West Hill Lodge (Hastings)

From Historical Hastings
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Postal CodeTN34 3JL
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Admin. Information
Electoral/Planning WardCASTLE Pre May 2018
Prop. Ref. No.100061922507

Situated on the junction of Priory Road and Plynlimmon Road and being the west-most house of a pair with Plynlimmon House. The house is believed to have the site of Barnfield Post Mill in its garden[1].

Known Residents[edit]

1859 - 1867[2] : Mrs. Davis
1874[3] - : Mr Claudius James Norris
1899[4] - : Mr. Richard Collins
1909[5] - 1915[6] : Mrs. Edwards
1939[7] - : Gertrude & Lily Ogden (appears to be run as a guest house at this time


References & Notes

  1. Justin Brice Facebook - Historical Hastings
  2. 1859, 1867 Post Office Directory
  3. 1874 Post Office Directory
  4. 1899 Kelly's
  5. 1909 Kelly's
  6. 1915 Kelly's
  7. 1939 UK Civilian Registration