Municipal School of Art
Although possibly not related to this School of Art, there being another in St. Leonards, the Hastings School of Art, during 1875, the following notice appeared in the Hastings & St Leonards Observer [1]:
We, the undersigned, being desirous that a School of Art be formed in this Town, respectfully request you to call a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Borough of Hastings, the purpose of hearing Mr. Buckmaster, the Government Organizing Officer, and other Gentlemen who may be willing to offer suggestions on the subject, and to take such steps may be deemed requisite to attain this object:
G A KEYWORTH, Hadleigh House, Hastings.
W. L. VERNON. Clytha House, St. Leonards.
H. J. GODBOLD, 8, Grand Par, St. Leonards.
THOS. HOLWELL COLE, Pres., Atheneum.
CHAS. THORNELY, Holloway Place.
W. M. RANSOM, 1, Wellington Terrace.
ALEX C. SIMPSON, St. Andrew's Road.
HENRY WINTER, 3 Pearbyn Terrace.
BENJ. B. CULLWICK, 18, Meadow Road.
FRED. J. MANN, 1, Bohemia Road.
ARTHUR WELLS. St. Mary's Terrace.
JOSHUA HUGGETT, 7, York Buildings.
JOHN B. AYERS. East Hill Place.
FREDK. ROSSITER, 20, George Street
In pursuance of the above request, I hereby convene a Public Meeting to be held at the Castle Hotel, Hastings, Wednesday, the 27th day of January iast., at 7 o'clock in the Evening.
G. A. THORPE, Mayor
References & Notes
- ↑ Hastings & St Leonards Observer 23 January 1875 pg. 1