Patrick Robertson (1807-1885)

From Historical Hastings

Patrick Robertson
Born24 August 1807
Died20 January 1885

The son of Revd Daniel Robertson (Professor of Oriental Languages at St Marys College, St Andrew's University, 1809-1817), Patrick was born at Meigle, Perthshire. His mother died when he was four; as a result he and his two younger siblings were primarily raised by a maternal aunt. He never married.[1] Mr. Robertson lived at Halton House, off Old London Road, roughly where Hardwicke Road is today. He was the property developer who leased and set out the buildings on the America Ground.[2]. Having plans beyond the immediate area of Robertson Street, Robertson also sought out a partnership with the Burton family to complete the sea-front between Robertson Street and Warrior Square which did not come to fruition[1].

Henry Cousins described him as a man of fine presence.[3]

Political Career[edit]

He first contested Hastings, as a Conservative in August, 1847,but was unsuccessful.[3]
In July,1852, he was returned M. P. for Hastings at the top of the poll, with Mr. Musgrave Brisco.[3][4]
In March, 1857, with Mr. Frederick North,he was returned without a contest.[4]
Again defeated in April, 1859.[3]
Again returned in 1864, and 1865.[3][4]

In 1874, the first election under the ballot, he was again defeated, when the late first Earl Brassey (then Mr. Thomas Brassey), and Sir U. J. K. Shuttleworth (now Lord Shuttleworth) were returned, and Mr. Robertson retired from his political career in Hastings.[5] Robertson was also a Deputy-Lieutenant of Sussex and a Justice of the Peace for the borough of Hastings[4]

Property Development[edit]

A prominent property developer in the local area, Robertson leased the crown lands comprising the for 99 years at a rate of £500 per year, commencing construction in January of 1850. His name was later given to Robertson Street. Plans were drawn up by an architectural partnership, Reeks Humbert, who were also the Crown architects, around 1850/1851 and construction of Robertson Street, Carlisle Parade and Robertson Terrace followed rapidly, utilising bricks that had been produced locally near Alexandra Park, the first occupant, Henry Polhill, a butcher moving in on the 5th of October that year[6]. Reeks Humbert opened an office at 15 Pelham Street, and their name was on all of the plans prior to December of 1846, when another architectural firm, H.Carpenter, of 36 Robertson Street appears for around 12 years before many other architects became involved in the development[7].

Benevolent Work[edit]

Patrick was a subscriber to the School of Industry, and president of the Queen's St. Leonards Archers in 1854[8].


He is buried in the family tomb in Hastings Cemetery (Plot AC K24).[1]


References & Notes