foreign Secretary |
Sir G. C. Lewis | Home Secretary |
Duke of Newcastle | Colonial Secretary[ 145 ] |
Mr. Sidney Herbert | Secretary for War |
Sir C. Wood | Indian Secretary |
Duke of Somerset | First Lord of the Admiralty |
Lord Campbell | Lord Chancellor |
Earl Granville | President of the Council |
Duke of Argyll | Privy Seal |
Earl of Elgin | Postmaster-General |
Mr. Cobden | Board of Trade (declined) |
Mr. Milner Gibson | Poorlaw Board |
Mr. Cardwell | Secretary for Ireland |
Sir George Grey | Duchy of Lancaster |
The refusal of Mr. Cobden to join the new Administration was considered to be “a heavy blow and sore discouragement” to Lord Palmerston and his colleagues. Much was expected from the champion of free trade, and his name would, no doubt, have carried great weight with it. It did not seem to be understood why a Cabinet which contained such men as Mr. Milner Gibson and Mr. Gilpin should have been thus spurned by Richard Cobden. The reasons which would induce the latter to decline joining it one would think would also weigh with the other two gentlemen here named. It was curious, moreover, to observe the opposition to the new Ministry which arose from the Liberal party from the fact, as alleged, that there was not a sufficient representation of the Independent Liberals to watch how the opposition would be intensified. It is assumed that Lord Palmerston and Lord John Russell were content to receive opposition from two quarters – from Conservatives and a large section of the Radicals. The retirement of Mr. Hayter was also felt to be a loss. He filled the post of Parliamentary Secretary, better known as the Government Whip. He was a most zealous supporter of the Reform party – active, shrewd and persevering. His successor was Mr. Brand. The new “whip” was bland and polite, as became a Sussex gentleman, but it was thought by many at the time that he would not show so much energy as did his predecessor.
Much as was said about the Reform Bill at the hustings on the day of the nomination – or rather, the two Reform Bills, the one that was defeated and the one that was to come – no one out of Bedlam, even when the new Ministry got to work, expected a reform bill that session. There was, however, a prospect of one being introduced after the prorogation; albeit, the question was, Would it pass? Whatever might be its character, it was sure to be vigorously attacked by the Conservatives because it probably would go too far, and by the Radicals because it would not go far enough. The session went on, and no Reform Bill appeared; but it was con[ 146 ]tended that there certainly would be one next session and that Lord John Russell would be the father of it. That his Lordship had this at heart as one of his hobbies was well known, but it was doubted even by our local Radicals if the veteran reformer would venture to meet their wishes entirely. On the question of the ballot, they regarded him as unsound; and yet they had elected Lord Harry Vane and Mr. North to represent them in Parliament – the latter of whom had never been in favour of the ballot, and the former when asked if he would vote for the ballot, replied with a decided No!
He must have been an easily contented man who looked with any satisfaction upon the legislation of that year, either by the Derby Cabinet or the succeeding one. The amount of useful legislation in the two sessions was indeed very small, and might be mainly accounted for by the remarkable faction fights which characterised them.
Sussex Elections
The gentlemen returned at the Sussex Elections were for Arundel, Lord Edward Howard (uncontested); for Brighton, the two old members, Admiral Pechell and William Conningham; for Chichester, Mr. Freeland (Liberal) and Lord Hy. Lennox; for Horsham, Mr. Fitzgerald (unopposed); for Lewes, Mr. Fitzroy and Mr. Bland (the old members); for Midhurst, Mr. Milford; for Rye, Mr. Mackinnon (unopposed); for Shoreham, Mr. C. Burrell and Mr. S. Cave (unopposed); for East Sussex, Mr. Dodson and Lord Pevensey (unopposed) and for West Sussex Lord Marsh and the Hon. Hy. Wyndam (unopposed).
Sussex Unions
The following figures represent the average expenditure per head of population for the maintenance and out-relief for the half-year ended at Michaelmas, calculated from the Government returns.
West Firle 5/6¼ | Chailey 3/9¼ | Cuckfield 3/0¼ |
Eastbourne 4/10¼ | East Grinstead 3/8¾ | Midhurst 2/11¼ |
Battle 4/3 | Lewes 3/7¼ | Chichester 2/10¼ |
Horsham 4/2¾ | Thakeham 3/5½ | Brighton 2/8¼ |
Petworth 4/0¾ | Uckfield 3/3¾ | Westbourne 2/7¾ |
Rye 3/11¾ | Hailsham 3/3 | Steyning 2/6¾ |
Newhaven 3/10½ | Ticehurst 3/0½ | West Hampnett 2/0¼ |
Hastings 1/11¼ |
The Borough Police Force. The Government official (Capt. Willis) inspected the local police-force, with the books, the station, the lock-up, &c. and said he should be able to give a very favourable report, which would entitle us to the allowance of one-fourth of the expenses from the Consolidated fund. The Captain expressed to the Mayor the great plea[ 147 ]sure it gave him to find everything connected with the force in such good order, and also the manner in which the men went through their drill. A high tribute was paid to Mr. Glenister's intelligence and activity in contributing to such a praiseworthy result.
The Hastings Mechanics' Institution
When Mr. Major Vidler built the room occupied by this association it was regarded by the members as a great advance from Waterloo place, to the centre of High street, and a good move it undoubtedly was, and a good dinner was had by the strength of it. But societies frequently outgrow their habitations and the cry was to "Westward ho!" on the 230 of March, new premises in the central Arcade were taken possession of, and another dinner was held to celebrate the event, followed by an entertainment. The dinner was partakers of by about to persons, and during the after proceedings, the following toasts were given:-"The Queen, by George Scrivens Esq.; "the Borough Members", by Rev. J. A. Hatchward, "the Mayor and town Council" by Mr. Wormersley: "Success to the Institution" by E. Vernon Harcourt. Esq. "The President and Vice-presidents" by Mr. Bannister: "The St. Leonards Mechanics Institution", by F. Nortto, Esp. and "the press", by Mr. Major Vidler. Each toast was suitably responded to. The Chairman announced the following promised donations: £5 from the Rev. J. A. Hatchard: £5 from F. North, Esq, M. P. £1 from E. N. Harcourt, Esq. £1 from A. Burtorn, Esq (President of the St. Leonards Institution); and a guinea each from Jas. Rock, jun, Esq., W Crake, Esq., and the Rev. W. W. Hume.
The Entertainment in the upstairs Music Hall was numerously attended and consisted of Herr Kluckner German Band, the Glee and Madrigal Society, pianoforte duets, the St. Clement's Church choir, dissolving views and short addresses.
A Quarterly Meeting was held on the 2nd of Feb, when the Committee report showed an increase of members from 241 to 260, a favourable balance of £6, and an investment of £80 in the Savings Bank.
At the August Quarterly Meeting, the cash balance was shewn to be £6 7s. 10d., but the number of members had decreased by 16.
A Fete with fireworks was held in the grounds of P. F. Robertson, Esq. on the 1st of September, attended by more than 500 persons, the receipt at which were £67, realising a profit to the Institution of £36.
A Conversazione was held in the Music Hall in connection with the institution on the 7th, 8th and 9th of November, and proved to be a very enjoyable affair, but without financial success. Oil and watercolour paintings adorned the walls, and there were exhibitions of wood carvings, models, photographs, miniature steam engines and railway carriages, a printing-press at work, sewing and electrical machines, Russian trophies, electrotypes, shell-work, arctic relics, speci[ 148 ]mens of Australian gold, experiments in telegraphy and pneumatics, musical performances, and reading of papers.
Lectures in connection with the institution were delivered "on the uses of the Atmosphere" by Garrett: "The Anglo-Saxons" by Mr. George Dawson: "Artificial Light" by Mr. Banks; "Living British Poets" by Rev. H. J. Piggot; and a very intellectual lecture by the talented Mrs. Balfour on "Lights in the Dark Ages". Also on "Voltaic Electricity" by Mr. John Banks; "The Catacombs of Rome" by Mr. W. Culverwell: and on "Successful Men and how they mounted the ladder" by Mr. W. D. Lucas-Shadwell. An entertainment was given on Feb. 7th Messrs. and Miss Williams on behalf of the Institution, which was below par and unremunerative.
Other Lectures
At the Music Hall, on July 22, a lecture was delivered on "British Columbia" and £27 15s. was contributed by a small audience.
The well-known lecturer Henry Vincent delivered a lecture on the 26th of September, his subject being "Our Young Men and Young Women": and on the following evening, on "Social Foibles of Englis Life."
The Rev. W. M. Punshow delivered an eloquent lecture on "Science Literature and Religion" on the 28th of September.
The Rev. Dr. Cumming, the popular lecturer and prolific author, delivered two lectures in the Market Hall, for aiding the funds of the "Special Mission to Roman Catholics in Great Britain in connection with the Protestant Reformation Society". The first lecture on March 1st was "The Bible: its scientific objections, difficulties and general adaptation", and the second, on the following day was "The Church, its nature, functions and ministry". On both occasions the room was crammed long before the time announced for commencing. Both addresses were of an eloquent and instructive character. The amount of money collected at the two meetings was £40 5s. 8d. When describing the lecture on the Apocalypse by Dr. Cumming at St Leonards on the 16th of November, it should have been added that on the preceding afternoon the Rev. Dr. addressed an overflow audience on "The Last Prophecy of Daniel". He believed we were living in the Saturday evening of the world's history - on the verge of the Millenium Sabbath; and he advised us to be prepared, in any event.
Bank Dividend
On the 12th of April a second dividend was announced of 1/- in the separate estate of Tilden Smith, of the Hastings Old Bank, and a third dividend of 1/6 in that of Mr. Francis Smith. Also a second dividend of 4¾d in the estate of Mr. S. Morgan, wholesale grocer.
[ 149 ]
Philosophical Society
At a meeting of this society on the 14th of April, T. Tate, Esq., F.R.A.S., explained the principle of his newly invented aerometer for determining the specific gravity of liquids.
At the meeting on Feb. 15th, Samuel Sharpe, Esq., read a valuable paper on "Egyptian Hieroglyphics." A discussion followed.
On March 9th June 16th, a paper on the "Relationship of Languages" was read by T. H. Cole, Esq., M. A., and was highly instructive.
On March 16th Mr. Penhall read a paper "On the effects of Food and Climate on the Races of Man". Drs. Moore & Hale, and others took part in the discussion.
On May 11th, Dr. Hale read a paper on "The Structure and Habits of the Gorilla" and an interesting conversation followed.
On the 28th of September there was a pleasant gathering of the society at Pevensey, where a paper was read by T. H. Cole, Esq.
A lecture "On Sleep" was delivered before the society by Dr. Moore, at their meeting on December 14th. See also page 177 for Mr. Rock's paper on the "Climate of Fairlight"
The Literary Institution
At the meeting of this society on the 28th of January the following officers were elected:- President. F. North, Esq., M.P. Vice-presidents - W. T. Agar, Esq., G. Batley, Esq. P. F. Robertson, Esq., M.P. W. D. Lucas-Shadwell, Esq., Rev. T. Vores, W. B. Young, Esq. Treasurer, J. G. O'Neil, Esq., Secretary, Rev. J. Parkin. Resolved that the balance of £18 14s. 8d. after payment of shareholders dividends be invested in the Savings' Bank.
At the meeting on March 25th, it was resolved to accept Mr. Ross's share in the institution for £20, agreeably with Mr. Ross's offer.
The following gentlemen were elected members:-
Dr. Moore, 1 Priory Houses, Mrs. Lord, Broomgrove, T. Boger, Esq., 7 Robertson Terrace, Dr. Garrett, Wellington sq., Hon. Adolphus Graves, Cavendish ter. Rev. E. Smepp, Halton, Rev. C. Brereton, 10 the Croft, Rev. E. Pavey, 10 Spring Terrace, Edward Boys, Esq., East hill place.
At the meeting on June 7th, it was resolved that the subscription to Mundie's library be increased from ten to fifteen guineas.
The following new members were elected:-
Theophus Richards, Esq., 47 Eversfield pd. Mr. Evringon, Robertson ter. Wm Kirkpatrick Esq., 5 St. Margarets ter., Mr. W. Hutchins 114 High st. Col Wilinson, 3 Halloway place, Fred'k Webster, Esq., Ewhurst, Robert Johnson, Esq., 49 George street. Rev. J. Bryam Dewe, South Terrace, Halton. [ 150 ]At the Society's meeting on the 30th of September, the following names were added to the list of members:-
J. B. Jones, Esq., 10 Wellington Sq. | Rev. J. Malkin, 1 Harold place. |
Miss Sarah Marsh Baily, 11 Robertson st. | Miss Emma Elsey, High Wickham |
Rev. H. D. E. Bull, Gloucester place |
Accidents and Fatalities.
On April 29th a nephew of builder Harman, while helping to erect the hustings for the election, was thrown from the top, and had to be carried to the Infirmary.
On May 2nd, a young painter, named Dabney, also had to be taken to the Infirmary, he having sustained injuries to his forehead, caused by the blowing down of a long ladder in Robertson street.
On Jue 3rd, a compound fracture of the right arm befell Mr. John Sinden, manager of Waghorne's Robertson street business by being thrown out of a cart on the way from Bexhill.
A child named Tichbow, was knocked down and bruised by a gentleman's horse, near the "Swan" on the 22nd of September.
A child named White, on the following day, sustained a compound fracture of one leg, through the falling down of a plank that had been leaning against a wall.
A young woman named McCormick, on Sep. 25th, broke the small bone of one leg through falling into one of the area holes of the new hotel (the Queen's)
A gentleman bather swam out a great distance in a rather rough sea, and being unable to return, a boat, manned by Jas. Hinckley and Thos. and Richard Cobby, went to his rescue, and on reaching land, offered the boatmen 6d., but ultimately consented to give 2/. It is said that some men live cheaply, but this gentleman probably remembered the 26th of September, when he was permitted to live at so great a cost.
John Oliver (fireman) was killed, and Jones (engine driver) was injured on Oct. 3rd by an explosion and wreck of a big train near Lewes, thus so blocking the line that a large number of excursionists in returning from the Shoreham Gardens to Hastings and St. Leonards, had to be sent from Brighton to Haywards Heath, and then down to Lewes, reaching home at about 1.30 next morning.
A man named Putland was blown to pieces on the 13th of April, by one of those very numerous accidents which occurred during the last war with France, but which, happily, had been infrequent of late. At the Battle powder mills on the date here indicated shortly before 9 a.m., a loud report was heard at Hastings as though [ 151 ]from the discharge of a heavy piece of ordnance; but, on looking seawards, and seeing there no signs of such discharge, those persons who were old enough to remember the sounds and vibrations experienced by explosions in the early years of the century, rightly surmised the cause. The news soon came that one of the "Corning houses" belonging to Messrs. Lawrence and sons at the Lower Peppernine mill had been blown up, and a workman named Putland, 57 years of age, and employed on the works for 26 years, had been shattered beyond identification. The whole building was destroyed, and portions of cemented brickwork were hurled to a distance of 400 feet. At the inquest on the man's shattered remains, it was shown that every precaution was taken; that one of the witnesses had worked in the mills for 31 years; that another witness (the foreman) had been employed for 40 years; and that no possible cause for the explosion could be discovered.
A seaman named Jeffery, on the 9th of September, while standing on the cross-trees of the Phoenix of Hastings and taking in sail during a strong breeze, fell to the deck and sustained a compound fracture of one thigh and other injuries. He was brought home to the Infirmary.
Mr. Chas. Dunk, of the Cutter Inn had been subject to epileptic fits, and on 13th of Oct. he was found dead in bed from an attack of one such fits.
An unfortunate bullock, which had strayed onto the railway between Appledore and Rye, on the 10th of October, had its head severed on one rail and its tail on the other by a train from Ashford to Hastings.
John Tunbridge, of Hastings, formerly a farmer and grazier, and subject to asthma, died in a railway carriage between Hastings and Bopeep, on the 16th of October. He was en-route for Brighton and had been seized by an apopletic fit, probably through hastening to catch the train.
A fatal railway accident occurred on the 29th of November which alarmed that Hastings and other passengers who were travelling eastward by the South-coast express train. On this side of Lewes, a horse and van came up to the gate at a crossing between the Newhaven junction and Glynde station a few minutes before the train arrived that spot. As soon as the gate-keeper had unfastened the gate to admit them through, he saw the train rapidly approaching. He again shut the gate without securing it, when from some misunderstanding on the part of the driver or from the horse becoming unmanageable, they got immediately on a point of danger, and a terrific collision was the result. By the time [ 152 ]the train reached Glynde the driver was able to bring his engine to a stand, when on the guard going back, he found the van was smashed into hundreds of pieces, the poor horse's carcass scattered in all directions, whilst the head of one man (there being two in the cart) was frightfully battered and his body thrown a distance of 70 yards. The names of the unfortunate men were George Paine, aged 50, and Charles Moore, aged 18. It was fortunate that the engine which rose a foot or more at the time of the collision, regained the metals, or the result would have been much worse. The passengers, on learning the appalling nature of the accident were greatly shocked, nor were the driver and stoker (Steel and Peel) otherwise than seriously concerned.
Another Railway Accident on the Ashford and Hastings line on the 13th of September, the down train, when between Appledore and Winchelsea, having come into collision with three bullocks and cut them to pieces.
An Infant, of 9 weeks, belonging to fisherman Noakes was found dead in bed on the 20th of April, the result of a convulsive fit.
A man named Daniel Pommel died suddenly on Sept 17th through the rupture of a blood-vessel whilst at breakfast. He was in the employment of sadler Paine, and had previously worked for coach-builder Rock.
Mr E. Lakin Ruffell, dispenser at the Infirmary, 51 years of age died suddenly whilst sitting to Mr. Gallop for the purpose of being shaved, on the 30th of June. As proved at the inquest the cause was heart disease.
Death of Earl Waldegrave
On the 24th of October, occurred the death of Earl Waldegrave after nearly twelve years residence in Hastings. The deceased peer, William Waldegrave, Eighth Earl, was the fourth son of the 4th Earl, by his cousin, daughter of the second Earl. He was born at Navistock, Essex, in 1788. In 1812 he married the eldest daughter of Samuel Whitbread, Esq. The late Viscount Chewton of the Scots. Fusilier Guards, was his eldest son. The other children were the Hon. and Rev. Samuel , born 1817; Lady Elizabeth, born 1819; Lady Laura, born 1821; Lady Maria, born 1824 (married in 1844, to Wm. Brodie, Esq.); the Hon George, born 1825; and Lady Mary, born in 1827. The first Countess died in 1847. The late Earl married Mrs. Milward, daughter of the Rev. W. Whitear. His Lordship commanded the Revenge, 78 guns, at St. Jean d'Acre, in 1840, and became a Rear-Admiral in 1847, having succeeded to his title in the preceding year - see his son's letter on page [ 153 ]
On the 22nd of February took place at St. Clements church, the marriage of Madelina, second daughter of the late John G. Shorter, Esq., Town Clerk, to Robt Growse, Esq. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. T. Pitman, Vicar of Eastbourne, and uncle of the bride. The wedding party were conveyed to the church in seven carriages. The bridesmaids were Misses E. and B. Shorter, F. and B. Pitman, and R. and M. Smith. Mr F Pitman Shorter presented his sister at the altar. There was a musical service and the bells rang out merrily. High street was gay with bunting, and there was a ball in the evening.
Balls and Entertainments
The Borough Ball was held in the new Music Hall on the 2nd of February, attended by 200 persons, and realised £10 for the Infirmary and Dispensary.
Mrs. Fletcher Norton entertained two large dinner parties at her residence, 4 Wellington square on the 9th and 10th of February.
Mr. & Mrs. German Reed gave one of their popular entertainments at the new Music Hall on the 13th of April.
The Oddfellows' Soiree was held in the Market Hall on the 19th of January and was attended by 300 persons.
A Diorama of the Mutiny in India with musical accompaniment was opened at the Music Hall on March 28th.
Hengler's Circus visited Hastings on Aug. 10th, and performed to full and highly entertained companies.
The Celebrated Christy's Minstrells performed in the Music Hall on August 11th.
Jim Myer's Equestrian Establishment entered the town on the 18th of August with a steam road engine, drawing a train of ten vehicles, including the band carriage.
The Great American Circus (Howes and Cushings) performed in the priory Meadow on Sept. 12th to a somewhat dissappointed audience.
The "Talking Fish" was exhibited in a saloon adjoining the Havelock Hotel. It appeared to be quite docile and very affectionate.
Mr. and Mrs. German Reed gave a second entertainment to a crammed audience at the Music Hall on October 1st.
Barnum, the "Prince of Humbugs" gave a lecture and musical entertainment at the Music Hall on the 16th of March to a "full house".
General Tom Thumb held his levees at the Music Hall on the 9th and 10th of May, being his second visit after a period of 14 years. His first appearance was at the Swan Hotel. On this second occasion the Music Hall was crowded and the entertainment was very enjoyable. The dwarf himself appeared in [ 154 ]eight or nine different characters and costumes, with songs and dances. There were also the wonderful pipings of Piccis, the singing of Mr. William Tomlin, the violin solos of Senor Oivierian, and the pianoforte performances of Mons. Rignol.
Professor Frickell held his seance in the same room on the 20th of October, and quite astonished his audience by his marvelous dexterity. His tricks in legerdemain were so novel and so almost entirely without the usual paraphernalia, as to bbeget for him the title of the Prince of Conjurors. As a musician, the present writer has been engaged to play for several persons of that profession, but Herr Frikell appeared to him to be the cleverest of any, in the professed art of deception. The announcement of his coming on that occasion appeared in the St. Leonards Gazette, as follows:- "The king of Conjurors, than whom there's none
Can cause a company more constant fun,
Will be at Hastings as a magic sprite
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, each night.
His wondrous action all the world astounds
The while his vocals utter humorous sounds;
There's none more greatly can your senses tickle!
Then go out and see and hear the famous Frickell!"
By St. Michael, Is it Frikell
Who appears before us now?
Or does Frekell,
Sans an equal,
Gracefully perform his bow?
No! 'tis Frik-ell-wondrous Frikell!
Brings us marvels in his hand;
Wizard Frikell - startling Frikell
He who shows us Fairy Land!
None can tickle
Like Herr Frikell
[ 155 ]None can crack our sides as he;
And as tickle rhymes with Frikell,
Frik-ell therefore it must be
Tickle Frikell,
Sharp as sickle,
Cutting out most funny fare;
Presto!crying, all things flying
Here and there and everywhere.
Bold Conceptions, grand deceptions
He dispenses tout le soir
Transformations from all nations
Flying from his repertoire
Hail to Frikell!
Who can tickle
Crystal streams from unknown source
Whose quaint cookings
Whilst we're looking
Makes us laugh till we are hoarse.
Marvellous Frikell
Pungent pickle
Thou canst make at magic touch;
Whilst thy brewing
And thy stewing
Are the most unique as such
Then thy joking, mirth provoking,
In its nature quite refined
Even after causes laughter
When we bring the same to mind
Gentle Frikell, clever Frikell!
King Magician is thy name!
Thou canst so our fancies tickle
That we'll help to spread thy fame.
A concert of 3½ hours duration was given at the new Music Hall on the 18th of April, under the direction of Mr. Albert Dawes, a local organist, and with the patronage of the Perseverance and Regency lodges of Oddfellows.
Three hundred persons assembled at the Market Hall on the 15th of April to listen to a concert by the elder boys of the British School, Russell street.
Two Grand Concerts were given on the 12th of January by Messrs. Lockey and Lindridge to inaugurate the opening of the Music Hall, which had taken only six months to build. The morning concert commenced with the National Anthem solo and chorus, after which was performed "Handel's Messiah". The evening concert consisted of secular pieces. Both performances were a musical triumph, and attended by probably the largest number of listeners theretofore assembled at a concert in Hastings.
Two more grand concerts were given by Messrs. Lockey and Lindridge, lessees of the new Music Hall, on the 27th of April with complete success.
Morning and Evening Concerts were held in the Music Hall by the English Glee and Madrigal Union on the 23rd of May. The soloists were Mr. and Mrs Lockey, Miss Banks, Mr. Mountain Smith, Mr. Wyman and Mr Thomas. With such an array of vocal talent there [ 156 ]should be no surprise that almost every piece was asked for and given a second time, or some substitute for it.
An Instrumental Concert took place in the Music Hall on the 21st of September, by "Dr. Mark and his Little Men", a troupe of twenty juveniles who gave evidence of good training.
With two more high-class concerts Messrs. Lockey and Lindridge delighted full audiences at the Music Hall on the 11th of November.
Hoffman's Organophonic Band surprised and delighted good audiences at the Music Hall on the 22nd and 23rd of August with their perfectly harmonious imitation of nearly every musical instrument in common use; and that of the hrp was particularly noticeable. Although so novel and unique a performance, it was not altogether unlooked for by some of our St. Leonards people, of whom it is but just to say, that among them were T. B. Brett, H Brett (now in New Zealand) Fredk Pulford and one or two others who before the visit of Hoffman's vocal band, had learnt to imitate such instruments as the cornopean, flute and trombone. The first names had taken the idea, several years before from a ventriloquist for whom he had played as a musician at the Pelham Arcade, and the utility of such an acquirement may be imagined from the fact that on one occasion when, in a pitiless storm of wind and rain, a violinist was unable to get to a quadrille party for which he was engaged at Mr. Lye's in High street, the dancers were kept going all the evening by the organophonist and his guitar. The same thing was frequently and almost regularly done for the executants own weekly quadrille meetings in Norman road; and those persons who have read the earlier volumes of this history, will, doubtless remember how at an Oddfellows' Ball at the Assembly Rooms, while the musicians were at supper, three sets of that Norman road quadrille party (as pre-arranged) danced to new figures, and new tunes, the latter produced only by their vocal powers, which evoked a clamour for repetition. Here, then, was a decidedly useful application of mimicry, and one instance in which it may be said that the borough of Hastings was not a hundred years behind.
Vestry Meetings
At the All Saints meeting on April 15th, a poor-rate at one shilling was figured, and at the St. Clements vestry, the overseers said a fourteen penny rate was necessary.
Equalisation of Rates. At a vestry meeting of St. Clements, by requisition on March 9th, Mr. Joseph Brown stated that not[ 157 ]withstanding the increase of property and the decrease of pauperism in the borough, the rates for St. Clements and All Saints were increasing: and, that while other parishes were doing with a 4dy rate, those two parishes were having rates at 1/4. For this condition two causes existed. One was the large amount of settled poor in the parishes, and the other was the heavy charges for the irremovable poor, which formed a part of the common fund; and this amounted to more than a third of the sum expended in relief, the total being £3283; the kind of poor - 1st, those who had lived in the parish more than five years, 2nd, those who were suffering from temporary sickness; and 3rd, widows in the first year of their widowhood. None of these could be passed home, nor would any he thought, wished that they should. It was desired to do away with the irremovable poor, but that the common fund from which they were relieved should be fairly apportioned. The way in which it was now done was to take the yearly average of three years expenditure of poor-rate; so, that, in fact, the more poor they had the more they required for the irremovable poor, which was manifestly an injustice. Last year, St. Clement's had to pay out of the £1189 just mentioned, £360 and All Saints, £255. The other parishes paid - St. Mary in the Castle, £144; Holy Trinity, £18; St. Mary Magdalen £90; St. Leonards £21; Ore, £88; Guestling £122; Fairlight £71; Pett, £16, St. Michael, £5; St Andrew's and St Mary's Bulverhithe, nothing. So that the first two parishes paid £615, whilst all the others in the Union only paid £513 - a sum less by £40 that the amount contributed by All Saints and St. Clement's united. In his opinion, the fairest way would be to assess every parish according to its rateable value. If this were adopted, St. Clement's would be called upon to pay £80 only. The great bulk of irremovables came from St. Mary Magdalen's, the cost being £95 during the last half year, while they only contributed £90 per annum; St. Clement's and All Saints' having to provide a large part of the deficiency. The rateable valueable of St. Mary Magdalen's was £31,328; and under the more equitable system he proposed, it would have to pay £350, instead of as now standing fifth on the list. St. Mary's, Bulverhithe, had no poor of its own, but had two old people belonging to Bexhill who were unremovable, and who received 5/- per week from the common fund. As that parish had no expenditure for relief, they were charged from the Common Fund, and that expenditure had to be made up by the other parishes. Holy Trinity parish was also in similarly favourable position. The reason why the subject was now brought was that a select committee [ 158 ]of the House of Commons had been appointed and was inquiring into the subject. He moved a resolution confirming the injustice which the law inflicted on the parish. This was duly seconded and carried. Another resolution was moved by the Mayor and seconded by Ald. Ticehurst, appointing the parish officers and Guardians, with Mr. Phillips (vestry clerk) as a committee to confer with an All Saints Committee and empowering them to take such measures as were deemed necessary. A note of thanks was passed to Mr. Brown for the pains he had taken in getting up the figures and statements.
A vestry meeting for All Saints was afterwards held and a committee formed for the same object. At the Castle parish meeting in March, Robt Burchell and Rich' Edwards Chandler were named for overseers, and Alfterd Vidler & C. W. Chandler reappointed assessors. George Clement and John Hayward, surveyors of highways.
For Holy Trinity parish, Hy Polhill and Alfred Shotter, were recommended for overseers, T. P. Langham elected Vestry clerk.
At the St. Clements' Vestry, Joseph Amoore were elected churchwardens; Joseph Brown and G. B. Poole, sidesmen Jas Cox parish clerk; John Hide, sexton; A Harwood & W. Smith (chemist) assessors; Wm. Smith (bakers) G. A. Thorpe, overseers. An addition of £6 voted to Mr. Ives as assistant overseer.
All Saints Vestry chse C Moore, E. Welfare, E. Lord, W. White & A Newberry for overseers to be selected from: Joel Richardson & E Lord, assessors. G. Meadows, Vestry-Clerk, J. Lettine, parish Clerk; Jas White, sexton and beadle; W. Giles, organist: Edw. Wingfield declined to render any further assistance to the overseers in consequence of the Rector and churchwardens permitting the interment of strangers in the new burial ground, whereby the parishioners would soon have to be exhumed, and contrary to the work of Lady Waldegrave, who had purchased the additional ground from the trustees of the Milward estate.
At a St. Michael's Vestry eeting held at 7 o'clock on the morning of the 7th of April, a poor rate was agreed upon, and persons were named from which to select overseers.
A St. Clement's Vestry was held on Oct 14, and a tenpenny rate called for.
At the Castle parish, a 6dy rate for inbounds and 3dy rate for the outbounds were recommended. (St. Leonards and St. Mary Magdalen Vestries noticed in preceding chapter).
Cottage Improvement Society
On the 7th of April the report of the Cottage Improvement Society showed an expenditure of £5,590 and a paid-up capital of £5,600. The [ 159 ]Society was founded in January, 1857, with a capital of £850. Its first property was purchased in March, and in October it paid a dividend of 6 per cent. The same rate of dividend was afterwards paid half-yearly, and at this time it possessed 70 small freehold properties in different parts of the town and its paid-up capital of £5,600 was divided into 56 shares of £100 each.
Rocket Apparatus
The first practice with the rocket apparatus for saving life at sea took place on the Marine parade on the 25th of April, by commissioned boatman Robert Surrey and Mr. Bulley, under the direction of Capt. Gough
Wesleyan Affairs
The sum of £10 was added to the Trust Fund of the Wesley Chapel by the anniversary services of Good Friday and Easter Monday.
A Wesleyan Bazaar, beneath the Music Hall on the 6th and 7th of September realised over £50, making with other moneys promised £200.
A new Wesleyan Chapel was opened with services at Little Common, Bexhill on Sunday, Sept. 23rd. It was capable of seating 100 persons and was built of bricks, thus taking the place of one that had been built with turf and lasted 22 years.
For the Wesleyan Missions, meetings were held on the 16th and 17th of October, and realised about £12. The Hastings Circuit had contributed over £112 during the past year.
Church Collections
The British Orphan Asylum was benefitted by £18 10s. collected on June 13th, after sermons at St. Clements and All Saints.
For the Hibernian Society, sermons were preached at All Saints and £11 13s. 4d. collected on Sunday, July 10th
For the Irish Church Missions £32 was collected at St Mary's in the Castle. Also at St. Leonards for the Colonial Church School.
At the Fishermen's Church the sum of £3 14s. was collected on July 9th for the Naval and Military Bible Society.
For the Bible Society, sermons were preached at St. Mary's by the Rev. T. Vores, and £42 15s. collected, and at the meeting on Tuesday, the same amount, less only one shilling - £43 14s.
For expenses of divine service, the sum of £23 was collected, after sermons at St. Clements, on Sunday Sept. 25th.
For the Halton Schools, nearly £20 was collected, after sermons on the 16th of October, by the Hon. and Canon Waldegrave.
For the National Schools, on Oct 23rd, a sermon by Canon Waldegrave at All Saints realised £11 6s. 9d.; and at St. Clements, by the Rev. T. Nightingale, £20 2s. 3d. The afternoon services were deferred in consequence of a snowstorm. [ 160 ]For the St. Mary's Schools, a sermon by the Rev. T. Vores, on Sunday Oct 23rd realised £57 10s. 2¾d., including one would suppose the widows mite. (See also below).
For the Missions to Graham's, the Bishop of that town preached at St. Mary's on Nov. 9th, when was collected £24 10s.; and at a public meeting on the 10th an additional £19 was contributed.
Other Collections
The Primitive Methodists opened their place of service at the late rooms of the Mechanics' Institution in High street on the 15th of May, and at a meeting on the following day, 120 persons were present and a collection was made, amounting to £18.
For the Congregation Chapel, Robertson street, anniversary services and a public meeting were respectively held on the 25th and 26th of September, when £62 was collected. Also about £100 was taken at a bazaar towards paying off the debt on the building.
For the Funds of the Tabernacle, in Cambridge road, about £20 was collected after annual sermons, on Oct. 18th.
For the Pastoral Aid Society, the following sums were collected, after church services on the 27th of August:- St. Mary's £8 15s.; St. Clements, £18 3s.; All Saints' £18 4s. 3d.; Halton, £14 9s. 1d. Fisherman's £3 3s.; Fairlight £8. And at Monday's meeting £16 9s. 6d.
{For Promoting Christianity among the Jews, the collections on Nov. 20th were All Saints' £11 15s.; Christ Church, Ore, £2 8s. 7d; St Mary's £45 15s. 2d.; St. Clements' £4 16s. 3d. Also at the Monday's meeting, £16 3s. 3d.
Consecration of Church and Burial Ground
On the 16th of August the Bishop of Chichester consecrated the new Christ Church at Ore, erected chiefly at the expense of the Rev. W. T. Turner; and on Sunday evening, Nov. 13th, the said church was first lighted with gas.
In October, the Bishop consecrated an additional piece of land attached to the burial ground of Fairlight Church. The proceeding were similar to the usual formality of consecrating churches, but instead of a sermon after the lessons and prayers, the congregation adjourned to the new ground, where his lordship gave an address. At the conclusion of the ceremonial, his Lordship, together with the Countess of Waldegrave, the Hon. George Waldegrave, W. D. Lucas Shadwell, Esq., as well as several clergymen and leading inhabitants of the parish repaired to the Vicarage, where an excellent dejeuner was provided by the Rev. H Stent.
Chapel of Ease
On the 13th of July the first stone of Christ Church, London road, as a chapel of ease to the Magdalen Church was laid, the gift of Lady St. John, and to be built with the stone quarried on the spot. [ 161 ]
The Fishing Industry
The Mackerel Voyage was commenced on January 20th by several luggers starting for the western waters. They were soon successful; for on getting off the Isle of Wight, fish were found in abundance and the "John Whiteman" (Thos. Page, master), netted more than half a last and sold them for £135. On the 24th of January, there was one of the greatest catches ever remembered. Nine Hastings boats, a few miles from the Nab Light, caught about 200,000, which being taken into Portsmouth, realised upwards of £1,700. W. Hayward's boat had 33,000; Thos. Page's, 29,000; R. Ball's, 33,700; W. White's, 24,000; G. White's, 23,000; M. Swaine's, 19,000; E. Kent's 25,000; J. Sargent's, 13,000; and T. Adams's , 5,000.
A New Fishing Lugger, named the "Little Polly" was launched from the Messrs. Kent's boat-building yard.
Ten Thousand Mackerel were caught on or near the last day of May, in the Seine nets between Brighton and Shoreham and retailed at about 6d. each. One boat, by a single hawl made £63 10s., and another £52.
All kinds of fish plentiful during the week which ended on June 25th, & about 300 baskets sent off each day by rail. Mackerel were sold at 25 to 27 shillings per hundred, and herrings from 7 to 8 shillings. During the following week, however, the catches were anything but good.
The Mackerel Season, which began with such unusual success, dwindled into an unsuccessful one upon the whole; and at its close, in August, the larger luggers set out for Scarborough and Yarmouth, for the herring season.
The Herring Voyage, like that of the previous mackerel one, began well, but unlike that of the latter, ended well. On getting to the northern fishing ground, "shot" their nets, and during the [week] which ended on Sept 10th, Jas. Tassell took into Yarmouth about £70 worth; Wm. White, to the value of £52; Jas. Sargent, £49; W. Hayward, £51 & £40; Geo. Hatchings, £32; J. Bumstead, £68; &c. &c. If such large quantities of fish were netted by the Hastings boats, how enormous must have been the total catches by nearly a thousand boats in the same waters, both English and French. No wonder should it have been that "real Yarmouth bloaters" were afterwards so plentiful.
Herrings ho! was still the cry, and during the week ending Sept. 24th, one of the Hastings boats took into Yarmouth seven lasts, which realised upwards of £120. Also on the northern fishing ground, G. White had earned £145; G. Page, £80; John Whiteman, £67; W. Bates, £67 10s.; Mark Swaine, £60; and W. Tassell £80.
The Home Fishing, at a later date appeared also to have commenced in good earnest. On Nov. 9th, Edward Kent, master of the "Good Intent", landed at Hastings 3½ lasts, and sold them for £42; whilst from the "William and Alfred" were landed 5 lasts, which being sold at £9 per last (£3 less than those by Kent) realised £45. [ 162 ]Continued Success. On Wednesday, Nov. 16, the beach presented one of those animated scenes usual in the height of a successful season, heap after heap meeting the eyes of spectators, while the usual female counting of "one-and-dirty", "two-and-forty" "score, Master White" "Score 'tis, my dear." was to be heard by strangers, to their amusement. The catches ranged from one to five lasts per boat, and were sold at from four to five pounds per last. On the following day, the catches were so enormous that the fishermen were obliged to throw many of the fish back into the sea to prevent overlading.
The Lifeboat
At the meeting of the Lifeboat Committee on the 19th of January, secretary T. S. Hide stated that the boat had been exercised three times, at the respective costs of £29, £9 9s. and £4 16d. Renumeration for saving lives had been made - 10/- to George Quinn and 50/- to George Tutt jun. Mr. Jas. Rock, jun. had been added to the Committee. The Collector had resigned and J Yarrol(illegible text), of East Ascent was appointed in his place. Henry ("Zuck") French tendered his resignation as one of the crew, unless a fresh coxswain was appointed. The then coxswain being called said he submitted to the crew whether it was prudent to launch the boat, and as there was silence for a minute or two, he said he should not risk his own life, and then there was a growl and the "raft" hooted and yelled at him like a set of New-Zealand savages. He wished it to be understood that no recurring motive induced him to accept the office, as he had a competency without it. He then handed the key to the Committee. Capt. Parish said the boat ought to be tried in rough weather, and Mr. Ross did not think there was any risk. The men were awared 3/- each. Picknell said he did not see why they should go to sea when there was nothing to go for.
The Lifeboat was, however, successfully exercised in quite as rough a sea, on the 25th of February, with almost a new crew, under the management of Coxswain Morfee.
A Donation of £10, was afterwards sent to the Committee for the Lifeboat Institution by T. Thistlewaite, Esq., then staying at St. Leonards.
A Quarterly Practice with the lifeboat was engaged in on the 4th of Aug. in a strong breeze and rather rough sea, under the direction of Coxswain Morfee - a man fearless of dangers.
Maritime Casualties
Damage to Nets in a strong sea compelled the "Crystal Palace" fishing lugger to return from her mackerel-catching on the 2nd of Feb.
The "William" Collier, belonging to Messrs. Kent, collided with the "Rock Scorpion" breaking her jib boom and tearing her foresail on Feb. 4th. [ 163 ]The Stiff Breeze which, on the 2nd of September stopped the regatta, increased at night to a gale, when Messrs. Kent's "Harbinger" schooner, after discharging coal, snapped her hawsers in the attemp to get away, and became a wreck.
More Casualties. On Monday, Sept. 5th, after a fine day, with an easterly breeze, the latter backed round to W. and S.W., and again increased to a strong gale, driving the following vessels broadside on to a turbulent sea, by which they were variously damaged. "The Jane", a dandy-rigged vessel, with paving stones for Mr. J. J. Tutt at Warrior Square the schooner "Frisk", with coals at London road for Mr. Mputland; the barque "Alice", with timber for Mr. G. Howell at Bopeep; the "Happy Return", with coal, at Bexhill; the brig "Lamburn", with coal at Langley Fort; and the schooner "Tryall" with coal at Eastbourne.
The Regatta
The annual aquatic sports, under the above title, which so many hundreds came to see and for which object so many of our home folk closed their shops and left their desks was a disappointment to all except such as could find pleasure in gazing upon "the blue, the fresh, the open sea", and many frail barks that were tossed to and fro on its ruffled bosom. The appointed day, Thursday, the 1st of September, arrived and with it the meteorological conditions foreshadowed in the "St Leonards Gazette" "Breezy air and cloudy sky; then, perhaps more fair and dry". The appearance of a likely verity of this forecasted excited in the minds of all whom it might concern a dubiousness as to whether the weather would be the right sort of weather for the undertaking. Out-of-door consultations were held by the Committee, and it was ultimately decided that the Oyes, Oyes, of a certain public functionary should set at rest the anxious mind by an announcement that so much of the regatta would be proceeded with as wind and weather would permit. In conformity with this resolution, it was arranged that the sailing match, together with the Launching of the Lifeboat, only, should be attempted. This accomplished, all further effort to carry out the original design was postponed to a more convenient season. The weather, however, improved towards evening, agreeably with the forecast already quoted and resulted in the great success of the Mechanics' Institution fete arranged for the same evening, as described on page 147.
The Second Day. On Friday morning, after a calm night, the sea presented a more favourable appearance, whilst at the hour [ 164 ]when people "most do congregate" to prepare the inner man for the fatigues of the "midst breezes, clouds and sunny rays" - to quote the weather forecast in Brett's Gazette - the general aspect of the sky and the upward tendency of the barometer were such as to indicate fine weather. To those, however, who saw the heavens as it were on fine at the moment of sunrise, and the peculiar convoluted clouds which followed there was an inkling that the later appearances were illusory, and that the then 'quiescent state' was destined to last but a short time. The wind had also backed, which should have been a hint to those having the management of the Regatta that it was likely to "freshen", and that if the racing was to be resumed, it should have commenced much earlier than two o'clock. However, as all was done with the best of motives it could only be regretted that the united efforts of those most nearly interested were again thwarted by the bad weather which set in during the afternoon, and in consequence of which the greater matches were re-postponed to a more favourable time.
The only two races that were got off were for first-class amateur 4 oared galleys and first class pair-oared skiffs. The first event was for prizes £8, £5 and £2. Eight boats started, one of which was damaged and another gave up the contest. After a hard struggle and immense excitement, the "Excelsior" of Southampton came in first, with the "Lard Warden" of Hastings, half a length behind, and the "Anne" of Brighton a close third.
Finished at Last - The third attempt to finish the regatta was made on the 14th of September, and was, at best successful, but the interest had considerably worn off, especially as Curtis and Buxton, two of the champion crew of the "Lord Warden" were away on the "Herring Voyage". The principal race was for first-class 4 oared galley, the prizes being £20, £12 and £8. Nine boats were entered, but only five competed. The first prize was awarded to the "Wigeon" of Newhaven, the second to the "Ariel" of Dover and the third to the "Lord Warden" of Hastings. The bad position of the last-named boat was owing to its disorganised crew.
The Lord Warden Galley, which had once or twice beaten the frequently successful "Wigeon" of Newhaven, had also, when rowed by its own crew, been first in two of the principal races at the Dover and Folkestone regattas.
The Great Eastern Steamship
In spite of the many misgivings as to the Leviathan - as it was first called - leaving the place of her birth, the noble vessel's departure from the Thames was an accomplished fact, and on the 9th of September passed Hastings on her way to Portland. He trial trip was looked forward to with much interest, for on its performance hung interests of vast importance. It was felt that she must be successful, and that during her trial trip, if anything went wrong it would be matter of detail, to be remedied [ 165 ]either in the big ship, herself, or in the next vessel built from the experience which she would suggest. The monster vessel was a prominent mark to signalise a great era in ship-building and maritime communication. We are essentially a sea-going people, and it was not surprising that even at that time that in steam navigation we had made rapid progress within the memory of living men. It was then but 70 years since the first rude attempt was made by Symington on the Forth and Clyde Canal, and less than 60 years that a similar attempt had been made on the Thames. What a history of subsequent progress! In 1812 steam saw the first steam vessel at all worthy of the name on the bosom of Father Thames. In 1889 we were in ecstacies of admiration with the Great Western as we were with the Great Eastern, twenty years later. The Atlantic was first crossed by steam in 26 days in 1819, and in 1825, the first steam voyage was made to India. But even then we had no war steamer. Since that period, our steam marine has been continually improving, and although of late years, a few other nations have folled us closely, we have still the greatest number of steam-ships which are the admiration of civilisation. The Great Eastern was a triumph, but was not destined to be the crowning one. To suppose that no improvement was made upon it and that no larger vessel would be built would have been to shut our eyes to the teaching of history. But even then we anticipated great results from the triumph of enterprise. She would bring America a few days and India several days nearer to us. Rapidity of communication is in itself a powerful revolutionary agent. It brings in its train increased commerce, opens up new fields of enterprise, and draws more closely together the bonds of international union. These, in turn exhibit new developments, and so the work of human progress goes on. The population which the Great Eastern would carry was not the least marvel of her features. At one voyage she could take out enough people to colonise an uninhabited island, with every appliance of civilisation. She could land troops to quell a rebellion or to reinforce an army with a speed that might probably crush a war at the opening of a campaign. When she was first launched, there were political breakers ahead which it was thought and feared might induce the Government to charter the great ship for other purposes than those for which she was originally designed.
The Great Eastern off Hastings
On the said 9th of September, this gigantic vessel whose first essay on her own element had been the great event of the week, created quite a sensation in these towns in consequence of it having been known that she was likely to pass in view of Hastings and St Leonards on her way to Portland. As early as 12 O'clock, persons were on the look-out for the least glimpse of the noble ship, it having been reported that she had been telegraphed within sight of [ 166 ]of Dover two hours before that time. Those persons, however, who best knew the distance from the Nore more correctly estimated its arrival at Hastings at between the hours of four and six. As the latter hour drew near, fears were entertained that the vessel had either not left her anchorage, or had been obliged to put back in consequence of the gale that had prevailed all the morning from the south-west. But before the hour mentioned had quite arrived, the huge proportions of the Great Eastern were descried looming in the distance, and the cry of "She's coming!" ran all along the coast with great rapidity. By this time the wind had considerably abated, and the weather had altogether improved; so, that excepting a haziness, which prevailed, nothing occurred to prevent the eager multitude from having a good view of the monster ship as she came steaming down the Channel. When nearly opposite to Hastings, a movement was observed which brought her nearer the shore by some two miles, for which act of supposed condescension she had the good wishes of all who were fortunately within range of vision. She then put to sea again, and shortly afterwards repeated the inward movement, affording an additional satisfaction to her thousands of admirers on shore. After this, the noble vessel steamed slowly away and was lost in the vista of night as she chased the moonbeams that glistened on the water. Alas! little did the many observers imagine that the apparently devious course of the Leviathan was caused by a clamitous accident, although at least on among the onlookers ventured to say "There must be something wrong with her steering gear, else such a big ship wouldn't be standing in like that". The news on the following day revealed the saddening fact that when off Hastings, one of the boilers exploded, killing 10 firemen and wounding several others.
A Letter from one on Board
The following is a copy of letter from the Hon George Waldegrave:-
- Sir,
- It will doubtless be interesting to many of your readers to know from a Hastings man a little about the Great Eastern besides what has appeared in the London Newspapers. As I was one of those on board of that great ship from Purfleet to the Portland Roads, I can say that the accounts in the Times are simply true. I have not had the advantage of seeing any other newspapers. When we left the Nore on the morning of Friday the ninth, at 9 o'clock, it was blowing very fresh. The pilot (Mr. Atkinson) was quite satisfied with her compasses. We went on easy at half speed to the Gingles and through the Prince's channel, & c. to the Downs. The "Little Western" from Margate came out to greet us, but nothing could keep up with us except Lord Alfred Paget's cutter yacht the "Resolute", which kept close to us till the weather got too dirty, when she ran in for Ramsgate. The [ 167 ]Downs were rather full of shipping, many of the vessels riding with double anchors down, and shipping heavy seas. The Great Eastern went by as steady as possible, the paddle engines making seven revolutions per minute, being about half speed each, and the screw engines about 26 revolutions per minute. The ship was badly trimmed. She was 22½ feet at the bows and 22 feet at the stern, whereas she ought to have been nearly 3 feet deeper by the stern than at the bows. The weather off Deal was very dirty, but off Dover it began to clear up. "The Princess Frederick Wilhelm" - the fastest Dover boat came out to greet us. We could see the fore-part of her keel at every other wave. It was very rough. We went on at the same easy half-speed, making 12 to 13 knots an hour. Folkestone, Sandgate and Seabrook were all distinctly seen by us as the sun began to shine. It was about 4.30p.m., and we went below to dinner. I calculated about the time when we should be getting to Fairlight, and rose from the table. Lord Staffor, Lord Alf Paget and Lord Mount Charles also rose, and soon after, everyone left the dining saloon. About seven minutes later, the explosion took place. When the steam had cleared away, it was supposed that the ship was on fire, and the hose having been turned on, the Captain put her helm hard a-port, and so we rapidly approached Hastings. As soon as it was ascertained that she was not in any further danger, we went on our old course to Portland. Off Beachy-head, the tiller-ropes broke, but through the provision of Capt Harrison, a small chain cable was ready at hand and was quickly rove instead. The newspapers furnish all else that is interesting. There is much that we know of, and a great deal more that we do not know of, for which we have to thank God for his mercy extended to us. No one who has been in that ship on this trip but has much greater belief in her great strength, capabilities and very sterling qualities.
George Waldegrave.
- Sir,
Rifle Competition
A short time previous to the 6th of September a challenge had been given and accepted by some of the Hastings Rifle Volunteers and an equal number of those of the Rye District Rifle Company for a firing contest. This came off agreeably to appointment and terminated in favour of the Rye gentlemen by an excess of four points in their score. A return match having been agreed upon, it was deemed desirable to invest the affair with a little more importance than was assumed in the first match, so that the two bodies might be more formally represented. Accordingly it was arranged that the contending riflemen and as many of their fraternity as were inclined to ac[ 168 ]accompany them should meet at the "mess" in the new Assembly Room at the Castle hotel previously to marching to the "battle" field. The day appointed was the 6th of September, which so far as the weather was of any consequence, a better might have been selected. As, however, sharpshooters are supposed to "rough it" nobody had a right to quarrel with them in that respect. The Rye gentlemen having arrived by railway, were met at the station by several of the Hastings by several of the Hastings[sic] party, who conducted them to the rendezvous, where luncheon was served up by Mr. Emary to about 50 persons, among whom were the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Ald. Ticehurst, Ald. Hayles, &c. ,&c. Mr. J. Rock, jun, who took the chair, explained the object of the meeting as that of a private contest among individual members, and not as a movement of the entire corps. He averted to the friendly feeling that had at all times existed between the Cinque Ports of Hastings and Rye, and after expressing the pleasure he felt in meeting those gentlemen, from the latter place, he remarked that he hoped they might have to meet or be called upon to act in a more hostile manner.
The Mayor, in responding to a toast, said that while believing that there would be no occasion for active service of the Volunteer Rifles, they might be a very valuable aid to our regular army in time of war and ought therefore to be encouraged.
Capt. Newman, who had come down from Government to officially inspect the practice ground, remarked from what he had seen, they had already made a proper choice. He had been many years connected with the Service, and he believed the Rifle Corps would be of the greatest possible assistance to the regular army.
The two bodies then proceeded to the practice ground at Ecclesbourne valley, accompanied by a band of music, a flag bearing the Borough Arms and a large concourse of people. When they arrived the competition soon commenced ad was continued with animation through wind and rain, till each of the twelve men on both sides had fired a dozen rounds; where it was found that Rye had beaten Hastings by a difference of 10 points.
The following impromptu exhibits the score:-
Davis starts with eight
Vidler add a four
Bellingham's first rate
For a dozen more.
Austin, nine doth get,
Pankhurst only five;
Never mind the wet!
Keep the game alive!
Dawes is good for six,
Hugget scores three less;
Smith is in a fix,
Having no success.
Sev'n is Walker's lot,
Crowhurst makes the same,
Then nine points are got,
Placed to Hilder's name.
Selmes now gets his two-
Eighty Total inning,
Rye's brave riflemen,
Surely must be winning.
Langham scores eleven,
(Best of Hastings men),
Honiss gets but seven,
Stace makes up his ten.
Harris, Bray and Brindly,
Eight apiece contrive;
Field and Bevins, dwindly,
Get each only five.
Rock secures but three,
Penhall only two;
Ivall same as he;
This will never do!
Baldwin's single one,
Makes three score and ten;
You are surely done,
Hastings Riflemen!
Never mind, my hearties,
Wince not at defeat;
Challenge all the parties,
Till, in turn, you beat! [ 169 ]
Testimonials - Particular Dinners
James Rock, jun. - Quite unexpected by the recipient, Mr. J. Rock, jun. of the firm of Rock and Son, coach builders, was, on the 16th of April presented with a handsome 16 day clock by the employees, together with an address as follows:-
- Dear Sir,
- We the employees of the Hastings Coach Manufactory, having met together this evening to beg your acceptance of a small token of our gratitude towards you for the kind and consistent manner in which on all occasions you have listened to any of our remarks, redressed our grievances, and, by God's Providence, comfortably provided for many of our wants, do now, singly and collectively, present this testimonial, and beg you to accept it, not on account of its value, but as an expression of our feelings towards you hoping that you may long live to look upon it as a memento of the well earned reputation in which you are so justly held, not only by your own people, but also by the public at large.
- Dear Sir,
The reading of the address was accompanied by a wish in the name of all present, for many happy returns of Mr. Rock's birthday.
In responding to the address, the recipient stated that it was a source of great gratification to him, but coming upon him so unexpectedly, he was quite at a loss to properly express his feelings. He trusted, however, that he should still endeavour to foster the good feeling thus manifested.
Mr. Kingsnorth - On the 15th of February, a testimonial was presented to Mr. Kingsnorth, assistant-overseer of Ore, by the ratepayers of that parish for his faithful discharge of the duties of his office during the long time he had held it, and more particularly in relation to the complete vindication of his character brought against him in official capacity by Mr. Frewen at a late meeting. The presentation, consisting of ten guineas, was made at the "Hare and Hounds" inn, where an excellent supper was provided, and a pleasant evening spent.
The Rev. E. Smepp. On the 13th of September, a testimonial and purse of sixty guineas were presented to the Rev. E. Smepp, as an appreciation of the services of that gentleman during his three year ministrations as curate of All Saints.
Particular Dinners
The East-Sussex Fox hunt, an annual festival, was held at the Swan hotel, and, as usual, was one of conviviality.
The Whit Monday Dinners were as follows:- The Friendly Society, after the general procession, held their annual dinner at the Swan hotel. Two bands were engaged - Hermitage's and a German. The Victoria Lodge of Oddfellows dined at the Market Hall, and had Kluckners' German Band. [ 170 ]A Dinner to the Recorder, the Magistrates and others was given on the 8th of July by the Mayor, W. Ginner, Esq.
A Banquet to the Hastings Corporation was given by Lord Harry Vane at Battle Abbey on the 12th of September.
The Mayor's Dinner was held at the Swan hotel on the 9th of November, and was partaken of by about 60 persons. Ald. Ginner occupied the chair, and Cons. Putland and Town Clerk Growse the vice-chairs. There were also present, Ald. Rock, Ald. Clement, Ald. Ticehurst, and Ald. Ross, Lord Harry Vane, M.P. (the other M.P. F. North Esq. being at Madrid), G. Scrivens, Esq., P. F. Robertson, Esq., Dr. Mackabe, &b. The speeches after dinner were of the usual complimentary character.
A Dinner to the Recorder and Magistrates was given by Lord Harry Vane at Battle Abbey on the 11th of October.
Another Maiden Session
At the Easter Quarter Sessions on March 18th, as an emblem of a second maiden session, the Recorder was presented with a pair of gloves, beautifully emblazoned with the Hastings Arms, the ground of the shield being formed of red and blue velvet, and the lions and border embroidered with silver wire.
Disputed Right of Way
At the Spring Assizes held at Lewes was tried a case Murdock versus Wyatt for obstructing the way as claimed by plaintiff. Mr. Lush opened the case by stating that it was an action brought by plaintiff, a farmer at Blacklands, for obstructing a way which he had a right to use and which his predecessors had enjoyed as long as the memory of living men could go. A more vexatious proceeding could hardly be imagined. He then pointed out from plans which he produced and Mr. Lang's new map of the borough the road in dispute from Ore Lane to the "Fighting Cocks" at Halton, and also explained the disadvantage the plaintiff was put to by having to go round into and through the town to get to Halton. The road led to four or five farms, and the right of way was claimed by each of them. Defendant was formerly a brewer in London, but retired some years ago, and bought the propert of Mount pleasant . He rebuilt a house there close to the edge of the road; and, knowing this was a public roadway, he had only himself to blame for putting it in a place where he would most probably be annoyed. Till Mr. Wyatt came in 1828, no one questioned the right of Road. He turned the road round from the front to the back of his house. Not wishing to annoy a neighbour, the farmers agreed to adopt this road. Soon after this he put up a gate to prevent anyone passing his house at all, and was remonstrated with, which had no effect. The farmers then pulled down the [ 171 ]gates. Some posts and chains were next put up, and pulled down and a warfare of this kind was carried on for some time; in fact, as many as 130 times were the gates put up and pulled down again, until defendant agreed to let them use the road again. Obstructions, however, were repeatedly offered, and thus matters went on until 1854, when the annoyances had become so vexatious as to be unbearable. An action was brought against defendant and tried in this court in 1856. When it came on, the learned judge saw the nature of the case, and suggested that an arbitrator should be appointed. This was done; but defendant then refused to abide by the decision or to pay the costs; and it was not until the matter had been again brought before the court and an attachment brought against him that, under fear of imprisonment, he conceded to Mr. Webb, the plaintiff in action, a right of way. Every possible impediment was still placed in the way. The learned gentleman then had a number of letters which had passed between the solicitors, showing the forbearance of the plaintiff in bringing the action, the dates commencing Aug. 11th 1858, and terminating 29th of December, but to which no answers, except in one instance had been returned. After commenting upon the want of dependence on Mr. Wyatt, Mr. Lush said that as the road was still obstructed, they had been compelled to bring five separate actions in order to enforce their right. He then called
Mr. Alexander Thomson, a farmer at Ore, and formerly bailiff to Sir Howard Elphinstone. He knew Blacklands Farm in 1825, when Richd. Edwards was tenant. He was succeeded by Richd. Chandler and afterwards by William Ransom. He also knew Mount Pleasant. The present house had been erected by him. There was a road by the "four turnings" leading up to the Barrack Ground and the mills by the "Fortune of War". It was a public road from Hastings to Ore. That road went in front of Mount Pleasant between two hedges. The right-hand road (on plan) was a carriage road to the Rectory and Skute's Farm, and then became a bridle road. It went into another "tenant" or "occupation" road, leading into the London road. The other road to the left, went to the Kite's Nest and Hole Farms, and the south road led to Hastings. The difference [by the Old London Road] was about a mile, but would be three times more work for the horses, on account of the long hill, and there was no other way of getting to Halton. The tenants of Blacklands Farm always used the disputed road - certainly for 33 years till Mr. Wyatt came. Mr. Thomson then described the negotiations and contentions with Mr Wyatt, and on one occasion when he asked him why he objected to Lady Elphinstone's men going through, he said he had been advised to do so, and would be glad for her to try the case, as he wanted it tried by someone [ 172 ]who had got plenty of money. [Laughter]
Mr. Murdock took Blacklands in November, 1847, and had resided there up to that [the trial] time. He at first used the disputed road without obstruction. Afterwards there were locked gates, and some of the tenants went and knocked them down and passed along with their teams. The gates were put up again and again knocked down several times until the action arose. He never asked Mr. Wyatt to let him use the road.
Mr. Thomson, in being cross examined, said, Murdock and himself went up and removed the obstructions and drove along the road. Defendant asked by whose authority they were there, and was told, on behalf of the various farms. He should not wonder if Mr. Wyatt said there was no right of road there. He was not the leader in these actions, nor had he subscribed anything towards them. What he did was with his employer's orders. They had had altercations at parish meetings, and he might have pulled off his coat and threatened to fight defendant, who was, himself a great fighter [Laughter]. The gates and posts were pulled down before the altercations took place. It was a regular thing for Murdock's Webb's and Denne's teams to pass the road before the obstruction; and whenever he wanted to pass with his own team he did so.
Charles Tutt, said his father was the owner of Mount-Pleasant farm before it was sold to Mr. Wyatt. His grandfather lived at the farm-house, and he [the witness] was born there. He lived at the house for 4 years, and afterwards at the "Fighting Cocks". The road was an open one. His father never offered obstruction, and he did not think his grandfather did. It was a fenced road from the four turnings up to the Fighting Cocks. The tenants of Blacklands farm used the road regularly. His father and the other farmers repaired the road between them.
Henry Fitzell, a labourer, used to work for Mr. Tutt, when he was about 12 years old, and he was now 60. He also worked for 5 or 6 years on the Blackland's farm, in Mr. Edwards's time, and Mr. Chandler's. He drove those two farmers' teams along that fenced road two or three times a week, when there were no gates or obstructions. He was never stopped, nor did he ever see anyone else. The others farmers used the road, and as it led into the turnpike [from Halton] they sometimes went through it to Rye. He often met Mr. Tutt, who never told him he must not go that way.
John Parker was in Mr. Tutt's employ for about 7 years - now about 40 years ago. The farmers always used the road, and Mr. Tutt never objected. He himself had assisted in breaking down Mr. Wyatt's obstructions. He never knew of any gates there till Mr. Wyatt came.
John Beany, labourer, was 79 years old, and used to work on the Hole Farm when he was about 12 years of age, and continued for ten or a dozen years. He new(sic) the road to the Fighting Cocks very well, and had driven a team over [ 173 ]it many times, without ever being interrupted. He also drove teams over the road for Mr. Dunn. There were no gates then. He was sure the road had existed as long as he could remember. Mr. Tutt's old house stood at Mount Pleasant where Mr. Wyatt's does now. He never had to ask Mr. Tutt's permission.
James Giles, 79 years of age, had worked on Blacklands' farm for Mrs. Dunn when he was fourteen, and stayed there two years, He knew the road perfectly well. Mrs. Dunn had another farm, near the Hare and Hounds at Ore. Whenever they had occasion to go they went by Ponbay Hill and by Mr. Tutt's and the Fighting Cocks, and were never molested by Mr. Tutt.
Henry Parker, aged 61 could remember the road from the four turning to the Fighting Cocks, when Mr. Edwards occupied Blacklands. He had ridden over it many times in a cart with Mr. Edwards, without any interruption or question.
John Page, age 67, worked at Ore place when he was fourteen. He had also worked at Blacklands. When at each place he had driven teams and cattle over the road without hindrance.
John Shoesmith and Robert Adams (the latter 67) both gave similar evidence.
James Putland, aged 74, was land-surveyor at Ore for years, and did not know of any bars or gates on the road in question till Mr. Wyatt came. He was employed by Mr. Wyatt to grub the hedge on the same side as his house.
John Hall, labourer, aged 67, lived with Mr. James Tutt when he was about 14. He knew that the road from the four turnings to the Fighting Cocks was fenced and open all the way. He saw Mrs. Dunne and other people's teams go up and down it many times - probably as many as forty times.
Mrs. Holmes, sister to Lady Waldegrave, and owner of Skute's Farm remembered the road in question. She used frequently to pass it to her father's house when he was rector of Ore. The road was fenced and without any gate whatever. She never made any application since then to Mr. Wyatt for permission to use the road, but she had not visited it for some years.
Lewis Phillips, tenant of Skute's Farm, had known the disputed road since 1815, and corroborated the evidence of previous witnesses. He had kept a regular account of the number of times they had broken down the gates, and found it to be 136 [tokens of surprise and amusement]. This witness then handed to the opposing Counsel his list of the entries of dates and other particulars of breaking down the gates; and from the rendering of this as well as the peculiar phraseology there used still greater amusement was afforded the court. [ 174 ]
The Defence
Mr. Boville, for the defence, said the jury were in the position of having heard one side of the case, and, perhaps, it might appear pretty clear, but like many other cases, they had now to produce evidence of a very different character. Then, having read some letters in which Mr. Somers Clarke had agreed to take the result of one trial as satisfactory of the whole a proposition that had been declined on the other side - he complained that the defendant had been harassed by five actions. The fact was that Mr. Wyatt had conceded to the owner of Hole farm a privilege which all the others now claimed in consequence of that concession. The parties now claiming right had no such right. It would be necessary to touch upon the circumstances in a legal point of view in order to make the matter clear. The law was - and he thought a very proper one - that if a man had used a way without interruption, he became entitled to it. Well, he thought he could show that for twenty-eight years, there had been uninterrupted possession of this road on the part of his client. Even from the evidence given, it was not pretended that there had been any interruption from 1829 to 1837 and again from 1839 to 1854, the use of it was only sworn to three times; and then again down to the present time, there had been no proof of any user of the road. There had been the knocking down of some posts, but Mr. Wyatt had gained the victory; for as fast as they were knocked down he put them up again. He did not know whether he ought not to submit to his Lordship that no ground of use had been proved.
Mr. Lush "We don't rely on the Act of Parliament"
Mr. Bovill, in continuing, said, it was simply ridiculous to suppose, from the position of Blacklands that the occupier would be likely to make use of the road instead of the highway, as he would have to go down a very steep hill and up again a very much worse journey than going through the town. Mr. Bovill then stated the nature of the evidence he should call - that of relatives of the original owner who had lived on the farm, and could speak positively as to the roads and gates, and who would tell them there never was a road there at all until after the house was built, and that Mr. Tutt formerly lived in Hastings and came to the Fighting Cocks, and after hearing that evidence he thought they must come to the conclusion that the other witnesses were mistaken.
George Tutt, [carpenter] of East Hill, Hastings said he was about 70 years of age, and nephew of Charles Tutt, one of the witness's great grandfather. He lived with him in his boyhood. Continuing he said "I lived with him in my boyhood. He was owner of Mount Pleasant, and I know that there [ 175 ]was nothing but a barn at the farm. He then lived in All Saints street. My uncle used the farm, but had stables in Hastings. The carts and waggons were kept at the lodge. There was then no road at all to Ore Lane to come down from the farm. There was a road from the Fighting Cocks to the farm, but it did not extend farther than the farm buildings. The road Mr. Wyatt has done away with was not there, and no one could get down there. The house was built there about 62 years ago [According to that statement in or about 1787], and I went to live there as soon as it was built. There was a bar-way by which you could get into Ore Lane just below the four turnings, and opposite there was another bar to let our carts in and out. I never saw anybody use it. There was a gate at the Fighting Cocks, with a puzzle chain. The road only led to the barn which stood near where the house now stands. There were two gates. I left at fourteen, but at that time, no team could go from the barn to Ore Lane. The Fighting Cocks belonged to my uncle and was then the only house then existing near there. I received an annuity quarterly from the house and never forgot to go for it. I lived at the farm when I was about ten, and till I was apprenticed. From the Fighting Cocks, there was a hedge. Beyond the barn there was a road that went on till it came to the three turnings and a hedge each side, and that was so all the time I was there. My uncle put up the gate to stop the thoroughfare. The gate was there thirty years. I know Pondbay Bridge, just below the three turnings [the witness here, under cross-examination equivocated so much and gave such contradictory statements and in so loose a manner that the court was frequently convulsed with laughter]. He concluded by saying the road at the three turnings was open as long as he could remember.
Peter Dore Gower (known as Capt. Gower) said I am about 80 years of age and have known Mount-Pleasant farm for a number of years, as my father used to work there. I afterwards worked for Mr. Richart Tutt at weeding. I recollect the Fighting Cocks and the road down to the barn there. There was a gate into the lime-kilns field and a gateway across the roadway, but not a second gate across the road. My father used to live in Hastings. I have gone to the Fighting Cocks down to the three turnings many times. There was a hedge all the way [this witness like the preceding, gave such rambling statements and so contradictory that he had to be given up. He must have been thinking of Ore Lane, with its hedge on both sides, and the gate which led into the Lime-kiln field that existed where is now Wellington Square until the witness was about 36 years old. The present writer knew Mr. Tutt at Mount-pleasant farm-hosue as early as 1822, [ 176 ]and more than once went thither with his son home from Mrs. Winter's school at West-hill cottages. Also in later life he traveled the road many times and could testify to its having a nailed fence on both sides, and not a hedge, except a small portion at the upper part where there were also trees near the Fighting Cocks. The writer also knew Mr. Edwards when he leased the Blacklands farm, and was present with his father at a syllabub party held to celebrate the launch of one or more vessels. Mr. Edwards's successors, Richard Chandler and William Ransom, were also personally known to him, as was also Benjamin Lingham and Mr. Whyborn, occupiers of the Hole farm, where in the farm house he had had many a basin of bread and milk. He therefore could have contradicted some of the statements of the defendant's witnesses.]
James Eastland, 82, deposed to his being a carpenter at Fairlight and to his having worked with his father at Mrs. Tutt's, and to having assisted to put a gate across the road near the Fighting Cocks.
William Standen had known the road about 30 years. There were two gates fastened by a padlock. Had not passed by day, as his business called him out at night - yes, when they were going to look for tubs.
Edward Tutt was 66. Had heard the two Mr. Dunns ask his father if they might go that way from farm to farm. He lived at the house from 1799 to 1807. Didn't remember anyone else using the road. Didn't see many teams go by because he was at school.
Reginald Stokes, 68, on being examined, indulged in some vague statements which added no real information of an intelligible character.
George Taylor, who had been 17 years employed by Mr. Wyatt stated that a chain was placed across the road 35 years ago.
Mr. Bovill said he did not think he could fairly say that the witnesses he had called supported his statements, and therefore his case for the defence must now rest upon the user of 27 years, which he had already explained to the jury.
Mr. Baron Martin then enquired what the jury thought about it, and was immediately answered by the foreman that they were perfectly satisfied, and should find a verdict for plaintiff, with 40s. damages.
His Lordship remarked that it was the most clearly proved right of way he had ever heard in his life, and he hoped it would be a warning to gentlemen not to accept any diversion of road unless under seal of a written agreement.
The defendant's Counsel having stated there was no other evidence to offer beyond what had already been given, the jury returned a similar verdict in the other four cases of action brought by Messrs. Henry and Lewis Phillips, Mr. Field and the Rev. W. Twiss Turner. This account of an in[ 177 ]portant trial - which at the time excited more than ordinary interest - should be read in connection with the proceedings of the Town Council described on page 112. Had there been, by some unforseen legal technicality, an adverse verdict for the plaintiffs, the probability is that Mr. Wyatt, a well known self-witted and arbitrary owner of the Mount Pleasant estate, would never have condescended to negotiate with the Town Council in the manner that he did - thus making, as it were a virtue of necessity, and opening the way as we now see it for an additional good road to Halton, to Ore, to Fairlight, and to the Cemetery, together with the formation of a populous district of the borough, including villa and other residences, schools, chapels and all the usual accessories of a respectable community.
Mr. Rock's paper on the Climate of Fairlight
At the November meeting of the Philosophical Society, Mr. Jas. Rock, jun., read a paper of a painstaking character on a two years observations and registration of the meteorological conditions of Fairlight as compared with the records kept in Hastings and other places. In commencing the reading of his paper, Mr. Rock desired to guard himself from any imputation of attempting to generalise upon too narrow a basis of fact. He requested his hearers to understand that as his paper was founded on meteorological at Fairlight, for a period of two years only, and those two years in many respects exceptional, he did not offer the results he had obtained as indications of the average character of the climate at that locality. All that he intended to do was to state the facts as observed by himself, and compare them as far as he might be able with similar facts observed simultaneously at other stations. He had thought that corresponding observations made at places having such a considerable difference in elevation and so small a difference in latitude - scarcely a minute, would at least [be] interesting, and if carefully recorded might have some scientific value. Accordingly, upon consultation with Dr. Greenhill, through whose exertions the Hastings observations had been commenced at the Literary Institution, he obtained a set of instruments, which had been tested and compared by Mr. Glazier with the standard instruments at the Royal Observatory. His own observations had been made from April 1st, 1857 to March 31st, 1859. The readings of the thermometer during that period were shown by tabulated forms which were displayed in the room. He gave a detailed account of the state of the weather, the temperature, and the principal characteristics of each month during the two [ 178 ]years of his observations. For the first year ending March 31st, 1858, the mean pressure of air was 29.452; mean temperature, 48.9; highest reading, 84; lowest reading 21; mean daily range, 12.7; mean degree of humidity, 90 (complete saturation being represented by 100)90; number of days on which rain fell, 123; the amount collected 22.7 inches. The next years registration showed mean pressure 29.417; mean temperature 48.4; highest reading 83; lowest 23; mean daily range 12; number of rainy days, 142; amount of rain 20.3 inches. In another table Mr. Rock showed the monthly means of range for the two years to have been exactly two inches, the highest being 30.56 inches and the lowest, 28.35 inches. From a comparison of these results, with observations made by Mr. Banks at Hastings, it was found that the annual range was much greater at Fairlight than at Hastings. Nor was this the only remarkable fact in the comparison; for it was found that whilst at Hastings the greatest deviation from the mean was in the upward movement; at Fairlight, the greatest deviation was downward, and that to a great extent. How much of the difference might be due to the imperfection of the instruments or different modes of observation he could not say, but he thought it might be worth while to confirm or disprove it, and he therefore recommended it to the notice of his brother members of the Hastings Meteorological Society. Probably, during heavy south westerly gales, the valleys in which Hastings stands were surcharged with air through the wind piling it up as it were against the hills, thus rendering the lower strata of the air more dense and enabling it to support a higher mercurial column than it would if it could pass over the locality without being interrupted. During the two years to which his observations referred, Fairlight, in common with the whole eastern parts of England, had experienced unusually fine and dry weather; but as there did not exist any accurate records of weather and climate in that particular district during previous years, the comparison could only be made through the general testimony of those who had resided at Fairlight longer than he had. All those to whom he had spoken on the subject were unanimously agreed that two such fine years consecutively had not occurred within their memory. While conversing with some farmers at Rye market, six or seven years ago, one of them - an old man who had lived at Udimore fifty years or more, made the remark that there was not near so much fog on Fairlight Down as there used to be years before. It had been a common saying that -
- "When Fairlight Down puts on his cap, Romney Marsh will have its sap."
[ 179 ]The quoted couplet was in allusion to the rainy weather which usually followed the appearance of sea-fogs upon the summit of the Downs. The fact of divination of fog and rain had also been confirmed by several other persons who had had opportunities of noticing such. In the first year of his observations, fog prevailed more or less on 37 days, and in the second year, on 53 days. In the first year there were 123 days on which rain fell, and in the 2nd year, 142 days. The quantity of rain collected in the former year (as before stated) was 22.7, and in the latter 20.3 inches. The mean degree of humidity was 90 and 87 in the same years respectively. Comparing these results with Mr. Banks's observations, he found in the first year that Fairlight had 38 more rainy days than Hastings had, and 1.69 inches more rainfall. In the second year, Fairlight had 59 more rainy days, and 0.97in. more rain. Perhaps that great difference in the number of rainy days arose from different modes of observation. [This was a courteous way of putting it, seeing that Mr. Rock's comparisons were made with Mr. Banks's recorded observations, which in some particulars - his rainy days to wit - he was not always correct. In Vol. 7 "Local History" page 13, is copy of letter sent to the Times newspaper in 1858 by Dr. Garrett, that gentleman, quoting from Mr. Banks's record of the weather, and treating of the mild winter, stated that during two months, rain had fallen only on two days, whereas (as shown by the present writer in his correction of Dr. Garrett's letter in the volume and on the page here named) there were nine days in one of the months named and seven in the other on which rain fell either in showers or drizzle. This single instance is referred to as supporting Mr. Rock's remark that the great difference of 38 more rainy days at Fairlight, than Hastings in one year, and 59 more in the next year might have arisen from different modes of observation.] From the height of Fairlight Down above the level of the sea, between 500 and 600 feet, its temperature was of necessity low as compared with that of Hastings. Taking Mr. Banks's observations from maximum and minimum thermometers only, the comparison stood thus:-
1857-8 | Mean temp. | Highest | Lowest | |||
Fairlight | - - | 48.90 | - - | 84 | - - | 21.0 |
Hastings | - - | 52.55 | - - | 88 | - - | 27.0 |
1858-9 | ||||||
Fairlight | - - | 48.40 | - - | 87 | - - | 25.0 |
Hastings | - - | 52.03 | - - | 91 | - - | 30.0 |
In comparing the climate of Fairlight with that of other stations, appearing in the Registrar-General's monthly and quarterly re[ 180 ]ports, he had sometimes found his mean temperature for the quarter lower than that of any other station, excepting one or two of the most northerly. In the quarter ending March 31st, 1858, the only station that exhibited a lower temperature was Allenheads in Durham. In the corresponding quarter of 1859, York and Allenheads were the only two stations that had an equally low or lower mean temperature, York having exactly the same (41.2). He had been struck with the similarity which frequently occurred between the observations made at York and those which he had made at Fairlight; and, were it not for the much lower readings of the minimum thermometer at York, it might almost be inferred that the difference of elevation was almost equivalent to the difference of latitude. The difference between the extreme temperatures at all the stations was 86 degrees, and at Fairlight only 63 degrees - a proof of the equability of climate in the latter locality. Hastings, although warmer than Fairlight, had exactly the same range of temperature in the two years under observation. He could compare Hastings with Fairlight as to the amount of wind, cloud and ozone, only in three quarters of the year 1857, and from that limited comparison it appeared that Hastings had nearly one third more wind than Fairlight, and one third less ozone. The amount of cloud was nearly equal. If the presence of ozone in large quantities were indicative of a healthy state of the atmosphere, then ought Fairlight to be one of the healthiest places in the kingdom. Whatever ozone might be, it appeared to exhibit itself in the greatest intensity on high ground; whether that arose from the atmosphere at great elevations containing more of it than at lower levels, or from there being less of that which served to fix or absorb it than on lower ground he would not venture to say. Possibly, as supposed by some, it was dependent on magnetism, it was not unlikely that the geological formation of any locality might have something to do with its amount of ozone. The amount of cloud observed at any place was an important element in determining the character of its climate. In that respect the climate of Fairlight would seem to be a pleasant and cheerful one if the two years under consideration could be taken as a sufficient criterion. In 1857 Fairlight had one-third less cloud than at 42 other stations, and in 1858, one-fourth less. With regard to the wind he had made no numerical comparison, the mode of observation being necessarily uncertain. From personal observations made both at Fairlight and Hastings on the same day, he should say that the former had less wind than the latter. The seawinds which had the longest duration and were the strongest, appeared to be somewhat weakened in climbing the slopes of the hill [ 181 ]covered as they were with houses, trees and other obstructions. The same remark would apply with greater force to easterly winds, the largest and most wooded slopes lying in that direction. The greater density of air at a low level would make the wind there appear stronger than on a high level even when moving at the same velocity. During the first twelve months the total estimated force was 820, - 356 of which was from cold quarters and 464 from warm quarters. During the same period, there were 63 calm days. In the second twelve months the total estimated force was 761; 267 being from cold quarters and 494 from warm quarters. In that year there were 73 calm days. The mean daily force of wind in 1857-8 was 1.12 and in 1858-9 it was 1.04 . . . Undoubtedly the two years that he had under review had been unusually fine; but as the fine weather had been common to the whole district, any comparison between the climate of Hastings and Fairlight was not vitiated by the fact that the weather had been so fine. It was sufficiently evident that Fairlight had a much lower temperature than Hastings, and that it had less wind and no more cloud; it also had a much larger amount of ozone; and speaking from his own personal experience, he could testify that its air, although it contained more humidity than that of Hastings, was both healthy and bracing. To anyone for whom Hastings might be too warm or relaxing, no better prescription could be given than a change of residence to the hills which Providence had kindly places so near, and where a climate might be found resembling that of York or Scarborough. In concluding that part of his subject, Mr. Rock expressed his indebtedness to Mr. Banks, who had placed the whole of his observations at his service, and also to Mr. J. C. Savery for the use of some of his deductions from Mr. Banks's statistics. He then entered freely into the state and progress of vegetation at Fairlight during the period over which his observations extended. He noticed the principal phenomena that occurred with regard to both vegetable and animal life during that period, an remarked that in the observance of those phenomena as well as those which might be more strictly termed meteorological, there was very much to interest and amuse; they furnished an unfailing source of pleasing occupation, and when followed systematically and their results published or communicated to other students of nature, there was the additional satisfaction of knowing that something had been contributed to the better understanding of the material circumstances by which man was surrounded, and of the power and wisdom of Him by whom both he and they had been created. [ 182 ]In the reading of his excellent paper on the Climate of Fairlight, Mr. Rock stated that his two years observations, (April 1st, 1857 to March 31st, 1859) were two exceptional years; but as his object was not to deal with those exceptions which being general did not affect the special nature of his observations, the reader is referred to pages 90 to 92 of the present volume for any account of the atmospheric and celestial phenomena of 1859; to page 25 for winds and storms of 1857-8; and to pages 13 to 15 for the mild winter of 1858-9. The first portion of the winters 1857-8 and 1858-9 were, indeed, so warm that summer flowers were in bloom, new potatoes of a larger size were dug up at Christmas, and raspberries and strawberries were ripe and full grown as in summer. Vegetation was thus exceptional even on Fairlight Down. How far Mr. Rock's reference to animal as well as vegetable life, as being exceptional was borne out by facts there was only one phenominal case remembered by the present writer, and that was a litter of 20 pigs at a single farrow. True, the fecundity of herrings in 1859 was great, and the catches were most abnormal as described on page 161, but that was at a time when Mr. Rock read the paper he had previously prepared. There were also some
Other Piscatory Wonders
A Royal Sturgeon was caught Hastings fishermen which measured 6ft 8in. in length, and weighed 93lbs. It was exhibited at Mr. Stace's fishmonger's shop, in Castle street, and attracted much attention.
A fine shark was also caught by some of the Hastings fishermen, and was first exhibited in Havelock road, and afterwards purchased by Mr. Stace.
"What Influence can the Planets Have?"
But, as showing, by way of cause and effect, some of the more striking meteorological phenomena in the two years embraced by Mr. Rock's observations, an article bearing the above heading is here reproduced from the St. Leonards Gazette of October 1st, 1859. After propounding the question "What Influence can the Planets have?" the article referred to says "Let us see! During the month of May, 1858, three planets were located with the sun in the sign Taurus, thereby causing more than the ordinary number of simultaneous angles called aspects, in which Mercury, Mars and Uranus (disquieting members of the solar system) played a conspicuous part. From those positions we ventured to predict for that month, much electrical phenomena, storms, thunder and lighting, hail, strong winds, variations of temperature, &c. The [ 183 ]result of our own observation and enquiry - of which we gave a full report at the time - showed that during the month in question there occurred frost, fog, snow, hail, rainbows, ten solar halos, five parhelia, eight thunder storms and a mirage. There were also shocks of earthquake and a volcanic eruption abroad. The range of temperature, even at St. Leonards amounted to 42 degrees, whilst in some parts of the country, it was nearly 50; the mean of the month being five or six degrees above the general average.
Now, during the month of September (1859) just closing, there have been again three planets again located with the sun, and again have those disturbing - Mercury, Mars and Uranus - exhibited their potency, not only in a meteorological effect, but also in a manner more immediately affecting the safety and well-being of the community, as we shall presently show. But, first, as to atmospheric phenomena. On the 28th of August, there occurred an eclipse of the sun, and consequently new moon - a conjunction of the Sun and Mercury. Immediately succeeding these configurations was one of the most gorgeous displays of aurora ever witnessed in England by living man. Since then the aurora borealis has been observed on several occasions, stars have shone with unusual lustre, the satellites of Jupiter have been seen with the naked eye, prismatic bows and chromatic cones have presented themselves, meteors have traversed the heavens in various directions, solar and lunar halos have been frequent, parhelia have been observed, vivid lightning has flashed and deafening thunder has rolled, gales and water-spouts have swept over the seas, heavy hailstorms have visited Clifton and other places, solar spots of immense magnitude have been seen by unassisted vision, earthquakes have occurred abroad, and the telegraph wires throughout the American and European continents have emitted sparks of electricity, and have been incapable of transmitting messages for several hours at a time. We have said that on the 28th of August there was a new moon, &c., and we have shewn that the several magnetic and other phenomena subsequently occurring commenced at that time. We will now show how exactly those occurrences agree with the predictions of several of our astro-meteorologists. The New Moon (says Simmonite) which is taken to influence this month (September) is forming when that part of the zodiac is on the eastern horizon, consequently the New Moon and the eastern point possess the fifth degree of Virgo. Mercury rules the moon, and being [ 184 ]strong, we believe there will be manifest important physical effects.' 'It will generate in the atmosphere turbulent and variable winds, together with thunder, meteors and lightnings, accompanied by chasms in the earth and earthquakes.' Zadkiel [Capt. Morrison] says - 'Atmospheric phenomena, storms and hurricanes occur.' Orion says - 'This month (September) much meteoric action, light storms, &c. will prevail.'
Thus much for planetary influence on the weather. No let us examine its more extraordinary physical effects. The Daily Telegraph, of Sept. 16th, in one of its leading articles had the following:
- "Like diseases, crimes and incidents would sometimes seem to become epidemic. That crime should spread by example can, without much difficulty be rendered comprehensible. But how can we reconcile to ourselves the extraordinary idea that dumb mechanical things can be similarly influenced? At this moment, for instance, accidents from locomotive machines are rife. There is a perfect glut of catastrophies by sea and land. Trains run one into the other; passengers and work-people are crushed or mangled on every side; no sooner does one coroner's jury return its verdict than another is empannelled to sit upon some charred or disfigured corpse!"
So it is; and since those remarks appeared, the appalling accidents referred to, and in many cases, the criminal negligence apparently attending them has multiplied to such extent as to give rise to the question "What can be the cause?" It may be difficult to reconcile one's self to an idea apart from mere coincidence, but a long course of observation has opened up to us the fact that mind and matter are simultaneously acted upon. There is a certain influence - occult influence if you will that is at times exerted both upon living and inanimate objects; an electric condition, which not only interferes with the proper working of telegraphic wires, as lately experienced, but also with that more delicate piece of mechanism, the human body, and the human mind - a disturbing force which not only gives rise to storms, shipwrecks, railway collisions, fires and explosions, but which also excites the human passions and enfeebles the intellect. Many of the frightful disasters which have lately crowded upon us in almost ceaseless succession would appear to be preventible by the merest application of ordinary prudence, whilst others would seem to require a vigilence and foresight not commonly possessed; but in either case the mind has proved itself unequal to the exigences of the moment and fatal consequences have resulted. There have also been fatalities totally unnaproachable by human sagacity, and which it were sheer ignorance to attribute to the culpability of any living man. [ 185 ]The truth is that there are certain times and seasons which are more than usually disastrous to a certain class of persons and objects over which there is but little, if any, control; and thus it is that physical and political disquietides(sic) become epidemic.
It is a remarkable fact that the turbulent scenes of the spring of 1848, when Austria, Prussia, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain and even England were all in commotion, and when Louis Phillipe was driven a fugitive from his throne, and our own good Queen (three weeks after her acconchment) together with the whole of her family, fled to the Isle of Wight from the threatening demonstration of the Chartists, there were violent perturberations in the atmosphere as well as in the human passions. Gales of wind, hail, rain, sleet, lightning, aurora, inundations, &v., followed each other in rapid succession. So, also, during the [one or two lines here accidentally cut from the newspaper] of the opposing armies, there occurred a simultaneous warring of the elements, each increasing, as it were, in magnitude until the final conflict, when it is said the armies withdrew amidst one of the most terrible thunder storms on record. We might also allude to the extraordinary climatic influences which prevailed both during the Russian war and the Indian revolt, by which many thousands of brave fellows were brought, as it were to an untimely death. Thousands of English, French, Turks and Russians perished more from the vicissitudes of heat, drought, cold, storms, shipwreck, pestilence and famine than in actual combat.
England is a powerful nation, with almost unlimited wealth and resources; she produces the most skillful artisans, the most eminent philosophers, the most ingenious machinists, the most able commanders, and the greatest men in practical science; yet, as was recently shewn by the Chinese disaster and the accident to the Great Eastern. The race is not (always) to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to them all Eccles. IX. II. Here, then, we have the authority of the wisest of men that "time and chance happeneth to all" and that there is a time for all things. We have, moreover - unless we are wilfully sceptical and prejudiced beyond reasonable grounds - daily proofs that the orbs of heaven are "for signs and for seasons" and that "hteir influence is divided unto all nations". How far such influence is comprehended by human intelligence a little judicious enquiry and impartial examination can determine. We have already shewn in a general way the agreement between the meteorological occurrences of the last few weeks and the predictions of certain writers whom we have quoted. We purpose now to [ 186 ]show the exact fulfilment of other portions of said predictions. "I find (says Capt. Morrison, that arch-humbug, as Punch in his vulgar ridicule intended for wit, has this week dubbed him) "that Mercury and Mars enter Virgo together in the second week of the month, and form a square to Uranus during the third week." From these positions, in addition to the atmospheric phenomena already quoted he foresaw "much turmoil, great fires, injuries to buildings," &c. Simmonite [a classical academician] also declares in addition to atmospheric perturbations, "Important physical effects, improvement in propelling steam vessels over the ocean, some fearful explosions, railway accidents", &c.
Now, as before intimated, the planets Mercury, Mars and Uranus, and the moon, are represented as the cause (or tokens) of these events. On the 9th of September, Mars and Mercury entered the sign Virgo nearly at the time that Uranus formed two "aspects", and on the afternoon of day there was a terrific explosion of the Great Eastern, off Hastings; thus coinciding also with Orion's prediction "some fearful explosion may be apprehended". On the 14th, Mars, Mercury and the moon formed potent aspects, and on that day there was a fatal accident on the Great Western railway, and two fatal accidents on the Great Northern Railway. On the 16th, Mars, Mercury and the moon were again angularly posited, and the South-Western railway was the scene of another serious collision, whilst in Ireland, a frightful explosion of gas took place at Lord Limerick's mansion, and in Saxony, a tremendous conflagration destroyed 300 houses. This was followed by one of the most extensive fires within the city boundaries of London that had taken place for some years, also a collision, with loss of life on the Thames. From the 18th to the 21st, collisions, with loss of life on the Thames. From the 18th to the 21st, beginning with a square of Mercury and Uranus, and ending with a square of Mars and Uranus, the "disturbing planets formed no fewer than eight configurations, and during that time the following casualties occurred:- Mutiny on the Great Eastern; wreck of a Jersey steamer by striking on a rock; conspiracy to assassinate the Sultan of Turkey; 200 persons arrested; military riots at Bury; the Fury steam tug blown to atoms near Bristol by the bursting of its boiler; a collision also on the river Avon near Bristol (Bath and Bristol and their vicinities were specially mentioned by Orion as places where explosions might be apprehended); a steamer being sunk by such collision; frightful explosion of a steam-engine at Lewes; alarming collision of railway carriages at Nottingham; another serious railway accident near Hereford; a triple collision of vessels on the Tyne, and anticipated wreck of a large steamer in consequence. On the 26th, Mercury, Uranus and (new) moon again assumed untoward positions, and on the same day, a most appalling explosion at Birmingham, by which 18 or 20 persons were killed, and as many more injured; also an explosion [ 187 ]of fire-damp near Bury, and a large fire near Rotherhithe, which was seen all over the Metropolis. There has also been a disastrous fire at Belfast, resulting in a damage of £50,000; an accident at Glandore, by which ten persons were drowned; the destruction by fire of the gardens of the British Charge d'Affaires at Tangiers; a desperate encounter between the troops of the Emperor of Morocco and those of a Pretender, &c., &c. Add to these the melancholy news from China, the builders' strike, the religious riots in London on Sunday last, and other occurrences which have, doubtless, escaped our notice, and we think it will be admitted that rarely has there been such a glomeration of startling disasters of a similar character and within so brief a period many of them occurring almost at the same instant, and at a time pointed out months before by those whose perceptive faculties enable them to read the "signs of the times.", if not always with unerring precision, certainly with so approximate an accuracy as to prove that there is truth in the science they advocate, let sceptics say what they will to the contrary.
Although on some points we may differ from the views of those whose names - real or assumed - have been here mentioned, the many hundreds of facts which in a long course of observation we have noted tending to prove their general truthfulness, induce us, now-and-then, to offer a few remarks thereon. And when we find men of intelligence and experience, possessing a knowledge of Oriental languages and customs, in addition to their mathematical attainments, made the butt of a scurrilous jester, and those who dare to read their essays branded with the opprobious appellation of fools and knaves (see Punch), we feel that we are only performing a public duty in placing a few facts and figures before our readers, the majority of whom, we are convinced, are too intelligent and too charitable to suppose that we have any other object to serve them than that of the propagation of truth so far as we have been able to comprehend it. It may not be out of place to say that the above article was reprinted by desire, and that whilst only one communication differing from conclusions was received by the editor, a considerable number came to hand with expressions of commendation, all writers of which were of good repute, one being a local M.D. and another a resident retired captain. In the following week, a paragraph appeared which began thus:- "We have received a communication in which the [ 188 ]writer applauds our industry, and thinks "there must be considerable truth" in the remarks we ventured to make in last week's Gazette, touching the many deplorable events of the last few weeks.
The Wreck of the Royal Charter
On pages 90 to 92 of the present volume is described the extraordinarily sudden and severe changes of weather which locally preceded the violent gale of the 24th and 25th of October, 1859. In connection with the latter destructive visitation in particular and the foregoing list of phenomenal disasters in general, the lamentable wreck of the Royal Charter is worthy of a permanent record, reminding one, as it did the similar misfortune which befell the Brazen sloop of war on the rocks at Newhaven in 1800, and the Association ship of war on the Rocks of Scully, in 1707, when the brave Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell and his crew were lost. One of the fine old English songs, appealing to landsmen, says -
Ye Gentlemen of England
Who live at home at ease,
How little do you think upon
The dangers of the seas"
But when the equinoctial or other devastating gales set in stolid must be he or she who never spares a thought for out tempest-tossed brethren on the foaming billows. Never, perhaps in the history of contemporary events had there been a more saddening incident than the wreck of the Royal Charter. This gallant vessel had steamed home in triumph; had made one of the quickest passages on record; had successfully battled with the stormy waves when there was but "sky above and the sea below" and had actually arrived home when lo! in the very hour of triumph, destruction came upon the ill-fated vessel, and Death, with a grim smile, seized in his ivy grasp nearly 500 beings at one tell swoop.
Then rose from sea to sea the wild farewell
We cannot (remarked the St. Leonards Gazette at the time), recording a passing word of sorrow for the fate of so many fellow creatures hurled into eternity with only a few minutes warning. How terrible must have been the agony when the ship struck! How more terrible still that awful moment when the gallant vessel was torn asunder by the power of the waves! Oh, the agony of that crisis! - the merciless waves dashing over the breaking vessel and the helpless beings cast out by the [ 189 ]fury of the storm to be engulphed in the remorseless chasm that yawned to receive them. Never was there a more painful scene; and the horrors of that eventful day formed the subject of many a mournful conversation over a winter fire. The sudden shifting of the gale seemed to have mainly the cause of the terrible disaster, the ship being thereby exposed to the shore on the dangerous coast of Anglesea. The destruction of human life was equal to the loss in a considerable battle. In a few minutes of time 452 persons were swept away from life to death. It would hardly have been thought that the winds, which had flitting and roaring round the coasts for several days would have passed away without inflicting serious losses; but previous experience had led to the belief that the weight of the calamity would have fallen on the smaller vessels employed in the coasting trade. The Royal Charter was built of iron about four years previously, her tonage being 2719, and her horse-power 200. She sailed from Melbourne on the 26th of August with 388 passengers and a crew of 112. She accomplished her passage in two months. She landed 13 passengers at Queenstown, and took on board from a steam-tug eleven riggers who had been assisting in working a ship to Cardiff; so that at the time of the fearful wreck she had on board 498 persons, of whom only 39 were saved. Her cargo (mainly wool and skins) was comparitively small, but a more important item of freight was gold and specie, which at the lowest estimate was put at £500,000. She arrived at Point Lynas at 6 o'clock on the evening of the 26th, and for several hours Capt. Taylor continued to throw up signal rockets for a pilot, but did not succeed in getting one. The gale increased, and the ship, making leeway, drifted gradually towards the shore. It was quite dark and no help was at hand. The ship let go both anchors, but by that time the gale had reached the force of a hurricane, and the sea became terrific. The chain cables parted, and although the engines were worked at full power, the unfortunate ship continued to drift towards the shore, and three o'clock next morning, she struck the rocks in four fathoms of water. The masts and rigging were cut adrift but this gave no relief. The screw became foul and ceased to act, the ship was then thrown broadside on to the rocks, and then came the intensity of terror. A Portuguese sailor volunteered to convey a rope to the shore, and perilous as was the attempt, he succeeded. Had time been given, probably most of the people would have been saved, but fate willed it otherwise. Wave succeeded wave, and played with the Royal Charter like a toy. She parted amidships and well nigh all on board were swept into the [sea]. In a few moments the work was done and 459 persons had to be numbered among the dead, either by drowning, or by being killed by the breaking up of the ship. [ 190 ]On receiving the saddening news of the terrible disaster to the Royal Charter and with the fatal explosion on the Great Eastern fresh in mind, our own people, as well as thousands of others were naturally anxious to learn how the latter great ship had fared during the hurricane, and were glad to find that her behaviour was such as became the monarch of the seas. She was very severely tried by one of the fiercest gales that had occurred for many years. Fortunately its duration was comparatively brief; for had it been otherwise, the Leviathon herself might have gone the way of the lesser craft. For an hour or so the strain on so large a surface was so great that but for the constant vigilance of Capt. Harrison and his crew, it was thought that nothing could have saved the vessel from being driven ashore with the rest. The monster ship could not get inside of the ill-constructed breakwater, but lay abreast of its eastward extremity, exposed during that north-easterly gale to a heavy sea, and with what was supposed to be indifferent holding ground for a vessel of such size and with such an area for the wind to act upon. The present writer remembers the immense height of her upper deck even above the top of masts and funnel of an ordinary steamer, when on one occasion he was privileged to explore the monster ship when lying in the Medway taking in the Atlantic cable. Both conditions named contributed to her disadvantage during that most fearful storm; but she weathered the gale after all most gallantly, and thus afforded at least one proof that (as stated by the Hon. George Waldegrave in a letter to Hastings) "No one who has been in that ship but has great belief in her great strength and sterling qualities."
Union Schoolmaster - the votes obtained in May by the applicants for the situation of schoolmaster to the Union were for George Morfee, 26; George Torrance, 24; and H. C. Gilmore, 22.
Infirmary Assistant-Surgeon. For this office, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Walter Duke, Esq. the votes, on May 5th were 386 for G. B. Turner, M.D., 183 for Roger Duke, and 152 for John Underwood, M.D.
A House to Let. In consequence of the "Lock-up" being but little inhabited, some waggish person put up a bill "This House to Let" and before it was removed there was at least one applicant for the hire of it. This was in Bourne street adjoining the gaol, the site of the old Court-house or Town Hall before 1700 and now the borough police-station. [ 191 ]Manning the Navy. In the month of May, the Government's inducements and Capt. Gough's energies succeeded in getting thirty lads between 14 and 19 years of age to be sent on to Portsmouth. Her Majesty's birthday was celebrated with ringing of bells, flying of flags, and a salute of 40 rounds (one for each year) by Martin MacDermont, who also fired the salute in 1834, when the Queen, as Princess Victoria and her mother came to St. Leonards, on which occasion MacDermont had some fingers blown off.
A Severe Thunderstom, with heavy rain visited Hastings and St. Leonards on June 1st and 2nd.
The Partnership of Henry Reeves, Jas. Russell and Henry Thwaite, millers of Bexhill, was dissolved on May 31.
From Melbourne, nearly 20 persons landed from the "Monarch" at Hastings on the 20th of June.
The All Saints Visiting Society reported that during the preceding two years, through its agency, there had been distributed to the aged and infirm poor of All Saints 6040 lbs of bread, 1450 lbs of meat, five tons of coal and £38 of grocery.
The Ore-place Estate (late Lady Elphinstone's) was offered for sale on the 1st of July.
Another thunderstorm occurred on Sunday July 3rd, and continued for three hours, but did no damage.
Dissolution of partnership between Thomas William Burfield and George Edward Moulton was announced on July 1st.
A New Lugger named "Jane" for Dymchurch was launched from Messrs. Kent's yard near the East Well on July 20th
A Splendid Meteor was observed on the evening of July 27th traveling from near the zenith in a S.W. direction and bursting into a brilliant blaze of light.
Dr. Steavenson, on the 11th of August was chosen honorary physician to the Infirmary vice Dr. Duke, resigned.
Mr. George Meadows chosen Clerk of the Peace, in place of Mr. G. Butler, resigned.
The Hastings News gave notice that on Oct 8th, its price would be reduced from 4d. to 2d., unstamped and 3d. stamped.
The Hastings Burial Society, at its annual meeting on Oct. 12th the number of members was 874; that ten had died during the year, and that the total paid out since the society was established was £2,450.
The Paving of the front of Warrior square with York stones by the Local Board was greatly appreciated.
The Beautiful Yacht, built by Mr. George Tutt for Lord Willoughby, D. Ersby [ 192 ]was launched on Oct. 15th. It was 200 tons measurement, and was the third yacht built for his Lordship by Mr. Tutt.
The Rifle Galley Club met at the Oak on Oct. 20th and decided to have built by Mr. Hutchinson a six-oared galley, 34 feet long, and to be named "The Rifleman".
Mr. George Bruce Poole resigned his post as Superintendent of the Fire Brigade.
At the Ore Vestry on Oct 20th, a two shilling rate was necessary in consequence of £80 having to be paid by the parish of the £140 incurred by Mr. Frewen's appeal against his rating notwithstanding that the overseers had consented to quash the assessment. The appelant's attitude and menacing language showed that the parish had cause to regret the change that had taken place at Coghurst since Mr. Brisco's death.
The Prince of Wales' Birthday, on Nov. 10th, was celebrated with the ringing of church bells and the firing of guns.
A Mad Dog was discovered one day in the month of June and was shot.
Seeing France. On Sunday, the 24th of July, the atmosphere was so peculiarly transparent, that the opposite coast of France could be seen from Fairlight and the Strand Hill at Winchelsea. The previous night brought heavy rain, and after the atmospheric phenomenon, heavy clouds gathered up towards the north and east as though for a heavy storm.
The Captain Beecham who hired a thirty-guinea horse to carry his roqueship to Battle Abbey, but didn't go there for reasons best known to himself, did not find it convenient to put himself in communication with the police. Captains of that rank are known to be very partial to smoke, to London smoke in particular; and it might be the gallant Captain and his charger got lost in the fog. Supt. Glenister, however, got trace of the horse, but not its rider. See 193.
The Hastings Union house at the time contained a fewer number of inmates than it had done since it was built, 20 years before.
Medicos at Dinner. On the 21st of July, the annual meeting of the Sussex Medical Society were held at the Castle hotel, where they afterwards dined together.
An Irish Reaper, on the 25th of July, whilst crossing the metals near Croydon, was knocked down and killed by a train to Hastings.
Several Meteors were observed on the night of the 25th and 26th of July, and on the night of the 27th at 9 o'clock, one of an unusual brilliancy was seen traveling in a S.W. direction and lighting up that part of the heavens with an intense line of various tints. [ 193 ]Lord Charleville, whose other name was James Mitchell, after living sumptuously everyday with his wife at the Marine Hotel together with his wife (sic), and robbing Mr. C. P. Hutchings of £40 by means of a forged cheque, was conveyed to Lewes, where his ingenuity was rewarded with 12 months hard labour.
The Capt. Beecham who rode off with Mr. Hodd's thirty-guinea horse, together with a silver card-case and a three guinea telescope, had (like "Lord Charlevill") more than one name, and as "George Gordon" he left the horse at the Green Dragon in London, whilst he proceeded to Pudsey, near Leeds, where Supt. Glenister found him in his surgery as Dr. Hepworth and brought him to Hastings.
Jim Myers of equestrian notoriety, being on his way from Hastings to Battle with his traction engine, and steam train, was denied passage through the Magdalen turnpike gate, except on payment of a sum that was not on the list of tolls. Jim got his "dander" up and smashed the smashed the(sic) gate. This was a more violent course than the one previously acted upon by another circus man who left his elephant in pawn at the same gate or at the Tower gate because the sum demanded was not on the list of tolls. In that case, the elephant well knew his business, took the gate clean off its hinges, and followed his keeper with a majestic step.
A Beautiful Meteor was observed on the night of Sept. 28th. Its appearance was in all respects similar to that of a magnificent rocket darting out from the heavens southward of the zenith and traveling in a northerly direction over a space of about 40 degrees. It then exploded with a sharp crack, the detonation being distinctly audible, and the scattered fragments descending a short distance not unlike the pyrotechnic "gold rain". The wind was blowing fresh at the time from the south west, whilst in the south east there [were] occasional flashes of lightning.
A Parhelion of rather unusual character was observed soon after sunrise on the morning following the meteor-flight. As viewed from a field on Gensing Farm it was a strikingly beautiful phenomena. The object first appeared as a brilliant white disk, somewhat larger than the sun, and placed on the south or right-hand side of that body. In a few minutes a small object was again visible. The disc had now become less effulgent, and the inner edge prettily tinted with soft colours, but not prismatic. In a few minutes more the solar reflection being still visible, a chromatic appendage in the shape of an immense fan or scollop-shell presented itself. The colours were extremely vivid, graduating from an intensely bright yellow to a chocolate red at the apex. When the phenomenon had lasted about ten minutes an immense mass of vapour [ 194 ]floated up from the western horizon as if by magic (there being a dead calm) and became stationary or nearly so immediately under the sun, but not till the parhelion had almost disappeared.
James Nash, a Hastings lad, was in danger of being drowned on October 5th, while bathing. He was rescued with great difficulty by a young man named Enifer, he who made some daring attempts two years before to save the crew of the ill-fated vessel "Draper".
Aurora Borealis was observed on the 1st of October from half-past ten till midnight. Its appearance generally was that of a bright moon light extending from N.W. to N.E. with one long and narrow streak of crimson shooting up from the horizon to the zenith.
A presentation of £20 by the Church of England Association was made to Mr. Rew, their honorary secretary, on his leaving Hastings to take charge of a school.
The Hastings Reservoirs in September and October were nearly dry, and a member of the Town Council (Ald. Ginner) in his advocacy of bringing water from Bodiam, had no faith in a change of seasons; but in December the reservoirs were full and overflowing.
A Public Dinner took place at the Castle Hotel on December 15th, to celebrate the opening of Mr. Emary's new Assembly Room. The tickets were half a guinea each.
A Cheque of £20 was sent to the Mayor by P. F. Robertson, Esq. (notwithstanding his defeat at the Borough Election) towards the formation of a Volunteer Artillery Corps.
The Savings Bank, during the year increased the number of its depositors by 144, making a total of 923, and the deposits exceeded the withdrawals by about £2,000. The total investments were £20,619.
The Artillery Corps
On the 12th of December, a preliminary meeting (at which the present writer was the only reporter in attendance) was held at the Seaside Hotel to organize a Volunteer Artillery Corps. W. Scrivens, Esq. was voted to the chair, and appointed secretary pro tem, and G. Scrivens, Esq. provisional treasurer. It was resolved to call a public meeting at the Town Hall on the following Monday, which would be a week later.
A Large and Influential Meeting, convened by the Mayor, was therefore held at the Town Hall in consequence of a numerously signed requisition for that purpose. In opening the proceedings, the Mayor (Ald. Hayles) said he supposed there would [ 195 ]not be two opinions as to the propriety of establishing a Volunteer Artillery Corps. He did not share the feelings generally entertained respecting the present ruler of the French, but they did not know what contingency might arise; and therefore he thought it should be the object of every Englishman to render his country invulnerable against all attacks to which it might be exposed. He would not enter into the subject to be considered, but would read some letters which he had received from some gentlemen residing in the neighbourhood. His Worship then communicated to the meeting the contents of several letters from gentlemen favourable to the cause.
E. V. Harcourt, Esq., proposed the first resolution - namely to form a Volunteer Artillery Corps, and observed that he was glad that that important branch of our national defences was no longer to be wanted in Hastings. He was also pleased that the Government had cared to support the people of England in such movements. In 1841, it was said that the Duke of Wellington was not acquainted with British citizens, and that, although no one knew better than he did what the soldier was made of and how to lead him on to victory, he did not appreciate the services of the citizens of the country. But he (the speaker) believed that this volunteer movement would place them in their proper position; that it would be the means of promoting the sympathy of one class towards another, and then if, as some people thought, the invasion should prove a bugbear, they would obtain many internal improvements and benefits as well as to be able to do much towards the external defence of the county.
The Second Resolution was moved by G. Scrivens, Esq. which had for its object the raising of funds by subscription for the purchase of arms, &c. He observed that it was their duty to do all they could for the defence of the town and country by assisting in the organization of the volunteer corps, either by becoming active working members or by providing what had been termed the sinews of war. Looking at the success which attended the Rifle Corps, he thought there would be no backwardness on teh part of many in contributing towards the necessary expense. He thought the Government had clearly shown that they approved of artillery corps by the facilities they offered; and by particularly alluding to them as being adapted for the sea coast. They were near the French and within reach of their guns if they came near these shore. He had seen and heard their guns fire, and [ 196 ]perhaps others had. He hoped they would not hear them again, but if they did, he thought that a well-formed artillery corps would give them something in exchange.
The First and Second Resolutions were seconded respectively in brief speeches by J. Gibbs, Esq. and F. W. Staines, Esq.
The Third Resolution, "That steps be taken at once to enrol members", was proposed by Mr. T. Vidler, who had hoped that someone older than himself would have brought forward the movement. He thought they had made a very good start, having already 36 good men. He thanked the Mayor and other gentlemen for their assistance, and urged the young men of the town to enrol themselves in the work.
The Motion was Seconded by Mr. C. H. Southall, of St. Leonards. His idea of invasion was that the people of France had too much good sense to go to war with England, and he did not believe that they seriously contemplated it. He believed the French to be honourable, but he would nevertheless advise the young men to join either the Rifles or the Artillery; so that it might not be said, as it had been that Englishmen were not good soldiers.
A Treasurer and Secretary, Messrs. G. and W. Scrivens were respectively proposed by Vandeleur Crake, Esq.
The Seconder of Mr. Crake's Motion was Mr. W. Ransom, who said, in reference of the volunteer movement, it was at first almost a toss-up whether it should be rifles or artillery; and it was not because of its being considered of greater importance that the former had taken precedence. He spoke of the importance of a good understanding between the two companies, and advised those who joined them to attend to practice and discipline, contending that the man who sought only to make a plaything of it, would prove himself a curse. For himself, Mr. R. said he felt it his duty to take any subordinate part, for every part, he conceived to be a post of honour.
All Hands, save one, were held up for the resolutions, and that one exception will afford elucidation further on. Much enthusiasm was exhibited in the all but unanimous carrying of the resolution.
The Sinews of War. The offers of support made through the Mayor and at the meeting were as follows:- Capt. Birch (St. Leonards) £5; F. M. Montgomery, Esq. (St. Leonards) £10 10s. and £2 2s annually for the best served gun; P. F. Robertson, Esq. £20; W. D. Lucas-Shadwell, Esq, the cost of an outfit £3 5s.; W. B. Young, Esq. £10; G. Gipps Esq., £5.
The One Dissentient The Rev. J. A. Hatchard, who had been standing in the body of the Hall, then came forward and said he came to that meeting intending not to take part in the proceedings, but [ 197 ]he now wished to throw himself upon the good feeling of the meeting; for he found very few to agree with him in the views he entertained. He was afraid they were doing a great deal of harm in that movement. [Signs of disapprobation] They would excuse him for thus expressing so freely his opinion, but he came there expecting to hear some reasons for the necessity of the movement which was taking place, not only in this town, but in all parts of the Kingdom. He thought that unless there was strong reason for the movement, it ought not to be made; for, in adopting such measures, he thought they entirely misconceived the age in which they lived. He had travelled a great deal in France, and he spoke from his experience, when he said there was no hostile feeling in the minds of the French against this nation. He did not come there to throw the apple of discord among them, but he felt that his countrymen would allow him the privilege to express his feelings as every Englishman had a right to do [Hear, hear!]. He believed the result would prove that the Emperor of the French would show every disposition to make France more like this great glorious and free country . . . He believed the Emperor was anxious to assimilate the institutions of France to those of England, and that the time was not distant when we should see how desirous he was they should give their moral support to the great battle of freedom he was fighting. The only reason they could give for forming themselves into an artillery corps was that the Emperor had sent an army to rescue the enslaved Italians. He could not understand how they could conclude that because a man was engaged in that object, he was about to wage war with our enlightened country. He believed that the Emperor's object in taking the course he had done was to liberate the Italians and also himself from the thraldom and tyranny of Popedom [Hear, hear]. He (the speaker) threw himself upon the good feeling of his countrymen in giving expression to his sentiments, and he felt sure he should obtain their forbearance. He believed that their strength lay in their moral greatness, and not in their physical force. . . In concluding his speech, the reverend gentleman desired to screen himself from the imputation of not having the spirit of an Englishman!" Should the emergency arise although he believed it would not - he would be one of the first to render his services; and, as a clergyman, he should feel it to be his duty to make himself useful in assisting and consoling his fellow-creatures. On such an occasion there would be nothing which he would not do to show his patriotism.
A Smart Reply G. Gipps, Esq. remarked with regard to the church militant, of which they had a specimin, he would candidly confess that if the reverend gentleman could not preach [ 198 ]better than he had there spoken, he should not care to hear him. He thought that if Mr. Hatchard did not intend to support the movement, he should not have come to the meeting. For himself, he would say that he did not know what amount of morality would stop the Emperor of the French. If religion would stop him it would not be that of such heretics as the English. It was being gradually admitted that military force carried with it a moral force. He did not wish to speak against the Emperor of the French, but he could not help noticing the circumstances that brought 50,000 Austrians to their graves. Referring to the Bible, Mr. Gipps said that the Reverend gentleman must have read of Senacrib and of the Emperor Nebuchadnezzer, who sent out their generals without a moment's notice, and he must know there was an analogy between this country and the Holy Land. The (illegible text) had laws from above, and so had we. We had to protect our open Bible from the French. He (the speaker) had traveled much in all parts of the world and was ever glad to return to his own native land, and to his own church, and also his own country's morality. The speaker again referred to scripture history, and alluded to the fate of Carthage, Troy, Babylon and Nineveh, observing that we ought to take a warning therefrom. He thought it quite fancical for the reverend gentleman to talk of the French upholding the rights of Italy. The Emperor went there because his army required him to keep them - a military nation - moving; and should he find it necessary in order to secure the safety of his throne to pay a hostile visit to this country, we ought to be prepared to meet him. He believed that the anchor we had thrown would take fast hold. There had not been a meeting throughout the country in which the clergy had not supported the movement, and, as he believed, because they regarded it a peace movement. Mr. Gipps concluded with a call upon his hearers to show their patriotism by coming forward to man the great gun.
Another Clergyman's Views. The Rev. W. N. Tilson-Marsh said it appeared to him to be the duty of every loyal subject and every friend of civil and religious liberty to come forward at the present time. He believed that, personally, the Emperor of the French entertained friendly [ 199 ]feelings towards this country, and he knew that he did towards the Queen; and therefore it would appear that to show himself an open enemy to this country would be very unlikely. But it should be remembered the peculiar circumstances of the throne on which he sat. His own opinion was that we could not do a more friendly act towards the Emperor than to prepare against the chances of war. It was impossible to tell what a few mouths might bring forth; and he thought we ought to be prepared for the possibility of the Emperor himself being subjected to influences over which he had no control. Our own country, too, was occupying a peculiar position at the present time. As the friend of Liberty, she is the object of dislike of all the absolute powers, and when it was considered what was going on at the present time, we ought to be prepared for any emergency. The reverend gentleman concluded by quoting the words of Oliver Cromwell "Put your trust in God and keep your powder dry." [Loud applause].
In the foregoing speeches of the two clergymen it will be seen that both gentlemen were in harmony as to their views of the Emperor's personal regard for England, but whilst Mr. Hatchard could only see that the volunteer movement was a menace to him, Mr. Tilson-Marsh believed it to be a friendly act, and as a means of assisting him to control that spirit of retaliation to avenge the defeat at Waterloo which - although not specially referred to by the latter speaker was well known to exist in the breasts of the French nation.
The several resolutions were advertised in the St. Leonards Gazette as follows:-
- Borough of Hastings Volunteer Artillery Corps.
At a public meeting of the inhabitants of the Borough of Hastings held at the Town Hall on Monday the 19th day of December, 1859, to take into consideration the formation of a Volunteer Artillery Corps, for this Cinque Port,
Resolved - "That a Volunteer Artillery Corps for National Defence be formed in Hastings and St. Leonards, to be enrolled under the Act 44 George 3rd cap. 54, and subject to the rules recommended by the War Office for the Government of Volunteer Corps"
Resolved "That a Subscription be opened to aid in the pur[ 200 ]chase of uniforms and accoutrements for persons who are unable to defray the whole cost themselves, and for the general expenses of the Corps."
Resolved"That steps be taken at once to enrol members and collect funds, and that the members be called together as soon as possible to elect a Committee and make other arrangements for the organization of the Corps."
Resolved"That W. Scrivens, Esq. be appointed Secretary, and G. Scrivens, Esq. Treasurer."
Edward Hayles Mayor.
- Borough of Hastings Volunteer Artillery Corps.
Retrospect of the year
A short review of 1859, one of the most eventful years in modern history, should not be uninteresting, either in a local or general aspect. At its commencement the political horizon had a stormy appearance. On New Year's Day, the Emperor of the French let fall certain words to the Austrian Ambassador, which foreshadowed war with Austria. These memorable words were "I regret that our relations with your Government are not as good as formerly, but I beg of you to tell the Emperor that my personal sentiments for him have not changed." It turned out that negotiations had been going on for some time between Austria and France on the affairs of Italy. France in fact felt that Austria was becoming too powerful in the Italian Peninsula; and the idea that the Emperor of the French was favouring Italian independence was suffered to gain ground.
Austria and Sardinia having been for a long time in a quarrelsome mood, the former power, in April called upon Sardinia to disarm, and if she refused, was was to be declared. All eyes were then turned upon Austria, whose troops were evidently ready to make a desperate march upon Turin. The only hope was that England might perhaps, see fit to mediate between the contending parties. Meanwhile, however, Austria was preparing her troops and France had declared herself the ally of Sardinia. The Emperor of the French, leaving the Empress Regent, took the command of the army of Italy, and speedily arrived at Genoa. Great Britain at about the same time officially declared her neutraliy, of which, and the conduct of the Government so much was said on the hustings at the Hastings [ 201 ]Borough Election. The battle of Montibello was a great blow to Austria, and the battle of Palestro was another blow in the same direction. This was followed up in June by the battle of Magenta, a sanguinary struggle in which the Austrians were defeated with the loss of about 15,000 men.
The war was followed in due time by an imperial interview and a proclamation of peace between the rival combatants. Then came conferences, to be followed by a European congress proposed to be held in Paris.
An important ecclesiastical event at the commencement of the year was the Royal proclamation abolishing the State services for the 30th of January, the 29th of May and the 5th of November - the anniversaries of the martyrdom of King Charles the first, the Restoration of King Charles the Second, the reputed hiding of King Charles in the Oak, and the Gunpowder Plot. These celebrations had been for a long time growing in disfavour, and were at length regarded as both obsolete and absurd. Their abolishment was therefore hailed as an act of reform by most of the intelligent community in the borough of Hastings, although the secular celebration of the "Royal Oak Day" was still desired by a few of those who had annually decorated their doorways with green boughs and other mementoes. An improvement in the Guy Fawkes celebration followed, as has been shown, (the initiative having been taken by St. Leonards) in a change of name to that of "Bonfire Boys", and with a huge effigy of the Chinese Commissioner Yeh, instead of the old one of Guido Fawkes.
The year was marked at frequent intervals by agitations for Reform. The Reform Bill which had been so often promised not having arrived, it was felt that it could not be indefinitely shelved; and Mr. Bright took an early opportunity of publishing a scheme for reform, which was of an extensive character, and one that was likely to be strenuously opposed. By his plan 56 English and Welsh boroughs were to be disfranchised; 60 borough having each between 6,000 and 16,000 inhabitants to have one representative, 41 boroughs between 16,000 and 25,000, were to be unchanges; 43 boroughs, between 25,000 and 45,000 inhabitants to have two members; 23 boroughs between 45,000[b] and 127,000, three members; 12 boroughs between 127,000 and 270,000 were to be divided; 5 boroughs exceeding (illegible text), six members; 7 new boroughs to have representatives, some of the English Counties to have additional [ 202 ]members, and also some of the Irish counties. With regard to the lowering of the franchise, Mr. Bright had taken frequent opportunities of expressing his well-known opinions thereon as well as on the introduction of the ballot. Many other public men had also expressed their views on the subject; in fact Reform had been a prominent topic of the year.
The Conservative Reform Bill, so thoroughly denounced by the Liberals on the Hastings hustings, was really better than the one suggested by Mr. Bright, so far as it went, but it did not go far enough. It contained also a clause which abolished the system of the Freemen franchise, and this was so strongly objected to that petitions were sent up from both towns, as well for that as for other disfranchisements. The petition said "That your petitioners have heard apprehension and alarm that in a Bill introduced into your Honourable House, with the sanction of Her Majesty's Government, it is proposed to disfranchise freeholders from voting in elections for Counties in relation to property situate within the limits of Parliamentary Boroughs, and also to give the right of voting to non-residents for Boroughs, &c."
Public opinion, as reflected in the House of Commons rejected the Conservative Reform Bill and the downfall of the Derby Administration quickly followed. Lord Derby the(sic) appealed to the country, but took very little by his action. He could not carry on the Government, and Lord Palmerston was called upon to form a ministry.
It was impossible at the time to glance at the army and navy without feelings of satisfaction. All honour to the Duke of Cambridge for abolishing the odious system of flogging in the army, or at least, virtually doing so. There was then established a first and second class in the army, and the belonging to the latter was a punishment. The same system had also been introduced into the nave, and in both instances, it has been said the plan has worked well.
The Rifle Corp movement - in a great measure started by the Poet Laureate's spirit-stirring song "Riflemen Form" was carried out with great spirit, and in no pace with greater enthusiasm and alacrity than in our own borough and its immediate neighbourhood.
Among the minor events of the year, though of some importance was the completion of the Great Eastern, the disastrous explosion just at culminating point of success; the return [ 203 ]of the Franklin expedition - the last it was hoped in the dangerous and useless search after a long-lost band of men who had perished in their country's cause.
The terrible wreck of the Royal Charter and other maritime disasters have been fully described in these pages as also the extraordinary vicissitudes of the weather and other phenomenal occurrences. The year was one of the most remarkable for the abundance of herrings and the money realised thereby; whilst, notwithstanding the builder's strike, the aspects and prospects of trade were fairly good both locally and generally, and upon the whole, the country at the close of the year was mostly prosperous and contented.
References & Notes
- ↑ An explanation of old currency and coinage may be found at the following website Pre-decimal currency, accessdate: 16 June 2022
- ↑ An explanation of old currency and coinage may be found at the following website Pre-decimal currency, accessdate: 16 June 2022
- ↑ An explanation of old currency and coinage may be found at the following website Pre-decimal currency, accessdate: 16 June 2022