Historical Hastings:About

From Historical Hastings

This website is maintained by Roy Penfold, an ex-IT Consultant, and collates a wide range of historical records about the town of Hastings, East Sussex. Additional information is drawn from the local history group on Facebook - Historical Hastings - with the consent of the content provider. Funding for hosting and administration of the site is entirely by donation and discrete advertising revenue, with additional funding by the owner as required.

If you find this website useful in your research, please assist in the hosting costs by clicking the 'Donate' button in the left-hand sidebar. Even sums as little as 10 pence per month help - funds raised through the donations and advertising are utilised solely for the running costs of the website, the hours of research and transcription of historical works are carried out by a team of volunteers.

The content is free for all to use (providing a reference or 'backlink' is made to the relevant content) and all copyright is waived unless explicitly stated in the content or, in the case of images by third parties, on the image description page (accessible by clicking on the 'More Details' button below the full-screen image view). Editors also share the fruits of their independent research, and give consent for usage elsewhere providing a reference back to the site is made.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, it is often found that sources are incorrect so visitors are welcome to sign up and make contributions or correct errors and omissions. Please remember to provide references where possible to sign-post other historians to sources of further information.