White Rock Battery

From Historical Hastings

The Battery at White Rock which was constructed in 1797[1] was situated on the lower portion of the White Rock promontery, near the current location of Hastings Pier. The battery mounted three large guns taken out of the San Josef, a powerful triple-decked Spanish ship of 112 guns, which had been captured by Nelson in 1794.[2]. Brett in his early histories states that the battery also had guns taken from the 'Le Sans Pareil', a vessel mounting the same number of guns as the San Josef[3].


References & Notes

  1. Brett Manuscript Histories Vol. 3 Chap. 37
  2. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Coast of Sussex by John Docra Parry 1803 pg. 237 Google Books
  3. Brett Manuscript Histories Vol. 1 Chap. 11 Pg. 105