Module:Transclusion count

From Historical Hastings

Fetches usage data for highly-trandscluded templates. Uses bot-updated values from subpages of Module:Transclusion_count/data/ when available.


{{#invoke:Transclusion count|fetch|number of transclusions|use + notation|all-pages=|demo=}}

  • number of transclusions: is a static number of times the template has been transcluded, to use when values cannot be read from the database. This value will be ignored if transclusion data is available for the current page.
  • demo=Template_name: will use the transclusion count for the template at Template:Template_name instead of detecting what template it is being used on. Capitalization must exactly match the value used in Special:PrefixIndex/Module:Transclusion_count/data/.

local p = {}

function p.fetch(frame)
	local template = nil
	local return_value = nil

	-- Use demo parameter if it exists, otherswise use current template name
	if frame.args["demo"] and frame.args["demo"] ~= "" then
		template = frame.args["demo"]
	elseif mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 10 then -- Template namespace only
		template = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text

	-- If in template namespace, look up count in /data
	if template ~= nil and, "Template").namespace == 10 then
		template =  mw.ustring.gsub(template, "/doc$", "") -- strip /doc from end
		local index = mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(template,1,1))
		local data = mw.loadData('Module:Transclusion_count/data/' .. (mw.ustring.find(index, "%a") and index or "other"))
		return_value = tonumber(data[mw.ustring.gsub(template, " ", "_")])
	-- If database value doesn't exist, use value passed to template
	if return_value == nil and frame.args[1] ~= nil then
		local arg1=mw.ustring.match(frame.args[1], '[%d,]+')
		return_value = tonumber(frame:callParserFunction('formatnum', arg1, 'R'))
	return return_value	

return p