Bo Peep (Bexhill Road)

From Historical Hastings

Whilst there was a Bo Peep inn constructed in 1548, this was situated to the west of the public house currently bearing the name. The current establishment dates from 1847 when the licensee of the original tavern was compensated for the loss of his public house when the temporary railway station at Glyne Gap moved to behind Bexhill Road.

Known Licencees[edit]

This partial list is taken from the website of the public house[1].

Relocated here in 1847
1855 Henry Brooker Victoria I (1837 – 1901)
-1857 William Payne
1874 Richard Greaves Victoria I (1837 – 1901)
1878 Mary Greaves Victoria I (1837 – 1901)
1890 Jonathan Charman Edward VII (1901 – 1910)
1919 Alice Charman George V (1910 – 1936)
1945 John Pritchard George VI (1936 – 1952)
1960 John Stevens Elizabeth II (1952 – present)
1972 Leonard Shepherd Elizabeth II (1952 – present)
1984 Anthony Peel Elizabeth II (1952 – present)
1987 James Ellard Elizabeth II (1952 – present)
1987 Joy Ellard Elizabeth II (1952 – present)
1989 Chris Ellard Elizabeth II (1952 – present)
2002 Michael Ellard Elizabeth II (1952 – present)
2006 Graham Buckley Elizabeth II (1952 – present)
2006 Kate Mansfield Elizabeth II (1952 – present)


References & Notes

  1. History | The Bo-Peep Pub and Restaurant, accessdate: 11 April 2020