Diplock's Library

From Historical Hastings

Diplock's library was a subscription library[1] situated in Marine Parade opened in 1791[2] Under Mr Diplock's tenure, it was known as 'The Royal Marine Library'[1]

When Diplock took the library over, he increased the number of publications considerably and introduced nine extra daily newspapers and six weekly editions. Above the library was situated a Billiard Room.[1] Brett makes an assertion that part of the reason for the unusual design of the library, with an extended ground floor compared to upper storeys was that Diplock was paid a consideration for not obstructing Miss Catherine Sayer's view from her property (Parade House) situated behind the library[3]. By 1860, a Mr. John Linney took over the running of the library[4]

The ​building​ later became Powell's Library


References & Notes

  1. a b c Friends of Hastings Cemetery William Diplock
  2. A Guide to Hastings & St Leonards (Thomas Ross 1835) pg.25 Google Books
  3. Brett Manuscript Histories Vol. 2 Chap. 20
  4. Brett Manuscript Histories Vol. 3 Chap. 29