Joseph Binns Hart (1794-1844)

From Historical Hastings

Joseph Hart

Born in London, Joseph was known for being the chorus-master and pianist of the English Opera House between 1818 to 1821 and writing a large number of songs, musical farces and melodramas. Some of Hart's most successful quadrilles were based on the music of ‘Don Giovanni,’ 1818, ‘Les Lanciers,’ 1819, ‘Les Hussars,’ Locke's ‘Macbeth,’ ‘Pietro l'Eremita,’ 1822, English melodies, ‘Donna del Lago,’ 1823, ‘Der Freischütz,’ 1824, Irish melodies, and Scotch melodies. He composed forty-eight sets in all. He was also the author of some waltzes and royal gallopades. ‘An Easy Mode of Teaching Thorough Bass and Composition’ is ascribed to him[1].

From 1829 until his death Hart lived in Hastings, where he opened a music-seller's shop at 2 Wellington Place[2], conducted a small band, and played the organ at St Mary's Chapel. He died on 10 December 1844 in Hastings, aged 50.

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