School of Industry

From Historical Hastings

The School of Industry opened in 1849 in Albion Place, instructing girls between the ages of thirteen and sixteen[1] in the skills required to become domestic servants. The school was funded by subscribers, donations and sale of manufactured items. Six girls were the initial roll, but this increased to twelve. All girls were provided with board and clothing and taught reading, writing, arithmetic, plain needlework, and skills necessary for their future as domestic staff. [2]

Girls boarded at the school for their first four weeks, being allowed home once during that period and expected to attend Halton Parochial Chapel.[1]

The site of the school was just north of the Plough public house, on Priory Road, Priory Road having been renumbered in 1902[3]


Agar, Mrs
Brisco, Musgrave, Esq., M.P.
Burton, Alfred, Esq
Cranston, Miss E. (East Court)
Crake, Mrs
Foyster, Rev. J. G.
Gatty, Mrs. (Crowhurst Place)
Gaselee, Mrs
Greaves, Mrs
Harcourt, Hon. Mrs. Vernon
Lane, Miss
Pepys, E., Esq.
Robertson, P. F., Esq. (Halton)
Scrivens, G., Esq.
Scrivens, Mrs
Shadwell, William Lucas, Esq.
Smith, Francis, Esq.
Styles, Mrs
Tims, Miss
Vores, Mrs.
Waldegrave, Right Hon. Countess
Wilson, Mrs. Glocester


References & Notes