Edmund Franke (1472-1523)

From Historical Hastings

Edmund Franke

Born in 1472, Edmund Franke was a merchant who owned several shops in Hastings, including one outside the Seagate: in June 1522 he paid customs on imported fish. He represented the town at the Brotherhood of the Cinque Ports on many occasions from 1494 until his death and was chosen four times by the Brotherhood as its bailiff to Yarmouth. His election to the Parliament of 1523 was both the apogee of his municipal career and the prelude to his death, for he barely survived its first session and was probably a victim of the plague which interrupted its work. By a will made in London on 21 May 1523, the last day of the session, and proved five days later Franke left £5 to the nuns of Syon to pray for his soul and 20s. to Robert Berdell, and divided his possessions between his wife, children and grandchildren. No record has been found of a by-election at Hastings.[1]


Children of: Edmund Franke and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
John Franke (1493-1564) 1493 13 April 1564

References & Notes