Customs House Raid 27 May 1827

From Historical Hastings

On the night of 24th of May 1827, Mr S. Bevill, with several Revenue boat officers, seized a boat that had been seen drifting off Bexhill. The vessel proved to be carrying two hundred and fifty eight tubs of spirits and a bag of tea. These were deposited the following morning into the Customs House. During the night of the 27th of May, several attempts were made to force entry into the customs warehouse, most likely with the intention of removing the spirits.

The spirits had however been emptied into large casks soon after their by the Revenue men. The lock to the entrance gate had been picked with an attempt to do the same on the warehouse door. Saw marks were visible on the same door and there had been efforts to remove a window from the wall. It was supposed that the would-be robbers were deterred from their crime by the ringing of a bell, attached to the door which had been caused to ring by the motions of the saw.[1]

References & Notes

  1. Sussex Advertiser - Monday 04 June 1827 pg.3