Musgrave Brisco (1791-1854)

From Historical Hastings

Musgrave Brisco
Spouse(s)Frances Woodgate (-1867)

Brother of Wastel Brisco and assisted him with Bohemia House[1]. Musgrave's grandfather (Musgrave) had constructed the first building at Coghurst, however upon inheriting the estate, the junior Musgrave reconstructed Coghurst Hall in Cumberland Stone around 1836.

Musgrave served as Member of Parliament for Hastings in 1844, standing again in 1847 as a Peelite, then in 1852 as a Conservative. Taking the 'Chiltern Hundreds' in 1854, he retired from the political life and died shortly afterwards; his property being left to his wife Frances, then upon her death to his brother Wastel[2]

Brett relates the following about his funeral[3]:-

The funeral of this charitable and otherwise estimable man took place on the 19th at Ore church. At the south lodge of the Coghurst estate the funeral procession was joined by the Mayor and Corporation and over 40 professional gentlemen and tradesmen. The relatives and friends, as chief mourners, were conveyed in six mourning coaches, and in the cortege were Lady Webster, the Dowager Lady Ashburnham, P. F. Robertson, M.P., F. North, M.P. and W. D. Lucas Shadwell Esq. Numerous pages, with wands walked by the sides of the carriages, and in the procession were the deceased gentleman’s steward and bailiff; also 24 of his tenantry, with silk bands and scarfs, and 35 men and boys, as work-people, with black hatbands & gloves. After the interment the tenantry were provided with a substantial cold collation in the Coghurst-Hall dining-room, and the work-people at the bailiff’s house. Mr. Brisco’s generosity in life was almost boundless, and his name lived long in the memories of those by whom he was surrounded.

Two years after his death, Frances married Charles Hay Frewen, however as per Musgrave's will, following Frances' death on the 14th of February 1867 Frewen moved out and the property returned to the Brisco family[2].

References & Notes

  1. Wikipedia
  2. a b Coghurst Estate and Woods - Homepage, accessdate: 5 March 2020
  3. Brett Manuscript Histories Vol. 5 Chap. 52 Pg. 76