Friedenfels Home

From Historical Hastings

The house would appear to have originally been utilised as a holiday let with various families being noted as coming and going from the address during the early 1870s[1]. Subsequently being placed up for auction in March of 1875[2] with the lease being held by Mr. C. G. Eversfield. The property attracted no bids[3]. In 1884, a further sale of the furniture was advertised[4]. By September of the same year, the ​building​ became known as 'Friedenfels the Home', although it is uncertain that this was connected with the later usage as a hospital some three years later[5].

It is however known that by 1887, Friedenfels Home became a hospital for consumption (tuberculosis) at 22 Upper Maze Hill operating as such in the late 19th century[6]


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