This Months Events

From Historical Hastings

Events that happened in this month[edit]

The following list, whilst in no measure complete is a 'snapshot' of various events that occurred in Hastings during the current month.

1871 New born boy strangulation27Strangulation of Baby Boy1871
Air Raids23Most destructive air raid occurs on the town with the loss of the Albany and Swan Hotels1943
Air Raids1Aldborough Road hit by German bomb1943
Air Raids11Tip and Run raid on Silverhill leads to destruction of St. Matthews School and 38 casualties1943
Air Raids3Nos 182-186 Bohemia Road (Magdalen Terrace) destroyed by enemy action1943
Air Raids12Bomb explodes in Priory Road, killing E. Leslie Badham and his daughter1944
Air Raids27Bomb explodes in Filsham Road1944
Albany Hotel24Opening of Albany Hotel1885
Arthur Blomfield (1829-1899)
Brett Volume 1: Chapter II - Hastings 1828-182931Launch of Lord Chesterfield's Cutter1828
Brett Volume 1: Chapter II - Hastings 1828-182919Seizure of fishing boat by Watchmen1828
Brett Volume 1: Chapter IV - Hastings 183031Seizure of a smugglers boat loaded with tobacco1830
Brett Volume 3: Chapter XXIV - Hastings 184018Arrival of Napoleon III to Hastings under an assumed name of Col. Elliott1840
Brett Volume 4: Chapter XLVI - Hastings 18511Collision of two fishing boats in a blizzard (Catherine and Rose)1851
Brett Volume 7: Chapter LXI - St. Leonards 185926Wreck of Perseverence1859
Brett Volume 7: Chapter LXI - St. Leonards 18591913 year old boy killed in a horse-riding accident1858
Brett Volume 7: Chapter LXI - St. Leonards 18591Body of 3 month old baby found murdered in well at Cross Street1859
Brett Volume 8: Chapter LXIII - St. Leonards 186028Foundation stone of Norman Road schoolroom laid1860
Deluxe Cinema30Opening of the Empire Theatre of Varieties1899
Flight of the Balloon Victoria311851
G. Bristow
George Monger (1840-1887)
Harvey James du Cros
London Warehouse10Fire at Breed's "London Warehouse"1840
Madeline Breeds (1857-1934)
Pioneer (Fishing Lugger)31Loss of the Pioneer1949
Robert Tubbs (1823-1891)
Royal Victoria Hotel1Foundation stone laid by John Ward1828
Sir Howard Elphinstone (1773-1846)
The British Workman26Opening of new premises of the British Workman Club1872
Thomas Ross (1810-1881)
Tip and Run Raid 11 March 43111943
Visits of Napoleon18Napoleon III arrives in Hastings under an alias1840
Visits of Napoleon31Napoleon III leaves Hastings1840
Walter Inskipp (1795-1855)

References & Notes