
From Historical Hastings

1894 Extension[edit]

Originally only reaching from the Fishmarket to Warrior Square Hastings had an extension to its seafront illuminations switched on Saturday June the 30th, 1894 preceded by a meal at the Eversfield Hotel. At the conclusion of the meal, the party consisting of the chairman, director and other officials of the Hastings & St Leonards Electric Light Company with the Mayor and representatives of the Corporation (named as the mayors of Hastings and Winchester, Mr. Raworth, Mr. H. Edmunds, Mr. Mordey, Mr. Geipel, Mr. Wallis-Jones, Mr. Hesketh etc.) adjourned to Hastings Pier where the switching on was performed. The lights were of an arc type, with transformers in the bases of the standards converting the 2,000 volt mains to the requisite voltage. In total there were sixty five arc lamps in the new installation[1].


References & Notes

  1. The Electrical Review Vol. 35 No. 367, Jul 6 1894 Google Books